Show Off Your Favorite Pets!

Relate your epic tames and show off your pets.
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Show Off Your Favorite Pets!

Unread post by Sesamee »

Sarantha had an excellent idea, to combine all of our "favorite pet" threads into one. I love reading everyone's stories and seeing their screen shots so this should be fun. Post as many as you want however you want but I'm choosing out of the four pet categories, cunning, tenacity, ferocity, and exotic. This was hard as I have so many favorites but these are the ones that made the cut:

My favorite tenacity pet and one of my all time favorite pets is White Lady, my Shardtooth Bear. I found her wandering Winterspring and knew I had to have her. She's named after a ghost in Filipino mythology that terrified me as a child. She's now protecting me instead of scaring me.
Tagmata, my ant Silthilid, is my favorite cunning pet. She is named after the three segments in her body, head, abdomen, and thorax. Blizzard calls her brown but she is really several shades of pink, peach, tan, and cream with some shimmer to go along with it. She is stunning! And I have a transmog outfit to match her. We'll be tearing up the BG's in style!

I have so many favorite ferocity pets but Dulcineaa rules them all. She is not a rare but is stunningly gorgeous. She is so glowy and ethereal. She's named after a character in Don Quixote, one of my favorite novels.

Loque'Nahak, renamed Jameel (means handsome in Arabic), will always hold a special place in my stable as my first rare and my first camp. He is the badass of badass spirit beasts. He is one lithe, lean, killing machine.
Last edited by Sesamee on Thu Oct 13, 2011 7:10 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Show Off Your Favorite Pets!

Unread post by meepitco »

What a brilliant idea. I at the moment do not have any "favorite tames", but this is still a brilliant idea.


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Re: Show Off Your Favorite Pets!

Unread post by Vephriel »

I love reading threads like this! ^^

It's hard to choose favourites, but I do consider 5 of my pets to be some of my closest.

Where would I be without my loyal devilsaur? :) Skorn is by far the most important pet to me, and always will be. I've been playing WoW pretty much since it was first released, and all through Vanilla and BC I wondered why I could never find that special connection with any pets. I had many I was fond of, but there was never that overwhelming bond. Well, turns out Skorn was just waiting for me all those years until we could finally tame devilsaurs. If there was ever a fated match for me in the game, this would surely be it. I adore my big scaly dino more than anything, he just has so much loyalty and personality and charm. He's been by my side since that day I tamed him and felt the bond, and he'll without a doubt always be there as Vephriel's tried and true friend.

After all the heartbreak I went through because of this model, I still get a huge smile on my face whenever I bring him out. I fell head over heels in love with the purple warpstalkers back in BC. The creatures themselves are among my most favourite species in game, I love reptiles so much. I barely had a chance to attempt a few unsuccessful tames of Gezzarak before they made her untameable though, and I was devastated to have missed such a beautiful pet. I waited with bated breath through every new expansion, every new patch, hoping against all odds that Blizzard would change their mind and bring that model back in some form. My elation during the Cataclysm Beta when Gezzarak finally became available again was just...indescribable. Reznor will always be a special pet for all of those reasons. He's just amazing and inspirational to me, so I named him after one of my favourite musicians. (Take a guess at who ;))

Another tale of longing and woe, though not as harrowing as the Gezzarak saga. :D Crocodiles are my favourite animals in real life, and as many probably know I love the colour purple. When the Cataclysm crocolisk models were datamined and I saw this one I was flipping out with anticipation of getting it. The Beta progressed for a long while, all of which no tameable mobs were found and my hope dwindled. Finally towards the end Gorebite pulled through and my resulting exuberance nearly reached that of the Gezzarak news. Aleister here is named after Aleister Crowley as I loved the evil, demonic look this croc has. It just seemed like the perfect name and it suits him wonderfully.

Azzy sticks out like a sore thumb among my other pets, especially my favoured ones. He's just...not what most people would expect of me I'm sure, and I wouldn't have either! I never even liked this model but this darn stubborn cat decided otherwise and wriggled his way into my heart. His tamed was so spontaneous, so unplanned, and not to mention a complete joke...I'm still amazed to this day how this crafty feline managed to get me so attached to him. I love him dearly for it though, and he's especially unique because of it. ^^

Finally, one of the newest members of my stables, and nonetheless one I'm incredibly attached to. Deth'tilac was the first rare I REALLY fell for, utterly and completely. I've always been a spider lover, and when I learned of this amazingly awesome, death metal purple spider...I knew I had to have him. He was so different from any other rare, everything about him just clicked with me completely. I don't care that everyone and their cousin uses the lava spiders right now, Sabbath here stands out completely for me and I'm thrilled to have such a wicked rare bond with me to this degree.
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Re: Show Off Your Favorite Pets!

Unread post by Sarantha »

Aye, I too love threads like this. Its why I suggested it! My top 5, won't clutter the thread with all my pets (I love them all). I can't believe I didn't post WHY I like them. Edited to post that.

