The Black Wind Howls [Darkest Pinkerlocke Reboot]

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Re: The Black Wind Howls [Darkest Pinkerlocke Reboot]

Unread post by Varethyn »

That's fine, it made sense! I'm just looking for numerical values to apply based on the event.

If you look at my current rules, for example I have "when witnessing a teammate die" giving +20SP. I felt that might be too high for a dragon becoming Shade-Touched, but it should also be a big deal. +10? +15? +20? Some other value in line with what I already have?

Likewise with the Shade-Touched dragon dying. Should it be witnessed (dragons in the same coli team) or cast-wide (everyone)? And how much of an impact? Plus or minus SP? It's a relief that it's put down, but it was an ally. It's already complicated enough as it is so I don't want a per-dragon relationship effect as well.

Tbh I need to reorganise the SP rules a bit anyway. There are so many options in Darkest Dungeon that cause stress that I'm overthinking how it would translate here. In DD a LOT of things cause stress but only affects the active team which consists of 4 characters. Any characters left at home aren't affected in any way by the active team. With having a much smaller cast in the Pinkerlocke it might be an idea to get rid of "witnessed" events altogether...

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Rest in peace mum. I really did love and miss you, even if I never got to see you.

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Re: The Black Wind Howls [Darkest Pinkerlocke Reboot]

Unread post by Ana »

I think it should only effect those who actually like the dragon. +20 shoulds too much and 10 to ittle so 15 isgood imo


HUGE thanks to Makoes, Syleye, FeralClaw, Pingupuff, Karin,Bowno, Varethyn, Ashaine, Kishay, Aki (Täräin13), my friend Marie and some lovely ppl on Fligth Rising for my lovely sig

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Re: The Black Wind Howls [Darkest Pinkerlocke Reboot]

Unread post by Varethyn »

Day 29


Thank goodness Daedalon wasn't chosen to go with Sauvigni. I don't think the young Nocturne would fare well in the Scorched Forest, especially now that I've lost my designated healer. As it was, only one monster landed a crit on anyone and the dragons each got a few crits in themselves for some nice relief.
Sauvigni is now lv6.

I also chose to use my first Pep Talk between Daedalon and Dismas, as his SP was getting rather high (62) so he's been brought back down to 15 and neither can participate in another Pep Talk for 5 days.

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Rest in peace mum. I really did love and miss you, even if I never got to see you.

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Re: The Black Wind Howls [Darkest Pinkerlocke Reboot]

Unread post by Ana »

Dismas is so handsome!


HUGE thanks to Makoes, Syleye, FeralClaw, Pingupuff, Karin,Bowno, Varethyn, Ashaine, Kishay, Aki (Täräin13), my friend Marie and some lovely ppl on Fligth Rising for my lovely sig

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Re: The Black Wind Howls [Darkest Pinkerlocke Reboot]

Unread post by Varethyn »

Day 30

Getting tired of all the food and materials, Pinkie. Flipped Tails for yet another Oppressive Aura!

Image 2
Image 2
Image 1
Image 6

Musard has been Rattled by the Aura! Which is a pain because she's now the one with the highest SP (55). I can use my other emergency option and give her a few days on the town, but that means she can't participate in other Pinkerlocke activities and taking Sauvigni to the Scorched Forest could be dicey. Granted that could happen anyway with just 4 dragons but sending Musard out would guarantee it. Gonna need to think on this one.

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Rest in peace mum. I really did love and miss you, even if I never got to see you.

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Re: The Black Wind Howls [Darkest Pinkerlocke Reboot]

Unread post by Varethyn »

Skipped yesterday's post because of a very crummy day. The prompt was for art. Among other things, I burned my hand. Art and burned hands don't mix well.

Day 31

Musard rolled a 6 and has made a full recovery!


Meet Nalani

Ordinarily I prefer to go for all-basic dragons to help with gene plans, but there were no basic adult Snappers on for treasure! Ah well. It's not a set rule, just a preference.

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Rest in peace mum. I really did love and miss you, even if I never got to see you.

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Re: The Black Wind Howls [Darkest Pinkerlocke Reboot]

Unread post by Ana »

Nalani is super cute!


HUGE thanks to Makoes, Syleye, FeralClaw, Pingupuff, Karin,Bowno, Varethyn, Ashaine, Kishay, Aki (Täräin13), my friend Marie and some lovely ppl on Fligth Rising for my lovely sig

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Re: The Black Wind Howls [Darkest Pinkerlocke Reboot]

Unread post by Varethyn »

*Dusts off this thread.*

So um. Hi. I took a break to look over the stress values and... never came back. Whoops. Recently I felt an urge to try writing again so I revisited the rules and set about deciding in earnest what I wanted to do. I'm still not, and probably never will be, completely set on these either but I can happily say that I have, in fact, finally made some modifications.

THE BIGGEST CHANGE: I removed the coin flip on materials and trinkets. There are no longer Oppressive Auras or Sabotage events, entirely removing the "Viruslocke" elements of this challenge. I wanted to shake things up and give myself an excuse to not write or draw every time I got one of these, but it became one more thing to keep track of and maybe added too much stress too fast if it landed. That also means the Rattled status is gone, unfair as it is to poor Reynauld.

SECOND BIGGEST CHANGE: Existing dragons are no longer capable of becoming Shade-Touched. Once again, unfair to Reynauld I know. I have instead returned that mechanic to new dragons, who have a chance to arrive corrupted. Now the only thing existing dragons need worry about is suffering too many heart attacks.

A few other minor tweaks have been made, so it would be worth giving them a quick glance. And while you're at it, maybe re-familiarise yourself with the (short) story thus far. So long as I can keep my motivation up and my brain in gear, I shall be attempting to continue this soon!

Check out PetEmote here! | Visit my Flight Rising lair!

Rest in peace mum. I really did love and miss you, even if I never got to see you.

