Winds of Change (Pinkerlocke)

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Re: Winds of Change (Pinkerlocke)

Unread post by Syleye »

So good. I enjoyed it.
( btw is it okay if I borrow some of your rules? I am doing my own but keeping it to my lore thread)


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Re: Winds of Change (Pinkerlocke)

Unread post by Varethyn »

By all means! I actually need to revise some of my rules but feel free to use whatever interests you :D

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Rest in peace mum. I really did love and miss you, even if I never got to see you.

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Re: Winds of Change (Pinkerlocke)

Unread post by Lupis »

Aw man, I never thought it'd happen, but I actually really like Vin and sympathize with him. He seems like he really could be a sweetheart, if he got some help and patience.

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Re: Winds of Change (Pinkerlocke)

Unread post by Varethyn »

Day 15


Chapter 7

A cloudless, blue sky. Ocean shimmering, rippling in the sunlight below. Wind in her feathers, her fur, her face. She was free, soaring higher, higher, letting the breeze carry her. She smiled, gliding effortlessly over the endless sea. No worries. No problems. Just her and the wide open sky. A murkbottom gull joined her, its muted bronze scales shining almost blindingly. She looked at it, and it at her. Then it opened its beak...

And squawked loudly right in her ear. Matar yelped and almost tumbled over herself in surprise, a ringing sound filling her cotton-stuffed head. Looking up dazedly the Coatl came face-to-face with the bird from her dream, except it was very real and very angry. She was back on the ledge, solid under her claws. Still barely any wind ruffled her plumage. Everything hurt, particularly her head and right wing-shoulder. Oh right. She'd crashed. And now that she was awake thirst and hunger made themselves painfully aware, stomach growling angrily and mouth as dry as Dragonhome sounded.

The gull shrieked again, making the dragon retreat a few paces. Seems it had a nest here and she'd somehow barely avoided disturbing it during last night's fumblings. And now it wanted her gone, starting by waking her at a pre-dawn hour. It was still a murky half-light, the sun still rising from its slumber.

Ilmatar and the seabird locked glares, neither happy with the other's presence. Tentatively the Coatl reached forward, felt the smooth surface, rolled it over without looking away. The bird watched her movement but made none of its own, content that she was far enough away from its nest. She flicked her long tongue out at it, picked up the egg and-

...that wasn't her egg. Matar looked down, confused as to what the heavy, smooth object she was now holding could be. And cursed. Loudly. What in Windsinger's name had she done to have managed to crash into the one cliff with an exposed, loose, giant moonstone that just so happened to be the same size and shape as a dragon's egg?! She stared, dumbfounded at the bird still glaring at her. How? Just... just how? But then... where was the actual egg?

She panicked. Shoving aside the oval moonstone Matar twisted her neck around to take in her surroundings. The ledge was as small as it had felt as she'd scrabbled around in the night, if longer given the nest's location. No egg to be seen. Oh no... A mad dash to the edge, grabbing hold, looking down. A lethargic ocean lapped despondently at the foot of the cliff. No sign of the Plague egg. Looked up. Nothing between her and the sky – nowhere else for it to have landed. No shell fragments, no... no contents spilled. Where then?

The bird squawked again. She picked up a rock and threw it at the pest. It lifted itself up to avoid the projectile, revealing the precious life it had been guarding. A clutch of speckled eggs. And there, at the back, one stood out. Larger. Green. You have got to be kidding me.

So now Ilmatar had to fight off a super protective mother gull who had mistaken a dragon's egg for one of its own and was now planting its amphibious hindquarters on it. While tired. And hungry. And thirsty. And very, very upset.

“Look, bird, I don't like you and you don't like me,” Matar told the scaly avian, voice low, menacing, “but you have something that does not belong to you and I'd quite like it back.” The bird tilted its head, unfazed. Matar took a step forward, inflating her body and puffing out her feathers. “You better behave or- Ack!” Quick as a flash the gull launched itself at her, raking the air in front of her face with its talons as it circled back to the nest. It stood, wings spread, ready to take another dive. The dragon backed off, hissing in agitation.

Slowly the Coatl resumed her stance, staring down her opponent as she prepared to charge. The bird hissed, flaring its wings as wide as it could, shifting from webbed foot to webbed foot. A battle cry left Matar's throat as she flung herself forward with all of her, admittedly flagging, might. In retaliation the gull lifted into the air and aimed itself at the attacker, talons outstretched. Matar dodged to one side, letting the claws whiz past, skidding around to face it as she backed closer to the nest. “Come get me, featherbrain!” she goaded, lashing her whiplike tail over the eggs. With a shriek of outrage the gull wheeled around for another attempt. Claws tapped the stone in anticipation, green eyes focused.