Temeraire, I love him because...he's an awesome windserpent model and the closest I can get to my favorite book character in WoW as a hunter pet. He's also surprisingly good at keeping mobs off me while I'm doing dailies:


Mystryl. Named after the old goddess of magic in D&D, she is just amazing looking. I love birds in general and was thrilled to see a spirit bird finally released. I fell in love with her as soon as I saw her model. Her tame story is also very odd and I think fated. Me and two allies were camping her on the tree top, they were there first, so I gave them first shot and didn't do anything when she spawned, but they ended up somehow falling off the tree and dying, so I figured since they failed the challenge it was my turn. I tamed Myst flawlessly and she's been at my side ever since. The allies weren't even mad. They came back and /cheered me, so I even felt good about taming her:


Loki. Best. Spider. Ever. I love his coloration, his deadliness, and how so many people have trouble taming him when I was able to tame him twice with no trouble whatsoever. Loki will never leave my stables/pet call list. I love him too much for that:


Trickster. BLUE MADEXX. Nuff said:


Castiel. As I said previously, I just love birds. I had been hunting for Aotona for 2 years off and on and I really wanted him. On what I figured was my last attempt to find him, Starkittens came with me and located him immediately for me. I paid her 500g and drove her around in my rocket a bit. I also eventually got her a blue dragonhawk for her troubles. Castiel is a gorgeous parrot and my second favorite bird. First goes to Mystryl:


I didn't have a better pic of Castiel on hand, but he's Aotona, the blue-violet parrot, so ya'll know what he looks like for the most part.
Part of Dark Magics, lvl 25 Horde guild, casual, helpful, don't raid, mostly help people and hunt pets.
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Re: Show Off Your Favorite Pets!

Unread post by Kalhoun »

Yay, I love threads like these. It's funny too, because I was JUST flying around taking pics of my pets (I like taking screenshots). My husband walked by and asked what I was doing, and I was like "Taking pics of my pets because I WUVS THEMS!" He just shook his head.


Hooligan - I fell in love with this lion the first time I saw a screenshot of him from Beta. I love his face and his big, stupid mane. I ran into him the night I hit 85, after getting an urge to go to Twilight Highlands. He spawned right under me as I arrived at one of his spawn points. Upon taming him, I was struck by how much he matches Kalhoun - they have the same hair and eye colors! Hooli is always in my active five. I prefer him over any spirit beast. He's usually the one who is by my side while doing dailies and farming (and more often than not when I do instances).


Sharptooth - I love dinosaurs. I actually do paleo art as a job, and I'm currently working with two paleontologists on a book. I had never really clicked with any of the dinosaurs in the game, despite my love for the beasts. I had heard of King Krush, but had never seen him all through Wrath. I'm not really sure what it was that got the idea of looking for Krush into my head - it might have been viewing screenshots here and seeing how pretty he actually is. But I eventually said "If I do ever find King Krush, I'll go BM and never look back."

Within a day or two I found him, and I've kept my promise. I love him to pieces.


Guinness - I love warpstalkers. They rank up there as one of my favorite models ever in this game. When I started up my hunter again (race changing and faction changing him) I decided he needed one, and why not go for the special purple one that had a trick to it? Before even starting to level in Cata content, I went up to Outlands and started work on getting Gezzarak tamed. Luckily, my hunter had all ready done the whole quest chain up to the last part where you summon her, and so it took less time than I initially thought it would. I felt so proud of myself for using a corehound for the haste buff without looking it up before hand (these things never occur to me!).

I leveled with Guinness from 80 to 85, and she will always be my favorite tank. She was adorable swimming around in Vash'jir.


Rufus - This one is a newer addition to my stable. I was roleplaying on AIM one night, and suddenly just exclaimed to my friend "KALHOUN NEEDS A HUNTIN' DAWG." He has a glowy, runed, green demon dog... but it doesn't really fit him ICly, not the way Hooligan, Sharptooth and Guinness do. So I decided to get a red mastiff out of Scarlet Monestary, and DING! I found another perfect color match. Kalhoun ICly is a good ol' country boy and a large, smelly, drooly, ugly dog somehow suits him. And I like smooshy faced dogs - I own a pug in RL.

Rufus has been in my active five more and more often lately. Sometimes I let Hooligan take a break from dailies, and let Rufus come out to bite baddie bottoms. I'm getting quite attached to him (I love his barking sounds).

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Re: Show Off Your Favorite Pets!

Unread post by Nubhorns »

My top five are kinda boring. :P

5. Stella was 'adopted' from one of my alts who was running a 'common skins only' challenge. She lost her heirlooms to my rogue(too cheap for hunter-only ones, hah) so I didn't play her as much anymore, but I still really liked her bear, a plain black bear from Loch Modan. I wanted to be able to do my dailies a little more efficiently, so I decided to pick up a bear one day, and as much as I want to say I thought of Stella immediately, that's a lie. I thought of Kalli's Ursa, honestly, and then went 'Oh, Stella! :D'. I never thought a bear would suit Veeka, but I found the right one.

