An Ill Wind Blows (Side Pinkerlocke) - COMPLETE

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Re: An Ill Wind Blows (Side Pinkerlocke)

Unread post by Ana »

I vote for Lupin as well.. I love that first fae scry Lupis!


HUGE thanks to Makoes, Syleye, FeralClaw, Pingupuff, Karin,Bowno, Varethyn, Ashaine, Kishay, Aki (Täräin13), my friend Marie and some lovely ppl on Fligth Rising for my lovely sig

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Re: An Ill Wind Blows (Side Pinkerlocke)

Unread post by Syleye »

Lupin is my vote :hug:

Viola would be a pretty name for her


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Re: An Ill Wind Blows (Side Pinkerlocke)

Unread post by Krysteena »

I'll also vote for Lupin for beloved, and, if you think a scatter for the fae girl would be a good idea, I say go for it! If you don't want to go the scatter route, though, pinstripe/safari/spines looks quite good imo~
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Re: An Ill Wind Blows (Side Pinkerlocke)

Unread post by Varethyn »

Day 33

Chapter 12

That was it. That was the last straw. With a final huff Verbena bade good riddance to her old hovel.

Too many times now her parents had let her down, felt unwanted. Except they did want her, they did care. Why else would they leave money for her to buy food and tools to practice smithing with? At the same time, why were they never around?

Her parents had to work. Had to. To any other dragon this would make sense – have to work to get things made. Have to work to earn money. Have to work to keep things stable. No, not her parents. Well, yes. But no. Her parents had to work. Their passion drove them to keep smelting at the forges, keep hammering on metal and ore to get it into shape, keep bending and shaping until the final product was as ordered. And then start again. And again. And again.

One would be forgiven to think they'd die if they stopped. Even when they slept it was restlessly, constantly moving around and murmuring to each other. Then they'd wake early, have a very quick breakfast and then leave before Verbena even began to stir, spend all day down in the forges and then collapse in bed shortly after Verbena had settled in for the night.

She never saw them. Even though they lived together. And she was sick of it.

As soon as she'd been old enough to take care of herself Verbena had been left to do so with nothing but a repurposed coppercoil creeper for help. In the early days her parents would stop by to give her a kiss, say goodbye. Then it was one or other of them. Then they started leaving notes.

Then today there was nothing at all except the pouch of treasure that was her allowance. An allowance she had to spend on food for all three of them, which she had to cook by herself and more often than not only she would eat because her parents were so damn busy or tired to manage, and the rest expected to be spent on new tools and smithing lessons.

It wasn't that she didn't like the craft. Indeed she did enjoy it, especially if she got to work with gems and precious stones and minerals. One of the first things she'd made with the help of her mother was a crude but recognisable and otherwise lovely flower. She had cherished it. And then she was left alone. Had it been a real flower it would have wilted out of neglect by now, discarded amongst all of her other early accomplishments. Accomplishments she'd made alongside her family.

What was the point of it when her family wasn't around? It only brought pain and anger now.

On top of that, other than a few odd days where she'd gotten sick of tending to the hovel Verbena rarely got to go out. Either chores needed to be done that the creeper couldn't be programmed to do or a project needed to be finished. And yes her parents did actually check to see if she'd done them otherwise she'd have gone out more. The Wildclaw barely knew her own neighbours let alone anyone else in the clan. Stuck in the back room with the natural lava pool she used to smelt her work in.

Sick and tired and bored and lonely, this was it. Taking the money, the last of the durable food and all of her tools Verbena stood at the entryway to give her home one last glance over, the spider-like creeper twitching at her feet. You will not be missed. she thought bitterly, turning on her heel and marching down the one corridor she knew.


For quite some time the only sound that filled the tunnel was talons and metal legs clacking on stone and the soft gurgling of magma flowing slowly behind the thick rock walls. Verbena's hovel was in one of the furthest passages deep within the land not far from the volcano proper.

Clan Felistrix was a nice enough location for living in, she supposed; the entryway was curtained by flows of magma sliding down into the sea below, with sturdy stone and metal bridges spanning the stream's width leading to the ramp that took walking dragons up to the main gathering areas and forges. All of it was based in a crater with its own lava moat. Glorious, and looked amazing at night. Just a shame it was so far to travel between the sleeping quarters and the work area.

Verbena would have allowed some small sympathy for her workaholic parents for this journey if so many other factors hadn't weighed it down so much.

The prismatic stare of the multi-flight guard followed the Wildclaw's movements, though none made a move to stop or speak to her. Why would they? Dragons came in and out, to and fro with all sorts of baggage – or none at all – all the time. Sure she didn't come out much so not many of them would know her personally but there were other, far more introverted members than herself who never left the safety of the cave system at all.

Left well enough to her own devices Verbena made her way to and scaled the slopes of her clan's caldera, up the top of which she chanced one last look at her home of so few years. She was barely adolescent and yet already knew so much about self preservation after being practically abandoned. Her amber eyes narrowed as the fleeting reminder that if they didn't truly care then they wouldn't have let her stay, give her money to buy food or leave blueprints and recipes for her to practice. At that thought her hand went to her satchel to retrieve the sheaves of parchment, stained with soot and ash, and unravelled them.

