The Terrorpene Photo Album: Post your pics and stories here!

Relate your epic tames and show off your pets.
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Re: The Terrorpene Photo Album: Post your pics and stories h

Unread post by Aeliel »

I got her!

(Yeah, I know everybody's referring to Terrorpene as "him". I was too, before taming, and then after taming I was telling my boyfriend "look at my health, she nearly killed me"... I've learned not to fight pets when they decide their own gender through a slip of my tongue like that. It never works.)

I quested in Vashj'ir until I was level 81 - this was barely enough to mop up the first corner of the zone, and therefore I didn't replace very many items.

As soon as I hit 81, I dropped everything I was doing, dropped by the AH and bought a +90 to all resists elixir (Prismatic Elixir) and a +225 haste elixir (Elixir of Mighty Speed). I also had some +30 haste food and a handful of potions of speed already on me.

I tamed a temporary corehound for the bloodlust and parked myself over the southern end of the lava lake. And waited. And waited. And waited. And waited...

And fell asleep in my chair.

My boyfriend shook me awake and said I really should go to sleep. I said alright, but could he keep me logged in and wake me if the turtle spawned? Sure, he said. So I went to sleep.

A few hours later, the boyfriend shook me awake. Turtle was up!

I scrambled out of bed (nearly tripped over the carpet in the process) and sat down to sort out the taming process. Drank the two elixirs, ate the buff food, summoned the temporary corehound and moved the following taming macro to my bars:

#showtooltip Tame Beast
/cast Ancient Hysteria
/script PetAbandon()
/use Potion of Speed
/cast Deterrence
/cast Tame Beast

Flew to the rock closest to which the turtle was pathing, pressed the macro... and the little bugger promptly walked out of tame range just as I pressed it. Argh. Cue panicked mounting up, flying to the next closest rock, and pressing tame... and by that point Deterrence had, obviously, worn off, so I took the full brunt of Burning Hatred. Nothing to do but cross my fingers and pray the tame will go through.

And it did! One more tick would've killed me.

For reference: lvl81, 32243HP (with a +30sta buff food), 90 fire resist (from the prismatic elixir), 20.69% character screen haste (counting the +225 haste from the elixir and +30 from the buff food), plus speed potion and bloodlust, equals a successful tame with no need for deterrence.

Still trying to decide on a name for her. So happy! This is the first time camping a rare spawn has paid off for me. (We won't talk about the time I was circling for Loque, stopped to drain a cloud with engineering, and reached the next spawn point in the loop only to find that another hunter had just tamed him.)
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Re: The Terrorpene Photo Album: Post your pics and stories h

Unread post by hunter32 »

Here's my story... Yesterday i "stumble upon" him... I'm so happy until he made a joke out of my 82 NE Hunter. To say he owned me would be an understatement...I was totally unprepared for the fire damage that he threw my way. Luckily i came here and read up on some others who successfully tamed.
I got a prismatic elixir, a speed potion, and a haste scroll. I went back a few min. ago, exactly 24 hours from when I got murdered yesterday and he spawned right in front of me. Therefore, he seems to be on a 24 hour spawn, though obviously it could be 12 or even 6. Anyway I buffed up, tamed and still had 35% health. So in other words definitely use some potions and elixirs unless you are well geared (or higher than level 83):) BTW He is awesome!!!
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Re: The Terrorpene Photo Album: Post your pics and stories h

Unread post by Lupis »

Tamed him right after I got home from school today. :-) Logged on to check like usual, and just about had a heart attack when I saw a red dot right below me. Did a quick mouseover and had another mini-heart attack. Landed, got off my mount, found that he had wandered too far away, flew closer, ate haste food, drank my fire resist potion, drank my haste potion, popped Ancient Hysteria, found that he was too far away to tame, freaked and got closer, popped my Shard and hit tame. The entire time I was sure that some other hunter was breathing down my neck, or someone was flying in to kill him. I was probably the only one in the area. He did about 6.5k damage per tick, and my tame was about 6 seconds. I had plenty of health by the end.

