The Black Wind Howls [Pinkerlocke - Abandoned]

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Re: The Black Wind Howls [Pinkerlocke]

Unread post by Varethyn »

I've not yet asked Crim for her view on things, but they might be conspiring!


Haaaaaahhhhhhh! Thank you! A break and a new dragon!

Rolled a 1 so no one from the previous stories is joining yet, then rolled a 5 for Pearlcatcher. Meet Bunting!

I've tossed my scry idea in her bio already but as always I love seeing other thoughts! This will help out a lot while Sparrow's out.

Sparrow Incapacitated for 12 days

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Rest in peace mum. I really did love and miss you, even if I never got to see you.

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Re: The Black Wind Howls [Pinkerlocke]

Unread post by Ana »

.. I dont know why this scry pleases me



HUGE thanks to Makoes, Syleye, FeralClaw, Pingupuff, Karin,Bowno, Varethyn, Ashaine, Kishay, Aki (Täräin13), my friend Marie and some lovely ppl on Fligth Rising for my lovely sig

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Re: The Black Wind Howls [Pinkerlocke]

Unread post by AcadiAnne »

Glad to see everyone is hanging in there. The new girl is pretty! I liked Fade/ Blend on her, then I saw her mother had Capsule, so I put that one on, too.

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Re: The Black Wind Howls [Pinkerlocke]

Unread post by Varethyn »

Sorry for disappearing. Tarn's prediction was correct in that both Pink AND Crim have it out for me - Thursday Pink gave me a plant, which I ended up more forgetting to do than skipping. Then yesterday he gave me meat, which I DID skip. Checking in with Crim to catch up... she also wanted a plant! Oy...

Day 13
Image (From Crim)
Might as well get it over with.

Rolled Lia, Din and Shrike. Which I'm super grateful for. It would've been a disaster to take two lv1s into the Scorched forest with a lv9. Surprisingly it went super smoothly save for two fights I had to flee from - Shrike was ignored for her first couple of levels and when she did finally get hit she took it like a champ! So proud of her. Shrike is now lv5.

Notable loot:
Image - Rolled a 4 so we have another centaur buddy.

Day 14
Image (From Crim)
More art! Finally a break from fighting. Though would be nice to get the story rolling at some point.


Today's Pink pull was another trinket. Ran out of time today so look forward to that tomorrow!

Sparrow Incapacitated for 10 days

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Rest in peace mum. I really did love and miss you, even if I never got to see you.

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Re: The Black Wind Howls [Pinkerlocke]

Unread post by AcadiAnne »

I am so envious of your artistic skills. I'm lucky if my stick dragons have the right number of limbs. When it's time for reader contributions, I'm going to have to donate potions. :P
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Re: The Black Wind Howls [Pinkerlocke]

Unread post by Ana »

Amazing art hun! I think there should be a rule that if pinkerton and crim give the same item you should flip a coin
One side means you have to follow the loot
Other side means you can do what you want for the day? Just a thought


HUGE thanks to Makoes, Syleye, FeralClaw, Pingupuff, Karin,Bowno, Varethyn, Ashaine, Kishay, Aki (Täräin13), my friend Marie and some lovely ppl on Fligth Rising for my lovely sig

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Re: The Black Wind Howls [Pinkerlocke]

Unread post by Varethyn »

Sorry for the delay. My mood wasn't the greatest the last couple days.

AcadiAnne - Thank you! I don't consider myself a great artist and constantly find things wrong after the fact (What did I do to Camellia's wing-arms?! I completely forgot the elbows!). I can say that practice and trying new things does wonders even at slower speeds, so as long as you're interested in trying you'll improve :hug: As for reader contributions... I decided against doing those this time around as there was so little interest to make it worthwhile. I'm more than happy to receive donations but I do not expect anything :)

Tarn - Thanks! And thanks for the suggestion, though I don't think I'll do anything like that as the whole point of the challenge is to act on what you're given. I'd rather leave Crim pulls for days I miss and if I get the same item type Pink gave me for that day then so be it. If I'm really not happy with what I get I'll take a day off. I really do appreciate the idea!


Day 15
Battle and draw. Battle and draw. Battle an-

I'm not as happy with Sparrow as I am with Cardinal. I don't think I got the shape and angle of his head right. And the more I look at him the more he reminds me of a bonepriest or corpse cleaner. Which may be a compliment given that he is Plague.

Sparrow Incapacitated for 9 days

Check out PetEmote here! | Visit my Flight Rising lair!

Rest in peace mum. I really did love and miss you, even if I never got to see you.

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Re: The Black Wind Howls [Pinkerlocke]

Unread post by Varethyn »

Day 16

Chapter 1

A few years had passed since the eggs and kistune had been brought back to the clan. Since the two odd hatchlings had been born. For now the barrier had been relaxed, allowing free passage from every angle. For now, the area around Prismatic Aria was safe. Some relished this freedom more than others, who were anxious about being attacked while the shield was gone, taking wing and soaring just to stretch their wings.

Today anxiety was a little higher than normal; Ilmatar had left to, reluctantly, visit her birth clan after receiving news of her father's declining health. Whatever his illness was it was getting worse by the day, the messenger explaining that their leader could no longer leave his bed let alone his chamber.

It was more by duty than bond that drove the corrupted Coatl to risk visiting him now. With Ayaz' help she had somewhat managed to keep the Shade at bay, if with a noticeable increase in irritability born from her internal struggles. However, no one outside the clan knew about her harbouring the null entity, eating away first at her magic stores. If the news got out then she'd be hunted down like an animal.

It was a blessing, then, that two Gaolers had joined the colony, providing the deflection she needed. For now. It was difficult to persuade them, Alstroemeria in particular, not to attempt to remove the Shade from her. Yet they complied, if with strong suspicion for her and now travelled with her to Mistral Zenith.

