Checking out a Fodderlocke Challenge

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Re: Checking out a Fodderlocke Challenge

Unread post by Varethyn »

Both of them went home safely :hug:

Day 54

Phase 1

Two more from the clear-out gang:
Image Redstripe (4)
Image Pinkscale (2)

"Nope and definitely not." - Balterossa maybe. Bye guys!

Phase 2

4. Freeloader. Some random dragon has decided to hang at your place. Who is this guy???? Grab the cheapest adult off the AH. Leave them at level 1. For bonus points, try sniping an underpriced adult.

It's impossible to say how long Zebrine had been hiding in the cracks of the abandoned warehouse. Maybe she'd always been there, maybe she came in with one of the other freeloaders, maybe she turned up over night. Whatever the case the slippery Spiral was caught after being found sleeping in an awkwardly coiled pile in the gathering hall. Spirals: great at getting into tight places, awful if they spontaneously pass out in the middle of something.

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Rest in peace mum. I really did love and miss you, even if I never got to see you.

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Re: Checking out a Fodderlocke Challenge

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Mafia passes on the two yeet oddlings ;)


HUGE thanks to Makoes, Syleye, FeralClaw, Pingupuff, Karin,Bowno, Varethyn, Ashaine, Kishay, Aki (Täräin13), my friend Marie and some lovely ppl on Fligth Rising for my lovely sig

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Re: Checking out a Fodderlocke Challenge

Unread post by Varethyn »

Day 55

Phase 1

Two more from the clear-out pile:
Image Sumiko (1)
Image Tigerfeather (2)

Jeeeez Balterossa. Barely even looked at them before kicking them into the YEET pit.

Also Madena grew up today.

Phase 2

6. Crimes time! Pick two dragons at random. They have to go on a quest now. Raise both of them a level. Roll a 6-sided die for each. If it’s a 1, exalt them as they were lost in the mission.
Image 2
Image 6
So naturally it rolls Madena. Miles was tasked with teaching the young Veilspun how to fight and despite initial reluctance to babysit the Skydancer agreed. In his disinterest to put any work in to train the fledgling Miles purposefully slacked off in order to blame Madena for being more trouble than she's worth, except the Veilspun displayed an incredible talent for magic and took down everything Miles provoked. Watch where you step next, Miles.

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Rest in peace mum. I really did love and miss you, even if I never got to see you.

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Re: Checking out a Fodderlocke Challenge

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Mafia passes on the yeet dragons :D


HUGE thanks to Makoes, Syleye, FeralClaw, Pingupuff, Karin,Bowno, Varethyn, Ashaine, Kishay, Aki (Täräin13), my friend Marie and some lovely ppl on Fligth Rising for my lovely sig

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Re: Checking out a Fodderlocke Challenge

Unread post by Varethyn »

Day 56

Phase 1

Two more from the heap, this time some pretty Banescales
Image Violetclaw (5)
Image Icescream (5)

They almost made it. For a brief moment Balterossa actually considered both of them. Sadly neither of them made the cut despite their gift of an undead vulture.


Phase 2

1. There’s a scandal (or romance) afoot. Pick two of your ready to breed dragons at random if you have any. Put them on a nest. The babies will join your crime organization when they hatch. Level them to 5 when they come of age. If the parents would be exalted while they’re on the nest, wait until their nest hatches and Then exalt them. If nobody is ready to breed, grab a random hatchie off the AH. A secret forbidden child or sibling has been uncovered.

I was so excited that we'd actually get a nest out of my crime team. But I forgot. Balterossa got my RTB males killed. Good job Balt. Since the Guardian is proving disinterested in her crew, Remiy had gone to find Zebrine to see if she could coax the Spiral into doing something useful for them. Only to stumble onto a rather blue gathering.

The honeydew Spiral simply winked from her place coiled around the tiny hatchlings. There was no sign of any eggshell, so they hadn't hatched here. Wherever they'd come from they'd been there long enough for the Pearlcatchers to create their pearls. Just what did Zebrine do to get them here and what were they supposed to do with them?

I only intend to keep Anwen, hence why he was posted first. The other two, Glitterkiss and Peach, are available for adoption. I blame my twitchy finger when seeing cheap dragons getting posted. If they aren't taken, I'll re-introduce them once they grow up.