After just staring at him for about a minute, I called to my brother (who had gone to his room) that I had found and tamed Terrorpene. He rejoiced, mostly because that meant I'd start leveling again. Immediately I hearthed to SW to bank my haste stuff, and within seconds had people swarming around him in the bank. Someone /love'd him, and I got several whispers... I think I'm third to tame him on my server. :-D

So happy - I'm never lucky like this! I expected to get him by flying by several months into the next expansion, which is how I usually find rares.

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Re: The Terrorpene Photo Album: Post your pics and stories h

Unread post by Celi »

I've been an unjoined Aussie lurker for ages but I decided to join to post my Terrorpene taming story. I started camping for him once I'd finished Vash. I got as much haste as I could as well as haste food and speed pots. Went and grabbed a core hound and parked my darling hunter in the middle of Terror's path. Couple of days later, still no lava turtle. Yesterday (Wednesday, Queensland Australia time) I was woken up at about 4am by a horrible nightmare and didn't want to go back to bed. Servers would have just come back up after maint and I managed to log into BR without the usual 2-3k queues. So I started camping at 4.15ish am on Wednesday morning. He spawned at about 2.20pm on Wednesday arvo. I died on my first tame attempt and when I got back to my corpse, was greeted with the sight of some silly BE hunter killing him with a warrior mate helping.

My heart went south.

So all annoyed, I headed off to a new zone to do a quick grind to 83 in order to get even more stam and haste. Things were reforged and enchanted for stam and haste. Unbuffed with speed pot, food or core hound buff, I managed to get my tame down to about 6.7 seconds. Armed again, my now adored core hound who no longer faces the boot and I headed back to our camping spot. At about 9.12pm on Wednesday night, I was greeted by the heart attack causing drums of NPC scan and rushed to find him. Plonking my girls ass on a rock, I buffed up and then mounted up again to get him back in range. Shashta the core hound buffed me and said good bye and soon my turtle was actually mine. In my panic, I didn't even take notice of what I'd gotten my tame time down to. Though I realised afterwards that I hadn't ended up eating my food long enough or used a pot of speed or popping deterrance. I'd only remembered to flask up and use the core hound buff.

Haven't got a screenie of him yet. But taking a vote with friends, we decided to call him Pyralis which is Greek and has a meaning of "Of Fire". I use a site called to find names with meanings that suit my pets.

Now my faithful hunter and I are off to 85 so we can camp for Ghostcrawler, Karoma and Sambas before doing the camp for TLPD take 2. Though I'm not sure how my beloved drake will handle it if he is forced to share my love with another dragon :lol:
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Re: The Terrorpene Photo Album: Post your pics and stories h

Unread post by Rojito65 »

:headbang: Just got him on malygos.. i camped him yesterday for 8hr+ with no luck logged in today and after 30 mins pop... didnt do much dmg took me down to about 60% of 104khp. i am so happy... here are my pic.

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Re: The Terrorpene Photo Album: Post your pics and stories h

Unread post by asf4367 »

I've been a loyal lurker for a long time, so I wanted to say a quick thanks to everyone for the great info, pics and stories!

I was never interested in getting a turtle as a pet, not that I have anything at all against them, I just thought I preferred furry and/or pretty. Then I saw Terrorpene and I knew my beloved pet family would never be complete without him. After some lengthy camps, he spawned a few yards away and I was so excited I forgot to look at the exact coords, forgot the potion I got just for this, and started squealing like a little kid on Christmas morning when they open the coolest present ever. I just hit tame, grinning at the screen like a deranged (but very happy) fool.

I went back and checked, give or take a very little bit, he spawned for me at 54,80. I survived with about a third of my health...probably less, not sure how long I sat there smiling at the screen admiring him. Spawned at exactly 10pm, Kael'Thas, and it seemed to be a 6 or 12 hour timer (I had to sleep a little).

