Autonu Fakemon Pokedex (WIP)

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Autonu Fakemon Pokedex (WIP)

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Welcome to the Autonu region pokedex! This is a huge project that my boyfriend and I have been working on on and off since the beginning of the summer. We've both talked about how when we were younger we wanted to make our own region and fakemon but the projects always died because it just wasn't as fun when no one else was interested with you. So we've decided to take on this project together as a fun thing to work on in our spare time, between college and everything else. And I've decided to share it with you guys!

Something important to remember about our pokedex region is that we are taking a step away from traditional pokemon in the sense that it will be a little more mature, and follow a slightly different timeline. Ever heard of the theory that pokemon takes place in a post apocalyptic world? We are following that theory, so please keep that in mind!

I will be adding links to drawings of each evolution as I scan them. I will also be taking suggestions for names or ideas (maybe). Please do not suggest changes to types of pokemon already on the list! This will be getting fleshed out more and more every week, but please remember this is a long personal project Trav and I have taken on and I am only documenting the process here.

This is entirely original, everything developed by myself and my boyfriend. Please do not use without permission!

About Autonu:

Autonu is a fairly large and fairly unstable region. It was the site of a very large nuclear disaster early on in the Wars and because of that has taken a lot longer to recover from the Wars than many other regions. In the center, there is a large radioactive wasteland. Technology is very limited in this region, as are vehicles of any kind. Many cities and settlements were destroyed or abandoned during the nuclear disaster, and are only beginning to rebuild now that some of the radiation has dropped. To make up for a lack of vehicles, certain pokemon can be taught how to carry their trainers around on their back with a new HM - Ride. The pokemon in this region vary greatly, and no pokemon from existing regions are available until the National Dex is obtained and a crucial point in the plot has been reached. The region is in a dark place, the balance of light and dark offset for the time being.

The Legendaries:

The Four Horses: Warein, Pestrace, Famane and Destrot roam Autonu wreaking havoc. They are ghostly beings possessed with rage and hatred, terrifying the citizens and pokemon of Autonu and causing chaos and destruction wherever they go. One must be an incredibly (un?)lucky and talented trainer if they hope to find and challenge any of these roaming beasts.

The Three Beasts: Long ago, Ho-oh resurrected Entei, Suicune and Raikou from the Burned Tower in Johto. Three other pokemon perished in the fire that day, but it was not their time to come back to this world. Koha's, Fuyam's and Gadwa's remains were brought back to Autonu and given a proper burial at the Forest, Glacial and Desert Ruins. Autonu's balance is off, dark overwhelming light, and it's time now for these legendaries to be resurrected by the feather of the Sea pokemon to help restore the balance before its too late.

The Two Dogs: Coyoday and Canight are trapped in an eternal slumber, both masters of yin and yang unaware of the chaos evolving in the world around them. It's going to take a major event to wake either of this powerful creatures, and one impressive trainer to find them.

The One Fox: Not much is known about this mythical creature. Legend has it that it is the embodiment of the circle of life, the ebb and flow of the universe and life itself. Will you be able to find this fantastic pokemon of myth and legend?


Sept 24 2011: Added up to date pokedex, including 96 pokemon - some without names. * indicates temporary.
Sept 27 2011: Added new pokemon (42,43,44,74&75), added in gym & elite four types.
Nov 1 2011: Added new names.
Jan 31 2011: Added new pokemon (23,24,30,31,32,35,37,40,41,42,43,44,47,48,49,51,52,56,57,66,67,68,69,70,71,82,108,114,115,116,118,119,146,147&148), formatted the Pokedex differently, added leader & elite four names.
Feb 5 2012: Added new map, Infected information, Inspired Moves, and more abilities.
Feb 8 2012: Added more descriptions in first post, updated gym leaders, updated HMs.
Feb 29 2012: Added descriptions of Cities, Towns & Landmarks.
Last edited by Gumballs on Wed Feb 29, 2012 1:55 am, edited 7 times in total.
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Re: Autonu Fakemon Pokedex (WIP)

Unread post by Gumballs »

Pokedex: Jan 31 2012: Added 35 pokemon and reorganized the pokemon in sets of evolutions. Legendaries are grouped with their related 'sister' legendaries. All evolutions of existing pokemon are grouped together.