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Rest in peace mum. I really did love and miss you, even if I never got to see you.

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Re: Checking out a Fodderlocke Challenge

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stunning blue hatchies! Mafia passes this round :D


HUGE thanks to Makoes, Syleye, FeralClaw, Pingupuff, Karin,Bowno, Varethyn, Ashaine, Kishay, Aki (Täräin13), my friend Marie and some lovely ppl on Fligth Rising for my lovely sig

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Re: Checking out a Fodderlocke Challenge

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Day 57

Phase 1

Continuing the clear-out chronicles
Image Patchberry (2)
Image Berryfeather (6)

Good grief, Balt decided to bolster the ranks after all. Welcome to a vibrant Skydancer. Goodbye to another patchwork Tundra.

Phase 2

6. Crimes time! Pick two dragons at random. They have to go on a quest now. Raise both of them a level. Roll a 6-sided die for each. If it’s a 1, exalt them as they were lost in the mission.
Image 6
Image 6
Please stop rolling the newest members. It's very annoying. Also, what's with all the 6s today?!

Still, Miles was put back on training duty after the way he'd floundered his way through "protecting" Madena, much to his chagrin, this time with newcomer Berryfeather. After his embarrassment with the Veilspun he decided he'd pull out all the stops to impress the female Skydancer and actually did a very clean job. Clearly impressed Berry answered in kind. Their training was going so well, in fact, that they decided to run off and do a secret mission together. They came back cleanly, undetected and all the richer. Good for them!

This also puts Miles at the same level as Balterossa. The Guardian best watch her back lest she be overthrown in her ignorance.

Check out PetEmote here! | Visit my Flight Rising lair!

Rest in peace mum. I really did love and miss you, even if I never got to see you.

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Re: Checking out a Fodderlocke Challenge

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I love how you got stamina to continue!! :)
Mafia passes


HUGE thanks to Makoes, Syleye, FeralClaw, Pingupuff, Karin,Bowno, Varethyn, Ashaine, Kishay, Aki (Täräin13), my friend Marie and some lovely ppl on Fligth Rising for my lovely sig

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Re: Checking out a Fodderlocke Challenge

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Day 58

Phase 1

Two more from the clear-out collection
Image Mirth (6)
Image Sargent (1)

If Balterossa barely even looked at the dragons from a few days ago, she certainly didn't acknowledge Sargent's existence much less presence. Probably because Mirth was so bright. He'd make a great distraction.

Phase 2

11. Major Heist!! This is it! Your time to shine. Roll a d12 for Every dragon. If you get higher than their level, exalt. Raise all survivors by one level.
Oh Balt, why?

Image 7
Image 9
Image 10
Image 5
Image 1
Image 10
Image 11

I just... I... why? Balt, you are a jerk. And of course you survived. But so did Miles... maybe that's why? She'd intended to get Miles killed off because he was a threat to her position. Well, well, this could be interesting. She did, after all, get his new partner, Berryfeather, killed. Also... notice how the lv1 freeloader once again rolled a 1 and so survived? Oy.

The fallen:

Remiy lasted a surprisingly long time considering she was donated to be exalted :lol:

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Rest in peace mum. I really did love and miss you, even if I never got to see you.

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Re: Checking out a Fodderlocke Challenge

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Remiy did indeed last long! But her time came up :)
Mafia passes on the fallen


HUGE thanks to Makoes, Syleye, FeralClaw, Pingupuff, Karin,Bowno, Varethyn, Ashaine, Kishay, Aki (Täräin13), my friend Marie and some lovely ppl on Fligth Rising for my lovely sig

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Re: Checking out a Fodderlocke Challenge

Unread post by Varethyn »

Day 59

Phase 1

Final two of the clear-out crew.
Image Pythagoreas (2)
Image Spitfyre (2)
"Nope, nada, YEET." - Balterossa, probably.