It hasn't been long, but I have fallen harder for him than any other. His animations are so endearing. Instead of just a very cool, monstrous, fiery, turtle beast he seems more like a gentle giant who would rather get a scratch behind the ear (ummm, do turtles have ears?). But if anyone he cares about is threatened, then the turtle beast emerges with a vengeance.

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Re: The Terrorpene Photo Album: Post your pics and stories h

Unread post by Setanta »

Rojito65 wrote::headbang: Just got him on malygos.. i camped him yesterday for 8hr+ with no luck logged in today and after 30 mins pop... didnt do much dmg took me down to about 60% of 104khp. i am so happy... here are my pic.

I love the name you gave to your Terrorpene.

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Re: The Terrorpene Photo Album: Post your pics and stories h

Unread post by Button »

Wow, am I stoked! I had a hard camp so I thought I would share my story. (I am on Archimonde, for anyone who is looking for spawn times/dates.)

Yesterday I decided was going to be THE DAY I tamed Terrorpene. I knew I was probably in for a long wait, but I was determined. I camped from 8 AM to 9:25 PM when he spawned. I was super excited and was trying to tame when a warlock (same faction!) came along and killed him. Needless to say, I was VERY upset. I read that the lowest spawn time anyone has seen was 5.5 hrs, so I set my alarm and went to bed. I couldn't sleep because I kept replaying the entire incident in my head. I finally fell asleep and got about 1-2 hrs of sleep before my alarm woke me up.

Back to camping again - this time I'm starting at 2:45 AM. Another hunter that I'd made friends with the previous day was camping one spot, and I the other. He said he would allow me to tame him since Terrorpene had been taken from me the previous day. Not sure if he reads the forums here, but THANK YOU! He ended up having to leave for work about 8 AM.

Another hunter friend logs on and sees me still out there camping. She says "I'll help! want me to sit at the other spawn point?" Sure! So we each sit at a spawn location from 8:15 AM until 11:30 AM when she had to leave to do some RL things with her husband (THANK YOU as well!).

At this point I'm getting VERY down about it. I'd camped 13.5 hrs the previous day, and about 9 hours today. It seemed like he would never spawn. Since I'm now camping solo, I am doing circles of the spawn points. I went to check the east spawn point. Nope, not there. I fly back and right as I land on my rock I see him spawn right in front of me and npcscan goes off (time was 11:57 AM). I hover over and then SilverDragon picked him up too.

I quickly took the prismatic elixir I had gotten off the AH earlier today (which was an INCREDIBLE help! It halves the dmg he does to you at 85), popped my haste trinket (Ephemeral Snowflake - Yes, I know it's a healing trinket but it's helped me tame KK and Terrorpene now.) and a haste potion and hit tame beast. The whole time I'm watching my mini map to watch for anyone bee-lining it to him like the lock had. Tame completes, and not a soul around for the entire tame. Thank goodness!

I'm totally stoked that I was finally able to tame him! Thank you to all of the kind hunters who helped me camp him and encouraged me to keep at it. Thanks to the people here on Petopia that gave me the information I needed to tame this beautiful pet. You guys are great!

Edit: I wanted to add that both spawns were at the southern pool at the coordinates (52,84).
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Re: The Terrorpene Photo Album: Post your pics and stories h

Unread post by Kormai »

I began my camp a few hours ago on Drenden. When I first showed up with a hunter friend to look, I noticed a dwarf hunter sitting and waiting, he disappeared after my first fly idea where he went. After about an hour in the area flying around and killing the big elemental dudes my FAVE ally hunter showed up...the same nelf hunter that came by flagged while I was camping Ghostcrawler...I feel like a cat right now with my back arched and my hair standing on end. I had an alliance friend on real id talk to the guy and told me that he was 99% sure the nelf would have stolen GC had he been there when I tamed (I was saved by 5 mins). He disappeared but I have no doubt he will be back.....