Coatls were normally known for their magical prowess rather than physical, yet Matar was one of many who had chosen to fight with tooth and claw over spells. In her early years she'd had great pleasure buffeting clanmates with gusts of wind blown either from maw or wing, but as she got older she turned away from such abilities. Mostly from sharpening her claws in boredom by scraping them over the lips of wooden platforms and realising their use in other activities. There were times where one form was favoured over the other and indeed she considered herself versatile in both arts. And now she was putting them both to use.

As the bird got closer Ilmatar reared up on her back legs with help with her wings, sucking in air as pain shot through her shoulder again. Closer, closer... down came an outstretched paw laced with magic, sending a gale-force shock wave at the amphibious avian. It collided, sending feather and scale scattering as the disoriented bird was blasted backwards, falling towards the ocean. No way it would die but now was the chance. Matar circled around and seized the egg – her egg – and, clutching it tight with one arm, awkwardly half-ran half-waddled to the opposite end of the platform. It followed the cliff-face as it curved around, revealing more ledges. Using her momentum the Coatl kept running and, using her sore wings to glide, leapt between the outcroppings towards a patch of land that dipped smoothly down towards the water's edge. It wasn't until she was several lengths away from the cliffs that she allowed herself to stop, staggering over to a cluster of bamboo shoots and collapsing tiredly into it.

With a grin of triumph the brilliantly-coloured Coatl hugged her prize close, determined to never let go of it ever again. A gurgle from her midsection interrupted her jubilation. Right. She would recuperate for a bit then return to the sea. Hopefully some shellfish would have washed up on the shore...

Next Chapter

In this chapter Varethyn attempts a fight scene. Varethyn does not do good fight scenes.
Oh and the lack of Saira and Vin? It's still damn early and they're not awake yet /excuses
Last edited by Varethyn on Mon Aug 05, 2019 7:46 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Rest in peace mum. I really did love and miss you, even if I never got to see you.

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Re: Winds of Change (Pinkerlocke)

Unread post by Varethyn »

Heads up that I might redo yesterday's post. I'm just not happy with how it turned out.

Day 16

20-30 rounds in Woodland Path. Nothing majorly interesting. Saira is proving to not be much of a fighter by constantly missing Contuse blasts while Vin has been getting crits left right and centre. After 22 rounds everyone is level 6 and perfectly healthy.

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Rest in peace mum. I really did love and miss you, even if I never got to see you.

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Re: Winds of Change (Pinkerlocke)

Unread post by Varethyn »

Day 17




Completely anticlimactic. No close calls, no interesting drops, only heals were from Saira... Yup, it happened. Which probably means next time someone will die knowing my luck :D

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Rest in peace mum. I really did love and miss you, even if I never got to see you.

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Re: Winds of Change (Pinkerlocke)

Unread post by Varethyn »

Day 18



Art time! I'm still kinda struggling with my creativeness but have a piece of Matar.

Fun fact: I actually doodled this during a course I was on last week and was looking forward to an art roll to work on it :D ...except without the scales I hate those scales omg

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Rest in peace mum. I really did love and miss you, even if I never got to see you.

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Re: Winds of Change (Pinkerlocke)

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HUGE thanks to Makoes, Syleye, FeralClaw, Pingupuff, Karin,Bowno, Varethyn, Ashaine, Kishay, Aki (Täräin13), my friend Marie and some lovely ppl on Fligth Rising for my lovely sig

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Re: Winds of Change (Pinkerlocke)

Unread post by Lupis »

Oooo, that art looks fantastic, Vare! Love the messy feathers, she looks scrappy.

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Re: Winds of Change (Pinkerlocke)

Unread post by Varethyn »



I still need to rewrite the previous entry, but this is too damn hilarious. Absolutely perfect familiar to have drop.
You also know what that means...


Accepting name ideas! Genes too, and a new rule I hadn't thought about previously: I can breed-change dragons from unhatched eggs before the next RP entry otherwise they're stuck as they are. Let me know what you come up with :D
Last edited by Varethyn on Fri Aug 17, 2018 6:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Check out PetEmote here! | Visit my Flight Rising lair!

Rest in peace mum. I really did love and miss you, even if I never got to see you.