As the morning light crept over the encircling mountains that protected clan Rising Chorus everything took on a sheen from the previous night's light showers, glinting under the sun's caress. Two pebbles in particular lit up with the valley as an Earthborn strawberry-red Banescale slipped out from the den she shared with her little family. Restless with the promise of exploration beyond the clan grounds Cardinal was too eager to sleep in, instead sneaking out while Camellia and Sparrow continued to slumber.

At the lip of the warren she flared her blue wings, lifting her serpentine neck to catch the warmth. It felt good on her arms and belly, charging her from the chill, damp night. It smelled good out here, the scent of wet soil and grass wafting around on a gentle breeze. As the wind played about her curved horns Din sat still, focusing. Waiting. Listening. Lia said if you listened hard enough you could hear voices. She frowned, disappointed, as any information was once again kept secret to her.

Sure, Lia had also said it had to do with elements and that some had an easier time hearing it than others. Since, as she had explained, the red Banescale was Earth element it might be even harder for her to pick anything out, as Wind and Earth were rivals. Rock stood firm, unrelenting against even the strongest gales but the whipping winds would smooth it, wear it down over time. Wind shaped Earth, not spoke with it even as the drafts whistled within caves and tunnels.

Well, I'll have to prove them wrong. Cardinal had declared to herself since learning this. I will be the first Earth dragon to hear the winds' secrets! And so she began the ritual of perching outside the den whenever the winds were present, as they often were, and listening. One day she'd hear something. Even if it were a small thing. Even if it wasn't that interesting. She'd hear the words on the wind.

A part of her had hoped that being extra early today would help. It did not. Nor though did she give up. Tomorrow then. Such was the final thought before the ancient breed began her morning by crossing the great plaza to rummage through the pantry cave on the far side. Having located a fresh arowana someone had caught even earlier than her Cardinal had taken it in her mouth out to the plaza and just begun tucking into the fish when a groggy brown shape all but collapsed nearby.

“See?” Sparrow drawled sleepily, stopping to yawn before continuing, “Tol' you she was stuffing her stupid face.”

Neck spikes prickling Cardinal let out a fish-muffled, “Hey!” at the insult. Swallowing, she added, “I don't have a stupid face, Stupid Face!”

“Now now.” The large, silver form of Camellia joined them, sluggish movement suggesting she'd been woken suddenly. “No one here has a stupid face, okay?” Despite her smile the usual humour was somewhat lacking as the Guardian fixed the smaller Banescale with a disapproving look. “What did I tell you about wandering off without me?”

Gripping the blue fish tightly in a talon Cardinal bristled in offence a moment, then relaxed and turned away guiltily. “I was excited to explore outside an' couldn't stay asleep.” Lia was far too protective for her liking, though she couldn't argue that the bigger dragon was only keeping her and Ro safe. At the same time the two Banescales were getting bigger themselves – soon they'd be exploring the world for themselves.

Camellia's face softened, plodding over to lightly nuzzle the smaller dragon. “That's okay. I get you're looking forward to going out.” Pulling away the great brow furrowed again. “But you know I don't like it when you wander off.”

“Jus' wanted breakfast...” Cardinal groused, eyeing her arowana. Okay, fine, it would've been better if she'd waited for it to be cooked but she was hungry and not about to wait for everyone else to wake up. Raw fish was fine. She took another bite.

“Can I have breakfast, Lia? Please?” Apparently the prospect of food had revived Sparrow enough to stand up and beg. Din rolled her eyes.


After a small breakfast consisting of roasted hedgehog and clown fish for Sparrow and a plant salad with a delightful surprise of slugs hidden within for Camellia the three did some stretches (to prepare them for the day, Lia insisted) then, with the Guardian leading the way, wound around to the western side of the clan.

Here sprawled a swatch of fields the clan had cleared out to grow fruit and vegetables for the herbivores among them and the insects they attracted for the insectivores; The closest were reserved for the dragons themselves while the further ones were left to grow wild to encourage wildlife in. It was these further fields that were used for hunting meat for the carnivores and for young and weak dragons to hone their skills. Lia had brought Din and Ro here to train for the past few months. Now it was time to go even further.

As the trio picked their way between the patches a creamy streak crossed their path. While it was easy enough for Lupin to use his Nature magic to grow and speed up the growth of the crops sometimes a physical hand was needed, no matter how small. Having been brought up in a monastery Aure had been taught the ways of farming from a young age, the Fae insisting he tend the fields with or without the Gaoler's influence. As he perched on a post to inspect a plot of butternut squash the light tremble of his frills gave away the monk's contentedness to be out here.

Exchanging a brief greeting Camellia continued to guide her young Charges deeper into the plantlife, each patch becoming more and more overgrown as they were left to their own devices until they reached the trees marking the edge of clan territory. They stopped short of the natural barrier, Lia preparing herself for what lay ahead as the Banescales hopped in youthful anticipation. As she lingered the tiny pair turned to face her, expressions ranging from impatience to excitement.

The way they stood, with their lack of forelimbs and with wings held slightly away from their slender bodies the Guardian could not help but compare them to the creatures she'd named them after, so birdlike they were. No matter how many times she regarded them together in this way she could not help but marvel at how almost perfectly opposite they were. Female and male. Cardinal with her strawberry-red scales and slate-brown eyes, Sparrow with his slate-brown scales and strawberry-red eyes. Then their truly opposite wing colours: Hers blue, his orange. The only way they'd be perfect would be if Ro were of Water or Din Nature.

“Come ooooooon!” Ro squealed, hopping from foot to foot and fluttering his saffron wings. “Why'd we stop? Let's go esplore!”

“Explore.” Cardinal corrected, sticking a pointed tongue out at her ersatz brother. Then to Lia, “Why did we stop?”

Camellia did not share the same enthusiasm her Charges did. Out there was a lot more dangerous than the grazers were, than some of the predators that hunted them were. Gone would be pocketmice and chipskinks. And she still could not forgive the time Din tussled with a wayward mith that had come to investigate the crops. Poor Din was left in a right state. It was not a good way to discover allergies to moth scales.

