The Terrorpene Photo Album: Post your pics and stories here!

Relate your epic tames and show off your pets.
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Re: The Terrorpene Photo Album: Post your pics and stories h

Unread post by Mehira »

And finally, after persisting on through the circling, Terrorpene is now mine! :3 He spawned at the lava falls near where you summon the dragon for a quest.

picture of where he spawned/was tamed: ... 032503.jpg

lovely photo of him and i afterwards: ... 032226.jpg

Have no idea what to name him now.. guess it's time to start taking suggestions from my other hunter friends!

(being level 85 with ~100k health helped a lot, he hardly hit me. didn't need anything else, really)
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Re: The Terrorpene Photo Album: Post your pics and stories h

Unread post by Krysannis »

So it's about 4:30 am server and I've been camping him since about 3:30 am server. I think I may be going crazy. The half submerged rocks are starting to look like a turtle wondering around. Hopefully I'll catch him before I lose my mind.
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Re: The Terrorpene Photo Album: Post your pics and stories h

Unread post by han »

I got it today at about 2:15ish server time on Aerie Peak. I camped him for about 3.5 hours earlier in the day and no luck, then I went to do a heroic dungeon, came back and someone else was there, a lvl 83 hunter sitting afk. I pretty much was going to give up for the day and went to do a pretty bad heroic deadmines group which we wiped many times and I had to zone out to repair and my NPCScan went off and there it was right in front of me. Half my gear was broken and I tried to tame it right away out of excitement but I died since I didn't have enough HP to withstand the damage he did. I rezzed and flew to a repair vendor and went back and tamed it without a problem. I was quite worried in between the time I had to repair, someone would have sniped it. This is the first rare pet I've gotten since Brokentooth back in Vanilla =D
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Re: The Terrorpene Photo Album: Post your pics and stories h

Unread post by Sammax »

han wrote:I got it today at about 2:15ish server time on Aerie Peak. I camped him for about 3.5 hours earlier in the day and no luck, then I went to do a heroic dungeon, came back and someone else was there, a lvl 83 hunter sitting afk. I pretty much was going to give up for the day and went to do a pretty bad heroic deadmines group which we wiped many times and I had to zone out to repair and my NPCScan went off and there it was right in front of me. Half my gear was broken and I tried to tame it right away out of excitement but I died since I didn't have enough HP to withstand the damage he did. I rezzed and flew to a repair vendor and went back and tamed it without a problem. I was quite worried in between the time I had to repair, someone would have sniped it. This is the first rare pet I've gotten since Brokentooth back in Vanilla =D
That was me.........

Ive been looking for 2 days.


Why do i even try
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Re: The Terrorpene Photo Album: Post your pics and stories h

Unread post by Bundia »

I just tamed myself Terrorpene. I logged on, and a guildie told me about him getting the shale spider minipet. And another one chimes in, "Terrorpene died." My heart sank as I waited for him to tell me when he died. But I kept flying out to his spawn nonetheless. And he told me around 2am last night. I figured that he was on about a 6 hour timer, and I came out around 10:30. I figured that I might be wrong and flew down. I spammed my macro, only to get a wsp. My macro wsp me upon targeting. And I figured that I accidentally had myself targeted. There is no way that he's out here. I haven't even spent an hour camping a rare that I actually want. I fully expected at least 3 days of camping as I have never spent less than that looking for a rare that I really wanted. Sure enough I look up and my target is Terrorpene! I swoop down and pull out my corehound. I blow his Bloodlust and dismiss. Then I begin to tame. Oh. I died in 2 seconds. Yeah. I'm lvl 81. I told my boyfriend that I ate it, and he had me invite his lvl 85 Priest. And then he made his way out to me. It was the worst wait ever as I prayed that no one would stumble upon him as I stalked him. Fortunately my boyfriend flew down and told me to get to taming. A few heals and a fade from him later, and Terrorpene stood at my side. YAY!