Basic, basic designs for simple armour, tools and parts for what she assumed might be used in Lightning technology or else other contraptions she wasn't aware of. As she flicked through the pages she came to a stop on the gemstone patterns she was so eager to try out. She just needed the gems. Which was the hard part – she had no interest in mining. After being stuck in her little cave hovel all her short life Verbena was not at all keen to jump straight down another hole.

With a grunt the designs were returned to her satchel and she clicked her long claw in thought. She'd have to barter or trade to get them, or else find someone who'd be happy to dig them up for her. Orange eyes slipped down to the mechanical droid that whirred patiently beside her. If only that thing could be made to dig, or at least detect gemstones. It would take a proper technician or Lightning dragon to figure out how to do that. She didn't even know where it came from initially. Another mystery her parents could have shared if they'd spent more time together.

Purple feathers flared in agitation as Verbena shook her head. Enough of that. They're behind her now. Probably would take them a few days to even realise she was gone. No. Now was the time to explore and take her life into her own claws.

“Right then, Spangle.” she said to the creeper with a determined edge in her voice. She knew it wouldn't actually listen or talk back but it was a habit she'd developed. Some small way to keep her sanity. “Time for us to set out, see the world! I can hardly wait. Do you think we'll meet other dragons? It'd sure be nice to have someone to talk to for once. Not that I don't like talking to you, just that... Well, you don't talk.”

As expected the spidery machine simply stood, awaiting its next order.

With a sigh the grey-furred dragon turned away from the bustling caldera. “Spangle, follow.” She commanded and the creeper clicked about around her position, ready to do so. Didn't matter which way they went, as long as it was away from here. Exploring the rest of the Ashfall Waste made the most sense, yet she couldn't help but feel a tug to leave the volcano entirely. “One step at a time. Won't get anywhere if you don't take that first step.”

So she took that step. Then another. And then, before she'd even realised it, the once homely glow of clan Felistrix was but a fiery halo on the horizon. A smile she'd been keeping back finally broke from its holdings, spreading across her pointed features as she cheered with jubilation. Arms outstretched and powerful back legs launching her across the ashen fields Verbena could not help but prance about in sheer delight, the creeper making erratic movements in attempt to act out its command.

“Looks like someone's having a good time.”

Verbena stopped and whirled around so fast that she almost lost her footing, balancing on one foot to keep from toppling. Only to collapse in a very undignified heap anyway as Spangle ran straight into her ankle. A soft, monotonous laugh rang in her ears as the dark-furred Wildclaw whipped her pointed head around to catch where the voice was coming from. At first there was nothing out of the ordinary, just the cracked black earth and roiling orange lava pits and the whistling steam vents. Then there, amidst the join where cooling lava met ashen soil, where orange and black mixed into varying shades of red and pink, a small, purple shape was propped up on an oddly blue rock.

“Uh. Yeah, hi?” Bean asked warily, pushing back her embarrassment as she got back to her feet. Her amber eyes never left the Fae that was lounging on the... whatever mineral that was. Mostly out of fear of losing the colour against the background. “What? You got something to say about that? Or you gonna just lay there and laugh at me?”

Another chuckle escaped the Fae, who was facing towards the magma with eyes closed. They're not even looking at me... Verbena had always known from the first time she'd heard Fae conversing that she would not get on well with them. Something about the lack of rhythm, the lack of inflection, of any kind of tone bothered her greatly. In this case she'd been glad to have been secluded from everyone else.

At the same time she could feel everything she'd wanted to say about everything ever well up in her chest, a strange joy at meeting another dragon and having the time to stop and chat.

But why did it have to be a Fae?

“Not at all.” The tiny purple dragon drone in their monotone way. Their fins and crests flickered slightly, but it was hard to read their emotion through such small gestures. Then again, it was hard to read at all. Yet most Fae she'd seen tended to waver and vibrate and lift and collapse their head adornments to great extents. This was... almost unnoticeable. “I'm simply enjoying seeing one love life to the fullest.”

“'Seeing'.” Bean echoed incredulously, placing her hands on her, admittedly rather excessive, hips. “Says the one who doesn't even have their eyes open or are even looking in my direction.” She really didn't want her first social encounter to be so downbeat but between it being a Fae, their far-too-subtle movements and their refusal to even look at who they were talking to was seriously rubbing the Wildclaw the wrong way.

Another toneless chuckle and a head lifted to regard them. Not the Fae's head. The 'rock's' head. Verbena let out a yelp, stumbling backwards, almost tripping on Spangle. “Spangle, what is that?” She clamoured, pointing at the very much alive creature that was now blowing bubbles of... of... you know what? She didn't want to know.