4. Memphis actually has a bit of a history. When I was at the worst of my anxiety, I had problems playing on Live - so I made my PTR character my 'main'. I finished the grind for my flameward hippogryph(and still don't have him on Live, haha), upgraded some of my PvE gear, and tamed all of the Molten Front rares at my leisure - including Skitterflame, who became Memphis. I never did tame him on Live, instead opting for a common red spider on the hill. It suits him just as well. He's always with me, due to my friend's somewhat spastic idea of playing - LET'S PVE NO LET'S PVE NO LETS GO RUN OLD RAIDS NO PVP etc. etc. :P

3. Lemmy was also an adopted pet, only he came from Caboodle, my old Petopians alt. He didn't really click until I faction transferred and got my hooves/tail back - something about the contrast and his apparent 'tude just meshed so well with the greedy, gun-slinging treasure hunter Veeka. He's almost always with me, although sometimes he moves over for...

2. Hiras. This cat. I have a completely crazy friend named Hiras, and he(a mage), my boyfriend(a rogue) and I were messing around in front of Silvermoon one evening. It ended predictably - Ryan could get out but Hiras couldn't, so I set up a distraction, and we all died anyway. We waited out our flags by frolicking around in the hills and laughing at the search parties they sent after us, and I stumbled across a cat and tamed him on a whim. I jumped through a river and found that, strangely enough, he swam above the water. After a bit of discussion we decided he was weird enough to be named after the weirdest guy I know(who was currently running wild in his underwear and a voodoo mask).

1. Ryan is kind of a strange name for a crab,
Vephriel wrote:
Nubhorns wrote:This mental image:
If someone wants to Photoshop that I'd love them forever.
/challenge accepted :lol: Give me a a little bit. ;)

EDIT: Rofl, harder than expected because crabs don't really have a place to put a shirt on. xD

Stella - black bear
Stella - black bear
WoWScrnShot_101211_164437.jpg (307.35 KiB) Viewed 2687 times
Memphis - red lava spider
Memphis - red lava spider
WoWScrnShot_101211_164814.jpg (238.25 KiB) Viewed 2687 times
Lemmy - black wolf
Lemmy - black wolf
WoWScrnShot_101211_164950.jpg (156.29 KiB) Viewed 2687 times
Hiras - red lynx
Hiras - red lynx
WoWScrnShot_101211_165015.jpg (127.08 KiB) Viewed 2687 times
Ryan - black crab
Ryan - black crab
WoWScrnShot_101211_165052.jpg (88.74 KiB) Viewed 2687 times

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Re: Show Off Your Favorite Pets!

Unread post by Joshatdot »

Vephriel wrote:I love reading threads like this! ^^

It's hard to choose favourites, but I do consider 5 of my pets to be some of my closest.
I love your gear/color coordination with your pets 8-)
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Re: Show Off Your Favorite Pets!

Unread post by TygerDarkstorm »

Turns out, after sitting and staring at Ruffley's stables, I could only find one pet to deem as my "favorite." I love all of my pets, but I cycle through them frequently and I'm the kind of person that has a new favorite with every pet I use/tame. >_<

However, the one pet that will always be with me and be a favorite is my devilsaur, Grumpasaurus.
Grumpasaurus is actually a pet name that my boyfriend has for me when I get upset, and since he likes to make pouty faces at me a lot, I call him Poutasaurus and thus we extended those nicknames to our devilsaur pets. :) I love this big ol' lug and he has a huge amount of amazing personality and he always puts a smile on my face when I run with him.

Tsara's pets were much easier to pick out. :)

Tsara was designed to match Loque, however, she's much too low in level to tame him as of yet and her coloring has led me to find some really other fantastic pets. First is Henbane, my Strider Clutchmother.
Henbane is about the strangest tallstrider I've ever had. Normally they're all sweet and loving, but Henbane is evil. I've never had a problem taming the Clutchmother even on lowbies without BoA gear, but she killed me twice trying to tame her before I finally got the tame off, and ever since she has spent a lot of her time trying to get Tsara killed. It's a strange bond but god do I love that bird. XD

Her next pet that is a favorite is Hemlock, my cotton candy ravager.
This was one of those pets that I knew I had to have after making Tsara and after spending a while trying to get a key, this awesome guy was mine. Tsara's theme is poisonous plants and chemicals and this guy just fits so perfectly into that theme. I love his evil little red eyes and his personality. He's fierce but loyal and, as a fan of ravagers, he's just all around a great pet. :D

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Re: Show Off Your Favorite Pets!

Unread post by Layiaissa »

Well, lets see...


Kyly's a flirt, to put it mildly. Who better to protect her than the biggest gorilla in the game? Tram stole my heart the day I logged in, and he shrunk from huge to him as the game adjusted. Now he leads a stable that has so many 'favorites' it was hard to choose.