Not for the first time did the silver dragon wonder if she should have asked Sonata and Nocturne to come along with them, to watch over the lives the eggs they'd saved had harboured. It was still too early for her own liking, having jolted awake at the sensation of one of the Banescales moving too far away. It would no doubt be too early for the foxes, too. Or late. That's right, foxes were nocturnal naturally. They'd probably only recently bedded down for the day.

“Because,” she started, her mouth turning dry at the leap, “it will be a lot more dangerous than our training fields. Much more.”

Sparrow snorted, unconvinced. “How dangerous could it be?”

Beside him Cardinal lost some of her courage. Shifting and tapping her wing-wrists together she asked, “...there aren't miths there, too, are there?”

Despite herself Lia snorted a laugh. “No, thankfully.” She chuckled, receiving a glare from Din. “But...” Taking a breath to steady herself Lia tried again, “But there are still giant moths, which miths are related to. So we'll need to be careful with those.”

“Soooo the real danger is that moths live in the forest?” Sparrow groused, slumping with dissatisfaction. “That's it? Cos it's dangerous for Din to start sneezing?”

“Allergies are serious business, Sparrow.” Camellia explained gently, though resisting the urge to sigh at him. It was too early. She hadn't gotten the chance to work up her usual pep yet. “Cardinal couldn't breathe because the scales irritated her lungs. It's a good thing I know some Wind magic to help clear them.” Cardinal shuddered at the memory. “Besides that,” Lia continued, placing a claw on the beige Banescale's shoulder, “basilisks like to live in the woods. So do snakes that can easily crush a small dragon, and owls who disguise themselves as bushes. We must be careful.”

Unperturbed Ro pressed, “Yeah but if we can get through the forest then it'll be easier on the other side, right?”

That gave the Guardian pause. How could she explain the Shade, let alone how it twisted and corrupted even the strongest of dragons? Ayaz had let his barrier down, which meant there was no immediate threat from it and so they were unlikely to encounter anything. Still, one day they'd meet such a creature. Empowered by rage born of pain as they were eaten from the inside-out, once sapient dragons and beastclans driven berserk, unable to see reason. These two were not ready for that.

“It would be easier, yes.” It was a half-truth. With the open plains of mainland Windswept Plateau came a lack of objects for hostile individuals to hide within, behind or under. That didn't mean they would be safe entirely. Bandits, beastclans who stood against dragonkind, giant birds, great burrowing serpents. “And it will be even easier once you two have mastered flight.” An eye ridge raised. “You have been practicing, haven't you?”

Fully expecting to scold the two for not doing as they were told Lia was pleasantly surprised when both of the Banescales began flapping their wings in a more pronounced pattern. It was difficult helping to find a good rhythm for them, as it is for any one species of dragon to teach another, entirely different one, yet here they were with something promising. Smaller and with bigger wings Din was having an easier time leaving the ground, if clumsily as she adjusted to her rapidly growing limbs. Lankier with smaller wings, Ro was having a tougher time though nonetheless achieved lift-off cleanly a few times.

Good. Camellia's grinned proudly at their progress. It will be wondrous when they don't need to totter around on two legs for so long.

Satisfied, the Guardian told the two that it was enough for now and that they'd earned passage through the trees. Jubilant, Ro was first to sprint to the edge of the forest with his longer legs. Din was slower, not only in being shorter but with a breathing issue brought on from her almost deadly encounter with the lunar mith.

Traversing the woodland path, for all her warning and wariness, proved to be a lot easier than expected. Likely intimidated by Lia's large size most of the inhabitants slunk back to watch from the safety of bushes, of branches, of rocky piles, of fallen logs. Passage was smooth and safe, save for Camellia running into a blooming strangler hanging in a very inconvenient spot. She panicked as the snakelike creature tightened its grip about her neck, though it was only brief as she was able to pry off the living scarf and toss it into a pile of leaves from where it indignantly slithered away into the undergrowth.

Once the last tree had been passed Din and Ro could only sit and stare out at the sprawling grassy plains. Save for the occasional copse upon a hill or cluster of bamboo stalks the land stretched, empty, from horizon to horizon. A herd of deer grazed peacefully nearby. Hares hopping in and out of a green sea, appearing for a moment then vanishing between the tall blades. A flock of small birds flew overhead. Bees buzzed and butterflies flitted between brightly coloured though sparsely spread flowers.

“Wow...” Cardinal breathed, drinking in the sight.

“It's so...” Ro clicked his tongue as he searched for an appropriate word. “Big.”

A chuckle rumbled in Lia's chest as she agreed, “It certainly is. One day, when you can fly properly, we'll explore it all together. For now though,” still smiling she lowered her head to hold her Charges' eyes with her own, “we stay near the trees. I do not want you getting lost, okay?”

There was no argument. The sheer vastness of the Plateau had stunned the tiny two into obedience. Which was a relief for the Guardian: tt wouldn't take long for them to disappear in the long grasses given the chance.

“So you come out here to get meat?” As they followed the arboreal perimeter of Prismatic Aria the adolescent dragons began to pelt their peer with questions about hunting, what different animals were called and how to catch them. In her explanation Lia was surprised when it was discovered that the deer they'd seen weren't normal deer, as they began flaring feathered wings that the cervidae would not normally possess.


It had always been a mystery how some herds of the winged deer who cast shadows akin to a dragon had become docile prey animals rather than the greatly feared, heart-eating demons myth had painted them as. Yet here they were – a herd (flock?) of rosy peryton. Content to consume plants than flesh.

As the trio were studying these fascinating creatures a loud hissing rang out behind them, making them all spin around. A blooming strangler, bent petals revealing it to be the one Camellia had tangled with earlier. Why had it followed them so far? And why was it now aggressive? Ushering Ro and Din behind her Lia poised to attack should it make a move. It hissed again. No it didn't. There was definitely a serpentine hiss but it was not the strangler that made it. In fact the snake was measuring them curiously more than readying to strike.