001. Shrubird: grass
002. Feathorn: grass
003. Dovine: grass/light

004. Cindurtle:fire
005. Shellava: fire
006. Tortigneus: fire/rock

007. Platypond: water
008. Monostream: water
009. Platypunch: water/fighting

010. Hamsteal: normal
011. Rodentium: normal/steel

012. Woodrax: bug/poison
013. Arachnirot: bug/poison

014. Kiwing: normal
015. Coocrest: normal
016. Ostrain: normal/flying

017. Larvalight: bug
018. Staticoon: bug
019. Electrisect: bug/electric

020. Phytyke: grass
021. Misspore: grass

022. Faerude: light/dark

023. Coalbra: fire
024. Pythurn: fire

025. Pebpet: rock
026. Elemoun: rock
027. Gravalp: rock/ice

028. Mooloch: water
029. Ocealk: water

030. Koaleaf: fire (spring/summer), grass (fall/winter)

031. Zabbit: electric
032. Bundur: electric

033. Bonely: ghost
034. Knighost: ghost/steel

035. Rogoyle: rock

036. Combaroo: fighting/electric

037. Tankorn: normal

038. Eleplant: grass/ground
039. Mammoss: grass/ground

040. Minound: light
041. Pasand: light

042. Dingator: water
043. Piraft: water/dark
044. Herodile: water/light

045. Empurr: fire
046. Firoar: fire

047. Tuppy: normal
048. Foodle: normal
049. Perdoodle: normal

050. Lycachange: normal (sun form), dark (moon form)

051. Deehaw: ground
052. Donkule: ground

053. Tribongo: fighting
054. Perconga: fighting
055. Bodhrum: fighting/steel

056. Midkin: grass/dark
057. Pumkurn: grass/dark

058. dark/electric
059. dark/electric

060. normal
061. normal/flying
062. psychic/flying
063. fighting/flying

064. Zenchi: psychic/light

065. Mantash: fire/grass

066. Halight: light
067. Aeolim: light
068. Virture: light/flying

069. Wickult: dark
070. Satriri: dark
071. Temptasin: dark/flying

072. Giggolt: electric
073. Hyenamp: electric

074. Herpan: fire/ground
075. Derpan: fire/ground

076. Scrapet: steel

077. Voojoo: electric/poison
078. Fetiki: electric/poison

079. psychic/dark
080. psychic/dark

081. Zombite: ghost

082. Moltinch: fire/steel

083. Mysteller: psychic
084. Tortune: psychic
085. Necromen: psychic/ghost

086. fighting
087. fighting

088. dark


091. Billbit: flying
092. Tanadrill: flying/steel


095. water/steel
096. water/steel

097. water
098. water

099. Grenegg: fire
100. Puffire: fire/flying

101. Demaray: water
103. Mantarage: water/fire

104. Narwave: ice, water (melt ability)

105. Dwellirt: bug/ground
106. Crustipede: bug/ground
107. Wyrmungar: bug/ground

108. Candicrane: normal

109. ice
110. ice
111. ice/dragon

112. ghost/ice
113. ghost/ice

114. Glasheep: ice/grass
115. Grazice: ice/grass

116. Squatchill: ice/fire


118. Toxink: poison
119. Hazvas: poison

120. Velocirock: rock/fire
121. Tyranerupt: rock/fire

122. Apatree: rock/grass
123. Foliarus: rock/grass

124. Enchaunt: psychic/ice
125. Vireon: poison
126. Luceon: light
127. Houndemon: fire/dark
128. Quetzactyl: rock/flying
129. Pegasoar: fire/flying
130. Pandwhirl: normal/psychic


134. ground/poison

135. dragon/normal
136. dragon/water
137. dragon/electric
138. european dragon/fire


142. Warein: ghost/fighting
143. Famane: ghost/ground
144. Pestrace: ghost/poison
145. Destrot: ghost/fire

146. Koha: grass
147. Fuyam: ice
148. Gadwa: rock

149. Coyoday: light
150. Canight: dark

151. water/grass (spring), bug (summer), psychic (fall), ice (winter)

153. Insaneon
Last edited by Gumballs on Tue Jan 31, 2012 7:20 pm, edited 9 times in total.
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Re: Autonu Fakemon Pokedex (WIP)

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Autonu Region Map:



Umber Village:
A small, temperate village located in the northern plains, Umber Village houses a small community of made up of mostly
farmers and fishermen. The main attraction is the lab run by Professor Maple and her assistants, providing pokedexs and pokemon for young trainers starting their pokemon journeys.