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Re: Winds of Change (Pinkerlocke)

Unread post by Ana »

His tert is hard to work with so I suggest basic or spines :D - maybe firefly.. I did found that the accent in striation matches the tert so maybe :D - of all the scries here my favorite is the fae

Image Image Image Image


HUGE thanks to Makoes, Syleye, FeralClaw, Pingupuff, Karin,Bowno, Varethyn, Ashaine, Kishay, Aki (Täräin13), my friend Marie and some lovely ppl on Fligth Rising for my lovely sig

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Re: Winds of Change (Pinkerlocke)

Unread post by Varethyn »

Thanks Tarn and Lupis for your suggestions! I will reveal later what I decided to change him into :)

Day 20


Chapter 8

“Go away. Shoo! Seriously!” A long, whip-like tail lashed through the air, narrowly missing the scaled bird that seemed intent on following Matar and her egg. It squawked at her in response, continuing to follow at far enough of a distance to not be struck. The Coatl sighed, wishing that the habit had lessened since leaving the Singing Reeds, the Wind Whistler lair. Apparently it had only gotten worse. Everything felt against her, seeming as if punishment for her decision. And of course, to add to it all, there was no easily-accessible seafood along the shore.

Rocks were kicked over, gaps peered into, holes were reached tentatively inside... nothing. Ilmatar planted her hindquarters on the ground and glared at the water's edge, flicking her tongue in annoyance as she gently rolled the egg over the sandy soil. Nothing else for it. It was either make a fishing rod or net, or dive. And she did not fancy getting wet. Soggy feathers were heavy. And unsightly. Fishing equipment it is, then.

Shouldn't be too hard. the red dragon thought to herself confidently, getting to her paws and beginning to search. Just need some string, and some hooks, and... She stopped, frowning. Yes it would be that hard! It's not like she could just take a stroll down to the tackle shop and purchase it! An exasperated groan left her maw as, once again, she whipped her tail at the annoying bird that would not leave her alone. It picked at her tail. She flicked it away. The bird followed. Matar stared at it through weary, half-lidded eyes as it started tugging on the tip of her tail like an oversized worm. Cursed Coatl dietary needs. Why couldn't she simply eat the bird?

Eventually the amphibious avian gave up and flew away. Good riddance. Ilmatar thought as she rested her head on a hand as she gazed out at the water, imagining the tasty fish swimming out of reach. Too soon was the thought, as the gull returned presently with its usual squeaky caw. Ilmatar ignored it, trying to piece together how she could use shore debris to catch fish. Another caw. Her brow furrowed further. Another. She rounded on the bird. “WHAT?!” It stepped back a bit, tilted its head at her and then began hopping towards the cliff line. When she didn't move it came back and repeated the gesture. Was it... trying to get her to follow? No harm I suppose... the dragon conceded, hefting herself on all fours and trailing after the unlikely companion.

The gull half flew, half hopped between the rocks with the ease of one who knew this environment. Behind it Matar puffed and panted as she attempted to take the same route, slipping several times as she went. Then there was a stable part, curved and slick with surf which made it difficult to traverse but was easier on the limbs than jumping. Not that she had to any more. The gull perched on a rock and looked expectantly at the area Matar was stood on. She cocked her head at it when it didn't move. “Now what?” It squawked. Nothing more. She sighed. Again.

Just as she was about to give up and make her way back a small wave slid up the smooth stone surface, paused, receded into the ocean. Something caught in the surf caught the Coatl's emerald eyes and an idea came to mind. Without the wind what waves were made were small. Perhaps if she lent a claw... It wouldn't be much. Hunger and fatigue restricted options. This had to result in something or else... She didn't think about it. Balancing the egg in an indent in the cliff the dragon took flight, straining to keep herself aloft as pain seared her shoulders. A few wingbeats took her over the water, stopping when she was a respectable distance from solid ground. She focused, pulling her stubby arm back and then, which a grunt of effort, unleashed a gale strike at the sea. The force sent the water careening into the cliffs with a mighty splash, causing even the gull to retreat. And as it slunk back to join the rest of the ocean Matar's face split into a wide grin as the result appeared.

No sooner had she landed did the Coatl seize a large clam that had been brought up, slamming it against a rock and prying it open with her claws. It relented and the sweet, juicy innards were pulled out, slid down the long throat. She gulped and sighed once more, this time with contentment. An oyster was next. Small. Delicious. An impatient squawk reminded her the gull was still there, probably waiting for an easy meal. For a brief moment she considered ignoring it. However it had shown her how to get food here. Some gratitude might be worth it. “Fine.” she said tiredly, placing a muckbottom snail on the rock. Instantly the bird flitted over, pulling out the meat with its sharp beak. With its prize the bird returned to the rock, swallowing contentedly.

