Karoma and Sambas information, please help!

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Karoma and Sambas information, please help!

Unread post by felren »

For the past 3 days I have been hunting down 4 pets, Zaricotl, Gondria, Sambas, and Karoma, I found Zaricotl the 2nd day and I found Gondria in the first 5 minutes I entered Zul'drak. But Sambas and Karoma seem to me more elusive. So knowing the spawn timers and other bits of information that could prove helpful, or even advice would be helpful and greatly appreciated!
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Re: Karoma and Sambas information, please help!

Unread post by Vinessa »

They are REALLY hard to get, or at least Sambas, cuz hes really loved by hunters :/ He took me 2 months! to get.
Karoma isnt really hard, found him the 2d day of searching, and ive been spotted him 5 times in total and gave him to other hunters :)

Some tips for Sambas: i found him twice at 6am (st). Thats probably the hour that no one is looking for him. When i found him at 6am no one wanted him, the first time, i tamed him of course, and the 2d time i asked in general chat, and no one wanted him, untill i told a hunter in my guild. me: hey, are u interested in Sambas? rare beast tameable in Twilight Highlands. her: uhm, i really dont know whos him. me: just come here xD and tame him, hes extremelly hard to get :).
and she was really slow, took her about 15minutes to get from Orgrimmar to Twilight Highlands >.> i was really nervous :/

Try to look for Sambas when its really late, around 4 - 7 am, make a macro and keep spamming it, [ /tar Sambas /tar Karoma /stopmacro [noexists]
/tell YourName --> %t <-- ]
Keep you Track Beasts and Track hidden on. Download Silverdragon and _npcscan . Sometimes ask for info in general chat. i really dont give a shit about what people think about me, i just wated my Sambas (: so i was almost spamming in general chat :b
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Re: Karoma and Sambas information, please help!

Unread post by FuzzyDolly »

I found them both one just after the other by pure luck. It was about 5 am Eastern time on the Velen realm.


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