Tourmaline Town:

Feldspar Town:
A medium sized town bordering the edge of a large, coniferous forest. Feldspar town is home to the first Autonu League Gym, operated by John, a rather plain man with an interest in space. Trainers come to face his normal type gym, attempting to defeat him in exchange for the Simple badge.

Garnet Village:
Resting in the desert dunes most affected by radioactive fallout, Garnet Village is constantly bathed in a red-orange glow. The inhabitants have just recently opened their doors to travelers again; after years of solitude and confinement they are still a mysterious group of people.

Malachite City:
Previously a vast, expanding cityscape, in the years after the Wars nature has reclaimed its territory. Now the citizens of Malachite City make their homes in trees and atop the crumbling urban ruins, eager to allow nature to continue its course. Nestled deep within the coniferous forest, many trainers find their way to the city in order to face off against the second Autonu League Gym. Summer specializes in grass type pokemon, rewarding trainers with the Lumber badge should they happen to beat her.

Bismuth Town:
Located within a haunted swamp said to be the resting place of the damned, Bismuth Town is a mysterious place not for the light hearted. Townsfolk are quick to warn travelers about ancient tales and stories of poor lost souls becoming lost in the swamps, destined to wander the dank area forever.

Jasper Town:
The tall tropical landscape that surrounds Jasper Town is a sight to behold. With many beautiful water ponds nestled between the roots of ancient trees, it is a place enjoyed by all who pass through.

Emery Fortress:
Citizens perched on the edge of constant struggle for survival inhabit this bunkered down settlement. Trapped in a constant state of chaos, Emery Fortress attempts to provide shelter and food for those found wandering in Infected areas. Travelers are usually grateful for the food and shelter, but many of the people here are harsh and unfriendly. On a calm day travelers might challenge Demitri - the leader of the third Autonu League Gym - to a battle in hopes of winning the Dessert badge.

Stoneblood Village:
Located at the base of Mount Zircon and the Bloodstone Volcano, this village is on the edge of two worlds. Half of the time is is a cheery, sunny village with hot springs, steam vents and rich, fertile soils. The other half it features a blanket of volcanic ash and soot, raining down on Stoneblood Village from the volcano above. Occasionally, magma will flow around the city, cutting it off from travelers.

Lodestone Town:
Centered deep in the heart of Mount Zircon, Lodestone town is ancient and peaceful. The only way in and out of the town is through tunnels burying deep within the mountain. Grand architecture of old is carved into the very rock face of the inner caverns, lining the walls with magnificent buildings and carvings. The knowledge and history of Autonu is stored in this magnificent, beautiful city.

Kyanite Town:
A small settlement in a pleasant field, Kyanite Town is full of an every changing sea of wanderers and merchants. The town itself changes constantly; tents and caravans of all shapes and sizes from all over Autonu come and go with the people who own them. One of the only buildings that remain constant is the fifth Autonu League Gym, owned by a psychic leader named Theo who will reward trainers with the Medium badge if they can best him.

Cadmium City:
One of the only places in Autonu that can be called a true city, Cadmium City is filled with energy and people. Perched near the top of Copper Mountain, it is one of the few places were technology is available, making it a huge attraction to those who miss the old way of living.

Gypsum Village:
A small island village that is often overshadowed by its metropolis neighbour, Gypsum Village is serene and beautiful. Built around a large, freshwater fed island lake, the village is home to happy citizens content with a simple life. Eira is one such person, leader of the sixth Autonu League Gym who is willing to hand out the Iceberg badge if a trainer is able to beat her icey pokemon.

Alluvial Town:
Covered in a constant sheet of ice, Alluvial Town is filled with harsh people living in an even harsher environment. Plagued by storms of snow, sleet and hail, only the hardiest of travellers should pass through this weathered town.