Nothing good could last forever. As Ilmatar was finishing off the last of her spoils the ocean suddenly surged on its own. She stared at it, shellfish hovering in front of her waiting teeth. That was not right. The water swelled again. The gull flew away. The crustacean was dropped, the egg grabbed, the way back retraced, more treacherous this time as water made the rocks slick, slippery. It was painfully slow going. Another surge. Large. Those weren't fish in there. When the waters receded there was no trace of dragon nor egg. Only the empty shells of a meal interrupted.


“...So then I said, “Of course it didn't work! That's manaweed, not marsh choker!” Needless to say he's now a lovely pink colour. So then he said...”

This went on for some time. Saira had learned how to tune out the constant chatter of the hyper Spiral as they made their way down through the Reedcleft Ascent. They'd both managed to get a decent night's sleep and, after insisting he clean up his mess, both she and Vin had started their mission to locate the runaway Coatl. The Skydancer hadn't expected it to be a quiet journey given the company she was keeping, yet somehow she hadn't expected it to be this noisy either.

It all started by asking more about life before the Windswept Plateau. It started with life before the Windswept Plateau then gradually dissolved into snatches of various conversations Vin had taken part in along the way. In this particular case, a herb mix up. What the need for the herbs was had been lost within the babbling. The few times Saira had asked for context Vin had to remember what he had said and not said, often resulting in the repeating of the story with little to no context actually being added. So now she only half listened, interested only in anything of actual use and nodding and smiling at everything else.

Hopping and gliding their way back to the mainland Saira's lime gaze rarely strayed from the direction Ilmatar had fled in the evening before. It was highly doubtful that she was still over there as that was the direction of the Scarred Wasteland, home to the Plague Flight. But where she would return in the Wind Domain was anyone's guess. Saira simply hoped she could pick up on the Coatl's feelings before long.

As they continued, Vin rabbiting as Saira pretended to listen, a structure began to appear on the horizon. With jingling feathers the Dryland Drifter held up a claw to silence the Spiral, who did with a snap, and pointed at the building. “Looks like someone set up a lair up ahead. We should stop by and ask if anyone's seen Ilmatar.”

“Good idea, good idea!” Vin agreed enthusiastically, vigorously nodding his head. “Someone there surely must... have...” And just like that he was out like a light. Saira momentarily rested a hand on her long face, composed herself, lifted the slumbering serpent onto her back as she headed towards the supposed clan site. At least it was quiet now.

At first glance the lair seemed small, perched comfortably at the edge of a cliff overlooking the ocean. As the traveller got closer however it became apparent that whoever lived here had constructed ladders and elevators powered by an intricate pulley system to hoist the platform up and down to and from the beach below. Presumably the lair continued down by the water. All around the buildings looked to be built from wood planks fashioned from the local trees, interspersed with driftwood washed up from other realms. Various fishing paraphernalia decorated the walkways and the stench of fish hung in the air, clogging throats and watering eyes. It was hard for Saira to not gag as she ventured through. Strong line threaded through rings hammered into wood pikes held oversized hooks over the edge, ready to drop into the water. Who knows what it was they were trying to catch with those. Or if they were actually for decoration. Dragons of different species meandered about what looked like a marketplace, others stood behind stalls hawking their wares as yet more perused the stock on sale. Voices shouting from below suggested further activity, possibly the actual fisher-dragons.

“Hello?” Saira called to attract attention. Success, pretty much everyone in earshot looked up at the newcomer. Some waved, others smiled. The stall owners made gestures to encourage her over, hoping for trade. When she didn't move their attention went to other passers-by. It wasn't all for naught though, as a yellow tiger-striped Snapper with striped grey wings approached, smile wide.

“Greetings friend. What brings you to Saltwind Heights?”

Saira bowed her long neck, feathers clinking melodiously with the movement. “Greetings.” she replied, subtly flicking her antennae to determine the stranger's intentions. “I am seeking a clan member who foolishly set out on her own with no supplies and little to no knowledge of the land. I don't suppose you, or anyone else here, has caught sight of a bright red Coatl woman?”

