Wishlist for Hunter Pet System Changes in 10.0

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Re: Wishlist for Hunter Pet System Changes in 10.0

Unread post by WerebearGuy »

I greatly second the concept of keeping the "base" name when tamed. So many times I've had to settle for part of their name when I just want a pet with a cool name. You don't call an African Elephant "Mammoth" in real life when you raise one in a zoo. You don't adopt and raise a Boston Terrier and call it "Dog". You don't get T-posed on by a Southern Tamandua and call it "Rodent". Keeping the NPC name may have some unexpected side effects with addons that track exact names, but who cares.


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Re: Wishlist for Hunter Pet System Changes in 10.0

Unread post by worgpower »

I also agree, they should all keep the names, it would be confusing for new players, but who cares, give us all the names
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Re: Wishlist for Hunter Pet System Changes in 10.0

Unread post by Maizou »

Oh, and they need to update the recipe for the Mechanical Taming Goggles.

They suck to get on a new hunter because no one has Blood of Sargeras anymore lol. You can buy the other parts from the AH rather easily.

Though tbh, I just wish they'd remove things like the tome of Dinomancy and such. Once the item is "old" it should just be rolled into baseline taming abilities.

Or all of the taming items should be made account wide like the Blood Beast Book.
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Re: Wishlist for Hunter Pet System Changes in 10.0

Unread post by SylviaDragon »

came back to add:

-more spirit beasts. how in the world did we go an entire spirit themed xpack without getting a new one? (unless you count the cloud serpent from MGSV)

-another big ol combining of pet families. the list is getting crazy long again. personally i would be happy with much broader family categories such as canines, dinosaurs, birds and the various hooved creatures. A lot of families dont even have family specific extra buffs or abilities anymore anyway.

- more challenge tames. (i mean i love the unintentional ones like ivory cloud serpent and macro tames the most but i'll take anything.) i really enjoy the stuff that requires the hunter community to get together to tame something.

- more stuff added to the cloud serpent family. I think proto drakes at least are ripe for the picking right now


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Re: Wishlist for Hunter Pet System Changes in 10.0

Unread post by Artill »

I would still like to see pet specs gone or changable.
In replacement I would like to see pet talents coming back or Beast Training.

With Beast training maybe not with all those ranks but more in a way of picking (for example) 3 abilities which do feel meaningful in specific situations. Maybe in Raids you want 2 damage abilities and pet moevement speed, maybe in PvP pet moevement speed, some damage ability and stealth and in open world you want your pet to have some damage ability, extra threat and stamina. Just naming a few examples
Talents can have the same sort of effects.

I also wouldnt mind seeing Feed Pet getting some more importance, maybe with some non-consumable pet food which can increase its damage or its dodge. And to make it a bit less annoying make it that it persist through dead for at least x amount of minutes
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Re: Wishlist for Hunter Pet System Changes in 10.0

Unread post by Baihu »

I think there should be an 'official' cosmetic effects system, the kind that glitch-tames were famous for. I own both a glitch-tamed Lone Hunter with its sword in its head; and an oily Oil-Stained Wolf. But I can never use them because I'm terrified they'd somehow get unglitched due to some kind of loading/phasing in the WoW world, or if I happen to forget that I'm queued in LFG or something.

There's obviously a desire to have this bit more personalization to our pet appearance, beyond which version we're taming. So I wonder if having the ability or system to apply a basic cosmetic effect on any pet would be a good way to let everyone have that option. Do a quest for a ball of (harmless!) oil that you can 'throw' on any of your hunter pet to give them that Oil-Stained look. Or do some other quest in molten core, that then lets you add a flame-look to your pets like the old Flaming Boar glitch-tame etc.

Personally I hope they're not consumables, but that would be a nice compromise if making a whole system is too much work for such a niche feature.

Also, just to add I miss the old old method of learning new ranks for your pet skills; aka running to the ends of the earth to find that one beast with the highest ranked pet skill, tame it, and then use it till you yourself learn it to pass on to your main pet. So to adapt it to current WoW, adding on with the Exotic pet suggestion I saw on the first page of this thread as well as request for more challenge tames. For BM hunters, what about challenge tames for Exotic beasts with actual unique skills, but after taming them, and maybe doing a mini quest with them, you can learn that skill to then pass on to your other pets in the same Family/spec?

It sounds like a whole bunch of extra steps, but I just think there should be more ways for Hunters to be involved again, in the upkeep and care of your pets. Plus giving BM hunters a bit more fantasy to play with. It also doesn't have to be just Exotics. We could have named special Beasts, that require us to tame them and then do quests with them to unlock new skills/specs/talents for our pets for example, and this can work with Survival/Marksmanship Hunters too.