5. Fierce

I HATED ravagers. I thought they were ugly and, well, uglier. Then they allowed Death Ravager to be tamed. I knew I wanted one for Ilynne, but wasn't feeling the orange one I started with. The minute 4.0.6 dropped, I was back on Azuremyst, taming him. Once I got him into the light, though, I fell in love. Light be praised, he's gorgeous. And as you can see, he's got a personality that makes Ilynne smile every day.


When I made Cara, even before I had her figured out, I knew her first pet would be Bjarn. I even tried taming him at level 10. lol Now the great mountain protector protects my shy little wallflower, even keeping her warm at night.

3. Ariados

She's deadly, dead, jealous, and beautiful. Bone spiders seem to go with undead hunters, and these two mesh effortlessly. It was the hunt for her that inspired Aash's Gilnean background, and made a spoof character into a serious roleplaying and story heroine.

2. Steel and Silver

What's a corpse run in the search for hard to get pets? Steel was cool as a carrion bird, and is still the pet I'm proudest to have gotten. Silver is still the trickiest. And yes, they are lecturing the self-destructive Tiai, who needs a guardian or two... Or twenty.

1. Lita


My very first pet ever. She chose Layiaissa to take her on an adventure that eventually ended with her and her mother switching bodies. I remember picking her because she was close to my level. I still have her original form, I couldn't bear to part with her in any body.
Last edited by Layiaissa on Thu Oct 13, 2011 6:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.


thanks to Kurenio and TygerDarkStorm for the sigs

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Re: Show Off Your Favorite Pets!

Unread post by Zhuge »

I thought ok I'll include the 5 pets I couldn't live without - the ones I'd run and check on if I something would happen to my account - but when I stuck my head in my stables I realised that would be 20 pets, not 5 :<

Very hard to pick, but these would be the ones.....



My oldest pet! :3 He was the first pet I hard-core camped for, way back when you could only have was it 2 or 3 pets and when he was RARE :lol: At level 32 I saw his picture on thottbot, and decided that he was gonna be my companion :) I sat in between all the wolves, waiting and waiting. Days passed, and I had grinded another 2 levels from killing the mobs around me. Then I saw a gnome mount up on one of the old pvp mounts and thought, 'oh that's a snazzy mount', panned my camera round to watch her ride off...and saw a darker coloured wolf amongst the others O.O She rode straight past him, so close she could have aggroed, whilst I just stood and watched. Whilst he's no longer my go-to pet for dps since theres loads of other buffs now, he's the golden oldie in my stable that has the most memories :D



My second oldest, I decided I wanted a cat to complete my stables (I didn't believe in taming pets just so you could learn the ability upgrade - it annoyed me so much lol). I levelled through Outland with my purple kitty, and constantly got asked where I had tamed him. In Blood Furnace a Mage actually left group and reported me for bullying, as I had 'refused' to reveal the location of my new super rare pet - he didn't believe me he was only a common mob from Winterspring xD A GM spoke to me and asked to see Sima (he must have thought I had hacked the game and got a mega pet) and he then said there was no problems xD Yes, my server is that retarded -.-"



Wesker was just a random fly-by find tame, totally out of the blue :3 I spent longer looking for Sambas who I really wanted, but in the end this guy won my heart :hug: He camped Time Lost and Aeonaxx with me, and has been in the stables once since being tamed :D The little howl, scratch and sniff animations are too cute :D



Named after my real-life dog, Zak was always gonna be a piggy! :3 I had tamed all the black piggies (rl Zak is a black and tan sausage dog that eats ANYTHING) but couldn't decide which suited him best. My friend suggested one of the hellboars, and he just seemed to click - he was badass! Just the same attitude as the real Zak - he'll attack anything regardless of size :lol: As I had one of my hounds, I had to tame the other...



My rl Jaffa is spazzy, weird and a little crazy - and he loves cheese! :D So when I wanted a pet to match I used the diet filter on the petopia search with the brown filter too (hes brown and tan in rl!). This was one of the matches, and when they used to have their old model and run, he was just like my little hound :D He was also with me when I lost my first Time Lost drake to a DK yanking him from under me, but he's now the best of friends with my TL Herbert :D D'awwwww drake cuddles!

These are some of my favs and all 25 of my pets mean the world to me, Blizz I need more stable space, cos I can't part with any if new pets come out next patch!!! :evil:


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Re: Show Off Your Favorite Pets!

Unread post by Melentari »

Okay, I kind of procrastinated on this one, but this morning, while I was already hanging out in Darnassus, I hit the stable master and pulled out my favourite five on my main hunter, Melentari.



I never really liked the look of Loque'nahak, no matter how much I looked at him, so I never really camped. I wanted a spirit beast, but Loque just never looked to suit me. And then they introduced Gondria. Immediately, I went into fits of want. Mel's signature colour is purple, and here was a purple spirit beast. I spent I don't know how long flying around and spamming my targetting macro. It took ages for me to find my dear purple beast, but when I did, I think the squee was audible from space. Even with having Ban'thalos and Magria now, Veltharen is still my favourite - easily.