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Re: The Black Wind Howls [Darkest Pinkerlocke Reboot]

Unread post by Ana »

Uhh nice changes. I never been able to do something like this so I admire your talents for writing :hug:


HUGE thanks to Makoes, Syleye, FeralClaw, Pingupuff, Karin,Bowno, Varethyn, Ashaine, Kishay, Aki (Täräin13), my friend Marie and some lovely ppl on Fligth Rising for my lovely sig

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Re: The Black Wind Howls [Darkest Pinkerlocke Reboot]

Unread post by Varethyn »

Day 32

Chapter 5

The following morning Daedalon awoke with a cry, cold sweat matting her fur. Sitting upright and panting heavily she angled her gaze towards the open window to see it was still relatively dark out. Light enough to suggest the sun would be up soon yet still not truly daytime. As her breathing and heart rate slowed the Obelisk took a moment to reflect on what had spooked her so. Dreams. Nightmares? Images of the hatchlings robbed of their elemental magic. Memories of the strange hole burning the back of her eyes like an after-image from looking at the sun. She remembered that first experience with a wince. Exiting the cave the excavation team had dug to find her and her kind, blinking rapidly as the giant ball of fire in the sky seared her vision. Except, this was the opposite of bright. So opposite that it wasn't dark either. More than that. Or... less? It felt like nothing, an impossibly fathomless abyss.

Too unnerved to attempt more sleep Daedalon instead padded out onto the balcony to welcome the fresh morning breeze. Maybe some secrets could be heard today. That was apparently something Wind dragons could do, though she'd struggled to hear a whisper. Perhaps because she'd been born underground, carved from stone? Or... perhaps she was trying to hear something else. A clue, a reason to this wrongness. No wait! There! A voice! What was it saying? She placed her front paws on the guard rail, leaned forwards, strained her ears. Oh... no, it was just the townsfolk who got up early to set up their stalls.

Wasn't it a little too early for that?

Daedalon squeezed her eyes shut, shaking her head as she did so. Opening them again her vision swam for a moment, but once it cleared the sky seemed brighter than before. Had she been imagining it? With the inverse after-image of the hole? Or maybe she was simply still sleepy from her sudden awakening. A fresh waft of air ruffled her mane, bringing with it a throbbing inside her head.

Yeah, maybe a bit more sleep would be good.


What time is it?

Daedalon groaned as she awoke for the second time, mind swimming with the remnants of some nonsensical dream. She was... there had been... was that...? Nope, gone. Fleeting as all dreams were.

Except the black hole.

Laying atop her pile of cloth the Obelisk stared at the wall opposite her as she struggled to join the waking world. It was bright out. Too bright to be the early mornings she usually rose at. She blinked. Why did the wall look so- Wait, she was upside down. Experimentally, groggily, still not grasping reality, she paddled her paws in the air, flexing her toes as she did so. Oh how ridiculous she must have looked in that moment. Then she felt it – a dull, aching pain in her right wing. She'd rolled over in her sleep and lain on it.


With unneeded difficulty Daedalon rolled onto her feet, tentatively flaring her wings. Yup, that hurt. Air hissed between her teeth as she sucked in a pained breath. No flying just yet then. Then again, what time was it? With an unsteady gait the blue dragon stumbled onto her veranda to gaze out over the town again. Vision swimming as green eyes adjusted, nothing made sense straight away. Buildings merged together, the inhabitants all blurred blotches of colour. She blinked once, twice. Somehow that made it worse. Closing her inner eyelids Daedalon rubbed at her eyes with her paws, feeling the grit dislodging. A satisfying sensation.

Things seemed more in focus on the second viewing. Buildings were distinguishably separate, dragons now had more of a shape. Details were still lost, however, making everything less blurs and more as blobs. The dragon sighed in frustration, her head full of rocks as she looked instead to the sky. Clear, blue, bright. The sun was almost overhead. All as it should be.

...wait, overhead?!

It was almost noon! She'd overslept badly today. It was surprising that no other servants had come to wake her, or that the bell had rung. Her fur bristled at the thought, biting her lip as she retrieved the enchanted object. If it had rung she'd slept right through it. What if Diaemus wanted her for something? At the same moment a gurgling sounded from her midsection. She wrapped an arm around it, putting the bell away with the other. Right... food. Okay then, she'd quickly fly down to the kitchen and then-

Ow! Ow ow ow, nope. Her wing complained painfully as she stretched it. Guess she was taking the long way. Stopping only long enough to splash some water on her face from a tub on the other side of the room Daedalon, still yet unsteady on her feet, began the descent down the winding spiral staircase, the stone hard and cold against her pads.

When she reached the door she paused. Through that portal was the entry hallway, leading up into the throne room. From there she'd cut across to the door on the other side, follow the hall around to another staircase leading up to the walkway overlooking the banquet hall-come-ballroom. Then she could go either left or right and descend one of yet more staircases leading into the hall proper. And from there she'd make her way to the left side of the room into the kitchens. It seemed so far just to eat. Yet that is how Squallwatch Keep had been designed. Large and sprawling.

That and her room wasn't originally intended to be a bedroom. That and the proper bedrooms with the proper inhabitants would have servants bring food to them. Despite being held in such high regard by Diaemus, Daedalon still had to make the trek herself. She didn't mind, the food was tasty enough to be worth it.

Something held her in place by the large archway however. Lashing her tail behind her, hearing the tuft swish over the stone, the Obelisk angled her head away from the passageway and instead downwards, to the right. Where the stairs continued, deep into the hill the Keep sat upon. The dungeons were down there, connected by a hallway and more stairs. Guarded by those two Guardians. Something about that thought made her press her lips together in discomfort. For a brief moment Daedalon considered heading down again. If Eudoxia was down there she wanted to know why.

Her stomach growled again. Not now.

