8.1 Story - Spoilers

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Re: 8.1 Story - Spoilers

Unread post by Setanta »

Teigan wrote:Why do you think that?
Because I don't. :) Especially since they're already "effectively" killing off an alliance leader with the Mekkatorque nonsense.

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Re: 8.1 Story - Spoilers

Unread post by Valnaaros »

In the most recent ptr, some new story details have been revealed.

Mekkatorque might be undertaking a ritual that will cause him to convert his intelligence into physical strength. Bear in mind, it may not be Mekkatorque, but it is the popular speculation atm.

Flynn and Umbric break into the treasury vault in Dazar'alor to retrieve the Abyssal Scepter (which the Horde stole in their campaign). It is then used to create a fog to mask the Kul Tiran fleet as it attacked Zuldazar.

Anduin ordered for there to be absolutely no civilian casualties during the attack.

Derek Proudmoore has indeed been reanimated as is being held prisoner by the Horde. He is confused and only remembers to the moment just prior to his death. He also asks for his mother, father, brother, and sister.

More of the Horde are starting to question this war and Sylvanas. Valtrois, Rexxar, and Rokhan are questioning things, whilst the reanimating of Derek is the last straw for Baine.
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Re: 8.1 Story - Spoilers

Unread post by cowmuflage »

Yeah the "no civilian casualties" thing is bound not to be followed.

I hope the Drakkari dude and Dark troll Lady don't die ;-; They are the last of their tribes!
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Re: 8.1 Story - Spoilers

Unread post by Valnaaros »

Still plenty of Drakkari. You fight them fairly often as an enemy in Island Expeditions. But yeah, hopefully the Dark Troll is spared. Thus far there hasn't been any indication that the Alliance is going against Anduin's orders and are attacking civilians.

It looks like the Alliance sends a small force to Nazmir to rile up the Blood Trolls and cause the Horde to think that the Alliance is attacking from that zone. When they leave, the real attack begins against Dazar'alor. Over half of the Zandalari navy is wiped out by the explosives planted during the Alliance campaign. Thanks to Flynn and Umbric, the Kul Tiran navy hidden under a blanket of fog. Some Horde soldiers and high-ranking Zandalari are killed. The Kul Tirans held the line, despite how ruthless and bloodthirsty the Horde were (what they are actually described as). Eventually the Alliance reaches Rastakhan, whom eventually calls upon Bwonsamdi and entirely imbues himself with his power. Rastakhan is killed and the Alliance begins retreating to their fleet. There are many losses, but no well-known Alliance are killed (Jaina being injured and Mekkatorque putting himself into suspended animation). Due to the attack and Alliance efforts over recent months, they could win the war in just a few weeks.
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Re: 8.1 Story - Spoilers

Unread post by Valnaaros »

Looks like there are two scenarios for the Zandalari Treasury. One is where Flynn and Umbric retake the Abyssal Scepter, and the other is where the Horde help Gallywix steal from the Zandalari :/
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Re: 8.1 Story - Spoilers

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Those are ice trolls yes but not from the Drakkari tribe. He say's he is the last and they use him as a kind of side show. :/
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Re: 8.1 Story - Spoilers

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Yeah I did not think that they'd kill any Alliance leaders/characters. Just Horde ones :S
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Re: 8.1 Story - Spoilers

Unread post by Castile »

cowmuflage wrote:Yeah the "no civilian casualties" thing is bound not to be followed.
If it isn't that will be even stevens for Stormwind though (I just did the horde scenario of the breakout) plenty of civilians killed or injured in Zul's little firebomb.

The troll princess is pretty cool though - I could tell from that scenario they were setting her up to lead over her dad. Rokhan knows whats what too. 8-)


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Re: 8.1 Story - Spoilers

Unread post by Valnaaros »

Looks like the Kaldorei Dark Rangers are being mind controlled by Sylvanas. VOs for them were datamined, and one of their quotes is "We are all slaves to this torment" and upon death they say "I see only darkness."
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Re: 8.1 Story - Spoilers

Unread post by Pepsi Jedi »

Ok went back to look it up the direct quote is

"I have known these woods all my life. The Night Warrior's wrath must be sated."

Sated... meaning fed and appeased. "Sated" Doesn't mean she just wants to kill more horde. "Must be sated" Means that it's a thing independent of her and needs to be handled.

So yes she does say something along the lines of Vengeance hungers. As you've put it yourself the Night Warrior is the Vengeance aspect of Elune.

"The Night Warrior's (Vengeance's) Wrath must be sated"

Night Elf Batman seems to run on Rage Fuel.

What possibly could go wrong?


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Re: 8.1 Story - Spoilers

Unread post by Valnaaros »

Grizzek Fizzwrench and Sapphronetta Flivvers, a Goblin and Gnome couple from the Before the Storm novel, have apparently survived. The former was tasked by Gallywix to study the properties of Azerite and to develop weaponry based off of it. He said he would do it, but only if he could work alongside his ex-wife, Sapphronetta. As they worked together, they gradually fixed their relationship. They learned that Azerite, by itself, is a good thing and is meant to heal. Only when it is tainted or combined with something else (like black powder) is it bad. To keep their research away from Gallywix, they burned their notes and attempted to flee, but were captured by Goblins and tied to a bomb. They were able to get free of it, but before Grizzek could tell Sapphronetta that he loved her, the bomb went off. Their fate was unknown until now.