Maybe it was stupid of me, but the moment that I saw him perched there with his wings outspread, looking like he was literally carved from jade, I knew I had to have him. And it had to be Alystros, not one of the many lookalikes flapping around the Emerald Dragonshrine. I got a few of my friends together and we actually went down there on-level to tame Alystros. I got my quest item and went down there and my friends - a druid and a shaman - prepared for the ordeal. Since he couldn't be trapped and had a knockback (and I had utterly forgotten about Scare Beast and I'm not sure it would've worked anyway), this tame was a trial. I would lose aggro, almost die, get interrupted by his knockback... You name it, it happened. But at last, I had my jade owl beside me, and he got to keep his name.

Edit: Speaking of names, Alystros was glitched for the longest time. Instead of his tooltip saying Alystros, Melentari's Pet, it said Alystros, (Alystros), Player. He didn't have any special abilities. Just a messed-up tooltip that became a long-running joke between my friends and me. Alystros is a playa.



Seinaren, I got on a whim after browsing through Petopia for a while. I knew I wanted a turtle, and this was the skin that really appealed to me. I tamed him before Dustwallow Marsh was remodeled, one of many Mudrock Snapjaws. I was level 70 when I tamed him, so levelling him up to match me was a pain, but I did it anyway. It took much, much farming, but he seemed stuck at level 69 forever. One night, I said screw it and I took him to Karazhan with a casual raid group anyway. That night, even with the XP loss from being in a raid, my turtle dinged 70 in the middle of the hallway up toward Netherspite. The entire raid cheered for him. I could never bear to part with him after that.



This is actually Mel's oldest pet. Melentari was my second hunter. The first was a Tauren on a different server who started out by taming Mazzranache and The Rake, and I was in love with the pink plainstrider immediately. I had to go get him on Mel, even though it was quite a run at level 10 from Azuremyst Isle all the way down to Mulgore. I did it anyway, and Ianaren has been around ever since. In Wrath, my best friend, Tevildo (the Nelf Druid that Mel tamed), bought me a Mulgore Hatchling. It was another case of squee audible from space. And now, thanks to this past Brewfest, Mel can show off Ianaren and the Hatchling at the same time, alongside one of their native kodos!



Now this one has an RP story. The very first pet that Mel tamed was one of the Nightsabers there near Azure Watch. His name was Orinai and Mel had nursed him back to health from the radiation from the crystals that had fallen from the Exodar. But Mel, at that time, was an explorer. When she was sent via boat to Auberdine, Orinai of course went with her. She traveled north, curious to the end, and when she happened upon the naga-infested ruins, she was immediately attacked. Orinai attacked the naga anyway, giving Mel the chance to escape at the cost of his life. Once she felt strong enough afterward, she went into the ruins to exact vengeance. There, she saw a ghostly cat and it attacked her, but she saw it as a servant of the naga and decided to steal their cat just as they had stolen hers. She coaxed it to her, treated it well, and considered herself triumphant. It took many, many long adventures after that for her to realise that Halaren was truly Orinai's spirit, crazed by the naga magic, but returned to her to protect her. Now, they're wonderful companions and he rarely leaves her side - though he's chewed Tevildo's favourite hat to pieces time and time again and Mel keeps having to patch it back together.
Last edited by Melentari on Thu Oct 13, 2011 9:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Melentari and Tevildo - she tamed him a long time ago.

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Re: Show Off Your Favorite Pets!

Unread post by Sesamee »

It doesn't have to be just five! It can be one or 10 or whatever, lol! Lovin' this thread so far!
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Re: Show Off Your Favorite Pets!

Unread post by Lupis »

I have four that I just can't get enough of on Rassaa.

1. Tinder


I *love* Tinder. I got him way back at level 42, running through Plaguelands and Ghostlands to find him. He was my very favorite through Northrend. At 80 I slowly stopped using him, though, and through to 85 he never really saw the outside world. At last, far into my career at 85, I pulled him out of the stable. I'd been having trouble bonding to my pets.
Bam. Instant. I knew why I hadn't bonded to any other pets - because I was forgetting about the one I already adored. I go everywhere with Tinder. He's so bright and pretty, with his lively, mischievous face and adorable little stripy nose. He even looks good with my transmog set, with his bright colors. If I had to release every other pet, there's no doubt about it - Tinder would stay.

2. Erik


Named, of course, after the Phantom of the Opera. Why? Why not?
I love this giant reptile. I tamed every color other than him, as I always found brown to be really dull and boring. Why get brown when I could tame bright pearly white or dark, shining black? Maybe even the reclusive but beautiful green! Yet, I found that neither white nor black did anything for me. They were neat, but they weren't for Rassaa at all. Foreign beasts that didn't seem like they really were connected to the hunter. Finally I gave in and tamed a red devilsaur on whim.
He's no more interestingly colored than he ever was, and I love him.