“Is there another one?” Din inquired, peaking around the silver-birch-trunk-like leg she'd been nudged behind. “Or can snakes use vantra... vitrol... that thing where they make noise come from somewhere else?”

“Maybe.” But then, why would it keep hidden when this one was making itself so obvious? The Guardian took a tentative step forward, then jumped as a very strange sight greeted her. Another hiss, coming from a very not snakelike Nocturne hatchling that wriggled out on its belly, arms, legs and wings pressed tightly against a worryingly thin, grey body. “Well, hello!” Lia cooed, though she did not make any further movement as the hatchling slithered towards them. “What are you doing out here?”

Two tiny suns blinked up at the Guardian as the young Nocturne rose up on its knees, pretending to arc like a snake preparing to lunge as it bared pointy teeth. It hissed again, wobbling with the unnatural stance. That was when the real blooming strangler slid over, wrapping its leafy body around the small dragon. “Ah!” A fumbling step brought Lia closer as she reached out as if she could stop the snake from harming the child. Then faltered as she watched the strangler settle, loosely wrapped around the Nocturne protectively, staring up at the bigger dragons.

“What's happening?” Ro asked, fully leaving the safety of the Guardian's leg. “Is that another dragon?”

Camellia had to think for a lot longer than she'd liked, not recognising what breed of dragon it was save for the word “Nocturne”, which was humorous given the name of one of the kitsune. Working her mind she sought what she'd learned about other species of dragon.

From the stories told by her mother there once had been a Nocturne travelling with the group that she'd been a part of. Magnolia had recounted sadly how well Orchid had been able to play any music she'd heard on her travels with her Coatl partner, Wisteria. That... yes, that was it. How Nocturnes as a breed were capable of mimicking anything from sounds to movement, to another dragon's voice. That must be what was happening here. And yet... why a strangler? Out in the forest? How long had the poor dear been lost, thinking itself a snake so close to home?

“Yes, it is.” The response was delayed, bewildered. Lia could not fathom a lone hatchling living like this.

Not hearing further questions she blundered across the remaining distance between her and the mystery dragon, who hissed again and almost toppled over. This caused her to lurch forward to steady it, not thinking about how it or the blooming strangler would react to the action. Thankfully neither moved to harm her, only stare up at her curiously. “Come on, little one.” She whispered, lifting the Nocturne into the air. Carefully she slid her claws under the strangler to pull it away only for the coils to tighten slightly, preventing removal. “You really like the little one, don't you?”

She blinked. Did the strangler nod in response? No... it had to have been a convenient, unrelated motion. “W-well.” Lia licked her lips in consideration. “I guess... we'll just have to bring you both home.”

“Do I have to deal with another brother or sister?” Griped Ro from his spot in the grass. He'd folded his wings over each other in refusal at the situation. Din however, while also not keen on the idea, was instead leaning forwards in hopes for a better view. Camellia complied by turning around to display the now-squirming Nocturne hatchling.

“Not necessarily.” Another chuckle, breaking the tension she'd felt until now. “But she will be staying with us until we find her family.”

This hadn't been the training nor exploration any of them had imagined.

Sparrow Incapacitated for 8 days

Fun fact: Aure was set to make a cameo here long before he got pulled in!
Last edited by Varethyn on Fri Jul 17, 2020 8:40 pm, edited 5 times in total.

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Rest in peace mum. I really did love and miss you, even if I never got to see you.

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Re: The Black Wind Howls [Pinkerlocke]

Unread post by Varethyn »

Day 17

Another dragon joins us!

And I rolled a 10! Which means I get to bring in someone from the previous stories as long as they're a similar level!
Let's give a warm welcome back to Aure! It will be great to get to know him better in a new setting.


It was a toss-up between Aure, Ciro, Anemone and Gladiolus (yes, Iris' kids might join us!) but I chose Aure as he's still lv1 and the only one who is. At the same time I'm sorely tempted to sacrifice my next familiar pull to bring in Ciro as well given how the pair were introduced. Let me know what you think on that!

Day 18

Din and Ro are RTB annoyingly so normally I'd be annoyed getting this before any significant story progress. But Ro's not allowed to participate anyway so hah.

However! Given the above entry I'd like an opinion. Should I make use of this to bring in Ciro anyway, and if I do should I still still sacrifice the next familiar since previous characters are a special addition? Or just hatch another egg/buy a G1 off the AH?

Sparrow Incapacitated for 6 days

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Rest in peace mum. I really did love and miss you, even if I never got to see you.

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Re: The Black Wind Howls [Pinkerlocke]

Unread post by Ana »

An egg could be fun! I love the art and yes there is a corpse cleaner resemblence but imo thats a good thing
Welcome Aure. I made a scry for him Image


HUGE thanks to Makoes, Syleye, FeralClaw, Pingupuff, Karin,Bowno, Varethyn, Ashaine, Kishay, Aki (Täräin13), my friend Marie and some lovely ppl on Fligth Rising for my lovely sig

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Re: The Black Wind Howls [Pinkerlocke]

Unread post by AcadiAnne »

I second the egg. Eggs are fun! They're a blank slate, and the rules allow breed changes. Can't wait to see what you decide. Open open open! j/k
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Re: The Black Wind Howls [Pinkerlocke]

Unread post by Varethyn »

I really should stop letting myself get distracted by stuff. Blegh.

At you guys' suggestion I opened an egg for the apparel pull and got this colourful little guy:

As always I look forward to any scry ideas! And remember, he doesn't have to stay a Nocturne - non-nest eggs get one breed change as long as it's before they're introduced in the story! ...Yes the rule says the next story post but I haven't exactly been given much in the way of writing prompts and still struggling with the one I did get. Improv!