The Snapper contorted his broad face in thought, recalling events of the recent days. “Nope, can't say I have.” he soon replied, a hint of disappointment in his gruff voice. “You sure she came this way?”

“Hard to say,” the Skydancer replied, satisfied the Snapper meant no ill. “however last I saw her she'd accidentally flown out towards the Scarred Wasteland in a fit of rage when I attempted to bring her home. I'd hoped perhaps she'd returned in this area.”

“Well,” the yellow dragon clicked his tongue thoughtfully, “it's not often someone passes this way without someone seeing them. You may have guessed but ours is a fishing market town. Most people will do their best to get visitors to buy from us.”

Saira nodded, waving a claw at the stall ahead of them in example. “I assumed as such.”

The Snapper nodded back and opened his mouth to continue speaking, only to be cut off by a cry from the foot of the cliff. “Maren attack!”

Next Chapter

Sorry for no hatchling reveal yet but this entry was starting to get a little long. Next time!
Fun fact: I used the Scrying Workshop to randomise a dragon for Saira to talk to, hence the Snapper.
Last edited by Varethyn on Mon Aug 05, 2019 7:47 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Rest in peace mum. I really did love and miss you, even if I never got to see you.

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Re: Winds of Change (Pinkerlocke)

Unread post by Ana »

Uhh nice! I just read the story. Good waking up "present ". I really enjoyed it. Must see the snapper! ! Looking forward to see the hatchling as well
. Back to snooze a bit more.. It is Saturday after all ;)


HUGE thanks to Makoes, Syleye, FeralClaw, Pingupuff, Karin,Bowno, Varethyn, Ashaine, Kishay, Aki (Täräin13), my friend Marie and some lovely ppl on Fligth Rising for my lovely sig

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Re: Winds of Change (Pinkerlocke)

Unread post by Varethyn »

Day 21


Chapter 9

Couldn't breathe. Couldn't see. Hands grasping. Tugging. Sodden wings and fur pulling down... down... Nose full of brine. Lungs full of water. Swirling darkness. Screams. Jeers. Cries of outrage. Sobbing. Tried to get free. Tried to escape. Too strong... too strong... Falling... Claws scrabbled for purchase. Nothing but dizzying, dark liquid. Something wrapped around. Couldn't move. Panic! Panic... Drowning...


“Maren?” Saira echoed as both dragons looked down at the commotion. “Here? I wasn't aware they had set up in our land.”

“Aye they have.” the Snapper confirmed. “Though not normally this far south. We think they're trying to invade from further north given the increasing amounts of attacks we've had.”

Confusion, Curiosity, panic, fear and excitement filled the Skydancer's senses as the market-goers mobilised at the warning. She had to raise a hand to the gem embedded in her forehead, sweeping her antennae back in vain hope to blot some of the emotions out. It was times like this that she hated what she was. Only these times. Being able to sense the inner turmoil of other dragons and helping them to recover was one of her favourite things to do. And as soon as she'd sensed Ilmatar's unease she'd wanted to talk but could not. If there was one thing she could agree with the Coatl about it was how few hands they had to help out. It pained her so much to not be able to even talk to Matar before she'd fled.

“Wait, something's not right.” Saira snapped back to sense to see the Snapper leaning as far over the lip as he could, straining to see what was going on. “They're attacking, no doubt about it, but it looks like... a hostage?” Stretching her own neck Saira peered down at the rippling surface giving away the position of the fish-people. “Maren attack by stealth, not head-on.” the Snapper mused beside her. “To give themselves away now...” He straightened up and waddled over to the nearest elevator where he turned his head to invite the Skydancer to do the same. She did and down they went.

Several Bogsneaks and gargantuan Guardians had already jumped into the waves, with other Water-born quickly joining them as they made the transition from breathing air to breathing water in order to speak with, or to better fight against, the oceanic Beastclan. Many others not so adept at swimming, namely the spiked Ridgebacks, were gathering the fishing tackle to avoid accidents and preparing land-based defences in case the conflict came that far up.

“Heitor!” came a shrill voice the moment the wooden platform reached the bottom. A reddish-pink Nature-born Mirror with speckled blue wings and intricate green markings around her face and neck came running over, bobbing her head in exhausted greeting. “Heitor it... it's not... safe to bring... guests!” the Mirror panted as she glanced between the pair.

“Perhaps.” the Snapper, now known as Heitor, rumbled, “but she claims to be looking for someone. It's possible they're the cause of this.” He waved a stubby paw at the tumultuous sea.