3. Lackjaw


My brother once had an orc hunter. Somewhere along the line he tamed a raptor, which he then named Lackjaw. I never saw Lackjaw leave his side after that. Whenever I thought of his hunter, I thought of Lackjaw. Of course, he eventually forgot about that character, and both gathered dust on our old server.
Eventually, I started searching for a raptor to match my transmog set. I got a black one at first, but it was just some pet. Abandoning it, I tried several other colorations. Nothing. Finally I just went ahead and tamed this guy.
And didn't like him at all. Didn't match my transmog set, wasn't the right color… Meh. Abandoned him, gave up on raptors. A long while later I finally started trying raptors again, and try as I might, I couldn't bond with any of them. Predictably, I once again found myself in Dustwallow, raptorless. One more try. I tamed him again and this time, I named him after my brother's pet.
It didn't click at first. It took a dungeon run with my brother to do that. First thing I see when I zone in…
"LACKJAW!!!! I've missed you old buddy!"
Yup. Lackjaw is here to stay.

4. Torn


My most recent tame, but I fell in love right away. At first I was just flying to Scholo and I stumbled upon Big Samras. I tamed him, but didn't like him and tried an Infested Bear instead. Too silver - didn't like that one either. On my way through Tristfall, I remembered the Faerie Dragon Circle, and decided to take a detour to find it. It didn't take me long, and the first sight to greet me was this big bear. He looked rather lonely, far from the forest, the only bear. I decided to tame him on whim, then adventured about the Whispering Forest.
That is my new favorite zone in the game.
The bear just spoke to me. He was from an area where diseased creatures could live in family groups, play, and be without pain despite their plague. He's like a mystic, or a wise man - he's seen hope through hopelessness.

And now, Vallrok's pets! Only three this time.

1. Faron


Faron is Vallrok's favorite and always will be. He inspired a character that I love, and has earned me some friends that I've now had for years and can't praise enough. I don't remember when or how I tamed Faron, but he's without a doubt my favorite of his pets. Even above Sorrow.

2. Sorrow


Ahh, Sorrow. Vallrok was my first real hunter, and Sorrow was his first real bonded pet. Technically he stated out as King Bangladash. No, not because he had special skills - I didn't even know about that until long after I'd tamed him. It was because of a hunter I saw with Rak'shiri. For some reason, I thought King B shared the look, so I tamed him. I never really realized until later that he didn't. (Keep in mind, I was ten. xD) I loved him and named him Sorrow… Or so I thought… I actually named him "sarrow". Yeah. I was a pro at spelling. Anyway! I kept "Sarrow" through Northrend, then for some insane reason, abandoned him. I don't know why.
That broke the spell for a long time. I couldn't get Sarrow back. Nothing was the same cat. Then, after a long wait, I saw a new tamable cat - a white tiger in the Riding Tiger model, the one that first made me tame my cat. I ran to Winterspring and tamed him, naming him what he was always meant to be named.
This guy is never leaving my active stable.

3. Seamist[/i]


Seamist was the reason Vallrok hit 80 in the first place. He was my highest level hunter when Wrath came out, and I wanted that ghost hydra. I leveled as fast as possible and did as many dailies as possible, and finally claimed my prize. He's not emotionally bonded as strongly as Sorrow or Faron, but he's still earned his place in my faves. (He's also my tank! I never specced him into Ferocity, so he still has all his tenacity talents.)

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Re: Show Off Your Favorite Pets!

Unread post by TygerDarkstorm »

I've been thinking really hard about this for my RP hunter, Rosaliah; I love so many of her pets. I'll try to keep this brief.

Before Rose existed in game, she started off as a RP concept on these very forums where one of her main pets was a large black devilsaur named Tyrant. After making her in game, he became the goal of her leveling for a while and as soon as she dinged 71 I left Northrend to return to Netherstorm and tame the big bad devilsaur of the dome. This guy hasn't left her top 5 much since I tamed him and I love having him by Rose's side for dungeons.

Tons of personality? This guy's got it. While on my trip to tame Tyrant, I stopped by the northern end of Blade's Edge to nab one of these beauties. Tamed the first one I came across and he's been a little goofball ever since. In that picture above, he set himself up that way after hearthing, it took no controlling from me and he's one of those pets that likes to be backwards instead of forwards and keeping Rose on her toes. The only time he leaves my top 5 is to take a break and let Slate tank for a while.

In anticipation of Rose hitting 69 I stared forever at the exotics pages, trying to find which pets would fit her theme best. I had all of them covered except for worms. None of them necessarily looked corrupted or fierce, and, as much as I love Jormungars, I wanted to try an old world worm. I decided the dark grey one would work the best and took a trip out to Silithus. This guy is another pet full of tons of personality, a lot of which is aided by his pet emotes. He's always chasing his tail or curling around Rose and resting his head on her shoulder; it's utterly adorable. He and Crimson are now her two go to tank pets.