I'll try to make good on a proper update tomorrow if life will let me x_x

Sparrow Incapacitated for 5 days

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Rest in peace mum. I really did love and miss you, even if I never got to see you.

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Re: The Black Wind Howls [Pinkerlocke]

Unread post by AcadiAnne »

There aren't any Spirals yet; how about a Spiral?


The Spiral breed change scroll is awfully expensive, though. Swirl/ Toxin would be cute on a Fae, too.

But leaving him a Nocturne would give you a potential breeding pair that would make interesting Nocturne babies.
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Re: The Black Wind Howls [Pinkerlocke]

Unread post by Ana »

Lore idea name him Hyacinth - and his braids are the flowers? Oki i suck at writing lol



HUGE thanks to Makoes, Syleye, FeralClaw, Pingupuff, Karin,Bowno, Varethyn, Ashaine, Kishay, Aki (Täräin13), my friend Marie and some lovely ppl on Fligth Rising for my lovely sig

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Re: The Black Wind Howls [Pinkerlocke]

Unread post by Varethyn »

So. Update. Fuuuuuuun. Why?

Never stop fighting apparently.

...*Sighs heavily.* This is what I dreaded from having done so much fighting already. Rolled Aure (of course), Cardinal (OF COURSE) and Shrike.

As you all may imagine, this did not turn out well. Though not as you might imagine. Slowly, very, very slowly and with a LOT of fleeing the team made it 9 rounds. Aure did get KO'd once but he was still lv1 so it didn't count. Round 9... Both Cardinal and Shrike got crit by jackalopes, leaving Shrike bleeding. Both had seemingly enough health to survive a round of potions so I had Din heal herself... I did not think to check the bleed damage on Shrike. While she'd have enough health to survive a regular bleed debuff this had been a crit. So she bled out.

And what did her blooming strangler roll? A 1. So not only did Shrike die, so did it. Good job, snake.

I didn't think to get a screenshot cos I was too upset, also why I didn't post again yesterday. I was so close to saying eff it and try again. I managed to suppress the urge however...

While She will be sent over to Falcon as she messaged me asking to adopt Shrike if she fell as she was in love with Shrike's colours. So while Shrike hasn't died in the story yet she is not for adoption.

On a brighter note I liked Tarn's scry of the hatchling as a Gaoler, so has he become along with the name of Kingfisher!

And! On the topic of story, Chapter 1 is finally ready! *Celebrates weakly and falls over.*

Sparrow Incapacitated for 3 days

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Rest in peace mum. I really did love and miss you, even if I never got to see you.

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Re: The Black Wind Howls [Pinkerlocke]

Unread post by Varethyn »

Day 20


Chapter 2

Several months had passed since the incident in the woods. Much to the Banescales' annoyance the first week or so had been spent within clan walls while Camellia tended to the orphan Nocturne, who kept mimicking the blooming strangler that insisted on tagging along. It was almost heart-wrenching for the Guardian to bear so she'd sought information on any known Nocturne families that lived nearby, only to come up short with everyone she asked.

“Maybe it was left over from the last Night of the Nocturne?” Anvindr had suggested at his turn as he stirred something thick and orange in the large cauldron he'd been given by his new Bogsneak penpal, Zinnia. “Dragon eggs are known to go dormant when there's no other dragons around, so maybe it got left there when the Nocturnes were active and kinda... stayed there?”

“But then, why didn't I find an egg?” Camellia countered, rocking the hatchling in one, thick arm which the strangler had wrapped around. “She was already hatched and acting like a snake when we found her.”

Pausing and resting against the comically oversized wooden spoon, the Spiral bit his lower lip in thought. “It's possible someone had awoken it when they were exploring back there.” He mused, rubbing a long ear with his spindly hand. “Or... well...” Whatever thought Vin had he chased away with a shake of the head. “Let's not think about that.”

Camellia tilted her head. “Or well what?” she pressed. The more idea of where the young one had come from, the better.

Hand transferred from ear to horn as the noodly black dragon began to tug at it in anxiety. L-l-let's just say, g-given her... um... dark colouration that I-I'm glad she has orange eyes.”

“What are you trying to say?!” It had come out unthinkingly, the Guardian bristling at the insinuation the clan alchemist was making, only to quickly shrink apologetically as clarity lent her truth. “I'm sorry.” She mumbled quietly. Aside from Din and Ro, everyone was well aware of the sudden spread of Shade presence since Clan Leader Ilmatar's encounter in what was now a Wind Shrine. It had been foolish of her to so quickly take in the Nocturne when she so easily could have been corrupted or touched.

“I'm sorry.” The great silver head bowed in apology to the spindly Spiral. “You're right, I... I should have thought things through first.”

Vin's grip on the large spoon, having returned to the wooden implement in attempt to continue his work, tightened a moment with the guilt of upsetting the young Guardian. “No! No you... you did good!” He'd tried to reassure his friend despite the uncertainty in his voice. “Just... promise you'll be more careful next time, yeah?”

Yeah. It had been another couple of months since that day. Picking her way up on foot Camellia now sat at the top of the mountains bordering the clan grounds to gaze out over the patch of forest she'd found Shrike in.

The dark little Nocturne had grown a lot since she was adopted by Lia and brought into Rising Chorus. Going from a hatchling that could easily fit in the Guardian's paw Shrike now almost rivalled Din in size and with promise to yet catch up. Vocally she had eventually transitioned from snake's hiss to proper draconic, though her words still carried a slight hissing to them not unlike Nathrach, Anvindr's serthis familiar and alchemy partner.

Cardinal and Sparrow had both almost reached their full size by this point, suggested by the slow down in development. While there was still room for them to grow it was no longer the day-by-day obvious spurts. More of a, “did your horns get longer?” or, “I'm sure your tail looks different” than, “oh wow you're almost twice the size as you were a few days ago!” that Sparrow had received a lot. He now stood almost twice as tall as Cardinal, though his wings were barely over half his body length which gave him a comically lanky stance.