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Re: The Terrorpene Photo Album: Post your pics and stories h

Unread post by Twitchapher »

Ok, I'm a long time lurker, long time pet hunter, first time poster. Figured I share my story of this guy from yesterday.

So after a 8 hour camp with nothing the night before, having gone to bed at 8 due to a whacked out sleeping cycle, I woke up at 4:30 in the morning and parked my butt over where the most awesome looking turtle spawns. Sadly on my sever no one cares about cool looking pets and it's more of a 'kill on sight for lulz' so getting any info on tame times or kill times is impossible. The only info I had that morning was there was a blood elf last night running around with him, which isn't much to go on. So it's more of a 'sit down and prey to be lucky' thing.

Anyways, bout 5am I was joined by an Ally Dwarf(I being a Blood Elf) and since he showed no signs of aggression to me, I left him be. I fail hard at pvp anyways. So after showing off our pets to each other that we had on hand, I switched over to my Ally toon and talked to him for a bit. He seemed like a nice guy. We talked for a bit before I went back to camp with him in the lone hours of the morning.

We had a few other hunters pop by, all looking for the turtle, but I was the only one who stayed. Everyone at some point left to go to something else. All I had to do was mine the nodes that would spawn and work on jewel crafting. After about 5 hours...Sever Restart. Dishearten that the turtle hadn't spawned I deiced to go check on Ghostcrawler. Didn't take me that long to go to Vashj'ir and lo! The ghosty crab was there! Thought he was a mining node for a minute until I hovered my cursor over the dot. Swift swam down and after a phase out, tamed him. So my morning wasn't a complete waste.

So after the sever restart I was back to the lava pits, getting a really nice tan. For the next 6 hours, more hunters popped in to check, my Ally Dwarf friend came back for a bit, talked to some horde hunters but nothing really happened. It was fifteenths to three when I had to to the beckon of my pets and put on the dishes before my parents came home or I'd be in trouble. I parked over the southern most point, the 'hot spot' from all the info I've read and did my chores. Came back on just before three, hovered my cursor over my arrow and lo, the name Terrorpene popped up...That pesky turtle spawned while I was upstairs! RIGHT under me. Swooped down, tamed him without a hitch, did a happy dance.

Showed him off to my guildies to show that I wasn't wasting my time instead of gearing up for heroics. They all think he is awesome. The problem is for me...
My computer does him no justice...I can't for the life of me get his lava animations to work...Which makes me a sad panda. Need to ask for a better graphics card..Aw well...He's mine at least along with Ghostcrawler. Now if I could just find Karoma I'd be golden.
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Re: The Terrorpene Photo Album: Post your pics and stories h

Unread post by Kormai »

Woooooooo! After 8 and a half hours of constant camping Terrorpene is mine! I had some run-ins with other hunters...namely my fave flagged nelf hunter (sarcasm!). When my NPC Scan popped up it scared the crap out of me as it always does! And then I panicked because I couldn't find him at first...he was behind me and covered by an exploding lava bubble. I flew the completely wrong way and lost him, much to my dismay! But I flew back, saw him walking out from behind a rock, dismissed my pet and hit tame! And watched as he took my health from 100k all the way down to 50k by the time I was done taming. But in the end he was mine!

Terrorpene spawned at the southern spawn point (co-ords: 52, 85 according to Mappy*) @ 10:15 pm server time on Drenden. He was patrolling north when I flew back to find him.