The coppercoil creeper skittered forwards, eyes glowing as a bar of green light wafted over the Fae and the blue thing. With a chitter a robotic voice began to recite: “Specimen: Fae female. Origin: Starfall Strand-”

“No no no!” Verbena cried angrily, giving the creeper a kick hard enough for it to leave the ground momentarily. “The blue thing! I know what a Fae is!” Technology. At least her forge and smithing tools didn't speak. Much as she wished they did sometimes.

Another green bar washed over the creature as it continued to stare and blow bubbles of obscure material. “Specimen: Blue dragon reef snail. Habitat: Caves with local water source. Diet-”

“Blue dragon reef snail?” Verbena groused, unconvinced. “Rather odd to name a creature after a dragon don't'cha think? Look at it! It doesn't even look like any dragons I've seen!” Unless the dragon who discovered it had a flat, round face, long neck and absurdly bulbous body. And did it have to keep blowing bubbles? It was kind of gross now. Wait a tick. “Snail? What's a snail doing out in the fire lands if it's supposed to live in caves with water?”

“He's my familiar.” The purple Fae replied flatly, though their fins worked at the most minimal level possible. “I'm protecting him with my magic. We won't be out here long however.” They stretched luxuriantly and deliberately, taking time to work out each individual joint and tendon. Finally they turned to face Verbena, cracking their eyes open.

Verbena yelped again, startled. Huge, pink Arcane eyes for sure, yet they were faceted like an insect's. Beautiful in a gemlike way, but now the idea of a Fae with literal bug-eyes freaked her out even more than she already was.

“Don't worry, most others react the same way.” The Fae replied, fins drooping slightly as their head crests remained spread. “That is why I'm out here. Because no one felt comfortable around me.” They sighed. “I can tell you are also uncomfortable. I can also sense conflict inside you. That you yearn for companionship. And yet you ended up with me.” Now the fins and crests collapsed in sorrow, that much Bean recognised. Great, now she felt horrible.

Bringing her hands up and waving them the Wildclaw managed to stammer, “No no! It's not that. Okay yes it is that but you kinda just startled me, that's all. I've never seen anyone with eyes like that.” Then one hand mad its way to the back of her neck where it rubbed as she looked away with a shamed expression. “Th-that and I'm not good with Fae. Like, at all. Never liked the way you speak. Your kind! I blame not getting to hang around with other Fae much though. Maybe if I'd gotten to work with them more...” she rambled on and on as she fought for an appropriate excuse. Not finding one she instead found herself blurting out, “Hey are you a boy or girl?” Then slammed both fists into her jaw at the insensitivity of the question. “I am so sorry! Like I said I'm just no good with Fae and-”

The Fae raised a small hand slowly, frills displayed in an unreadable manner. Pretty sure that bit meant humour, but the rest... “Please, calm yourself. All is fine.” Lowering their hand again both of them waited in silence save for the faint whirring from Spangle and the popping of bubbles from the snail. “Now that you have settled down.” The hand went to their chest. “My name is Plumeria. I am female. It is a pleasure to meet you and I apologise profusely for being a source of discomfort on your outing.”

Jaw agape Verbena could only stare for a moment, then shook her head vigorously and stood straight. “Verbena. Also female. I mean, if that wasn't obvious to you...” She tapped her fingers together in her awkwardness. “I'm an apprentice smith for clan Felistrix!” She gestured at the glow over the horizon. “Out that way somewhere. What are you doing out here? Other than avoiding people I mean. And, well, failing cos... well... me.”

“Travelling.” Plumeria said simply as she clambered up onto her snail's arched shell. It gurgled at her as she stroked its rubbery neck.


“You expected more?”

Verbena found herself shrinking back into herself as she fumbled. “...yes? Kind of?”

“Well then, apprentice smith of clan Felistrix, what brings you all the way out into these barren, ashen lands?”

“Live here.” The Wildclaw replied quickly. Then amended, “Well used to. Don't want to any more. Left the place to find my own way.”

“And now you are...?”

What? “What do you-” Oh. “...I guess I'm also travelling?” Wow it had taken too long to make that connection. Meekly she added, “Did... you expect more?”

Fins splayed in great humour as Plumeria chuckled again. “No, I did not.”

Again only the faint whirring, bubbles popping and the gurgle of magma filled the air for some time.

“You... uh...” Verbena went back to rubbing her neck. “I don't know where I'm going yet. You... wanna travel together?”

“As long as I am not a bother to you I'd be delighted to accompany you, Verbena.”

“I'll get used to it.” The fireborne offered the Arcane Fae a lopsided grin. And so, with one last glance at the once homely glow that was her old clan Verbena and her new companion set off across the Ashfall Wastes.

Next Chapter
Inventory/Notes: Breed/Scatter x2 or G1 purchase x1, Gardenia Badly Injured for 2 days

Last edited by Varethyn on Mon Jun 08, 2020 11:02 am, edited 3 times in total.

Check out PetEmote here! | Visit my Flight Rising lair!

Rest in peace mum. I really did love and miss you, even if I never got to see you.