With some effort the black-maned dragon pulled herself away from the temptation and out into the foyer. Only to pause again at how full of dragons it was. A few turned her way at her arrival, some with dirty looks. Daedalon balked at the expressions. Why did so many hate her so? An awkward smile graced her muzzle and she hurriedly found a gap to slip through, apologising all the while until she was away from the crowd. Mutterings and curses followed. Her ears drooped dejectedly, then pricked again as the Master's voice carried from somewhere further up. He must have been meeting with the townsfolk today. That would explain the large amount of people here.

It also meant she'd have to wait before she could speak with him. Well, today was going swimmingly wasn't it? As her stomach grumbled again the Obelisk continued her journey towards the food court. On her way Daedalon mused on the continued lack of other Obelisks. Here and there she'd heard rumours that others had passed by Squallwatch, and she thought she'd seen one or two along the way. None, however, had yet to stay. While her lips pursed musingly she couldn't help but feel... comfortable, knowing they were at least around.


Unsurprisingly, given the time of day she'd woken at, the banquet hall had been cleared of tables to make way for dancing. It was embarrassing slinking around the outside of the room, attempting to avoid contact – eye or physical as dancers came close to her path – to get to the kitchens. After a series of apologies and excuses Daedalon eventually emerged with a plate of fish with which she hurried to find an empty table left beneath the overhanging walkway. It was difficult with so many bodies sat to enjoy the ball. Had the journey not been so long she'd happily have taken it back to her room. Ultimately the Obelisk had little choice but to sit on a bench that had been pushed right to the back. It was uncomfortable to eat this way but it was better than not at all.

The pain in her wing had lessened by now, though the arm was still stiff. That ruled out flying from the windows. Not that it was an option already; with so many dragons packed in the room it would be impossible to leave without someone seeing her. So she simply backtracked after returning the dish to the kitchen.

Interestingly, despite the large line and the presumed lack of advisor since Eudoxia had been incarcerated, not once had her bell rung. Daedalon thought that Diaemus would have at least wanted her there for moral support since she rarely actually helped when he wanted her around. When at last she reached the main hall, then, she attempted to see how the Master was faring. Attempted, as the line was just as long and compressed as when she'd first passed through. Deeming this moot, the Windborn wriggled her way to the stairs instead. A few hisses, a couple of incomprehensible murmurs and a lot of tutting later she was on the other side. Not stopping to apologise this time Daedalon scaled the stone steps with flustered gait.

For a moment she considered hiding in her room, not entirely sure why she chose to come up here. Too late to go outside, she'd only draw more annoyed attention. So then, rather than her room she paced out of the doorway across from hers, through a small storage room and out onto the battlements. Maybe Reynauld was patrolling today.

He was not.

As the blue Obelisk emerged into the daylight and hey eyes adjusted to the brightness she came to realise that while there was another dragon up here, it was decidedly not her friend. Rather, it was the Banescale from before, the one who had been with the Gaoler manhandling (dragonhandling?) Eudoxia. For some reason a cold chill ran down her spine upon seeing him. Unsettled as she now was, she had to find out why he was here. Taking a breath to centre herself Daedalon approached the strange dragon.

“Um, hello?” He turned barely enough to regard her coldly from the corner of his red eye. She shuddered. “Um... I don't believe we've met! I uh, I'm Daedalon! And you?”

“Kamen.” He grunted, turning back to continue his patrol.

You're certainly a barrel of laughs. Daedalon thought sourly. Trotting up alongside Kamen she tried again. “So, how come you're up here today? Or well, at the Keep at all? I don't recognise you. Are you friends with Rey-”

The Banescale whirled around with a frightening speed, eyes narrowed dangerously below the dark, bonelike growths on his head. “Shut. Up.” Daedalon froze as if she'd entered stoneshape at his cutting tongue. When she neither continued nor moved, Kamen let out an exaggerated sigh and shook out his grey-brown wings. “Reynauld was assigned elsewhere. Don't ask where, I neither know nor care.” Daedalon nodded in understanding, throat thick. What was with this guy? “Now get lost and leave me alone, pet.” With that he turned away to resume Reynauld's old routine.

It wasn't until Kamen was several paces away that Daedalon allowed herself to exhale shakily. Something was wrong. Very wrong.

She needed to find Dismas. If she didn't know where Reynauld was then the Pearlcatcher would. Fuelled by fear for the new guardsman the Obelisk hopped up onto, and then off of, the battlement, the lingering chill numbing the ache in her wing as she circled around towards The Laughing Bat. Surely he'd be there. Or maybe Musard with the Nocturne hatchling – what did she name it? Sauvi-something?

Landing clumsily in the street Daedalon pressed into the doors of the tavern a little harder than intended thanks to the panic, almost tumbling inside the establishment. Had she not been so prioritised in the moment she might have noticed that the building wasn't as packed as usual. Prioritised she was, however, and so didn't as she beelined towards a familiar red shape and his orange companion.

“Dismas!” she gasped, skidding to a halt next to the rogue. “Dismas you need to help me Reynauld and I saw Eudoxia – Diaemus' advisor – get arrested by dragons I've never seen before and they really creep me out and Rey went to speak to Diaemus and he's not come back yet and who is this?” The words spilled uncontrollably from her jaws, only stemming when she realised the orange companion was not Musard but a Snapper she'd never seen before. They were dressed in a dark brown robe and hood, a bundle of sweet-smelling herbs hanging in a pouch at their hip. A lizard of some kind lay lazily on their back and a dryad peered over a broad shoulder.

“Woah, woah, woah! Slow down!” Dismas held his hands up in a “steady” motion, then slapped a reaching paw from a nearby patron trying to steal his drink. Grabbing the tankard and pulling it close to himself so it didn't happen again the red dragon faced his friend once more. “What about Rey?”

Daedalon shakily pulled herself onto the bench next to the stool her friend was perched on, unknowingly blocking the glare from the beer-thief.. “He's missing.” she explained a bit more coherently now that she'd stopped. “He and I saw two weird dragons dragging Diaemus' advisor into the Keep. Diaemus told them to lock her up. Rey went to find out what happened and I haven't seen him since.”