And finally, not a system suggestion, but I hope we get Dragonkin type pets in the next expansion!
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Re: Wishlist for Hunter Pet System Changes in 10.0

Unread post by DannyGreen »

I think like said earlier, we need to fuse some families. Assuming we toss out exotics.
Carapids can have beetles.
Lizards and scalehides etc etc etc
Also lets you be more creative with what each family could get.
I mean from my example, Croc and basalisk have the same moves. Just named differently.
Half the moves we currently have are pretty much one of 3 things. A dodge/defence, mortal wound and slow.
I'm not counting the pet debuff removal that's a pointless skill. Legit I would love for someone to tell me an actual use that has.
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Re: Wishlist for Hunter Pet System Changes in 10.0

Unread post by Valnaaros »

The problem with merging families to that extent is that a lot of those families are very different in terms of their lore, how they fight, their abilities, etc. Yes, Crocolisks and Basalisks share the same rig, but crocolisks are basically your real life crocodile, whereas basalisks are capable of turning things to stone or crystal. Dragonhawks aren't related at all to Wind Serpents, and how they are seen acting in game is different from one another. Wolves, Foxes, and Hounds are all canines, but how they act and hunt are all completely different.

I get why people are thinking that pet families should just be merged, but I think that we lose a lot by doing so and are ignoring several things about each family. The problem right now is that a lot of the families do not have anything, mechanically, that makes them standout. That needs to be changed, and that would solve a lot of the issues.
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Re: Wishlist for Hunter Pet System Changes in 10.0

Unread post by DannyGreen »

I would agree with you, but then you have the lizard family. Which are things including finned crocalisks, Cat fish lizards, regular lizards.
Things like the scalehide which have both kodos and thunderlizards which have two completely different purposes to.
Not to mention Feathermanes. Gryphons, hippogryph, wyverns all in the same family. But VASTLY different lore.

The problem you're trying to prevent already exists, frankly there's no point caring about the lore of half these creatures if they are mostly useless anyway. I apologise if that sounds aggressive. I love Thunderlizards, but them being in the scalehide family is fine even if I don't get a magic lightning bolt. I like my gryphon but I don't question why they are in the same family as wyverns.
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Re: Wishlist for Hunter Pet System Changes in 10.0

Unread post by Dawne »

I think all the suggestions so far are good. I would add something about the rares. I would like the unique look of a rare to remain unique. I hate it when I spend time and effort to tame a rare with a unique look only to have the identical look be applied to non-rares later in the game.

I would like to see all rares have a name consisting of two words or hyphenated, making that name unique. This would prevent hunters from renaming non-rare, look-alike pets, a rare's name.

As someone mentioned already, I would love to see ALL pets have a resting dynamic. When a player's character stops moving for X amount of time the pet automatically, or upon command, rests (sits, lays down, lands, sleeps, etc.). The resting visual effect should not "time out" but instead change only when the hunter moves or releases the pet from that command, unlike the temporary sleeping command currently available for bears and porcupines that lasts only a few seconds.

Regarding obtaining a special skill to be able to tame a specific family of pets, such as obtaining the skill to tame Blood Beasts. I like to think the act of taming is something very personal to a hunter, perhaps not completely understood by other classes. I imagine hunters sneaking off to tame, out of sight of their friends. To me, obtaining a special skill to tame should be something a hunter should be doing on their own, not in a group. I am not saying the challenge or quest to obtain the taming skill needs to be simple. However, I am totally against making any part of the challenge or quest REQUIRE a group, dungeon, or raid to complete.
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Re: Wishlist for Hunter Pet System Changes in 10.0

Unread post by Lee »

Yeah, I really hope they do something with the Exotic system as well. Especially because then made new characters get it so late in the leveling process again. I still wonder whose idea that was.

I hope they scrap it going forward, and make it possible to respect pets once more. That was one of my favorite things about the class and I honestly haven't enjoyed the game nearly as much since they took it away.
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Re: Wishlist for Hunter Pet System Changes in 10.0

Unread post by worgpower »

Blizzard made it to a point where exotic taming is not that special anymore, the pets like spirit beasts still have their super special healing ability, core hounds with their molten hide also deals damage, pets like devilsaurs and carapids have useless exotic abilities, like feast and the slight damage reduction is pretty much useless, i can tame nalak, a sentient cloud serpent on any spec as opposed to a snail or worm restricted for BM, the only pets that should remain exotic and BM only are spirit beasts, and give all families a new exotic ability to make them more special
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Re: Wishlist for Hunter Pet System Changes in 10.0

Unread post by DannyGreen »

Seeing the customisable dragon. It would be really cool to have a customisable special pet.
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Re: Wishlist for Hunter Pet System Changes in 10.0

Unread post by Zetsoban »

Sooo, dragon-Hati?
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Re: Wishlist for Hunter Pet System Changes in 10.0

Unread post by GormanGhaste »

or a mech pet we could give custom paint jobs!
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Re: Wishlist for Hunter Pet System Changes in 10.0

Unread post by DannyGreen »

Zetsoban wrote: Thu Apr 21, 2022 4:19 pm Sooo, dragon-Hati?
Sure why not?
Actually slapping it onto a spirit beast would make the most sense.
Pick the shape, pick the tint, pick the sub species.
So you could have like, traditional wolf, worg, draenor wolf, etc etc. You could straight up just steal all the spirit forms from the nightfae.