About 3 mins after the tame a tauren hunter showed up who already had the awesome turtle, so I took a pic with the both of us and our turtles!
Raphael, me, Darthmoo, Mustafar (love his Star Wars theme)
Raphael, me, Darthmoo, Mustafar (love his Star Wars theme)
Raphael3.jpg (261.98 KiB) Viewed 1525 times
Was taking screenshots when Darthmoo landed. This one shows Raphael's details really well.
Was taking screenshots when Darthmoo landed. This one shows Raphael's details really well.
Raphael2.jpg (260.95 KiB) Viewed 1525 times
Tamed!!!!!! Was able to take pics once i'd sorta stopped freaking out. (read guild chat LMAO)
Tamed!!!!!! Was able to take pics once i'd sorta stopped freaking out. (read guild chat LMAO)
Raphael1.jpg (360.33 KiB) Viewed 1525 times


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Re: The Terrorpene Photo Album: Post your pics and stories h

Unread post by Colgaran »

*Whistles to self* Playing Peggle while camping. Beat the whole damn addon game. Still camping. *Goes to get more coffeee....*
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Re: The Terrorpene Photo Album: Post your pics and stories h

Unread post by shardust »

(Just registered, first post)

After almost 18 hours camping (last sighting was yesterday at about 3:00 PM, when my guildie tamed it, and you can imagine the screaming... xD), and seeing all types of Horde hunters there mocking me just with their very presence (one even called ALL his cata pets just to mess my npcscan cache, and yes, even calling the turtle...) and some dumb /emotes... :x

At 8:30 PM server time, I decided to go make dinner and left the speakers at maximus level, then changed my mind and called for pizza, and when I got back at the pc, exactly at 8:36 PM server time, Blade's Edge EU, he spawned in front of me, at about 54,79 (the spakers scared my pants off too!). I was so excited I missed a couple seconds before hitting Tame (had to dismiss pet too -.-), and by the time I did he had aggroed me and took a good chunk of health. Thank goodness I was at 85 with good blue-green pieces, 'cause I was almost dead when the tame finished. BUT I DID IT! TAKE THAT, HORDIES! :P

(no offense to any hordies in the forum, I just mean the ones in my servers I talked above :lol: )
WoWScrnShot_121710_203807.jpg (150.04 KiB) Viewed 1525 times
Oh, I also managed to get Jadefang yesterday (got the daily, waited for it, and he spawned soon after, npcscan didn't go off so tho) AND his mini-pet today (completionist, HAD to have the mini-pet too)
WoWScrnShot_121710_133047.jpg (87.86 KiB) Viewed 1525 times
And now, what to do, Sambas or Ghostcrawler or Madexx? Maybe later on, for now I'm happy. :D
Ankha, Aotona, Arcturis, Ban'thalos, Gezzarak the Huntress, Ghostcrawler, Ghost Saber, Gondria, Hawkbane, Jadefang, Karkin, Karoma, King Krush, Kirix, Madexx (Red), Magria, Old Cliff Jumper, Olm the Wise, Skoll, Loque'hanak, Sambas, Sian-Rotam, Skarr, The Kurken, Terrorpene.
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Re: The Terrorpene Photo Album: Post your pics and stories h

Unread post by Schmoikel »

Greetings all. Very long time lurker and now making my first post. I had originally retired my hunter after running him through most of the LK heroics because my guild needed tanks and healers. But browsing these forums made me want to dust of the gear, tighten up the bow string and head out. I felt fully prepared for the long arduous journey that lay ahead. I read all the pages, took notes, studied very carefully, bought all the right pots and potions and drums...oh my.. and head out to the lava pits only to find a lvl 85 horde hunter sitting on his sweet drake. Great, I'm a lowly 83. Oh well, sit and wait I guess. What's that in the sky, another hunter! ARgh! This time a fellow night elf. He whispers, 'Oh man are you looking for Terrorpene too?' I kindly reply, 'Sure am'. He says, "I've been trying for 2 days straight." Not really sure why I did what I did but I whisper back 'If he shows up, you can have him. I'll go scout the north end and you can scout the south'. He was shocked. He couldn't believe anyone would 'give up' the opportunity to tame this flaming Testudine. I told him fair is fair, he was here first and after all it's just a game and games are supposed to be fun. During this the horde hunter left. We camp for a couple of hours with no luck. I pull some wife aggro and have to leave. I bid him good luck and log off.