Dismas lifted a concerned brow. “Not even in his favourite spot outside your room?”

A series of snickering from eavesdroppers made the furry dragon's cheeks flush and she dipped her head. Why did he have word it that way? Okay he wasn't entirely wrong but it sounded very wrong. “N-no. One of the weird dragons was there instead, a Banescale I think they're called, called Kamen.”

“'Kamen' you say?” Both glanced over at the Snapper Daedalon had misidentified, who was carefully cradling a tankard of their own between thick paws.

“That's right.” Daedalon confirmed.

At the same time Dismas asked, “You know them?”

The flaxen dragon took a slow sip of their beverage before replying. “He and his friend, a Gaoler named Rochelle, used to be part of my clan.”

“Huh.” Went the Pearlcatcher.

At the same time the Obelisk commented, “You knew them both?”

The heavy head swung back and forth. “I knew not them myself, only that they had always been overambitious. He convinced her to join him in some foolish endeavour. Kamen was red once, like Dismas. Rochelle a rich brown. Both faded once they made that pact.”

“Pact?” This time the pair exclaimed together. The Snapper nodded solemnly.

“Aye. The pair would frequently leave the clan grounds openly discussing it. I wager they were hoping to spread interest. What else transpired, I know not. Only that they were said to be meeting with a stranger outside the border. Then one day their scales and fur began to dull and their eyes change.” They fixed Daedalon with their own, burning Fire eyes at that. “Trust not their reddened eyes, for they are not those known of the Plague Flight.”

Silence hung between the three then. The pilco shifted on its master's back. The dryad fiddled with a branch uncertainly. The Snapper took another sip of their drink.

“Shade.” Daedalon jolted at the suddenness and forcefulness with which Dismas spoke the word. It was as much a curse as it was confirmation, and black spittle dripped from his lower lip. Muttering under his breath the Pearlcatcher yanked a bag from under his stool. “Cover me a moment, will ya?” He gestured at the beer-thief from before.

Daedalon dithered for a second before realising he meant the other dragon might try to steal the pearl as well. Why anyone would be so heartless to do so was beyond her, but it's what Dismas wanted so she stood and flared her wings around him. Her right wing-arm twinged. She ignored it.

“Thith ith. Nalani. By th'way.” The cherry-scaled dragon said between smatterings of memory-lacquer. “Thee. Came to. Help. Figure out. What killed me kidth.”

“Xe.” The Snapper named Nalani corrected calmly. “Gender does not suit me, so I shall be known by none.” This made the Obelisk blink several times in confusion. That was possible? Earthshaker had taught her every dragon was either male or female. How was it possible for someone to not have one at all? Nalani fixed her with a steady gaze, preventing the next question from being asked. Not here, it said.

At a loss for words Daedalon simply nodded as she resumed her role as living curtain. In the moment she was grateful for the hubbub around them; listening to Dismas licking his pearl would have been awkward. It was slightly annoying that he chose now to do it – or rather that it was happening now. He couldn't control it completely – as she was desperate to know how Musard was doing. Flicking her gaze around the Obelisk's eyes settled on the two familiars. “So um, who are your friends?”

Nalani hummed a moment, rolling her... their? Xir? shoulders to rouse the scaly lump on xir back. “The pilco has no name as yet. He enjoys the taste of my herbs and all effort to dissuade him failed. Thus I decided he be my familiar.” Tilting her... xir head xe gestured at the dryad, who sat politely upright. “And this is Juniper. They already have a master, as I understand. And a message for someone living here.”

“I wath meanin' to athk you 'bout that.” Dismas commented as he finished his work. Applying the final lick he balanced the pearl in his hands to dry as he regarded Nalani and the dryad. “Who was it yer lookin' for? I might have an idea where they are.”

Brightening, the shimmering Snapper, whose smooth hide glinted in the lantern light, looked to Juniper in invitation. With a nod of appreciation, they stood and gave a small bow. “I am to seek a dragon known as...” they furrowed their brow as they pronounced the name, “Day-da-lon?”

“Oh! Ah, that's me!” the Obelisk in question remarked in surprise, settling back down on her bench as Dismas tucked his pearl away in the sack. “How can I help?”

“Well ain't that handy.” the Pearlcatcher chuckled as he frowned at the diminished liquid in his tankard.

“Handy indeed!” Juniper responded pleasantly. “This makes things easier then. Day-da-lon, I was asked by my master, Eudoxia, to extend a warning to you and yours.” Daedalon's eyes widened. Eudoxia's familiar? Juniper cleared their throat as they recited thus: ““You must flee this place. Diaemus cannot be trusted. He is dabbling in forces not meant for dragonkind and may intend to use you in his experiments. Leave, take your friends and go.

“Diaemus is a traitor seeking to undo us all”.”

Next Chapter

Last edited by Varethyn on Mon Mar 14, 2022 12:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Check out PetEmote here! | Visit my Flight Rising lair!

Rest in peace mum. I really did love and miss you, even if I never got to see you.

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Re: The Black Wind Howls [Darkest Pinkerlocke Reboot]

Unread post by Varethyn »

Day 33


First day returning to this and we get some art! Have a handsome Pearlcatcher.


Check out PetEmote here! | Visit my Flight Rising lair!

Rest in peace mum. I really did love and miss you, even if I never got to see you.

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Re: The Black Wind Howls [Darkest Pinkerlocke Reboot]

Unread post by Ana »

Loove the art!! Super pretty! :)

Hope you have fun with your pinterlocke :hug:


HUGE thanks to Makoes, Syleye, FeralClaw, Pingupuff, Karin,Bowno, Varethyn, Ashaine, Kishay, Aki (Täräin13), my friend Marie and some lovely ppl on Fligth Rising for my lovely sig

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Re: The Black Wind Howls [Darkest Pinkerlocke Reboot]

Unread post by Varethyn »

Thanks Maria :hug:

Day 34

Of course you would, Pink.