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Re: An Ill Wind Blows (Side Pinkerlocke)

Unread post by Varethyn »

Sorry for no update yesterday. I had a lot of personal stuff on my mind and hoped some writing would help fix it. Nope!


Day 34
Fight time! Fight time!

Initially rolled Zinnia, but followed with Verbena. Who I forgot to mention has since grown up, whoops!

Since Bean is still lv1 I paired her with Aster and rolled between Gardenia, Allium and Lupin to see who would go with them, as a lv 5 is far better suited to training lv1s than a lv7 is :lol: Rolled dear sweet Lupin, who is indeed now Beloved as I had greatly expected to happen. Ignored the amount of rounds to get Bean and Aster to lv5. Lupin is now also lv6.

Coliseum loot:
Image - Rolled a 3
Image - Rolled a 3
Image - Rolled a 4 so we get a new dryad friend! Gave to Lupin as it made the most sense.

And not related to the Pinkerlocke but still worth mentioning I think, I got my first ever coliseum gene to drop while training exalt fodder:

Inventory/Notes: Breed/Scatter x2 or G1 purchase x1, Gardenia Badly Injured for 1 day

Check out PetEmote here! | Visit my Flight Rising lair!

Rest in peace mum. I really did love and miss you, even if I never got to see you.

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Re: An Ill Wind Blows (Side Pinkerlocke)

Unread post by Ana »

Verbena looks amazing as a grown up! and yay a new dryad to add to the story!


HUGE thanks to Makoes, Syleye, FeralClaw, Pingupuff, Karin,Bowno, Varethyn, Ashaine, Kishay, Aki (Täräin13), my friend Marie and some lovely ppl on Fligth Rising for my lovely sig

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Re: An Ill Wind Blows (Side Pinkerlocke)

Unread post by Syleye »

Verbena is looking good and I am so glad Lupin got a little friend


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Re: An Ill Wind Blows (Side Pinkerlocke)

Unread post by Varethyn »

Day 35
Playing this game again are we, Pink? It's a good thing I have ideas for both stories now, isn't it? Much as I need to fight, I also need to write.

Chapter 12 is also available!


Chapter 13

At first the night was restful. Even despite the cramped conditions everyone had managed to make themselves as comfortable as they could within the crudely dug out den. Iris' wagon had been unstrapped and left outside; the Mirror having finding herself laying next to Hyacinth more by chance than choice.

As the hours of darkness passed however some found themselves waking briefly by the sound of soft coughing and sniffles. Over time the coughing got worse, accompanied by a wheezing. Lupin and Hyacinth were first awake to investigate in a groggy state; the Skydancer gasping as pain shot through his damaged wing in his attempts to dislodge the still sleeping Iris, whose neck had at some point wrapped around his own.

With slow, careful placement of his paws the Gaoler unsteadily picked his way through the mat of sleeping dragons, some of whom had also begun to stir at the movement. Flicking his fluffy ears about Lupin eventually determined that the sounds were coming from Gardenia, the Tundra a shaking ball of blue fur pressed in the corner. He lay a hand on her shoulder to rouse her, baulking at the state of her face as she looked up at him. Sleep gunk clotted the corners of her deep blue eyes, mucous running from her nose over her upper lip. Her mouth was open and she seemed to be struggling to take in air.

“What is it, Lupe?” Hyacinth asked quietly as he picked his way over to the thick-furred dragon. Then he peered down at Gardenia and had stop himself from stepping back. He wasn't sure whose tail was behind him but he wasn't keen to step on it and find out. “Oh my, Gardenia, what happened to you?”

“She needs air.” Lupin stated, offering an arm to help his racial cousin to her feet. She took it, staggering about as she tried to stand at which the Gaoler simply used both arms to pick her up. “I will take her outside.” Before the Skydancer could comment Lupin had already stepped over Zinnia to get to the cave opening.

Hyacinth moved to follow, only to stop as a groggy voice asked, “Wha happ'n?” He glanced down, barely able to make out a silvery and blue shape shifting on the black mass that was Zinnia.

“Gardenia is sick, Alli. Lupin's taking her outside for fresh air.”

“Gardie sick?” Allium unsteadily got to her feet and began working her large wings in attempt to get airborne. “Can see her?”

Holding out a spindly arm for the Fae to hold onto Hyacinth nodded. “Of course.”

Outside Lupin was holding Gardenia by her shoulders, the rest of her body sagging, as she coughed and spluttered. The mucous on her snout was smeared where she'd tried to wipe it away, to little success. As Cin and Alli joined them the Gaoler gave Hyacinth a pleading look. “A rag, please.”

He blinked a couple times at the statement, then turned to fish through their belongings for an old cloth. Finding an adequate strip he hobbled back over to the fluffy pair, holding it out. Lupin took it with a grateful nod and began wiping Gardenia's face with it.

“What is wrong with her?” Lupin asked, heavy with concern. She'd been perfectly fine the previous evening it had seemed.

