Kurenio's return to "The League" (Journal)

Grand Master Hunter
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Kurenio's return to "The League" (Journal)

Unread post by Kurenio »

All suggestion on Xmog outfits/pets are welcome!

Well I have a lot of work to do in-game to catch up with everyone and finish what I was doing when I quit. This involves... a ton of characters and a ton of leveling, camping, farming, and gearing. The entire goal is level 22 characters to level 90 (12 hunters then one of each class), Max out their profs to become completely self reliant, Have my hunters tame everything that clicks which them (Which could possibly involve retaming pets my two 85 hunters already have tamed so that they can get new ones), and then getting them all BiS LFR gear for two specs each. What I wouldn't give for free realm transfers to bring my 80s of each class to my realm. My 6 80s on wildhammer my old realm have been transfered over. Xmog gear and pets added to the goal.

Since this is such a big undertaking I wanted to give reason for it. I wanted to give it a story so it would be more fun instead of a long grind.
(Ya I know it sucks. Sounded a lot better in my head)


It's been a year since I step into that portal, and I finally somehow made it back to Azeroth. Visiting the titans other worlds was quite strange, but at least I can say this isn't the only world facing destruction. World peace is a fleeting notion it seems. When I returned to the halls of "The League" I was expecting to find out I had been release as the leader of Kage no Kariudo. I was surprised to find out that my right hand and second in command fought to leave that position with me. They even manage to some how get a few new worth while recruits, but with one of "The League's" leader missing for so long made everyone weaker... or rather other heroes have grown stronger as they waited for me. We are in no shape to protect this world. We must get stronger together.

Name: Tsubaru
Starting Level: 85
Time /played when started: N/A
Time /played @90: N/A
Time /played Xmog: N/A

Name: Reikan
Starting Level: 85
Time /played when started: N/A
Time /played @90: N/A
Time /played Xmog: N/A

Name: Kurogano
Starting Level: 85
Time /played when started: N/A
Time /played @90: N/A
Time /played Xmog: N/A

Name: Kurenia
Starting Level: 85
Time /played when started: N/A
Time /played @90: N/A
Time /played Xmog: N/A

Name: Kurenio
Starting Level: 85
Time /played when started: 174 days, 21 hours, 59 minutes, 48 seconds
Time /played @90: 176 days, 4 hours, 5 minutes, 7 seconds
Time /played Xmog: N/A

Name: Misaki
Starting Level: 30
Time /played when started: N/A
Time /played @90: N/A
Time /played Xmog: N/A

Name: Senza
Starting Level: 30
Time /played when started: N/A
Time /played @90: N/A
Time /played Xmog: N/A

Name: Seiiki
Starting Level: 30
Time /played when started: N/A
Time /played @90: N/A
Time /played Xmog: N/A

Name: Yurohime
Starting Level: 30
Time /played when started: N/A
Time /played @90: N/A
Time /played Xmog: N/A

Name: Seishi
Starting Level: 80
Time /played when started: N/A
Time /played @90: N/A
Time /played Xmog: N/A

Name: Haseo
Starting Level: 80
Time /played when started: N/A
Time /played @90: N/A
Time /played Xmog: N/A

Name: Kitsuna
Starting Level: 80
Time /played when started: N/A
Time /played @90: N/A
Time /played Xmog: N/A

Name: Eikou
Starting Level: 30
Time /played when started: N/A
Time /played @90: N/A
Time /played Xmog: N/A

Name: Suichiro
Starting Level: 80
Time /played when started: N/A
Time /played @90: N/A
Time /played Xmog: N/A

Name: Hisui
Starting Level: 80
Time /played when started: N/A
Time /played @90: N/A
Time /played Xmog: N/A

Name: Fushiyomi
Starting Level: 30
Time /played when started: N/A
Time /played @90: N/A
Time /played Xmog: N/A

Name: Hiita
Starting Level: 80
Time /played when started: N/A
Time /played @90: N/A
Time /played Xmog: N/A

Name: Kinokane
Starting Level: 30
Time /played when started: N/A
Time /played @90: N/A
Time /played Xmog: N/A

Name: Kiritsu
Starting Level: 34
Time /played when started: N/A
Time /played @90: N/A
Time /played Xmog: N/A

Name: Bira
Starting Level: 30
Time /played when started: N/A
Time /played @90: N/A
Time /played Xmog: N/A

