your stupidest reason for being kick?

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your stupidest reason for being kick?

Unread post by cowmuflage »

I think it might be fun to share your stupidest reasons for being kicked NOT worst just the ones that made no sense! I have 2 that I can think off the top of my head.

The first was just earlyer this week I was doing the new ZA for the first time. I zoned in and got my pet Bird out at the first boss I got kicked. I was told in a whisper that my tallstrider Bird was the reason I got kicked and not becouse of it being a tallstrider but becouse it was white! Seems people think they do less DPS or something O.o

The other time was back in BC I got kicked for being a female cow XD

I know there not that crazy but hey they are to me so share yours!
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Re: your stupidest reason for being kick?

Unread post by Sarantha »

For being a male blood elf. Seriously. I was doing heroic something in WOTLK and it was a party made up entirely of vanilla races (orcs, tauren, trolls, undead) and they were like "lol male belf" and kicked me. It was a group of three guildies (theirs) and me and my friend. My friend said the reason that appeared on her screen for kicking me was "Male BElf fag lol". That was seriously a "WAT" moment. Because I played a male BElf I got kicked. LOL. I still love and play male BEs (have 3) and don't intend on stopping. Even though I am bisexual, I did not take offense at the fag comment, just the male BElf thing. Kicking me cuz my favorite lore race is playable and I can play it? Made no sense whatsoever.
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Re: your stupidest reason for being kick?

Unread post by Vephriel »

I remember one that irked me was towards the beginning of Cataclysm I was in a random heroic, and was hoping to get a Chaos Orb from the end. The tank whispered me asking if I was rolling on it. I told him I wanted one to craft the gun I needed, but he told me to pass on the orb so he could have it. I suppose I should have just lied and said I'd pass on it, but I told him that a fair roll at the end would be fine, and I got kicked right before the final boss just so he could have it. :roll:
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Re: your stupidest reason for being kick?

Unread post by Sarantha »

Thats why I lie when people ask if I'm rolling on *insert item here*. Even if its a huge upgrade, I ALWAYS say no due to greedy pricks like that. Thats how my hunter got her polearm, bow, and bracers from FL trash. Other hunters whispered me before inviting asking if I was rolling on those items, I just said no to get the invite, then when they came up, the RLer insisted on EVERYONE who could use it rolling on it. Very nice, honest RLer. He could have ninja'd the items for himself or given them to his hunter friends but he let all who could use the items roll on them. I won the roll on the crossbow, then the other two hunters left, leaving me the only one needing the other two hunter items and leaving me very lucky. LOL.
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Re: your stupidest reason for being kick?

Unread post by Rawr »

Being a Hunter in a group where the tank and healer were gearing a Enhancement Shaman friend of theirs. :mrgreen:


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Re: your stupidest reason for being kick?

Unread post by Makoes »

Once for using a 2h weapon as frost (even though I can pull more damage then a 1h duel weilding frost of equal gear/lv)
A few times over the years for being a BM hunter, several times over theyears for using a hyena and not a cat/wolf or <insert the "in" pet here>

Several times for being of a class that had same gear interests as someone else in group (usually when theres 2+ guildies running to get a friend geared)

Another time because I wasnt responding to derogative remarks that the tank was making about hunters. (I dont waste my time responding to that type of stuff)

Fr to many times for not having "enough" dps in a heroic (even though I was doing over 8k dps in reg lv gear, while trying to do heroics for better gear)


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Re: your stupidest reason for being kick?

Unread post by Lisaara »

For grabbing a harpoon from Utgarde Keep for that stupid quest and the tank decided to pull just as I was grabbing it then claimed I was just going over there so I'd get the quest done and did no dps....even though I was number one on the recount.

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Re: your stupidest reason for being kick?

Unread post by Schwert »

"You're not arms"


I laughed because I had just pulled 18k+ on Ozruk too.
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Re: your stupidest reason for being kick?

Unread post by Kurenio »

You have a spirit beast. (cata)

OMG your a combat rogue?!?!?! (wrath)

You have a purple gem! GTFO (ya it was earlier cata where blue gem slots were best filled with hit/str for a warrior if the bonus was hit or str.)

LOL HUNTARD GTFO (wait we just got in this dungeon together how do you know I'm bad? which I'm not but ya)

omg you have a japanese name GTFO.....

people are retarded.

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Re: your stupidest reason for being kick?

Unread post by Araela »

I got kicked once because I was a hunter. There was no other reason except, "Oh no, we don't want a huntard in our group." That was Wrath. In Cata I got kicked because I was not ice trapping the mobs that the tank wanted CCed, which were immune (namely the cloud princes in Vortex Pinnacle). He said, "Dude, my huntard does it all the time" and then I was kicked. Whaaaat? lol. I got kicked for being BM, and kicked for being MM at the beginning of Cata as well.
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Re: your stupidest reason for being kick?