Now I just have to pick out a name. I figured that I'd have a few days to pick one out. And now I have a new lvling pet. :D

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Re: The Terrorpene Photo Album: Post your pics and stories h

Unread post by Dilvar »

So there i was, had hit 85 just grinding out some hyjal quests to get hyjal rep (papa wants boots). when I see a message in general. "any hunters want terropene". invite as im right at him. I throw off an invite soon as i see that, then jump on mah 310% drake yay and start flyin my way over there. I'm urgin my drake to geater speed as im sure other hunters on there way as well. But i make it hes still there, land , then realize "oh noes! no spot avail". Had to make a quick decision on who to abandon. threw away mah wolf sasha(she will forgive me) as she isnt a rare like a lot of my others. Then just land n start tamin. as i was 85 and had 95 k life tame went off without a hitch! I now has a turtle named Brenne(if that right i think it means burn in norwegian, any norwegians to verify that :D).
A big thank you has to go out to Wain, the friendly shammy who spotted him and showed me where he was.
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Re: The Terrorpene Photo Album: Post your pics and stories h

Unread post by Moonlost »

My brother and I are on our characters, he on his holy priest and myself on my huntress, finishing up the last of Hyjal. Every ten to twenty minutes, I'd say to him "I'm going to quickly check for Fire Turtle", before doing a quick fly over of his little lava pool, then heading back to him.
Today, we're on our way to do the last quest of the zone. (Which I won't spoil for those who haven't done it, needless to say it was awesome.) As we're quite close to the Terrorpene lava pool, I decide to swing around and try my luck once more as it'd probably be the last time I'd be there until 85. And, at the southmost wall of the lava pool, there he was, happily toddling about!

I call out to my brother, who quickly flies over to me. I tell him this guy hits hard, pull out my Corehound, hit Ancient Hysteria and tame... My brother wasn't prepared for just how hard Terrorpene hits and we both die.
A quick flight to our bodies and I go around tracking the turtle while my poor brother manas up. I notice the big turtle doubles back on himself once he hits the eastern wall, before starting to head northward. Second attempt, no Hysteria. This time my brother pulls agro then dies, then I die from lack of heals... I'm not sure why he wasn't healing, as he was in spirit of redemption form at the time. I'm guessing a brain fart moment.
Third attempt. Once again brother needs to take time to mana, I follow Terrorpene around. He archs his way northward still, Almost up to the northern wall of his little lava pool I believe. Ancient Hystera goes up and I pop a haste pot. This time when we go for our tame attempt, my brother fades just as I hit my tame beast spell, thus allowing him to heal withut worry of agro. Terrorpene still manages to take me down to around 20% health before he shuffles over to my side happily.

Needless to say, I am thrilled with my new turtle buddy, although my other turtle Om may be a little jealous of his new, more shiny little brother. I named him "Balrók", which is Proto-Nordic meaning "fire-god" or "fire-power". (It's also the word Tolkien took inspiration for the name of his famous beastie, the Balrog, so doubly fitting!)

Alas no screenshots of the tame, or the wild Terrorpene roaming about, so have a (rather terrible) screenshot of Balrók in Deepholme. I think the cool tones of the zone perfectly show just how gorgeous this guy is.
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Re: The Terrorpene Photo Album: Post your pics and stories h

Unread post by zedxrgal »

Man he's so cool looking!!! <3 Drat my work schedule!!! :lol:

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Re: The Terrorpene Photo Album: Post your pics and stories h

Unread post by Mazrim »

Here's Me and Bowser:

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I had JUST seen this pet in Stormwind Friday night, and nearly fell out of my chair, he looked so amazing. But I've never had any luck with getting rares like this. Nevertheless, I had decided that NOTHING was going to stop me from getting this pet. I had heard a rumor that his spawn timer was 3 hrs, so every few hrs I would get out of bed and log on to check. I gave up for the night (Im old, at 40 you just cant pull the all nighters like ya used to :p ), but my baby daughter woke me up around 7:15, so I eventually got her back to sleep by 7:40 AM EST Saturday morning, logged on to check how many Hutners were in line for the spawn.........and guess what was staring me in the face? Lol, I was shaking so bad I almost forgot to hit tame! Six seconds later, I welcomed my new Fire Turtle, Bowser!

The only thing that has me concerned is that since Terrorpene's skin is so unique, that Blizz may say "oops, didnt mean to make that tameable", and either screw us out of him or make him BM only. That will make me sad panda. :(

P.S.: I can't seem to be able to post my pic directly to the page, sorry for the inconveniance. :)
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Re: The Terrorpene Photo Album: Post your pics and stories h

Unread post by Socks »


^ Says it all.

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Re: The Terrorpene Photo Album: Post your pics and stories h

Unread post by Kierwyn »

I'm currently camping him right now on Elune. Sat here for a few hours last night and nothing popped, before I finally had to go to bed. Here's to hoping he spawns for me today!
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Re: The Terrorpene Photo Album: Post your pics and stories h

Unread post by Shandele »

I swear people that post these tames have the biggest luck out of anyone.