Could be a neat little feature. If not a bit of a daunting task for a single spec.

But going down that route. You coudl easily apply it to elementals for shamans, undead for DK and main demons for warlock.
Would just need a little bit of time for it.
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Re: Wishlist for Hunter Pet System Changes in 10.0

Unread post by Vornesoul »

Many of the suggestions here sound fun but I worry about the amount of design resources they would take. Frankly, as a sub-system to a single class, I imagine most of what we get are passion projects by a few designers who love the class/animals/flavor. System design for pets seems very limited and mostly allocated to new expansion launches.

All pets should have access to Ferocity as an absolute minimum (assuming no greater overhaul). I would give up the entire pet family system if the uniformity meant I could use whatever pet model I wanted. No need for family abilities. Make a simple 2 or 3 talent per row system like we currently have for our classes. Most of the interactions in combat you have with your pet are either automated or Hunter based abilities like Kill Command anyway. I'd rather the team spend the design resources on flavor stuff than trying to design and balance the ever-growing-pet combat abilities among themselves.

If we have to keep families then it is time to condense them and trim the exotic designation. That includes Spirit Beasts being usable by every spec. Keeping them as a super-special-awesome family fractures the systems design. The original post words BM as "taming a slightly wider range of pets" but the exotics limit the range of BM pet usage. You aren't playing optimally if you aren't using an exotic as a BM hunter in your main slot. Yes, you are free to pick sub-optimal pets but players trend to the path of least resistance. The more mechanical options you include, the further you separate the top from the bottom. There will always be a "Clefthoof" option as long as Exotics remain the way they are.

I wouldn't mind a ranged pet designation though. Having my Wind Serpent shoot lightning from beside me would be pretty cool.I run with my pet out despite being a MM main in Shadowlands. It would be nice to not lose track of it in the chaos of melee combat. (I wish they would remove Lone Wolf TBH but I also wished they had made BM the melee spec)
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Re: Wishlist for Hunter Pet System Changes in 10.0

Unread post by Ana »

I would hate for BM to be melee. I want to shot my bow and run alongside my pets..

I think we should be able to tame anything which looks like a animals or insects. Bunnies, cows, mantis, ladybugs you name it.
But I am a very casual player who take looooong hiatus fro wow so prob dont mind me :)


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Re: Wishlist for Hunter Pet System Changes in 10.0

Unread post by worgpower »

We got survival hunter, which is basically melee/hybrid BM and my main spec, I do hope exotics can be tamed by survival hunters and I agree that pets should get talent trees again rather than a full fledged spec with no talents and specific mobility, i want to use my gromit, i can talent the best ones for what ever content i want. If I want to use a raptor for tanking, I can talent it to tanking options
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Re: Wishlist for Hunter Pet System Changes in 10.0

Unread post by Vornesoul »

I was trying to expand on the melee BM thing but I ended up writing a thousand word tangent. The TD;LR is I don't think they will make such a change again. There was a fundamental change in class design philosophy with Legion and for the past three expansions. Dragonflight is shifting it back. What I meant by the BM melee comment is that I wouldn't have selected Survival as the melee spec for Legion. WC3 Hero design drew on a bunch of flavorful fiction archetypes and Vanilla design drew upon WC3 Heros. Beastmaster Heros were "raised by wolves" style fighters who risk life and limb to fight in melee aside their furry friends. That is a much more compelling as "Beast Master" than someone sit back shooting snakes out of their gun while their animal family suffer dragonfire breaths IMHO.

The play experience of my Hunter pets plays out like Pokémon. A single Sweeper "Pokémon" sits in the first spot that I use for 90% of content. Rest of the team is rarely used. A hundred pets sit unused in my "Pokébox'' stables. Every time my Robo-dog dies in a fight where a Scalehide or Gorrila would have survived is an instance of the game punishing me for making a suboptimal choice on a decision that should be entirely personal.

We have a bunch of utility abilities that could be moved off the class. Aspect of the Chameleon, Camouflage, Fetch, Fireworks, Scare Beast, Eagle Eye, and Eyes of the Beast. If I can't fly in a zone, I would love to be able to pull out my hawk and have it fly around giving me a bird's eye view. Maybe having a snake out lets you Camouflage with it. Bears could roar to Scare Beast. Pull out the hound to Fetch from awkward places. Archaeology hasn't gotten any love lately but it would be neat to have my pet seek out the dig spot. Pets could have reactions. Your pet makes a sound to alert you that treasure is nearby. Make the Rare Scanner add-on in pet form. I'd love more utility, customization, interaction and personalization for pets in general.