The Mirror's head crests flared for a moment, then she relented. “As you say. Even if not, perhaps a claw could be lent?”

Saira nodded. “Of course. I'd be glad to help. And Vin too, if he wakes in time.” Both fisher-dragons raised an eye ridge, to which the Skydancer pointed to the prone Spiral draped over her shoulders.

“Huh.” Heitor blinked. “I thought that was some kinda scarf. My apologies.” Saira grinned. “Aaja, what do you see out there?” he added, looking to the pink Mirror.

Aaja closed her larger set of eyes, peering out with the smaller pair. Heat vision, a trait unique to the Mirror species and what they employed when hunting instead of relying purely on visual sight. “A whole school.” she reported. “They have someone with them. Tied up I think. A net maybe?”

“What do they look like?” the cream-furred dragon asked. If she said Coatl...

“Um, a Coatl I guess? It's hard to tell cos they're all smushed up.”

Of course.

“That may well be the one I'm looking for.” Saira said dryly, unsurprised that Ilmatar had managed to get herself caught up in this situation. Heitor and Aaja looked at her. “If it is then her name is Ilmatar and she had thought it wise to set out and form a clan of her own with no supplies and little knowledge of our region. A friend she had made was killed right in front of her,” here she jutted a clawed finger at Vin, “thanks to him and in a fit of rage she flew across the ocean.”

The fisher-dragons exchanged glances, unsure how to react to the story. Neither had to as a new voice commented, “Have to say that's one persistent gull.” The trio turned to see a Ridgeback with sparkling blue scales and yellow wings patterned akin to a butterfly's watching something above the water. Indeed there was a lone gull circling around the area the maren were accommodating. It keened loudly. In turn there was a squawk from Saira's back as Vin decided now was the time to wake up.

“Good morning sunshine.” Heitor couldn't help but chuckle despite the situation. “Just like a Spiral to sleep at an interesting hour.”

“Bwuh?” asked the sleep-muddled Spiral as his red eyes took in the new location. He jolted as the face of the Skydancer filled his vision.

“About time! Ilmatar's in trouble!”

Blinking rapidly Vin slid off of the other dragon's back to observe the goings on. “Out there? Oooh what did she do? What do we do?” He bounced excitedly in the air around the others.

Saira grabbed his tail, yanking back down to head height. “We wait.”

Waiting was a foreign concept to Spirals so it came as no surprise when he began whining. “Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat? Whhhhyyyyyyyyyyyy?”

All eyes were on Saira and Vin now, the former of which hid herself in shame behind glittering wings as she held both hands to her face. The latter, however, grinned widely and waved. It was then that the horned head of a Guardian breached the surface, sending droplets scattering. Between the distance and the shining rivulets running off their scales it was hard to pick out the details other than they were male as a thundering voice rang out: “Hey, they're threatening to kill their hostage unless we move our village. What do we say?”

“Tell them to let her go. She's not part of our community and we already made an agreement that we'd leave them alone if they leave us alone!” Heitor hollered back. “It's up to them if they want to honour it or not!” A paw shot out of the water to salute and the Guardian ducked back under to continue negotiations.
“And if they say no?” Saira inquired worriedly.

The Snapper's already small eyes narrowed further. “Then we have no choice but to fight. Our village has stood here for years even before we made the pact. It's not our fault they decided to swim further out and that anyone wandering around down there is trespassing. We ain't moving.” He thumped a foot against the ground for emphasis. “Just in case...” He raised his voice to full volume, addressing the entire coastline. “Prepare to engage! We can't trust the sea-folk to not attack us if they're already preying on outsiders! Make sure they can't get to us! Block their angle so their spears can't hit! Those of you who can't fight, take what you can and get topside!”

The beach was suddenly a flurry of activity as every dragon took up arms or tackle, heaving boards into place or passing equipment over to the pulleys. Within moments most of the water's edge was blocked by wood panels lined all the way along the beach as fighters huddled behind, awaiting orders.

“You'd best go up as well.” Aaja spoke to Saira. “We can't risk our guests getting hurt too.”

Vin nodded fast and began to head up the cliff. Saira however refused to budge. “Pssssst!” Vin hissed once he'd zipped back upon seeing her still standing there. “They said go!”

“I know.” she replied and move she did. Behind one of the barriers.

“What are you doing?!” the Spiral screeched, gesticulating his arms wildly.

The Ridgeback from earlier had chosen that particular spot as well, towering over the much smaller Skydancer. She arched her neck and carefully prodded the cream dragon with a sharp finger. “He's right, you mustn't stay here.”