I've camped Terrorpene straight for ten hours and he did not appear. Camped him the next hours and still nothing.

How do you guys do it? How? HOW?! LOL!
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Re: The Terrorpene Photo Album: Post your pics and stories h

Unread post by Quay »

Hey there. Second post here but I have been reading these forums since they were started. Any ways I finally got to tame my own Terropene today. On Earthen Ring at 3:30pm. The day before I camped him for 9 hours straight when he finally showed up at 12:16am. I was so panicked because he spawned in the oppisite side of the rock that I was on. So I rushed over there and screwed up and got killed for it. Second time I went back started eating to get my health back and a Horde Warlock took aggro right when I started taming him and killed him as I proceeded to ask him if I could tame him. He said sorry and left. :(

During this break and went and geared up with haste including the boots and gloves enchant. And managed to get about 21.24% haste. Plus I had some speed potions that i got earlier. Plus I went out and tamed 2 core hounds so just in case I screwed up I had a spare in reserve for the anicient hystria. Plus I was eating haste food, Very Burnt Worg. BTW I'm level 82.

So I figured I would camp him after 6 hours. So I started at 6am and finally he appeared at 3:30pm on the dot. I got too excited and fell into the lava and couldn't get back out. Then when I started to tame him I screwed up again and died. :P After sitting forever I just couldn't calm down. Well I rezzed and ate and made sure while he patted back toward sme to do it correctly. Well I did. I used anicent hystria and abandoned pet. I used a speed potion and hit tame beast. When he started attacking me my health was going down so fast and the tame bar was going so slow. And then suddenly when I thought I was going to die again he shrunk and came towards me tamed. So the post that I read earlier that you can bug out the tame bar by upping your haste really is right. The tame bar was half full and he was tamed.

Well that's my story. Thanks all for the great info on these boards. :)

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Re: The Terrorpene Photo Album: Post your pics and stories h

Unread post by Krysannis »

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Re: The Terrorpene Photo Album: Post your pics and stories h

Unread post by Luckyhunter »

Signed up just to share my excitement of taming one!

I flew over thinking that there's no way he'd be there in the middle of the day on a weekend, but sure enough, he's just swimming around with no worries. So, being the level 83 I am and unprepared except for a haste potion I always carry around just because I have it, I drink the potion and proceed to tame.

And I die...but just as I die, he disappears and sure enough, when I return in my ghost form, I see the turtle icon in my toolbar. MINE! :P Having caught Loque a few days earlier, I've been on a lucky streak. No camping required with them both!
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Re: The Terrorpene Photo Album: Post your pics and stories h

Unread post by Lupis »

Camping for four hours. Finally a random Worgen flies down.. "He was tamed five hours ago." And with that, he flies off.
ARGGHHH! All that camping for nothing!
And now that it's been the correct six hours (seven now) he fails to spawn.

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Re: The Terrorpene Photo Album: Post your pics and stories h

Unread post by Kierwyn »

Whoot! Got my Terrorpane. I started camping him at 2:30pm server time. Had no time on the previous spawn/kill, so I was prepared for a long wait. He finally spawned just before 9pm server time, and according to my timer I had been tere 7h 16min. So it can definitely be more than 6 hours.

Anyway, I have my Kilauea (named for the Hawaiian volcano which is home to Pele, a Hawaiian goddess). He looks awesome in Camoflauge!

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Re: The Terrorpene Photo Album: Post your pics and stories h

Unread post by Bonesinger »

I have camped 14hrs straight. the 6 hr theory is not right =P
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Re: The Terrorpene Photo Album: Post your pics and stories h

Unread post by Pewmew »

They let the Lil' Ragnaros pet act like a cooking fire, we should be able to cook off of this guy.
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Re: The Terrorpene Photo Album: Post your pics and stories h

Unread post by barzini »

Finally also i am 1of the lucky 1's
After a long long night camping.did start at 10pm. and terrorpene did spawn at approq 9am

He spawned south of the sulfuron spire and did walk north.

my hp is 58k hp. did use a flask and a speed potion. first try i died :(
the second try i did tame this beauty and my heartrate was so ........
did have 7% of my health left a close call i would say.

so the six hour respawn it's not really correct, maybe a minimal spawn of 6 and max .... hours.


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good luck 2 those who are gona try 2 tame it. sorry about the big picture,
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