Mount Zircon:
A large mountain in the southern region of Autonu. Home to a volcano, a deep cavern and two villages, its stone always feels warm to the touch.

Copper Mountain:
A large, frigid mountain in the northwest region of Autonu. Home to a ranch, a large city and two villages, it is a harsh and cold environment.

Stoneblood Volcano:
A large volcano that spews ash for half a year before lying still for another half. Home to Kenna, the forth Autonu League Gym leader who will award trainers with the Combustion badge if they can top her fire pokemon in their own environment.

Hematite Tower:
A weathered lighthouse on the northern most tip of the Autonu mainland, Hematite Tower is said to trick those at sea into heading further away from their destinations. Nyx, the seventh Autonu League Gym leader awaits at the top of the lighthouse, awarding challengers the Shadow badge if they are able to best her dark type pokemon.

Citrine Tower:
A beautiful lighthouse just north of Umber Village, Citrine Tower has always been there to help those lost at sea to return home. Adam, the eighth Autonu League Gym leader mans the lighthouse, waiting at the top for challengers to attempt to beat his light pokemon in exchange for the Guardian badge.

Forest Ruins:
Ancient ruins from far before the Wars. Said to be the resting place of Koha, the ancient forest spirit.

Desert Ruins:
Ancient ruins from far before the Wars. Said to be the resting place of Gadwa, the ancient mountain spirit.

Glacier Ruins:
Ancient ruins from far before the Wars. Said to be the resting place of Fuyam, the ancient snow spirit.

Bismuth Swamps:
The Granite Fields:
The Tunnels:
Site X:

Daycare Island:

Victory Island:
Victory Road:
The Pokemon League:

Ancient Island:
Research Lab:
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Last edited by Gumballs on Wed Feb 29, 2012 1:52 am, edited 8 times in total.
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Re: Autonu Fakemon Pokedex (WIP)

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Main Characters

Starter Boy:
Starter Girl:

Professor: Maple, female.

Rebel Organization: Team Rocket.
Rebel Organization's Leader:

Gym Leaders:

John: Normal type, three pokemon
Feldspar Town
Simple Badge
Able to use HM01: Cut

Summer: Grass type, three pokemon
Malachite City
Lumber Badge
Able to use HM07: Ride

Demitri: Ground type, four pokemon
Emery Fortress
Desert Badge
Able to use HM05: Flash

Kenna: Fire type, four pokemon
Stoneblood Volcano
Combustion Badge
Able to use HM04: Strength

Theo: Psychic type, four pokemon
Kyanite Town
Medium Badge
Able to use HM03: Surf

Eira: Ice type, four pokemon
Gypsum Village
Iceberg Badge
Able to use HM06: Shovel

Nyx: Dark type, five pokemon
Hematite Tower
Shadow Badge
Able to use HM02: Fly

Adam: Light type, five pokemon
Citrine Tower
Guardian Badge
Able to use HM08: Dive

Elite Four:

Kip: Hit Point EV trainer, six pokemon

Slate: Attack & Special Attack EV trainer, six pokemon

Nushagua: Defense and Special Defense EV trainer, six pokemon

Tika: Speed EV trainer, six pokemon

Double Battle Champions:

Travis & Dayna: Non themed, six pokemon each
Last edited by Gumballs on Wed Feb 08, 2012 5:33 pm, edited 6 times in total.
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Re: Autonu Fakemon Pokedex (WIP)

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New Type: Light

Super Effect Against: Dark, Rock, Poison
Not Very Effective Against: Psychic, Flying
No Effect Against:

Weak Against: Dark, Ghost, Fire
Resistant Against: Water
No Effect From: Grass

New Non-Volatile Status Ailment: Infected (INF)

When a pokemon makes contact with an Infected pokemon, it has a 30% chance of becoming Infected itself. There is a 5% chance every 10 steps that an Infected pokemon will spread the ailment to the pokemon below it in the party.

Infected pokemon can not:

Fight in battles
Use moves outside of battle (TM or HM)
Use abilities outside of battle
Be healed by items
Be moved to another spot in the party

Infected pokemon can only be cured at a pokemon center unless the Cure Injector is obtained (see new items).