The Skydancer deposited Allium on a nearby rock, only for her to flit up to her favourite perch on Lupin's antler stump, and moved forward to press a bony hand against the Tundra's chest. “I can't say for sure without my spectacles or medical equipment,” he commented sadly as he measured her breathing. He could feel her lungs rattling, “but it seems at the very basic that Gardenia has picked up a chest infection of sorts.” He pulled away to look her over, golden eyes narrowed as he squinted to pick out the details in the dawn gloom. “If we're lucky it's nothing more than a common cold.”

“If we're lucky?” Allium parroted, a fin and crest on one side lowered as the other side quivered. “What if not?”

Hyacinth reached to adjust specs that were not present, a habit he couldn't yet get away from. “I don't want to think about if we're not lucky. Not when we lack medication and proper equipment.” Feeling her large red eyes on him along with Lupin's dark green ones he sighed, giving them a pained look. “It could be something called pneumonia. And that's bad if we can't treat it.”

“What about box?” Allium insisted, gesturing wildly with limb and fin. “Have meddy-cayshun in box for new-moan-ear?” Her attempts to say the words would have been adorable had the situation not been potentially dire.

“Sadly not.” Hyacinth shook his head. “Only general things for injuries like mine.” Here he pointed at his bandaged wing, sucking in a breath as he accidentally jostled it. “Tell me, Gardenia,” he said, getting her attention and holding her head in his hand to help steady her, “How do you feel?”

Gardenia remained quiet for a moment as she swayed, forcing in deep breaths through a tightened throat. “Can't... can't breath good.” she responded after a while. “Feel... weak. Cold. And hot. And my head hurts.”

“Fever.” Hyacinth concluded. “We can treat that.”

“How help?” Lupin cut in suddenly, then corrected himself, “How we- How can we help?”

The Skydancer couldn't help but crack a smile at the progress the children were making with their speaking. It wouldn't be long before they could all have proper conversations. For now though... “She just needs rest and lots of water.” He told the anxious pair. “We may need to stay here for a while so she can recover.”

“But she will be okay?” Lupin asked again, head low.

“If we can make her comfortable and not move too much, and as long as she keeps her fluids up, then yes. She will be okay.”

Lupin blew out a breath none of them realised he'd been holding. Allium, too, had relaxed her fins and had crawled down over Lupin's muzzle to pat Gardenia's snout comfortingly.

A great yawn and the sound of approaching heavy footsteps caused the four of them to look up in surprise. “Hey, what's...” Magnolia paused to yawn again as she lumbered over to the small group, “What's going on? You guys are up early.”

“Sorry to disturb you Maggie.” Hyacinth apologised, bobbing his head at the Ridgeback. “Gardenia's caught a fever of sorts. We brought her out for some air as we figured out what best to do for her.”

Worry creased Magnolia's pointed features as she lowered herself down to better regard them all. “Oh dear sweet Gardenia I'm so sorry.” She ran a long finger over the Tundra's back gently, stroking the pale blue fur. “You'll be okay. We'll take good care of you.”

“We'll have to ask Aster if he'd mind us staying here.” Hyacinth pointed out, a hand going to his chin. “It wouldn't do her any good to travel in this condition.”

Maggie jolted at the statement, throwing the Skydancer a look of fear. “But that would mean...” She flicked her ice-blue eyes over at the youngsters and back again, unsure how to continue. “That thing...” she managed, bringing her snout closer to Hyacinth to whisper to him.

A hum of concerned agreement reverberated in Hyacinth's throat at this. “We can only hope you flew us far out enough. We cannot risk it right now.”

The Ridgeback's spines rattled in apprehension. “We should tell Aster then. It won't be easy to explain but it wouldn't be fair if we didn't say anything at all.”

“Agreed.” Hyacinth stifled his own yawn, glancing up at a still-grey sky. “It's too early. We should gather some cloth to make a temporary nest for Gardenia to sleep in comfortably. Then we'll inform the others in the morning and decide from there what to do.”


The next few hours dragged by restlessly. Lupin had wanted to coil around the cloth nest Gardenia was now resting in, but there hadn't been enough space for him to do so without disturbing the others. He slumped unhappily on the far side of the cave where he'd been prior to waking, continuously lifting his head to check on his ersatz sister. Allium, however, had draped herself over the Tundra as some form of living blanket. Hyacinth had managed to slip back into his spot without waking Iris, though she did mumble something as she shifted, her arm now over his back in a very interesting way. Since that movement he suddenly no longer found himself to be tired.

After what felt like an age the other members of the group started to rouse, yawning and stretching and wishing each other good morning. Iris couldn't work out why Hyacinth was so tense or why he avoided her gaze. Allium chirruped a greeting, having managed to fall back to sleep with the rise and fall of Gardenia's sides. Gardenia herself didn't look much better than she had earlier, though managed to remain asleep even with the flurry of activity. Lupin had dozed off at some point, shooting awake as the others moved and now appeared to be sporting a headache because of it.