Unnervingly, however, Shrike preferred to speak by mimicking the voices of other dragons, and sometimes the more sapient familiars, rather than using her own voice. It was uncertain, then, if she had actually learned to speak or was simply parroting what she heard. Sometimes it seemed not as the Nocturne ignored questions aimed at her; Other times she'd giggle and do as asked. It was a very strange time for everyone involved.

By this time Ilmatar and the Gaolers had returned from their trip. The Coatl had looked exhausted, only pausing long enough to greet her clan before delving down into the Wind Shrine cave where she'd stayed most of the day. Lupin and Alstroemeria took it in turns playing bouncer, asking that anyone who came to check up on their leader please leave her alone for now.

More worryingly was the heavy sense of unease that came with her return instead of the expected relief. As if her simply being here would attract unwanted attention. While tension was high during her absence nothing untoward had occurred. No strange behaviour in the wildlife, no insane dragons or undead constructs. No need for Ayaz' barrier. So why now, with Matar's presence, did things suddenly feel worse?

Was Shrike a bad omen?

Lia furrowed her brow at the thought as she swept the strip of forest and the plains beyond their fields. Of all the monstrosities described to her she had yet to experience anything of such ill nature herself. Except maybe one or two animals more aggressive than usual. Yet... the magic barrier had to have been put up for a reason, right? And it had been down that day, and every day thence.

Surely not, then.

The shadow of another dragon passed overhead then, though as Lia lifted her head to see who it was all she could see was a peryton like those in the herd she and the Banescales had seen. Maybe it was part of that herd. Lia had found herself fascinated by the winged deer-like creatures. The way they ate both plants and meat, the way they cast the shadow of a dragon rather than one like they were shaped. The stories associated with them. Did they really eat the hearts of other creatures once? They seemed so peaceful now.

“Ah, I thought I'd find you up here.” Jolting from her daydreams Camellia whirled around to see the blue-and-purple striped form of Meifeng poking her head over the top of the ramp. The Ridgeback was a strange one, keeping her voice forced deep when speaking and hiding her face with the skulls of giant birds. She simply claimed that she disliked her voice and the way she looked, though it was clear something else was amiss. If anyone knew, they kept silent on it.

Rows of sharp teeth appeared as Meifeng chuckled. “Sorry, I didn't mean to make you jump. Matar's gathering everyone in the plaza. Dunno why yet. Best you come join us though, it seems important.”

“I'll be down soon.” Lia nodded, pressing a hand to her chest as her heart rate returned to normal from being startled. “Thank you for telling me.”

“No probs!” And with that she was gone, the clattering of a large sword at her hip belaying her descent down the cliffs.

The Guardian took a breath, turning to take one last glance of the peryton herd, then at the forest. As she stood to follow the Ridgeback down a dark shape caught her attention. Brief, fleeting. But it had definitely been there. Pressing her lips together Camellia willed her legs to continue their journey lest her wings carry her off to investigate. It'll have to wait until later.


Sparrow let loose a wide yawn as he struggled to stay awake during the announcement. He knew these were important and that he should be listening. He also didn't care and would much rather be exploring the fields and annoying Aure by moving his crop signs around. Nothing being said meant anything to him.

Okay, one thing meant something. Clan Leader Ilmatar appeared to be so much better than she had been after returning from her visit to the other clan. Happier and full of life, when previously one would be forgiven for thinking something had sucked the energy right out of her. While he was glad to see her in good health, admittedly it also only increased his curiosity about the chunk of stone in that cave.

Everyone called it the Wind Shrine. Why? It wasn't like the wind came out of it. Yeah it felt like wind was in the cave, just not coming from the rock. What was it? Why was it so important? Was it because he had the wrong elemental powers so it meant nothing to him? Then why did Allium respect it, too, even though she- even though they were the same element as him? Also what was with the “they” thing? He shook his head. Too many questions.

Apparently Ro must have fallen asleep after all as he found himself being shaken awake by Cardinal. “Wake up! Ugh! You slept right through it all again!” Did she have to be so loud? Not his fault it was so boring to listen to. “Honestly, you're lucky we don't need to do anything much yet.” The other Banescale was strutting around angrily, flaring her wings and stomping every other step. Had she not been the same age as him other dragons would have though she were his mother.

Who is my mother? Again he shook his head as the question floated to the forefront of his mind once more. Camellia hadn't outright said it but he'd worked out on his own that something was wrong.

“But you have to understand,” Cardinal continued ranting, shoving her face into his, “that one day we'll be expected to do something to help the clan! You can't just sleep through everything then or you'll get into trouble!”

“And you haven't?” It was true, Din was just as bad for missing instructions because she was too busy practicing with her powers or chatting with the kitsunes. That obviously hit a nerve as she bristled.

“Not nearly as much as you!”

“Trouble! Trouble!” Startled the two Banescales craned their heads back to see where the other Din was, only to meet Shrike grinning at them from where she hung from the tree branch overhead.

“Don't you start.” Ro grumbled as the Nocturne above them giggled to herself.

“Hey you three!”

When Ilmatar had visited the other clan some of the dragons who lived there had come back with her, apparently friends with some of the other clan members. In this case the Wildclaw Verbena, Bogsneak Zinnia and Fae Plumeria had been passing by in search of gifts or something. They stopped by a lot to check on progress and chat. And coo over the baby what-the-heck-are-those and Nocturne. Despite being far too mushy about them the kids had come to really enjoy it when Verbena in particular came to visit. She was so bubbly and excitable.

“Wanna see something neat?” Verbena chirruped excitedly as the taller dragon bounded over, her coppercoil creeper, Spangle, clunking and clinking behind her. Din and Ro exchanged questioning looks while Shrike flitted down, hopping the short distance between them and the visiting dragon. Curiosity soon got the better of the pair as they hobbled over to gather around the blue-striped flint-furred Wildclaw. “Spangle, if you could.”