New Mechanic: Inspired Moves

It has been discovered that the pokemon an egg is around while it is incubating can influence the moves it knows when it hatches. Occasionally, a pokemon may hatch knowing the same move that a pokemon in it's party knows, even if it can't ordinarily know that move! These are called Inspired Moves.

When an egg hatches, there is a 25% chance that it will learn in Inspired move from the pokemon behind it in the party. There are a total of 34 moves that can be learned this way, but it is only possible for one to be Inspired upon the egg.

List of Inspired Moves:

Fire: Ember & Sunny Day
Water: Water Gun & Rain Dance
Electric: Thundershock & Magnet Rise
Grass: Vine Whip & Leech Seed
Ice: Ice Ball & Hail
Fighting: Karate Chop & Counter
Poison: Acid & Toxic Spikes
Ground: Mud Shot & Spikes
Flying: Gust & Tailwind
Psychic: Confusion & Teleport
Bug: Struggle Bug & Heal Order
Rock: Rock Tomb & Sandstorm
Ghost: Shadow Sneak & Spite
Dragon: Twister & Dragon Dance
Dark: Pursuit & Embargo
Steel: Metal Claw & Shift Gear

New Abilities:

Melt: Type changes to water when hit by a fire move. (Narwave)
Fresh Start: Removes all entry hazards upon entering the field.
Focus: Accuracy is increased when confused.
Infected: Contact with this pokemon has a 30% chance to cause Infected.
Coward: Attack and Special Attack lowered when facing larger pokemon.
Moongazer: This pokemon gains True Form night.
Sterile: Immune to Infected.
Nurse: This pokemon has increased healing when using healing moves.
Desperate: Boosts critical hit chance when at low HP.
Gravity: Flying and levitating pokemon can be hit by ground moves.
Stable: Unaffected by stat changes to self.
Reliant: Moves with variable powers always have a base power of 65.
Hoarder: Can hold two items, but second is only accessible when first has been used.
Scaredy Cat: Flinches often against Dark and Ghost types.
Conjoined: Any stat change made is mirrored by all pokemon on the field.
Polar Opposites: Any stat change made effects all other pokemon on the field oppositely.
Hot Blooded: Raises Attack and Special Attack when fighting a foe that shares its type.

Legendary Abilities:

War: All battles against this pokemon are double battles. (Warein)
Famine: All other pokemon on the field cannot use food based objects or moves. (Famane)
Pestilence: A toxic cloud surrounds this pokemon, poisoning others on the field. (Pestrace)
Death: All other pokemon cannot use healing items or healing based attacks while on the field. (Destrot)
Tranquil: 50% chance to heal self per turn. (Coyoday)
Turmoil: 50% chance to damage opponent per turn. (Canight)
Unstable: Changes type every battle. (Insaneon)

Available HMs

HM01 Cut: allows the user to cut down trees
HM02 Fly: allows the user to fly to locations they have already been to
HM03 Surf: allows the user to surf across bodies of water
HM04 Strength: allows the user to move boulders and obstacles
HM05 Flash: allows the user to light up caves and other dark areas
HM06 Shovel: allows the user to shovel snow or dirt to get to new areas
HM07 Ride: allows the user to carry their trainer on their back and run fast
HM08 Dive: allows the user to dive underwater
Last edited by Gumballs on Wed Feb 08, 2012 5:37 pm, edited 5 times in total.
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Re: Autonu Fakemon Pokedex (WIP)

Unread post by Lupis »

Ooo, this sounds really interesting. Are you making sprites of all the pokemon? Either way, I'll follow this closely.

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Re: Autonu Fakemon Pokedex (WIP)

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There are plans for sprites, but probably not until everything else is done. I'm no good at custom sprites haha! I think the order of importance right now is:

All pokemon concepts + names
All pokemon designs
All basic pokemon info - pokedex entries, evolution, etc.
Maps & plot
Gym leaders
In depth pokemon info - egg moves, stats, etc.
Sprites of pokemon & maps

Either way, I'm glad to have you following! Its a lot of hard work. :P
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Re: Autonu Fakemon Pokedex (WIP)

Unread post by Tsuki »

Insaneon seems like this one's Mew
I will take it upon myself to attempt to make a suitible beta sprite for this Insane Age "Pokemon"!
(This means I love this idea)

EDIT: My motivation for spriting died down when I realize all my sprites look like goo blobs.