Overview of the Horde plot in Darkshore

-Arrive in Darkshore at night. The moon is black and covering the sun in an unnatural night. It looks like the Ysera cinematic.
-The Horde is based at a goblin camp outside the blighted ruins of Lor'danel.
-Nathanos says all the scouts they've sent out have not come back, that this night is unnatural and the night elves are up to something.
-You kill and raise Vengeful Sentinels, and kill lieutenants to figure out what's going on. None of them tell you, Sira taunts you via talking head after each one.
-You find a wisp and drag it back to camp to look into its memories and find out what happened. Cutscene's not in, but I imagine it's Tyrande going Night Warrior.
-Nathanos tells you to go find Delaryn and raise her, Sylvanas was very specific about wanting Delaryn.
-Sira attacks you at the beach. On her knees, she says Tyrande will come to help her, but then when she dies she says "Where... is she...?"
-Tyrande arrives as Nathanos is setting up the Val'kyr. You have to fight her, Sentinels, and worgen as the Valks do their work. She has a cool new S-shaped glaive.
Nathanos: "How uncouth for the Queen of the...Tree Elves, was it? No that won't do. What are you queen of now?"
Tyrande. "I am no queen. I am the kaldorei's vengeance!"

-Part way into the fight Tyrande turns everything black, you can't see beyond a few feet of you. You get rooted. When the lights come back Malfurion is there helping her.
-Sira and Delaryn are raised. They tell Tyrande they believed in her, but she and Elune abandoned them.
Delaryn: We have nothing left. We are Forsaken.

-Tyrande kills one of the two Valks.
-Fly away on plaguebats, Malfurion promises Tyrande to hunt you down.
-Back at base:
Sira: You made it out. Good. So did I.
Delaryn: <Delaryn doesn't seem to be looking at you> (she's staring at her hand)

-Sira says they all have their reasons for accepting the gift of undeath, but now's not the time to talk. Sylvanas has been dealt a terrible blow today.
-Talk to Nathanos and ask what happens now, he plays a cinematic that's not in. I assume it's night elves preparing since Nathanos is staring into the forest.
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Re: 8.1 Story - Spoilers

Unread post by cowmuflage »

I like the idea of undead night elves. Could be neat.
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Re: 8.1 Story - Spoilers

Unread post by Valnaaros »

Any Night Elf should be against Undead, let alone actually being one. They have a belief called the Balance, in which life and death are natural cycles, and undeath is an abomination that needs to be destroyed. Besides that, it really doesn't make sense for Delaryn and Sira to willing to serve Sylvanas -- the Warchief that led to thousands of their people being killed and their world tree being burned. There are many that believe that they aren't willing serving her, which would make sense.
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Re: 8.1 Story - Spoilers

Unread post by cowmuflage »

Eh I'll wait and see. It's still cool tho.
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Re: 8.1 Story - Spoilers

Unread post by Maizou »

"We have an extra shipment of weapons on hand. I suggest we distribute them among the blood trolls. The enemy of our enemy, after all...

That should give the Horde a nasty surprise. And if the blood trolls accidentally hurt themselves... Well, it's a win-win."

...So SI:7/Matthias Shaw's big plan is to arm the blood trolls.

What. I kinda wonder if they're setting up Blood Trolls as an Alliance Allied Race now.
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Re: 8.1 Story - Spoilers

Unread post by cowmuflage »

Nar I doubt it. They are Old god worshipers I would not trust them.
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Re: 8.1 Story - Spoilers

Unread post by Valnaaros »

I don't think so. He doesn't care if they get hurt themselves, and they are solely meant as an added distraction for the Horde whilst the Alliance sails in from the south.
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Re: 8.1 Story - Spoilers

Unread post by Wain »

They seem to be going with a concept that the resurrection changes the recipient mentally to the point they no longer have their original morality or affiliations. Or maybe it just changes some of them. Or maybe the resurrection ritual is being done differently in these situations. But it's counter to what we knew of the Forsaken previously, where their emo disposition was due to rejection by their families and loved ones.

I do wonder where they're going with all this - increased references to a range of death agencies/gods, increased variety in the ranks of the Forsaken. Maybe the idea of a future "death faction" isn't that crazy. Or maybe there's some other place they want to reach with all this. But I suspect their story destination is important to them and it will require some perhaps contrived or less believable explanations to get there, but get there they will.
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Re: 8.1 Story - Spoilers

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I think the most classic Forsaken story so far in this xpack is that poor Tidesage guy ;-;
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Re: 8.1 Story - Spoilers

Unread post by Wain »

cowmuflage wrote:I think the most classic Forsaken story so far in this xpack is that poor Tidesage guy ;-;
Yeah, that was far more original. Though it confused me because I thought he was one of the bad ones, the old god allied ones. But maybe not.
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