Phase 2

5. Crimes time! Pick two dragons at random. They have to go on a quest now. Raise both of them a level. Roll a 6-sided die for each. If it’s a 1, exalt them as they were lost in the mission.
Image 3
Image 2
Another attempt on Miles' life? Probably. Given how little Baltarossa has done on her own since becoming leader and how dangerous the Skydancer is proving to be. Also it was about time that layabout, child-napping Spiral did something useful. It was a little rocky, but that was largely in part due to Miles seeking out the most beneficial target rather than the easiest. Zebrine needed to learn and being lenient would only encourage her laziness. But they pulled through.

And not only did they pull through but Miles finally snapped, deciding that he was strong enough to stand up to Balterossa and her ignorance. It was a strange matchup, the small Skydancer and the bulky Guardian. However in her own laze Balterossa had become rusty and sluggish compared to the lithe and magical smaller dragon. Bolstered further by his elemental advantage (shadow vs fire) it didn't take long for Balt to surrender, pass the crown and flee the scene. We may have lost another dragon, but we also lost a tyrant and gained a new leader.


Balterossa is available for adoption if anyone wants her!

Check out PetEmote here! | Visit my Flight Rising lair!

Rest in peace mum. I really did love and miss you, even if I never got to see you.

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Re: Checking out a Fodderlocke Challenge

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Love Miles outfit! Very King like.
Mafia passes this round


HUGE thanks to Makoes, Syleye, FeralClaw, Pingupuff, Karin,Bowno, Varethyn, Ashaine, Kishay, Aki (Täräin13), my friend Marie and some lovely ppl on Fligth Rising for my lovely sig

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Re: Checking out a Fodderlocke Challenge

Unread post by Varethyn »

Hehe I always plop a crown and/or cape on my leader at the suggestion of the 'locke to show who's in charge :D

Day 60

Phase 1

Two newcomers to test by new leader, Miles.
Image Alanii (3)
Image Wyn (2)

Despite their concerningly low numbers, Miles decided that these two won't make a difference. Or maybe he's uncertain of his new position and what to expect?

Phase 2

9. Backstabbing. Choose a dragon at random who is not the leader. Exalt them. Bye.
Or... maybe he's just as bad as Balterossa was. Wow. Since it's just him and Zebrine, considering Anwen is still a hatchling, there's only one clear answer here. Unless... could the hatchling have killed the Spiral? Whatever the case, we're down to two.

RiP Zebrine

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Rest in peace mum. I really did love and miss you, even if I never got to see you.

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Re: Checking out a Fodderlocke Challenge

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well the crown and cape fits him :D The mafia passes on the fallen


HUGE thanks to Makoes, Syleye, FeralClaw, Pingupuff, Karin,Bowno, Varethyn, Ashaine, Kishay, Aki (Täräin13), my friend Marie and some lovely ppl on Fligth Rising for my lovely sig

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Re: Checking out a Fodderlocke Challenge

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I'd love to adopt Remiy if it's not too late for her. :)
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Re: Checking out a Fodderlocke Challenge

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Ordinarily it would have been too late as it's been a couple of days, but I'd plonked her in my Non-RP tab temporarily in case I could come up with something as she's so pretty. In other words, you're more than welcome to take her :hug:

Check out PetEmote here! | Visit my Flight Rising lair!

Rest in peace mum. I really did love and miss you, even if I never got to see you.

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Re: Checking out a Fodderlocke Challenge

Unread post by Varethyn »

Day 61

Phase 1

Despite being one dragon with a hatchling Miles was able to convince some strangers to test their mettle
Image Ashera (5)
Image Thieny (5)

Ngl I didn't realise Ashera was multi-gaze. Maybe that's why Miles didn't take them in? Who knows, either way they both came close but not close enough for what he's looking for. Which is troubling considering the organisation is just one dragon with a hatchling, Miles.

Phase 2

2. There’s Romance in the air. Pick two dragons at random. They are now in a relationship. If one gets exalted, so does the other. Their fates are bound together.
Nope nope nope. That's just weird.

12. A coup! Exalt your leader. They have been dramatically betrayed by the others a la the ides of march. Determine a new leader from the remaining dragons. The highest level dragon will be it. If there is a tie, the oldest tied dragon shall be the leader. Level the tied dragon one level to make it better than its peers.
Hilarious as it is to think Anwen killed Zabrine, this is a bit much.