Silithids were another exotic I almost had trouble with, until I decided to give the ant silithids some serious consideration. Copper fits perfectly into Rose's theme and matches her copper wasp, Sting, as well. Another pet chock full of personality. I love the way he moves, I love his idle, I adore the way he fights. I did a dungeon with him shortly after his tame since we had no priest and I was hooked to this awesome, giant bug. I even got a compliment on how awesome he looked from our healer. :D

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Re: Show Off Your Favorite Pets!

Unread post by Sesamee »

Oooh another "brown" silithid makes the favorite cut! Yay! I love the name Copper too. I thought about naming mine penny but my background in science won out and Tagmata it is.
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Re: Show Off Your Favorite Pets!

Unread post by TygerDarkstorm »

I chuckled when I saw you pick the brown ant silithid and white saber cat on your blood elf huntress since I have both of them on Rose. :lol: I love my white saber cat tons, but she doesn't get a slot in my favorites. I just haven't been using her as much and when I go to my stables, she just doesn't seem to be on my top list of pets to grab. XD She has been sitting in my 5 recently since I've been dungeoning a lot. I mostly use my tenacity boys while soloing.

But yeah, love love love Copper; he's such a fun pet to have around. ^_^ Penny would be a good name for one too, although I like Tagmata as well. :)

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Re: Show Off Your Favorite Pets!

Unread post by Serendipity82 »

These are my top 5 favorite pets that my hunter Myriana has. There will always be a place for them in her stable:

1. Floyd the Rhino

I got lucky enough to get into the Wrath Beta and as soon as I found out that Rhinos were tameable I went and tamed this guy on Myri. Needless to say, I fell in love with the big lug and as soon as Wrath went live, the first new beast Myri tamed was Floyd. I don't know why I named him Floyd, but the name fits, and he is my go to tank pet. I have several other tank pets, all specced the same as Floyd, yet none of them seem to hold the aggro he does. He is also by far and away my favorite pet for Myri (don't tell Swift).
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2. Swift the Fox

I thought foxes were cute, but everyone on my server had Ashtail or the white one. So to be a bit different, I went to Loch Modan and tamed one of the orange foxes running quite joyfully around the zone. I named him Swift after the fox from David the Gnome, a cartoon series I used to watch growing up. However, Swift kind of sat in my stables, ignored and lonely, until the FotC RP popped up. I don't know why I decided to RP Swift, but it wasn't long before he went from being Myri's pet to being his own character XD. He is just a blast to RP XD And if it wasn't for Swift I wouldn't have made the friends I have now and for that I am very grateful :D
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3. Canoli the Ghost Saber

Canoli is Myri's oldest pet. He has been with her since she was level 20, when a guild mate of mine told me about this special cat you could tame. So off to Darkshore I went and spent several hours looking for cat statues and hoping the cat would finally spawn. Finally he did and I named him Canoli because for whatever reason the name seemed to fit him.
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4. Mohegan the Worg (AKA Deathmaw)

I needed a wolf for the crit buff and I had tried a variety of wolves on Myri, none of which I really clicked with or liked. Shortly after Cata went live I was flying over Burning Steppes on my way to BWD and I figured eh, what the hell? Let's see if Deathmaw is up. Well he was, and I quickly abandoned the black worg I was running with and tamed this guy. I think he matches Myri rather nicely and I love his blue eyes against his brown fur. He's got a very loyal personality but he tends to be a grump XD
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5. Skree the Vulture

This guy was kind of an impulse tame. Myri already had Vultros, but I hadn't clicked with him. I still wanted her to have a carrion bird though, so I went to Westfall to look at the brown ones that were all over the place. And I had to admit that the brown ones..which I had always thought were rather plan before, really were actually rather pretty if you looked at them closely. So I dumped poor Vultros and tamed one of the common brown ones. Skree was a name that just popped into my head and it fits him pretty well I think. I love this guy and he tends to do randoms with my quite frequently.
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Re: Show Off Your Favorite Pets!

Unread post by Snowbird »

Vephriel wrote:I love reading threads like this! ^^

It's hard to choose favourites, but I do consider 5 of my pets to be some of my closest.

Where would I be without my loyal devilsaur? :) Skorn is by far the most important pet to me, and always will be. I've been playing WoW pretty much since it was first released, and all through Vanilla and BC I wondered why I could never find that special connection with any pets. I had many I was fond of, but there was never that overwhelming bond. Well, turns out Skorn was just waiting for me all those years until we could finally tame devilsaurs. If there was ever a fated match for me in the game, this would surely be it. I adore my big scaly dino more than anything, he just has so much loyalty and personality and charm. He's been by my side since that day I tamed him and felt the bond, and he'll without a doubt always be there as Vephriel's tried and true friend.