At the command the spider-like robot lifted its abdomen, blue lights flickering a moment before flaring out in a conical shape whose edges reached past the machine's body. Shapes began to appear within to slowly take form as a landscape with buildings and an assortment of creatures on a grid-like ground. “It's Labyrinths and Leviathans!” Verbena declared proudly. “Except you can actually see what happens! What do you think? Wanna give it a go?”

“Labyrinths and Leviathans!” Shrike giggled as she repeated the words, enjoying the sounds and feeling of speaking them.

Head tilted Ro leaned forward to inspect the projection coming from the creeper. “What... is it?” He asked, poking the hologram with a wing claw and marvelling how, aside from a slight flicker, nothing happened at his touch. “Is it a game?”

“Quit messing with it, Ro!” Din quipped, waving the male away with her own wings. “You'll break it!”

Verbena laughed heartily then. “Oh don't worry, as long as nothing happens to Spangle nothing should go wrong.” Glaring at her familiar she repeated with emphasis, “Should.” If the creeper recognised the threat it didn't respond, standing perfectly still to maintain the projection. “Anyway!” She clapped her hands together as she walked around the edge of the picture to join the younglings. “I'll come up with a story and a world where it all takes place. You guys make characters to put in the world and follow the story, which changes based on the decisions you choose.” Lips pulled back in an excited grin. “Whaddaya say? Wanna try?”

“Uhh, sure.” Din agreed, stepping closer to admire the details on the astral board. “How do you make a character?” She waved a wing over the projection and frowned when nothing happened.

“Oh sure, tell me to stop so you can mess with it instead.” Ro groused at the red dragon, who stuck her tongue out at him.

With chuckle Verbena shepherded the two away from Spangle a little and ushered Shrike to come closer from where she'd been watching the others' antics. “I'll give you a list of creatures to choose from then you decide how strong they are, if they like to fight, use magic, sing... anything that comes to mind! Spangle will then generate them on here in the world as I describe it.” She gestured at the scene on display, then jolted in panic. “Oh! That's from my last session! Spangle, please save “Dire Rotation” and load a new map.”

At her request Spangle beeped as the image shimmered and faded, leaving a blank circular grid ready to be used for their game. Verbena then retrieved a roll of parchment from a pouch at her side, unravelling it and holding it out for the three to read from. “Dragon?” Cardinal wrinkled her snout in disapproval. “Why would a dragon want to play as another dragon?”

“Because,” the Wildclaw explained levelly, “sometimes we want to be ourselves in another situation to see what we might do different. Plus it's nice to have something familiar around when you don't know what else to do.”

“I guess.” With a snort the strawberry-scaled Banescale continued scanning the list. “Jus' sounds boring is all.”

After a lot of self-deliberation Din chose a beautiful harpy bard with plumage like a phoenix while Ro went with a brutish centaur fighter. “As long as the top half is dragon-like instead of whatever a human is and the bottom half is scaly instead of furry.” He'd stated defiantly, and Verbena had let him since this was the very first time. And really, she didn't mind some deviation as long as it made some kind of sense.

“What kind of dragon?” She'd asked patiently as she made some corrections to the holographic constructs forming of the pair's characters.

Ro pondered a moment, then explained, “Imperial, like Whisper, Pavan and Maili. With red scales and a gold mane.” Having been around so many other dragons so far it was an incredible sight to see the blue-and-yellow Imperial fly in with another, white Wildclaw who turned out to be his mate, Noelani.

The two of them lived all the way across Sornieth after an incident with one of their three children followed by an ambush, but once their remaining kids had learned to fly and Whisper had recovered the family had often returned to check in with everyone. Ro was in such awe with the three Imperials, having thought Maggie and Meifeng the biggest dragons ever until seeing them. Enamoured by how big they were and their impressive antlers (Lupin's and Merry's were too, but he'd known them forever) he couldn't help but incorporate the breed into his character's design.

Then there was Shrike. With her usual interest in what was going on yet refusal to show her understanding the Nocturne had spent (wasted, in Ro's opinion) a lot of time mouthing the words of the different races and classes as if tasting them. Eventually she chose a human thief, ignoring the protests from Din as she tried to explain how even more boring and useless a human was to a dragon.

“Did you not listen to Hyacinth's stories?!” She'd argued, recalling when the Skydancer would sit them all down to recite myths of the days before dragonkind. Interestingly Lupin would join them for those. “Humans have no elemental power! Or wings! Or tails! Or fur or feathers or scales or-”

Every fault she'd heard was listed with vehemence for her dislike of the small, naked and powerless creatures, yet Shrike ignored it all - or embraced it, no one could tell – as she repeated, “Human thief! Human thief!”

Verbena took it all in stride, having Spangle design the avatars for the players, along with a few filler roles she took control of, and starting up the campaign. A lot of confusion and lack of creativity drove the introduction as the adolescent dragons get the hang of their personal fantasy world, soon falling into step and taking events into their own claws instead of their Game Master giving hints or making the first steps. Sometimes these manifested in real life, too, as the Banescales began bickering and hitting each other after pranking one another in the game.

“Why'd you break my strings?!”

“Your music sucks anyway!”

“You can't even hear it! There isn't any music playing!”

“Well I can imagine you playing a lute and it burns my ears!”

“Then I guess I'll sing instead! Singing works, right Bean?”

Such back-and-forths occurred frequently, with Verbena having to step in while Shrike seemingly rifled through everyone's belongings while they were distracted, stitching phrases together in a chorus of other dragons' voices. Unsettling, yet proof she was capable of speaking for herself. Even though it was without her own, true voice.

“You now find yourselves deep in the forest.” Verbena described, tapping Spangle in indication to change scene. What was a small longneck village melded into tall trees and bracken. “The path splits up ahead , but you can't see far down each way because they bend around the trees. There is a sign at the fork with directions on it. What do you do?”