Still she refused. “That's my friend out there and I intend to see her back safe.” Her lime eyes lifted to meet the dark garnet of the Ridgeback's, gaze steady, face set. “I know healing spells to aid if need be.”

The spiked giant stared back a moment longer, then turned away outdone by the stubbornness. “If you say so.” She then glanced at Vin, still hovering in plain sight. “And you?” The black Spiral whined, wringing his hands as he darted back and forth, unsure of where to go. With an exasperated sound he flung himself into the small gap between Skydancer and Ridgeback where he hunkered down in a ball.

“Let's hope we don't come to blows.” Saira commented as she regarded the quivering round form.

Minutes felt like hours as the collection of dragon species awaited the return of the speakers. Would there be a fight? No? How would either side react? Was that really Ilmatar down there? Was she okay? Saira was almost as deafened by the sensation of a hundred dragons' uncertainty as she was when every emotion painted a vivid rainbow in her mind. A collective breath was taken when the water's surface was disturbed. Everyone braced themselves. It was the Guardian. Followed by another. Then a pair of Bogsneaks. Then the rest of those who'd dived in followed and they all made their way to the shore. As those on the beach began to relax a pair of small, round heads with flat faces emerged as well, finned ears pricked and dark eyes staring. Maren. Stations were retaken, but whispers broke out among them. A couple more surfaced and the villagers raised claw and weapon. Yet they did not come. The Guardians, Bogsneaks and Water-born clambered onto dry land, two of them carefully carrying a bound form. Red feathers poked out of gaps in the net. No movement came from it.

“Ilmatar?” Saira breathed, heart suddenly in her throat. She began to pick her way around to the sodden Coatl, only to be halted by the Ridgeback. “What are-”

“Wait.” The Ridgeback whispered, pointing at the waiting merfolk. As she did the group dipped under the surface again, though their forms were visible as they swam closer.

It was Heitor who greeted them. Hushed conversation was exchanged along with a sack of something. One of the maren opened it, revealing what looked to be a variety of different ores. Saira and Vin strained their ears to hear what was said, to no avail. The Beastclan made odd signals and all of them disappeared into the surf. The Snapper plodded over to the middle of the beach where the bound dragon had been placed and was in the process of being freed.

“Someone get a towel!” he bellowed and activity returned. “Prepare a room and a fire! She's alive but barely. Hurry for the Deities' sake!”

“What of the maren?” The Ridgeback inquired as she and the others emerged from hiding.

“Left us alone, for now.” Heitor replied thickly. “Seemed they didn't want to argue if it was an outsider. They'll be sure to check first before attacking in future.”

The Ridgeback nodded and lumbered off to aid with deconstructing the defences. Saira and Vin could only wait as the fisher-dragons lifted and carried Ilmatar's still form onto an elevator to be taken to the room being prepared for her. Aaja motioned for the pair to join them but that was it. The village was adamant in their aid as apology for their guests getting mixed up in it all. The Coatl was laid out on a bed and the pair of Bogsneaks set to work rubbing her down. An orange-eyed Pearlcatcher blew a stream of fire onto a waiting log pile, fanning the blaze to a good size and heat filled the building.

Saira padded to Ilmatar's side, resting a claw on her shoulder and muttered a few words. Her hand glowed golden, washing the feathered dragon in a bright light briefly. “Oooooooh what was that?” Vin asked far too loudly, grabbing the Skydancer's hand and inspecting it.

“Healing magic.” she replied in annoyance, snatching her arm back. “ I don't know if she's wounded but I am not going to sit here wondering.” Another flash of light enveloped them. As it faded the Skydancer cast her gaze up and down the red dragon's body, inspecting it. Satisfied she stepped back to let the Bogsneaks work. Only to furrow her feathery brow as she noticed it looked like Matar was holding something in her front paws.

“Healing hm? Oh oh oh! I get to try again!” Vin declared, clapping hands so fast the normal eye could not make sense of the movement. Then just as quickly shoved those hands into his satchel and procuring a vial of red liquid. “Ta-daaaah!” Before anyone could react the Spiral was coiled next to the unconscious Coatl, parting her jaws and lifting her head to tip the potion into her mouth.

“No Vin, stop!” Saira shouted. Too late, the liquid was already poured down Ilmatar's throat. The sinuous Spiral flicked himself backwards, spinning and curling in impatient excitement as he awaited the result of his latest creation. The Skydancer's plumage fell, splayed in panic. What had he done now? Silently she pleaded for nothing bad to happen, for Ilmatar to wake up unaffected further.