Unread post by Comett »

Once I was kicked, when on my healer priest, for doing more dps than a group member who was in the same guild as the tank. The tank was a level 85 in dps gear who was obviously doing his friend a favour, but consequently was incredibly difficult to heal and died a couple of times. They linked recount, which had me as doing more dps (for those who don't know, atonement disc priests heal by using smite and holy fire), said "lol" and I was votekicked before I could explain... I don't pity the next healer who got that group...

So yeah, long and the short of it is that I was kicked for doing more dps, as a healer, than the dps. XD


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Re: your stupidest reason for being kick?

Unread post by Mychelle »

Most of the times I have gotten kicked from a group, it was because of one of two reasons. 1.) Guild run didnt want me rolling on what they wanted or, 2.) I pointed out a major flaw in the group, gave my advice on how it could be fixed, and then got kicked for doing so. Because most people really cant accept they are doing something wrong...though these days its usually just me leaving a group after I have wiped more then once.
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Re: your stupidest reason for being kick?

Unread post by Worba »

Makoes wrote:Once for using a 2h weapon as frost (even though I can pull more damage then a 1h duel weilding frost of equal gear/lv)
A few times over the years for being a BM hunter, several times over theyears for using a hyena and not a cat/wolf or <insert the "in" pet here>
Was that recently? I mean kick for using hyena is ofc dumb no matter what... but under the current pet skills my MM hunter pulls about 3% more DPS using her hyena than any other ferocity thanks to the bleed debuff...
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Re: your stupidest reason for being kick?

Unread post by Worba »

Hmm. Haven't been kicked much - even once recently when I *should* have been (on the zealot boss in grim batol, I jumped down the shortcut slope thing, stupidly assuming my pet would follow me - ofc instead it ran around the long way, aggro'ing a big draconid onto both myself and the poor lock while the rest of the group was returning from a wipe)... the guy just said "fail pet" and left. I left myself after that, quite embarrassed to say the least. :|

I did get kicked from an impromptu raid group while it was forming to do the rare outdoor sand giant guy in Uldum - the mob doesn't even drop any hunter gear, but I guess the guy figured better safe than sorry... fortunately my friend was then made raid leader, and invited me right back in, so I was able to participate in the encounter. :mrgreen:

Other than that I can't think of anything memorable.
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Re: your stupidest reason for being kick?

Unread post by Vasken »

I got kicked near the end of ZA (after almost an hour of pain!) whilst tanking for a particularly rude group from the same guild, once. The reason? I'd accidentally rolled need on one of the hexxing sticks. We were so close to the last boss too!

I quickly rejoined the queue, only to find myself in the same group.

Although two wrongs admittedly don't make a right, it felt so satisfactory to swiftly walk away from the laptop for a midnight snack. Everyone'd left after I returned 15 minutes later. :lol:


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Re: your stupidest reason for being kick?

Unread post by Worba »

Wow... nice revenge, but I thought they'd specifically made changes to prevent "bouncebacks" like that...

(and even if someone accidentally rolls need - isn't this something that can be traded in-group for the first 1-2 hrs, same as anything else...?)
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Re: your stupidest reason for being kick?

Unread post by CrystalKitten »

actually, I don't think it lets you trade anything other than BoP blues/greens. It says specifically on the bottom in blue.. if you don't have the blue message, you can't do it :( Found this out as I (or someone else) had wanted a green for transmog, but it wouldn't let us swap even though it had just dropped from the dungeon.
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Re: your stupidest reason for being kick?

Unread post by Vasken »

Oh! The item that dropped wasn't even gear- it was just a green item that gave you a 5%ish chance of obtaining a minipet. Was kicked with a "ffs druid" before I could even apologize or offer to trade it!

It was 3AM and I missclicked the need instead of pass... After passing on them through the entire instance. :lol:


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Re: your stupidest reason for being kick?

Unread post by Worba »

CrystalKitten wrote:actually, I don't think it lets you trade anything other than BoP blues/greens. It says specifically on the bottom in blue.. if you don't have the blue message, you can't do it :( Found this out as I (or someone else) had wanted a green for transmog, but it wouldn't let us swap even though it had just dropped from the dungeon.
Ah, thanks for the clarification - didn't know that. I suppose it makes sense at least if we're talking about (say) something that was stackable and could be mixed/matched with other things...
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Re: your stupidest reason for being kick?

Unread post by Novikova »

1) Because they wanted a guildie for the mount boss. But this group was classy and I think I'll pass on people talking about their periods or genitals. Thanks.


3) For no apparent seeming reason. This usually tends to happen with melee heavy or guild groups. It baffles me.
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