Too bad though, I flipped Tails so, as per my updated rules (which I may have tweaked again just now due to sudden inspiration), I get to relieve three random dragons of some SP!

Image 4
Image 9
Image 3

Handy that I rolled a 3 for Nala - xe only had 3 SP since xe's not been here long. Would have been great if Musard got rolled as she's sitting at 61 SP, so hopefully something comes up for her soon.

Check out PetEmote here! | Visit my Flight Rising lair!

Rest in peace mum. I really did love and miss you, even if I never got to see you.

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Re: The Black Wind Howls [Darkest Pinkerlocke Reboot]

Unread post by Falcon »

That was a well-done cliffhanger, and the art of Dismas looks great! And after everything that happened, I don't blame Musard for being so stressed.
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Re: The Black Wind Howls [Darkest Pinkerlocke Reboot]

Unread post by Varethyn »

:hug: Thank you Falcon!

Day 35


Chapter 6
Trigger warning: Implied light sexual harassment.

The hubbub of the tavern continued. Tankards clinked together. Seating scraped across the rough stone floor as patrons got comfortable. Somewhere at the far back a large dragon bellowed a laugh, deep and vibrating. Footsteps through the ceiling as someone moved about upstairs. Everything was normal. Lively. Unknowing or uncaring to the situation.

Yet the dryad may as well have cast a deafening spell, the final word blocking out all sound as it hung heavily around the small group. Traitor. Diaemus is a traitor.

Daedalon felt heavy as disbelief weighed on her shoulders. That can't be right. Juniper is lying, right? Traitor? But he's so nice. She furrowed her brow at the last thought. A little weird in how he treats me sometimes, but still nice.

Then what about Eudoxia?

The question jabbed into her mind as if someone else had said it. Accusing. If he were so nice then why did he have the Fae locked away? If he were so nice then why did Dismas and Musard accuse him of working with the Shade to destroy Sornieth?

“...No.” The Obelisk managed after a time, quietly at first then slamming her paws on the bar, rattling glasses, tankards and bottles melodically and shouting, “No! He'd never!” Memories of the day Dismas and Musard caused a scene, suggesting something was amiss beneath the hill they lived on, sprang up, their claims once more swirling like their own miniature Crescendo. She suppressed them with a vicious shake of the head.

“Of course you'd still believe that, Master's Pet.” Rasped a voice behind the blue-furred dragon, who twisted to see a purple hexagon-patterned Mirror with dark red streaks flowing along his body. He sneered at her distastefully as a few other Mirrors eyed her with suspicion. A pack, perhaps? “You'd believe anything he told you.”

“If he told you to jump into the Wyrmwound you'd probably do it!” Cackled another, this one a mottled green, sending the pack into a fit of snickering.

A lump formed in Daedalon's throat. They all hated Diaemus, too? But... but why? She started as a paw touched her paw lightly, spinning back so fast she almost toppled off of her bench. At his startled expression it was evident Dismas had not been the one to touch her; looking up it became clear it had been the Bogsneak bartender, her thick arm hovering over the bar having flinched from the sudden movement.

“Oh hon,” the Bogsneak drawled pityingly, “You really don't know how bad is it, do you?”

Bad? Why was it bad? What were they all saying? Words escaped her, her jaw hanging open in aghast. Wrong wrong wrong! They were all wrong!

“This has been goin' on for a long time, Dae.” Dismas explained softly, shifting closer to the larger dragon. He waved an arm, gesturing to the room they were in. Daedalon slowly turned to look, almost afraid of what she'd see behind her. Rounded ears pinned to her skull as she took in the sight of everyone staring at her, the tavern now silent. “Everyone 'ere knows that Diaemus has been acting shifty ever since the incident a few years back. That's why we're good talkin' about it 'ere.

“I've been trying to get inside to see what he's up to and it's only recently I found that passage with Moose's help, found out what he's hiding.”

“Still don't believe it's the Shade.” The first Mirror muttered, downing the last of his drink. “Always knew he was a prick.” He placed the tankard down forcefully to emphasise his opinion, receiving a glare from the bartender.

“Sayin' it's Shade is a bit drastic.” The Bogsneak agreed stonily, eyeing the purple Mirror as she dragged his empty vessel over to clean. “However, all the dragons here come here as a safe place to discuss our problems.” She flashed a lopsided grin. “Notice there aren't no guards in here 'sides Rey?”

Even Reynauld thought that way? Daedalon thought back to that day again, when Dismas and Musard announced their findings. Reynauld had been upset at them for spreading rumours. ...about the Shade or of Diaemus' intentions as a whole? Despair added to the disbelief. Everyone she knew was in on this. Why had no one told her before now? ...not that she would have believed it any more then. Maybe that's why. Maybe it's only because of the strange things happening lately.

A roar of chatter started up as each patron began to make their piece; some agreeing to what was said, some making snide remarks about the clan guard. Someone hurled an insult at her specifically, to which Dismas swivelled to confront them. Daedalon didn't look back at them, retreating into herself as she suddenly felt very small and vulnerable. This is wrong. So wrong. But... Diaemus was nice. He gave her a home, a purpose. How could someone like that be so cruel?

Eyes bore into her amidst a growing chaos as Dismas and the other dragon's argument escalated into a fistfight. Slowly the Obelisk tilted her head far enough to see Nalani and Juniper out of the corner of her vision. The Snapper's face was placid, though a hint of pity glinted in her- xir? This different way to denote lack of gender was weird. Blazing orange eyes glinted with pity. Beside he- xir - was that even right? - the dryad was also tucked against themselves, sat with arms between knees, clutching the top of the stool they sat upon.