The only one in the cave other than the sick Tundra who hadn't made any movement was Aster, the great purple Guardian not moving from the same position they'd found him in the previous evening. It hadn't looked like he'd even shifted to get comfortable. This didn't go unnoticed, at the same time no one made comment of it. Mostly conversation centred around Gardenia's condition and the fact they'd need to stay for her to rest.

Zinnia was immediately against this, calling everyone else outside and nudging awake a decidedly lazy Magnolia to address the reasons why they should not stay.

“It was discussed earlier.” Hyacinth explained before Zin could go too far into her tirade. “Lupin, Allium and I had...” he yawned, raising brows from those who'd managed to kip peacefully. “We'd gotten up to help Dene. Maggie and I already spoke about this so we could bring it up to you when you were...” he yawned again, trailing off.

“Well thanks for telling us immediately, Cin.” the Bogsneak scoffed. “It was ever so helpful to know that.”

“We didn't want to worry Aster.” A still sleepy Magnolia chimed in, sprawled in the grass alongside the group. “We wanted to get together like this to discuss it before we tell him about... that.” Lupin and Allium lifted their heads at that, the Ridgeback jamming her mouth shut and turning away.

“The monster.” Lupin said for her, eliciting an intake of breath from the white dragon. “We know.”

“But then how do we explain to Aster that there's a... that we're being pursued?” Iris asked as she fiddled with the knot of her rope harness. “It's not like we can waltz in and say, “hey by the way we're being chased by a zombie Guardian, hope you don't mind”.”

Hyacinth nodded. “We'll need to be careful how we word it to not make him suspicious. Whatever we come up with we need to ensure Gardenia can get her rest.”

“I dunno.” Zinnia shrugged. “I kind of like the direct approach.”

“I don't think we should.” Iris continued, fins drooping slightly. “Did you guys notice that he hasn't moved an inch since we got here?”

Again Zinnia shrugged. “Not like there was room for him to do much with all of us crammed in there with him.”

The Mirror's comment had gotten Magnolia to her feet, stepping around the group to stick her nose inside to see for herself. Even now the Guardian's bulk lay against the wall, head obscured by his body and so impossible to tell how he was. “That's not right.” She murmured, back out to address the others. “Even the laziest dragons move around a little bit.”

“I also don't see anything that could be his Charge.” Iris pointed out. “Unless it's this place in general.” A hand ran over a bony frill as she pondered her own words. “Or... something happened to it?”

That made everyone glance over at the unmoving Guardian. “He does look kind of skinny, now that you mention it.” Hyacinth admitted, scanning the great purple shape. “At least he looks smaller than other Guardians I met back at Mistral Zenith.” Magnolia nodded vehemently at this.

“Huh.” Zinnia flicked her tongue as she examined Aster again. “Looks kinda bulky to me.”

“His musculature is impressive to be sure.” Hyacinth agreed. “However the rest of him seems less so and I get the impression his muscles were even greater at one time.” He repositioned his stance, rolling his bad wing and carefully unfurling it. “If only I could get a better look at him. What Iris says has me worried.”

“Hey Aster!” Maggie bellowed into the cave, causing the others to cower and cover their ears at the sudden volume. “We're getting breakfast, what do you want to eat?”

The sound of small movement and rustling wings left the cave as Aster snaked his head over his shoulder, where I then lay despondently. “Nothing. Thank you.” His vivid pink eyes held no focus nor shine, his voice lacking emotion.

“You sure?” Magnolia continued in her raised tone. “It's the least we can do to say thanks!”

“You can say thanks without yelling, you know...” Zinnia grumbled, sticking a digit into her earhole.

Still not much of a reaction from Aster as the Guardian watched them milling about outside. “Your words and company are thanks enough.” He said unemotionally. “I... I will get myself something. You needn't worry.” At that his head slipped back down by his chest, out of sight. Everyone waited for a few minutes but he did not rise.

A series of concerned glances of varying intensity passed each set of eyes. Gradually the group set about preparing the supplies they had sequestered away in their belongings. “Maybe the scent of something cooking will change his mind.” Maggie suggested as Zinnia set up a campfire. The Bogsneak grunted in response, shifting the position of the stone and wood so that the smells could easier waft into the cave.

“Oh, can we help you?”

The pair looked up, as did Allium, Lupin and Hyacinth as they chatted a few paces away. Iris had wheeled over to a figure that had approached while they hadn't paid attention. The creature was slender and bipedal, far smaller than most dragons and bore a mane that appeared to be made of branches and golden brown leaves rather than fur or hair, which the rest of its body also lacked. Over tan, almost bark-like skin it wore a vest made of leaves not unlike those growing from its head, yet at the same time different as they were woven into a brown cloth-like material. A string of beads wrapped around one green leg and its deer-like ears flicked in different directions to catch various sounds around them.