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Re: Autonu Fakemon Pokedex (WIP)

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Insaneon is actually not this regions mew, it's an exception to the actual pokedex of a crazy eevee evolution I made when I was younger. It and the blank space above are going to be exclusive to my boyfriend and I, which are the champions. I'm basically cheating to give us two pokemon we created when we were young to use in the region that aren't actual obtainable pokemon. :P

The mew of this region is the fox based pokemon whos type changes during the seasons. She just doesn't have a name yet. :)

I like your enthusiasm for my region haha, but it's just a personal project :D
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Re: Autonu Fakemon Pokedex (WIP)

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Updated a few more pokemon as well as the gym and elite four types. Not a huge update, but worth mentioning, as you can see we are handling the elite four themes differently then past gens. Pictures and info of some pokemon will be up sometime this week, just not tonight since I have a ton of homework. :D
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Re: Autonu Fakemon Pokedex (WIP)

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Updated again with some new pokemon, the settlement & landmark names, and information about light type. Sorry for no photos, I have everything on the computer now but for some reason Petopia keeps giving me an error! D:
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Re: Autonu Fakemon Pokedex (WIP)

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Added map & more info on gym leaders & cities, as well as more pokemon to the dex. No pictures of pokemon yet still sadly been very busy with school and such.
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Re: Autonu Fakemon Pokedex (WIP)

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Added a bunch more pokemon, organized the pokedex and added some more abilities. Have a ton more to add but I can't find the sheet I had them all written on. Once again I apologize for no photos - been incredibly busy with school to be able to do all that.

Feedback, comments, suggestions, everything is always welcome.
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Re: Autonu Fakemon Pokedex (WIP)

Unread post by Makoes »

Just found this thread, I am loving it. It will be hard to wait to see the pokemon art concepts that you and your BF come up with! I love how the settelments seem to be named after stone.


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Re: Autonu Fakemon Pokedex (WIP)

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Thanks :) It's a ton of work! We liked the simple themes that RBY&GSC had with naming them after colours and plants, so we wanted to do a similar concept.

Just added more abilties, a new coloured map and information about Infected (a new status) and Inspired Moves, which add a new variable to breeding.

Next up should be short teaser descriptions of the towns and landmarks and more updates to the pokedex.
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Re: Autonu Fakemon Pokedex (WIP)

Unread post by starkittens »

wow, ok, This is an awesome thread! I hope pics are coming soon!

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Re: Autonu Fakemon Pokedex (WIP)

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Yeah we have around 20 drawn up, just have to colour them digitally and have a spare hour or two for me to upload them and all that jazz. :)
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Re: Autonu Fakemon Pokedex (WIP)

Unread post by Sarantha »

This looks fun. I can't wait to see what its like done!
Part of Dark Magics, lvl 25 Horde guild, casual, helpful, don't raid, mostly help people and hunt pets.
Part of Dynasty, lvl 25 Alliance guild, casual and hardcore (your choice, no one forces you to raid, but you can), very helpful
Come on over if interested (Runetotem US, Horde name Sarantha, Ally name Ellysetta or Valeraud)
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Re: Autonu Fakemon Pokedex (WIP)

Unread post by Gumballs »

Thanks Sarantha :) I just updated a few more things including more gym leader info and an updated first post with more info on legendaries. Town and landmark teasers should be done by this weekend and maybe if Im not crazy busy I'll have some time to post some art!
Rejoined the hunt after a lengthy break... feels good!
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Re: Autonu Fakemon Pokedex (WIP)

Unread post by Sarantha »

I can't wait to see the art! I've never been a Poke fan, but this looks awesome.
Part of Dark Magics, lvl 25 Horde guild, casual, helpful, don't raid, mostly help people and hunt pets.
Part of Dynasty, lvl 25 Alliance guild, casual and hardcore (your choice, no one forces you to raid, but you can), very helpful
Come on over if interested (Runetotem US, Horde name Sarantha, Ally name Ellysetta or Valeraud)
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