Guilt thumped in Daedalon's chest when she realised the plant-like creature was embarrassed, perhaps also guilty. They were a messenger, they delivered the message, now everyone was shouting and the recipient was sad. She bit her lower lip. As the bartender began shouting, the Mirrors heckling and the fight brewing into a full on brawl as different dragons took opposite sides, the dark-maned dragon decided it was best to leave. She'd caused enough trouble. As she slid off the bench a flat paw gripped her shoulder.

“Many have already started leaving Squallwatch.” Xe murmured softly, barely audible over the squabbling. “A new clan is forming in defiance. We will be meeting outside the Millmeadows in a week's time.” A cold chill ran down Daedalon's spine and she turned to Nalani, who was now regarding her pleadingly. “Join us there?” It was a question but it sounded like a statement. A demand- no, a plea. Tears stung the backs of her eyes. “Musard and the Nocturne child are already there. Musard needed time to accept what happened. We all need time to decide what to do next. Your presence would be appreciated.”

Though her mouth worked no words came out. Daedalon simply could not find a response. Just then, soft and almost lost in the noise, a jingling sound rang from a pouch at the Obelisk's hip. The enchanted bell. Diaemus needed her. A blessing; it gave her an excuse to leave. At the same time... she swallowed hard. Did she really want to see him after all of this? Nalani's grip tightened.


Daedalon simply met the Snapper's gaze for a moment, then turned and left.


“I truly am sorry that I have not been able to spend time with you.” Daedalon hummed in response to Diaemus' apology. “As you should know, the Aergate is a special, sacred place within the Windswept Plateau. It's expected that I meet with the leader of the clan protecting it given our vigil over it.”

Again Daedalon merely hummed in acknowledgement. She was listening, she simply didn't have the will to speak to the Master directly. So many questions flew about in her head, sometimes imagining the result and fuelling her fear for when she finally broached the subject. In the meantime she busied herself, in attempt of distraction, with the stacks of tomes that had been delivered recently. Her task was to sort through them, putting aside those that had words she did not understand. Those were the ones he wanted. Why, she did not know. Perhaps he was using them as practice as he learned the Old Languages, words spoken in the early Ages. It was a fascinating pursuit, though not one she personally had the patience for.

“You seem unhappy.” Diaemus commented, placing the tomes written in Common Draconic on his bookshelves as the Obelisk handed them to him. “Did I worry you with my absence?”

The question made her frown, though she hid the concern by pretending to squint quizzically at the words on a verse she'd picked out, bound in blue-died leather with red inlay spelling out Intellectus Umbra. Deciding this was what the Imperial was looking for she hefted it onto his desk before returning to the pile. “A little.” It wasn't a complete lie, Daedalon did get restless when she was restricted to Squallwatch while he was out.

It was his turn to hum, more in a disbelieving yet inquisitive manner. “Something else is troubling you.” Placing the book he was holding into a space on the shelf Diaemus padded over to his assistant and wrapped a wing around her. She froze, clutching the tome she'd just picked up tightly in reflex. Nice and kind as he was she hated when he did that. “Come now Ayo, you can speak with me about anything. Any concerns or worries, I am more than happy to lend an ear.”

Ayo. There it was again. Now and again, when they were alone together, he would call her that. It was confusing why he kept using her old name like that after giving her a new one.

When the first Obelisks awoke they'd named themselves after different words that all meant 'happiness' or 'joy' and other such positive words. Later ones picked up on the modern way of naming, taking ones that meant something of interest or applicable to them or ones that plain sounded nice. She had picked 'Ayo' for both reasons: it sounded pretty and meant 'happiness' in a less-used common language.

But once she'd arrived in Squallwatch, when Diaemus took her in he'd taught her that it was common for dragons to take on new names when moving into a new clan. Thus he'd given her the name Daedalon. And she'd believed him because she didn't know better. No one besides the other Obelisks that had left the cave with her knew her old name so it made sense.

That partly contributed to her apprehension to accept Nalani's offer to join the new clan. Was it worth losing a second name to join them? What name would their leader give her?

“...why do you like calling me that after giving me my new name?”

Diaemus chuckled. “Because it's such a lovely name, for such a lovely dragon.”

Why this now? Hugging her with a wing, complimenting her name and looks. At first it was a simple bump or brush with a wing or his tail tuft. Then it became more common, more purposeful. Then the hugs and particularly close contact. It was worrying, but she was too scared to bring it up with anyone else. He's a nice, kind dragon. He gave me a home... a purpose... This is how the world is. Would have been nice for Earthshaker to warn her on that part.

“It just... you told me it was customary to change names when joining new clans. You gave me the name of Daedalon and I was very good not to accidentally call myself Ayo. But you still do.”

He smirked, his red eyes half-lidded. There was an unnerving twinkle in his darkened sclera – a feature she did not want to bring up. “Consider it a way of strengthening our bond.” His voice was almost a purr. “Like the way I let you call me by name in private.”

But everyone calls you Diaemus unless they're speaking to you. Ayo- no, Daedalon returned to the tomes, flustered. Maybe it was best to stop talking here. Shakily she placed the tomes in Common Draconic in front of her pile, where Diaemus could easily pick them up and transport them to the bookshelves. One, two, three, four more followed when another written in the Old Tongue, this one black with white inlay that read Quam Vocare Umbra. This joined the first on the solid wooden desk.

The Imperial huffed, though cordially, as he resumed his task of placing the Common tomes, though the Obelisk caught him glancing longingly at the two on his desk. “I say again Ayo,” he said after a moment, “you're welcome to speak to me about anything.” Standing on his hind legs he easily lifted a larger volume and tucked it onto the top shelf, then faced his personal servant expectantly.

“I... Master- Diaemus...” She sucked in a wavering breath, held it for a few seconds then exhaled slowly. Why does everyone hate you? Why do they think you're working with the Shade? What is the Shade? Why are you so interested in the Aergate? Did you see the dark shape on the Aergate? “Did... Captain Reynauld visit you at any point?” That works I guess. “He said he wanted to speak with you about something a few days ago and I haven't seen him since.”