“Forgive my interruption.” It spoke in a soft, feminine voice. “I had begun my journey here after sensing strong Nature magic in the area, made swifter when I caught the scent of sickness nearby.” She bowed low, one arm in front of her chest and the other over her back. “I wished to help, if I am able?”

Scent of sickness? All eyes turned to Gardenia asleep in Aster's cave. Strong Nature magic? All eyes fell on Lupin, who tensed and lowered under their scrutiny. Who and what was this creature? All eyes returned to the newcomer expectantly.

“You're a... dryad, aren't you?” Magnolia asked, tilting her head at the stranger. “I've only heard about them in stories.”

“Understandable.” they dryad responded with a curt nod and small smile. “We don't normally wander far from our trees. However I could not help but find myself drawn to the magic practiced around here. I am grateful to our earth for lending me the strength to keep up with you.”

Iris' fans flared as realisation struck. The daisies Lupin had been watching over after the zombie attacked! Had.. had he... grown them? Already?

“I must also then extend my thanks for you bringing me here.” the golden-leafed dryad continued, motioning towards the cave. “It would appear two of yours are very ill. This does not sit well with me and so I offer whatever aid I can give. If you would accept it.”

Two of yours. Magnolia's mouth pressed into a grim line. “So Aster is sick, too?”

“I do not know who your Aster is, only that the two beings inside the cave are unwell.”

“I knew it...” Iris muttered aloud, glancing back at the Guardian again. “His Charge must have...”

At the mention of Charges Allium's frills flared and crests stood straight with interest. Before anyone had the chance to stop her the Fae had darted inside the cave, perched on Aster's shoulder and started to pelt him with questions.

“Oh, Alli, no!” Iris called, racing in after her, wheels clattering over the rock.

“Did... I did something wrong?” the dryad asked ashamedly, bringing both hands up to her flat yet elegant face. “I did not mean to cause trouble.”

“No trouble.” It was Lupin who'd spoken this time, finding confidence to approach the strange plantlike creature. He cocked his head with interest as he looked her over. “You know Nature magic?” He asked, placing a paw on the ground, focusing. When he lifted it there was a small patch of mixed wild flower shoots.

To this the dryad knelt, cupping her hands around the shoots. Closing her eyes and whispering softly the shoots grew out, blooming as if they'd always been full grown. She opened her now twinkling eyes. “Impressive for one so young. Ah but it is only your body that is young for you have an ancient mind, yes?” Lupin did not reply, neither did he seem at all as confused as the others watching them. “My name is Willow. May I accompany you, child of the Gladekeeper?”

Next Chapter
Inventory/Notes: Breed/Scatter x2 or G1 purchase x1

Last edited by Varethyn on Sun Aug 11, 2019 1:04 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: An Ill Wind Blows (Side Pinkerlocke)

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good story adore the little fae on her snail


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Re: An Ill Wind Blows (Side Pinkerlocke)

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:hug: Syleye :)

Chapter 13 is now up as well!

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Rest in peace mum. I really did love and miss you, even if I never got to see you.

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Re: An Ill Wind Blows (Side Pinkerlocke)

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Day 36
Plunking this in IWB but it can apply for both stories... except I don't know any more aaaaaa-

Pinkerton is determined to see my clan grow. But I'm not at all comfortable with the amount of breeding prompts I have stockpiled. The only pair compatible lore-wise over both stories is Noelani and Whisper, who've already bred and are waiting on their eggs at the current point in time so it makes no sense to breed them again.

I could buy a new G1 for one of them, but both either have dragons waiting already or got new additions too recently. I'm already struggling with Verbena and Plumeria as I didn't click with them the same way I clicked with the rest of IWB's cast. Add to that G1s will likely always be a starter, nocturne or bogsneak since you can't naturally get G1s of the other breeds; those that are on the AH are going for absurd amounts. I won't lie - I really, really want more gaolers :lol: I could apply the breed-change rule from hatching eggs however.

My main thought is to once again modify the rules and reintroduce genes as apparel prompts. Maybe keep it so the dragons need to reach certain levels to "earn" their genes but still need an apparel pull to apply them. Plus there's no rule that states they must keep that gene if I find something that works better for them, like a new gene or such. The problem with this is that I have a terribly hard time making treasure so either way there will be a stockpile for something. But at least that way I won't have multiple nests at the same time or the same pair breeding endlessly.

One other thought (and this goes for all prompts) is to use RNG to determine if it can be a reader event. Cos let's face it, my luck is completely shot right now. Chances are I won't ever pull a 5- or rainbow-star item from Pinkerton. For apparel prompts that would offer you guys a chance to breed one of your dragons with one of mine. We can write it off as a secret fling (or something more sinister if you're into that). That way even if no one decides they want to join in the prompt isn't totally wasted on another breeding stockpile I likely won't use for a very long time.