After all the heartbreak I went through because of this model, I still get a huge smile on my face whenever I bring him out. I fell head over heels in love with the purple warpstalkers back in BC. The creatures themselves are among my most favourite species in game, I love reptiles so much. I barely had a chance to attempt a few unsuccessful tames of Gezzarak before they made her untameable though, and I was devastated to have missed such a beautiful pet. I waited with bated breath through every new expansion, every new patch, hoping against all odds that Blizzard would change their mind and bring that model back in some form. My elation during the Cataclysm Beta when Gezzarak finally became available again was just...indescribable. Reznor will always be a special pet for all of those reasons. He's just amazing and inspirational to me, so I named him after one of my favourite musicians. (Take a guess at who ;))

Another tale of longing and woe, though not as harrowing as the Gezzarak saga. :D Crocodiles are my favourite animals in real life, and as many probably know I love the colour purple. When the Cataclysm crocolisk models were datamined and I saw this one I was flipping out with anticipation of getting it. The Beta progressed for a long while, all of which no tameable mobs were found and my hope dwindled. Finally towards the end Gorebite pulled through and my resulting exuberance nearly reached that of the Gezzarak news. Aleister here is named after Aleister Crowley as I loved the evil, demonic look this croc has. It just seemed like the perfect name and it suits him wonderfully.

Azzy sticks out like a sore thumb among my other pets, especially my favoured ones. He's just...not what most people would expect of me I'm sure, and I wouldn't have either! I never even liked this model but this darn stubborn cat decided otherwise and wriggled his way into my heart. His tamed was so spontaneous, so unplanned, and not to mention a complete joke...I'm still amazed to this day how this crafty feline managed to get me so attached to him. I love him dearly for it though, and he's especially unique because of it. ^^

Finally, one of the newest members of my stables, and nonetheless one I'm incredibly attached to. Deth'tilac was the first rare I REALLY fell for, utterly and completely. I've always been a spider lover, and when I learned of this amazingly awesome, death metal purple spider...I knew I had to have him. He was so different from any other rare, everything about him just clicked with me completely. I don't care that everyone and their cousin uses the lava spiders right now, Sabbath here stands out completely for me and I'm thrilled to have such a wicked rare bond with me to this degree.

I love ur Post! and The stories!!! ^^ It seems like u are a huge Rp with outfits and stuff!! Maybe you can help me find a outfit to my theme? White? xD just if u want ^^ Would be awesome thought. It has to be greenies blues and ofc epics. cant be Greys, Because then i cant use it in next patch!! ^^ thanks!^^


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Re: Show Off Your Favorite Pets!

Unread post by Snowbird »

TygerDarkstorm wrote:I've been thinking really hard about this for my RP hunter, Rosaliah; I love so many of her pets. I'll try to keep this brief.

Before Rose existed in game, she started off as a RP concept on these very forums where one of her main pets was a large black devilsaur named Tyrant. After making her in game, he became the goal of her leveling for a while and as soon as she dinged 71 I left Northrend to return to Netherstorm and tame the big bad devilsaur of the dome. This guy hasn't left her top 5 much since I tamed him and I love having him by Rose's side for dungeons.

Tons of personality? This guy's got it. While on my trip to tame Tyrant, I stopped by the northern end of Blade's Edge to nab one of these beauties. Tamed the first one I came across and he's been a little goofball ever since. In that picture above, he set himself up that way after hearthing, it took no controlling from me and he's one of those pets that likes to be backwards instead of forwards and keeping Rose on her toes. The only time he leaves my top 5 is to take a break and let Slate tank for a while.


In anticipation of Rose hitting 69 I stared forever at the exotics pages, trying to find which pets would fit her theme best. I had all of them covered except for worms. None of them necessarily looked corrupted or fierce, and, as much as I love Jormungars, I wanted to try an old world worm. I decided the dark grey one would work the best and took a trip out to Silithus. This guy is another pet full of tons of personality, a lot of which is aided by his pet emotes. He's always chasing his tail or curling around Rose and resting his head on her shoulder; it's utterly adorable. He and Crimson are now her two go to tank pets.

Silithids were another exotic I almost had trouble with, until I decided to give the ant silithids some serious consideration. Copper fits perfectly into Rose's theme and matches her copper wasp, Sting, as well. Another pet chock full of personality. I love the way he moves, I love his idle, I adore the way he fights. I did a dungeon with him shortly after his tame since we had no priest and I was hooked to this awesome, giant bug. I even got a compliment on how awesome he looked from our healer. :D

Aweosme list and stories!!!!! What is that head ur using? Can u link the Wowhead link of it pretty pleace? looking for gear for next patch!


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Re: Show Off Your Favorite Pets!

Unread post by TygerDarkstorm »

Why thank you Snow! :D That helm is:
As I'm questing I'm always trying on all the rewards that my characters can wear to see if I can't get any good pieces for pictures and RP gear. :lol:

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Lord Godfrey wrote:Some people only want to watch the world burn. Others want to be the ones responsible for burning it...
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