Crimson eyes blinked slowly, his smirk ever present. It made her shudder internally. He knew, didn't he? Both what happened and that that wasn't the only question she wanted to ask. “Ah yes, I did meet with the good captain a little while ago. He offered a few suggestions that I... took into consideration.” The smoke-coloured Imperial reached over to collect more of the tomes Daedalon set aside. “I rewarded him with some well-deserved time off.”

Daedalon paused in studying the book in her claws, blinking as she processed what her Master had said. Time off? But... didn't Kamen say he'd been assigned to a different part of the clan? She voiced her question aloud, confused as to the true outcome.

“Ah he said that did he?” Diaemus' whiskers flicked as he chuckled again. “Ah new recruits. Always getting things mixed up.”

“So Kamen was wrong?” Time off made more sense, yet surely Reynauld would have told her. After Diaemus hummed in confirmation she went on to ask, “Just who are Kamen and Rochelle anyway? I've never seen them before.” There was a brief flash of something across his features as he regarded her. Anger? Suspicion? Oh. Oh right, she hadn't met Rochelle yet, only seen her with Kamen when they detained Eudoxia, only learned her name from Nalani. “Uhh Kamen mentioned there was a female Gaoler named Rochelle when I asked him. He... wasn't one for words and didn't explain more.”

She'd guessed right; the white-maned dragon settled as subtly as he had shown his frustration. “I've been recruiting more guards.” Was the simple answer as he gestured for her to continue sorting the tomes. Nothing else, no further explanation. Who were those two and why were they here now? Making a pact in secret, taking place of Reynauld as captain.

Her brow furrowed again as she replayed Diaemus' excuse. New recruits. Always getting things mixed up. New recruit going straight to captain?, she was thinking too much into it. Nothing said Kamen had taken over as captain. Her arms felt weak as another large book was handed over to be shelved. Things just weren't adding up. And she was still shaky from him cuddling up to her.

“...Master? I'm sorry but may I be excused?” The room began to spin as the questions swirled wildly in her mind. “I... don't feel well.”

A gaze that was both pitying and humoured. Diaemus gestured at the tomes left to be sorted and said softly, “We are almost done. Let's finish with these last tomes then you may go.”

True enough, there were only a few left. Daedalon took in another ragged breath then pushed more than placed the volumes closer to the Imperial. One... two... they were so heavy. They were heavy when she started, now she could barely lift them. Three... She knocked over the final tomes and was glad to see the next one was another written in the Old tongue, this one white with black lettering. Umbra: Gubernans Inanis. With more effort than should have been necessary it joined the other two on the desk. Feebly pushing the last two tomes over the Obelisk got up on wobbly legs, feeling nauseous. Diaemus said something, probably thanking her. She didn't hear it.

The questions were so loud that she didn't remember the trek back to her room.

Next Chapter

Last edited by Varethyn on Wed Mar 16, 2022 5:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Rest in peace mum. I really did love and miss you, even if I never got to see you.

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Re: The Black Wind Howls [Darkest Pinkerlocke Reboot]

Unread post by Varethyn »

Day 36


This was rough, even for 10 battles. The joys of having many levelled dragons and one newbie. Daedalon is lv9 meaning we had to go to Scorched Forest, the venue below her level range. This is Nalani's first foray into the coliseum. Scorched Forest is a massive difficulty spike as it is. You get the drift. I was trying to be careful with the fights I picked so that Nala either didn't get hit or took minimal damage. I tested a 3x physical pack once xe'd gotten a couple of levels but the jerks not only ganged up on xem, one landed a crit as well. First Death's Door experience. Xe is still alive as it was xir first time but that does mean xe cannot be rolled for the coliseum for 5 days so xe can recover.

Nalani is now lv4 and Dismas lv9.

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Rest in peace mum. I really did love and miss you, even if I never got to see you.

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Re: The Black Wind Howls [Darkest Pinkerlocke Reboot]

Unread post by Ana »

I admire you for keeping this up :D


HUGE thanks to Makoes, Syleye, FeralClaw, Pingupuff, Karin,Bowno, Varethyn, Ashaine, Kishay, Aki (Täräin13), my friend Marie and some lovely ppl on Fligth Rising for my lovely sig

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Re: The Black Wind Howls [Darkest Pinkerlocke Reboot]

Unread post by Varethyn »

Day 37


Chapter 7

Daedalon had hoped that by entering stoneshape she'd be able to still her thoughts. Instead, despite her body being solid, her mind kept whirling a mile a minute. Even knowing it was impossible, that she was steady and sturdy, she felt like she would topple over. Reluctantly the Obelisk ended the stoneshape to stagger over to her bed of cloth and pillows. Maybe laying down would help. A pause. Maybe darkness would help, too. And quiet. Still feeling like her brain was made of stone she hefted her too-heavy body towards the window to push the wooden door-like cover over, locking it in place.

As she meandered sluggishly over to the balcony door she became aware of the distant scent of smoke. With more effort than should have been needed Daedalon plodded out onto the platform to find the source. Out of the corner of her eye she spotted it: a glimmer of a bonfire, bright in the fading evening light. Was it evening? It was dull at least. True to word, Nalani's claim manifested as a small camp of tents and wagons a short distance from the Millmeadows community.

Join us there?

Small though it was, the addition of that thought made her wince in pain. Too much. Too much.

Please be quiet...

Not now. There was no way she could consider the offer right now. Slipping back inside the curly-maned dragon pushed the door closed, barring it. Her room was blissfully dark now, with only slivers of daylight sifting through the door and window and the soft, wavering glow of candlelight out the door to the rest of the keep.

With an audible humph Daedalon all but collapsed in her nest. Somehow, the pressure of a pillow against her head helped alleviate the pain. It did little to stifle the voices.

Why do they hate Diaemus?

He's so nice though...