10. Test the Newbies. Roll a d10 for each of your lowest-level dragons. If it’s higher than their level, exalt them. They were not good enough. Raise the remaining low-level dragons by one level.
Anwen is just a hatchling, Miles.

12. A coup! Exalt your leader. They have been dramatically betrayed by the others a la the ides of march. Determine a new leader from the remaining dragons. The highest level dragon will be it. If there is a tie, the oldest tied dragon shall be the leader. Level the tied dragon one level to make it better than its peers.

2. There’s Romance in the air. Pick two dragons at random. They are now in a relationship. If one gets exalted, so does the other. Their fates are bound together.
*Screaming in the distance.*

3. Hunting trip. Take any two of your dragons into a coli venue that is too low for them to gain experience. (Your choice). Go until you get a familiar drop.

Alternate Hunting Trip Variation (based on suggestion by Alphazi) Roll 1d4:
1) Hunting Trip (Look for a familiar)
2) Treasure Hunt (Look for a chest or other openable)
3) Stocking up on Supplies (Look for a battlestone)

Vetoing since I only have one dragon and while it's doable, it'll take a while.

11. Major Heist!! This is it! Your time to shine. Roll a d12 for Every dragon. If you get higher than their level, exalt. Raise all survivors by one level.

12. A coup! Exalt your leader. They have been dramatically betrayed by the others a la the ides of march. Determine a new leader from the remaining dragons. The highest level dragon will be it. If there is a tie, the oldest tied dragon shall be the leader. Level the tied dragon one level to make it better than its peers.

8. Kids can do crimes too. Grab the cheapest hatchie off the AH. Level it to 5 when it comes of age.

Holy heck in honey that was painful. Arguably I could have sent Miles out on a hunting trip or perform the heist alone but... come on. Hunting trips take a fair while even with two dragons and why would someone risk a major heist alone? Hahhh... please let me know what you would have done in that situation or else how amusing/tedious you found this. Not to mention, not a single Crimes Time. I might have considered that. Or not, since there's a chance he'd get himself killed there. But that would make more sense at least.

Meet Lalo
I decided to seek out a hatchling that is a few days old so I don't need to wait too long for them to grow up. I would have grabbed an older one but it was taking a long time to find anything older than 3 days. This slimy little girl was making use of her semi-gelatinous body to suck up and hide valuable objects in her mane. A trick like that could be useful for bolstering the treasury. If Miles can convince her to give up what she found, anyway.

Check out PetEmote here! | Visit my Flight Rising lair!

Rest in peace mum. I really did love and miss you, even if I never got to see you.

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Re: Checking out a Fodderlocke Challenge

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hehe i loved seeing your frustration over RNG :P Lalo is cute :D


HUGE thanks to Makoes, Syleye, FeralClaw, Pingupuff, Karin,Bowno, Varethyn, Ashaine, Kishay, Aki (Täräin13), my friend Marie and some lovely ppl on Fligth Rising for my lovely sig

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Re: Checking out a Fodderlocke Challenge

Unread post by Varethyn »

Glad you enjoyed it :P

Day 62

Phase 1

Miles managed to gather two more interested individuals
Image Eldan (6)
Image Laken (2)

At last! We begin to rebuild. A spritely Fae is a better start than a voracious Mirror for now.

Anwen grew up today, further bolstering the cause.

Phase 2

10. Test the Newbies. Roll a d10 for each of your lowest-level dragons. If it’s higher than their level, exalt them. They were not good enough. Raise the remaining low-level dragons by one level.
And straight away... Hahh...
Image 3
Image 7

Looks like Eldan lied on her resumé. And here I thought we were getting somewhere. RiP Eldan.

Check out PetEmote here! | Visit my Flight Rising lair!

Rest in peace mum. I really did love and miss you, even if I never got to see you.

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Re: Checking out a Fodderlocke Challenge

Unread post by Ana »

Heh poor Fae didnt last long


HUGE thanks to Makoes, Syleye, FeralClaw, Pingupuff, Karin,Bowno, Varethyn, Ashaine, Kishay, Aki (Täräin13), my friend Marie and some lovely ppl on Fligth Rising for my lovely sig

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