Din chewed the stick she'd been using to make notes in the dirt thoughtfully. “We should read the sign to see if we're even going the right way.” She decided shortly. “If we recognise the places we can go from there!”

“I say stuff the path.” Countered Ro, who had settled with using his own claws to scrawl his points. “We've been following paths since the start and haven't gotten anywhere. It's time we go our own way!”

“Bold.” Verbena nodded. “Shrike?”

The Nocturne, seemingly able to keep track of everything in her mind without written age, peered at the hologram. “Path.” She said first, echoing Din's voice. Then mused, “Stuff the path?” in Ro's. Clicking her tongue the batlike dragon studied the two paths as if waiting for something to happen. When Verbena continued to wait for her decision Shrike glanced between her comrades until stating again, “Stuff the path!”

“Ugh, you two are idiots!” Cardinal sighed, turning her back on the two as they shared a high-five. “We're just going to get lost!”

“Well if you're so worried, why don't you fly?” Using his size to his advantage Sparrow stood behind Cardinal to arch his head over hers to glare upside-down. “You're the one with wings! Go see what's out there!”

“Fly! Fly!” Shrike repeated eagerly.

Rolling her eyes and using her Earthen powers to push a rock up between herself and the other Banescale Din returned to the board. “Okay fine. I fly up to see if I can spot something to tell us where to go.”

As she said that the board shifted, taking her harpy into the sky above the trees. “As you can see,” Verbena gestured at the new details, “one path leads out of the forest but there's nothing but open fields. The other leads into a larger camp a little way away, but remember that the clan you met isn't happy with their neighbours.”

“Wait, what's that?” Using her tail Din pointed at what looked to be a hut in a clearing ahead.”

“Why don't you go find out?” The GM smirked wryly.

After a contemplative pause Din had her character return to the group and report her findings, defeated with the mention of the strange building. “Yes!” Ro cheered in triumph. “We go investigate the building in the forest!”

The image shifted again to show the group entering the clearing. “You find a rundown cottage used commonly by the human and human-like races.” Verbena describes, then gestures to a shape. “Seems it's still very much in use and its occupant has come out to meet you. While she smiles and greets you warmly you feel uncomfortable in her presence. Magic is all around you, and it's powerful.”

“A witch!” Din exclaimed, sucking in a breath.

“Perhaps! What do you do now?”

Before any of the trio could take action a big black Bogsneak accompanied by a small purple Fae waddled over with an apologetic expression. “Sorry to interrupt the fun.” Zinnia first smiled sadly at the young dragons then turned to her mate. “It's getting late if we want to be back in time for Cin's birthday.” Then with a mischievous glint added, “Unless you want to charge right in, make a scene and fall asleep on the floor again.”

“It was one time!” Verbena laughed, playfully punching the Bogsneak on the cheek. Then, turning back to her audience, sighed sadly. “Sorry kiddos, we'll have to continue next time I'm here. Spangle, please save as “Everspring” and close the program.” The beep was barely audible over the collective “aww”s of disappointment as the campaign faded away. “Next time, hey?” Verbena winked and started to follow behind Zinnia, who had already begun to leave. “In the meantime, think about what you want to do about the witch. I'm so glad you had fun!”

“So it is a witch?!” Din bounced around happily. “I knew it!"

“Whoops.” Verbena winked again. “You take care, 'kay? See you!”

“I'm totally going to practice singing for next time!” The Earthborn Banescale declared, letting out a few musical notes as she waved good-bye to the visitors.

Lowering his wing from waving Ro raised an eye ridge at her. “Why?”

“Cos you keep breaking my instruments!” Din reminded the boy. “I'll need a backup unless you put a silence spell on me or something, which you can't do!”

“Uh, no? Cos it's a game?” Seriously, she had gotten way into this. “'sides, I'm a fighter, not a mage. I can't put a spell on you anyway!”

“Especially if I put you to sleep!” Cardinal teased, starting up the lullaby Lia sang to them at night.

“Not if I can stun you first!” With a laugh Sparrow leapt at his ersatz sibling, sending her tumbling with a gleeful shriek. As they rolled around tussling on the ground a weight launched itself onto his back, squashing the air from his lungs as Shrike cackled behind him. If only real life were as exciting as Labyrinths and Leviathans was. Verbena's next visit couldn't come soon enough.

Sparrow Incapacitated for 2 days

Last edited by Varethyn on Mon Aug 03, 2020 6:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Check out PetEmote here! | Visit my Flight Rising lair!

Rest in peace mum. I really did love and miss you, even if I never got to see you.

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Re: The Black Wind Howls [Pinkerlocke]

Unread post by Varethyn »

Day 21

Image (From Crim)

~*~ TBA ~*~

Sparrow Incapacitated for 1 day

Check out PetEmote here! | Visit my Flight Rising lair!

Rest in peace mum. I really did love and miss you, even if I never got to see you.

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Re: The Black Wind Howls [Pinkerlocke]

Unread post by Falcon »

Great first chapter! I really like how it began just as a typical day for the little family, up until they stumbled upon what could perhaps be a catalyst for if they leave home. :) And little Shrike! Reading her introduction was difficult knowing the forgone conclusion in store for her in the future. :( Can't wait for the next chapter!
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Re: The Black Wind Howls [Pinkerlocke]

Unread post by AcadiAnne »

Very sorry little Shrike died, but soooo glad she found a good home!

You're a much faster writer than GRRM, so don't beat yourself up. Quality > quantity, no matter what Pinkerton tries to tell you. And the quality is definitely there.
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Re: The Black Wind Howls [Pinkerlocke]

Unread post by Ana »

All that fightning.. rng not b3en kind..and oof first death


HUGE thanks to Makoes, Syleye, FeralClaw, Pingupuff, Karin,Bowno, Varethyn, Ashaine, Kishay, Aki (Täräin13), my friend Marie and some lovely ppl on Fligth Rising for my lovely sig

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