Skip to the next day. I log in to see I have some mail. It was from the NE Hunter I camped with. He says Terrorpene spawned at exactly 2:15 am server time (that was 4 more hours of camping!). I quickly check the clock. Sweet, 2 hours to spare assuming a min of 6hr spawn timer. Make a mad dash to get real life stuff done and get back home with 15 min to spare. Log in.....CRAP I'm in SW! D'oh! Make it to the lava with a few minutes to spare. Slowly the clock ticks. The 6hr mark hits and no turtle. The 7hr mark hits, still no turtle and no turtle at the 8hr. I decide to log in to my healer really quick and get her to the Cata areas for leveling later. Log back to my hunter. Nope no turtle. Make my way north and BAM!!! WOOT WOOT!! Alarms, screen flashing.... TERRORPENE!! I yelled so loud I woke the dog and scared the cat. Calm down, you planned for this. Plan? what plan? Crap, how do I do this again? Using the macro from here I screw up royally. I abandon my core hound, hit deterence, down a speed potion and hit tame....damn!...he walked out of range.....noooo...get back here my fiery reptilian. Get him in range, hit tame....damn forgot about the haste food. Too late, he's after me. Tame bar SLOWLY going down. Health bar rapidly decreasing. Man this is going to be close. Final tick of the tame....died! #@!$% !#$%%# !#@$# or something like that was said. But wait, the turtle disappeared as soon as I died. As others here have done, did I too tame the beast before departing? Rez, call pet......Woohoo!...the turtle is MINE. ... 123022.jpg

Not the best screenshot ever but my hands were still shaking.

Thank you to everyone here for getting me back with my first and favourite toon.
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Re: The Terrorpene Photo Album: Post your pics and stories h

Unread post by Mychelle »

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Re: The Terrorpene Photo Album: Post your pics and stories h

Unread post by batkinson001 »

hey all another "Happy Accident" occurred tonight (12-18-2010 1147pm-ish EST)

I got Terrorpene (now named Nemesis) totally randomly while talking with a level 82 hunter while we waited, based on the information I had from another hunter the previous day I wasn't expecting him for another 5 hours or so (5pm-ish spawn on Friday) on an assumed 12 hour spawn cycle at the least. So I was quite surprised when it spawned BEHIND me in the southern spawn point...
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Re: The Terrorpene Photo Album: Post your pics and stories h

Unread post by Bubu »

Around 2am server time.
Just finished random run few minutes ago and was posting reply in this topic when _npcscan found rare walking BBQ.
I was way above ground on my helicopter.
Somehow I managed to dismount and for a few seconds on the way down I was able to:
1) click on Drums of Forgotten Kings
2) click on Lesser Flask of Resistance
3) click on my parachute cloak
4) landing right on top of her head
5) start taming... (dunno how I did it :headbang: ) ...

... will post screens of my new baby later:O)
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Re: The Terrorpene Photo Album: Post your pics and stories h

Unread post by seclipse »

woulda had him, but a nubby horde on garithos kept interuptin my tame (4 lvls above me) then proceeded to tame him hiself after he killed me and my healer. gotta love the lack of respect lil 12 yr olds give.
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Re: The Terrorpene Photo Album: Post your pics and stories h

Unread post by Girmoo »

Been camping him off and on fr about a week now and only seen him once. Sitting times are good 4-5 hours at a time. Thankfully knitting has been keeping me sane. Does any one have a def spawn time for this guy? I've heard 6-12 and some people camping 15, I'd really love to get him before having to go back to work in a week and a half :|
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Re: The Terrorpene Photo Album: Post your pics and stories h

Unread post by Girmoo »

After almost 9 hours camping tonight finally got him at 2:45 server time :P


Now I gotta figure out what to name him :D
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