Why does he still call me Ayo?

That's not who I am any more...

Why does he treat me this way?

I hate when he touches me...

Who are Kamen and Rochelle?

Nalani knows of them...

Where is Reynauld?

I'm worried about him...

What is the Shade?

Some don't believe in it, whatever it is...

Should I join the others?

I'm scared...


She barely realised that she'd slept. A light tapping at the main door roused her, though she did not stir. Her body was heavy, her head thick. Had she accidentally semi shifted in her sleep? She tried to lift an arm to inspect it. It didn't move. Her tongue was dry and swollen. Her eyes felt too big for their sockets. It was exhausting to move, struggling as the limb finally reacted to her will. It looked and felt alien, like she wasn't the one doing it despite the exertion. She stopped willing. It fell limply into her nest. It hadn't looked like stone.

Gravity felt so much stronger today, like she was being pulled into the ground. Did Earthshaker want her back? Was he upset with her? She was almost tempted to let him drag her underground had the keep not been in the way.

“Miss Daedalon?” A small voice called through the door, followed by another series of rapping. Saisset, she realised. A kindly, soft-spoken Wildclaw servant who worked the kitchens. A lovely dragon, he always seemed concerned for her well-being. Today though his soft way of speaking struck her in the head much like the time Dismas dropped a roof tile on her.

The Pearlcatcher had been showing off, demonstrating to her and Reynauld his parkour escape tactics for when he couldn't fly. He'd jumped onto the roof of the blacksmith's, dislodging a tile that had been struck by an overburdened cart. It slid free and landed on her, sending her to the ground. She was lucky her horns were intact.

A light click and creaking sound indicated the Wildclaw had opened the door. Candlelight spilled in like orange water, flooding the chamber and searing her eyes. With a pained groan she closed them, having barely taken in the other servant's silhouette. “Oh goodness! You look awful, miss!” Ever the gentledragon. A tapping sound began, getting closer until it was in her ear. She winced. It stopped. A pressure, cool to the touch, appeared on her forehead. “You're burning up, miss. No wonder you've not been down yet.” Saisset had crossed the way, placing a hand on her head to take her temperature. His next words dropped to a whisper, which she appreciated. “Don't fret, I'll let the Master know you're ill. You rest, I'll get you some water and a cool cloth.” A pat on the shoulder. More tapping. A creak, a click. Darkness. Silence. He'd left.

Such a nice dragon.


Daedalon must have fallen asleep again as, after a period of nothing, she suddenly became aware of movement in her room. Clicking of claws. Something heavy and wooden was placed on the floor. Something ceramic was placed on the wooden shelves a little away from her nest. A tinkling like water. A muffled cry of distress as someone tried very hard to be quiet. More clicking. A sloshing sound. Dripping, lots and then little. Cloth shaking. Click click click. Something cold and soothing was placed on her forehead. She groaned in a mix of pain and satisfaction as cold water seeped from the cloth into her fur into her skin.

More clicking. Something heavy shifted. Click click. A rustle of wings. A hand snaked under her cheek, lifted her head, turned it slightly. The movement sent stars shooting across the inside of her eyelids, the world spinning. The lip of something round pressed to her lips. Sweet, refreshing water ran into her mouth. She parted her lips slightly to allow it to flow, soaking into her parched tongue, her sandpaper throat. It felt good. It stopped. She gulped, took a breath. Repeat. Her insides felt cooler as the liquid found its way through her system, putting out the fire that ravaged her stomach. Once more. Each sip felt better than the last. She didn't feel like she was going to throw up now.

The bowl was taken away. She almost mourned the loss. Click click. It was placed on the shelves. Click click. The cloth was taken off her head. It hurt, though the coolness lingered. Shaking of material. Something dry dabbed the place it had been, drying her fur. The cool, damp one was put back. She rumbled contentedly. Another pat on the shoulder. Clicking. The bowl was picked up. More clicking. Something linen rustled as it was placed on the floor near the heavy wooden thing. Click click click. A creak as the door opened.

“Thank you Saisset.” She managed weakly.

A pause.

“You're welcome, miss.” There was a hint of pride, of validity in his voice.

The door closed.


There was a warmth. The feeling like someone else was with her. Someone bigger, longer than she was. Something draped over her back, her shoulder, her belly. A wing?

Something entwined with her tail. Another tail?

The cloth was gone. Something long, rough and wet ran over her forehead. Once. Twice.

Something wedge-shaped pressed against her face. Hot breath, smelt like cinnamon. Steady. Even.

She curled up tighter.

He curled up with her.

Next Chapter

Last edited by Varethyn on Wed Mar 23, 2022 3:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Check out PetEmote here! | Visit my Flight Rising lair!

Rest in peace mum. I really did love and miss you, even if I never got to see you.

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Re: The Black Wind Howls [Darkest Pinkerlocke Reboot]

Unread post by Varethyn »

Day 38


As per my new rules, I will be actively stockpiling apparel: At a stack of 5 I can breed two compatible dragons or hatch an egg. At a stack of 10, if no breeding occurred, I can buy someone a gene early. This change was made due to the pacing of my story and the fact it was on hiatus long enough for everyone to be RTB so it doesn't make sense in terms of lore.

And yes I was laughing at this pull after the end of the last chapter.

Apparel stockpile: 1
Last edited by Varethyn on Thu Mar 17, 2022 11:20 am, edited 1 time in total.

Check out PetEmote here! | Visit my Flight Rising lair!

Rest in peace mum. I really did love and miss you, even if I never got to see you.

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Re: The Black Wind Howls [Darkest Pinkerlocke Reboot]

Unread post by Ana »

Nice bow :)


HUGE thanks to Makoes, Syleye, FeralClaw, Pingupuff, Karin,Bowno, Varethyn, Ashaine, Kishay, Aki (Täräin13), my friend Marie and some lovely ppl on Fligth Rising for my lovely sig

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