As a recap of reader events:
Materials - Write something for or about my Pinkerlockes! Write a bio for the characters, write them a letter from your clan, maybe write a short story about them (I accept shipping!). Whatever comes to mind!
Trinkets - Do some fanart for my Pinkerlockes! Draw a dragon or several, design a bio template or an outfit for them, draw them as humans/gijinkas. Whatever you feel like doing!
Familiars - Send over a dragon from your lair (as you feel comfortable with - breedjects and exalt fodder work just fine) to join one of my Pinkerlocke as a new character! Backstories/lore are a bonus!
Apparel - Choose one of my dragons to breed with one of your own! Your dragon will appear in the Pinkerlocke in story only and only for the duration of the nest.
Alternatively - If you're not feeling creative but still want to participate maybe send over a gift! Food, battle items, dragons (as long as they're hatchlings/lv1), anything you think will help out!

Inventory/Notes: Breed/Scatter x3 (???) or G1 purchase x1

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Rest in peace mum. I really did love and miss you, even if I never got to see you.

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Re: An Ill Wind Blows (Side Pinkerlocke)

Unread post by Ana »

I vote for another Gaoler!!! and just RP it to be a first gen.. :D


HUGE thanks to Makoes, Syleye, FeralClaw, Pingupuff, Karin,Bowno, Varethyn, Ashaine, Kishay, Aki (Täräin13), my friend Marie and some lovely ppl on Fligth Rising for my lovely sig

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Re: An Ill Wind Blows (Side Pinkerlocke)

Unread post by Krysteena »

I've missed so much, goodness, I had a whale of a time reading the last few chapters! I agree with Mirya that the new G1 could be a gaoler - Lupin could have someone to learn from, or someone to teach :)

The new idea for reader prompts sounds good, too! I can't say I'll always be able to throw something in there but I'll do my best :D
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Re: An Ill Wind Blows (Side Pinkerlocke)

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I read but due to RL i won't be able to participate. .sorry about that. I love your stories


HUGE thanks to Makoes, Syleye, FeralClaw, Pingupuff, Karin,Bowno, Varethyn, Ashaine, Kishay, Aki (Täräin13), my friend Marie and some lovely ppl on Fligth Rising for my lovely sig

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Re: An Ill Wind Blows (Side Pinkerlocke)

Unread post by Varethyn »

It's absolutely fine if you choose not to participate :hug: The Alternative option is for all prompts, so whichever comes up and you're not capable or interested but still wish to do something you can just send a small gift of your choosing. However I do not at all expect everyone to participate at all if you don't want to. I know you in particular have a lot on your plate, Mirya <3

How I think the decision to make it a reader prompt will be made is I'll RNG something like 1-10 or 1-50 where if it's 10 or 40-50 it'll be a reader event that day. I don't want it to be too rare after all, though 1-100 may also be a possibility. I'll probably just announce it rather than post a screengrab of the number so you'd have to take my word on me not being super lazy/demanding :lol: After all you wouldn't be able to see the quality of the items I post either. ...of course with those you can look it up. *Cough.*

As for the G1... Meet Alstroemeria!

Inventory/Notes: Breed/Gene x2

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Rest in peace mum. I really did love and miss you, even if I never got to see you.

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Re: An Ill Wind Blows (Side Pinkerlocke)

Unread post by Ana »

Love her colors and her name! !


HUGE thanks to Makoes, Syleye, FeralClaw, Pingupuff, Karin,Bowno, Varethyn, Ashaine, Kishay, Aki (Täräin13), my friend Marie and some lovely ppl on Fligth Rising for my lovely sig

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Re: An Ill Wind Blows (Side Pinkerlocke)

Unread post by Krysteena »

Honestly, if you wanted a break, I'm all in support for you just throwing your hands up and saying you'd prefer a reader event as opposed to whatever Pinkerton has thrown at you tbh. Whatever works for you, you do! :D

Alstroemeria Is super cute, and I love her with both blossom and gnarlhorns! The uncommon eyes look really good when she's all grown up, too :)
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Re: An Ill Wind Blows (Side Pinkerlocke)

Unread post by Varethyn »

Oh no, I don't need a break right now! I'm just eager to let everyone get involved :hug:

Yeah I'm stoked I got her! Those shades of green and red really work together and gaoler terts are a godsend for awkward colours. I already have a few ideas for her joining, too!

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Rest in peace mum. I really did love and miss you, even if I never got to see you.

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Re: An Ill Wind Blows (Side Pinkerlocke)

Unread post by Varethyn »

Day 37

Whhhhhyyyyyy? I just got Alstroemeria!


Hahhh... Rolled a 12 which means coatl. Meet Wisteria I suppose :lol:

Yup, more Arcane at that. Geez. Not sure which side of the story she'll appear in yet so stay tuned!

This is not how a Pinkerlocke is supposed to work

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Rest in peace mum. I really did love and miss you, even if I never got to see you.

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Re: An Ill Wind Blows (Side Pinkerlocke)

Unread post by Krysteena »

Oh Wisteria is super cute! Pale Coatl = lots of good lore ideas, omg, and her pale pink eyes? Totally could be the same concept - her tie to her element is weak/fading or something! I can't wait to see what you do with her :D
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