Hours passed. Saira had taken to exploring the village, although with minimal interest. Her thoughts rested with the Coatl's health. Worry was clear on her face as she walked, none of the stall owners tried to get her attention save for the few who wished her well and for the speedy recovery of her friend. To those she'd merely nodded. After Vin's stunt Saira had asked that he not be allowed back inside just in case he did something stupid. No one knew where he'd gone since. Honestly, she didn't care.

“Miss Saira? Miss Saira!” Called a familiar shrill voice and within seconds the dark pink-and-blue Mirror named Aaja was walking alongside. “Miss Saira I think you need to see something.”

The Skydancer paused mid-step to regard the Mirror. “How do you mean?” Had Vin done something to Matar after all? She tried to hide her worry. But Aaja's eyes were wide with surprise, not fear and so she probed with her antennae. Surprise, joy, amazement...

“Your friend was holding an egg!” Aaja exclaimed, hopping from foot to foot. “And... and... well, come see!”

Seeing was not needed to believe. Even outside the door the faint sound of peeping could be heard, as well as the croons of the Bogsneaks caring for Ilmatar. A murkbottom gull was shooed from the windowsill as the pair made their way inside. And sure enough a tiny green form was tumbling about on the Coatl's chest. Ilmatar looked up. She was awake! Joy flooded Saira's very being, resisting with great difficulty the desire to rush over and hug her.

“His name is Makani.” Ilmatar claimed hoarsely as she gingerly held the oh-so-tiny Fae.


Next Chapter

For those of you curious to see the random dragons used to determine the villagers, here you go :) I can't remember if that's exactly how the Snapper looked as I hadn't saved a picture but it's close enough I hope.
Last edited by Varethyn on Mon Aug 05, 2019 7:50 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Rest in peace mum. I really did love and miss you, even if I never got to see you.

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Re: Winds of Change (Pinkerlocke)

Unread post by Ana »

Uhh you went with fae! Yay. I like reading your story. Exciting!


HUGE thanks to Makoes, Syleye, FeralClaw, Pingupuff, Karin,Bowno, Varethyn, Ashaine, Kishay, Aki (Täräin13), my friend Marie and some lovely ppl on Fligth Rising for my lovely sig

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Re: Winds of Change (Pinkerlocke)

Unread post by Varethyn »

Yup I fell in love with your scry of him as a Fae so I had to :) Now to hope he lives long enough to earn the genes :D
Which reminds me. I forgot to flip a coin for him.


He lives! And to prove I'm not cheating by reusing previous Heads/Tails I've purposely been leaving the timestamp in and editing the picture differently each time for you guys to check. Maybe I'll use different coins for some, too. (I use the British pound coin cos I'm a Brit :D)
I've been terrible with my death rules I noticed. Remember how in the rules I said there's a 50/50 chance for a KO'd dragon to live? I didn't :'D Poor Ahio. That's why I want to revise my rules at some point, including removing the chance to hang on since it would now be unfair.

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Rest in peace mum. I really did love and miss you, even if I never got to see you.

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Re: Winds of Change (Pinkerlocke)

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Heh I never think of ppl cheating. I always asume they do not :D I think Ahio would still be alive if you cheated :P -Heh it can be hard to remember sometimes <3. Glad the fae lives :D


HUGE thanks to Makoes, Syleye, FeralClaw, Pingupuff, Karin,Bowno, Varethyn, Ashaine, Kishay, Aki (Täräin13), my friend Marie and some lovely ppl on Fligth Rising for my lovely sig

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Re: Winds of Change (Pinkerlocke)

Unread post by Lupis »

Oooohohoh, I'm so happy to see the egg has hatched! Makani is adorable, I'm so excited for his introduction as a personality!

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Re: Winds of Change (Pinkerlocke)

Unread post by Varethyn »

Day 22


30-40 rounds in the coliseum. This is the part I start getting worried as the group moves into the Scorched Forest. And I can't afford Eliminate.


Stupid dodges. Stupid elemental attacks. I should have stopped at 30...

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Re: Winds of Change (Pinkerlocke)

Unread post by Lupis »

NOOOOO ;_; Oh darnit- I mean, I'm glad it wasn't Matar, but ugh, these deaths are absolutely brutal. That's gunna be a hard one. I hope Vin and Matar can help each other through it.

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