<No Picture Available>
Name: Sagasu
Starting Level: 30
Time /played when started: 0 days, 6 hours, 40 minutes, 55 seconds
Time /played @90: N/A
Time /played Xmog: N/A

<No Picture Available>
Name: Hasuhime
Starting Level: 30
Time /played when started: N/A
Time /played @90: N/A
Time /played Xmog: N/A

General Updates
Kiritsu's Xmog changed to Field Marshal
Eikou's Xmog changed to Warlord Frostsworn Bone Mail
Kurenio is level 86
Kurenio is level 88
Kurenio achieved level 90
All toonsare 30+ across the bored

Hunter Pet Updates
Feng tamed by Kurenio
Stompy tamed by Kurenio
Purple Portent tamed by Kurenio

Battle Pets Updates

============================================================Predicted Tames======================================================================

Kurenio (Leader of Kage no Kuriado)
Direhorn Orange (Direhorn/Isle of Giants)

Misaki (Kurenio's Right Hand)
Quall (Birds of Prey/Stonetalon Mountains)
Hawkbane (Cat/Terokkar Forest)
Sunblade Dragonhawk (Dragonhawk/Sunwell Plateau)
Bushtail (Fox/Elewynn Forest) Seppen
Madexx Blue (Scorpid/Uldum) Aoishinkirou
Arcane Wyrm (Serpent/Dragonblight)
Scion of Quetz'lun (Wind Serpent/Zul'Drak)
Thundermaw (Wolf/Vale of Eternal Blossoms)
The Kurken (Core Hound/Azuremyst)
Direhorn Blue (Direhorn/Isle of Giants)
Devilsaur Blue (Isle of Giants)
Portent (Quilin/Vale of Eternal Blossoms)
Princess Yauj (Silithid/AQ40)
Magria (Spirit Beast/Mount Hyjal) Umi
Skitterflame (Spider/Molten Front) Kougyoku

Kurenia (Second in Command)
Tsul'Kalu (Gorilla/ N STV) Tsuchi
Direhorn White (Direhorn/Isle of Giants)
Portent (Quilin/Vale of Eternal Blossoms)
Ankha (Spirit Beast/Mount Hyjal) Tsuki

Kiritsu (Alliance Field Commander)
Heonis (Birds of Prey/Dustwallow Marsh)
Kher shin (Cat/The Jade Forest)
Ripscale (Crocolisks/Dustwallow Marsh)
Madexx Black (Scorpid/Uldum) Kuroshinkirou
Death Howl (Wolf/Felwood) Kairi
Devilsaur Yellow Green (Devilsaur/Isle of Giants)
Gurthan Iron Maw (Quilen/Mogu'Shan Palace)
Arcturis (Spirit Beast/Grizzly Hills) Hoshi
Anthriss (Spider/Molten Front) Kohaku

Eikou (Horde Field Commander)
Dreadtusk (Boar/Hellfire Peninsula)
Bonepicker Felfeeder (Carrion Bird/Blasted Lands)
Humar the Pridelord (Cat/N Barrens)
Mahamba (Crocolisks/ N STV)
Galak Packhound (Hyena/ Thousand Needles)
Chupacabros (Raptor/Swamp of Sorrows)
Venomspine (Raveger/Burning Steppes)
Madexx Brown (Scorpid/Uldum) Kinshinkirou
Rankbite Ancient (Turtle/Townlong Steppes)
Displaced Warp Stalker (Warp Stalker/Winterspring)
Shattered Han Warhound (Hellfire Ramparts)
Gomegaz (Core Hound/Blasted Lands)
Devilsaur Black (Devilsaur/Isle of Giants)
Bronze Quilen (Quilen/Townlong Steppes)
Karoma (Spirit Beast/Twilight Highlands) Karma
Kirix (Spider/Molten Front) Kajaku Seki

Sagasu (Neutral Field Commander)
Savage (Cat/The Jade Forest)
Patrannache (Crane/Valley of the four winds)
Wild Mountain Goat (Goat/Kun-Lei Summit)
King Mukla (Gorilla/ Cape of STV)
Bristlespine (Porcupines/ Kun-Lai Summit)
Bloodtooth (Turtle/Krasarang Wilds)
Lamepaw the Whimperer (Wolf/Elewynn Forest)
Devilsaur Beige (Devilsaur/Isle of Giants)
Portent (Quilin/Vale of Eternal Blossoms)
Ban'Thalos (Spirit Beast/Mount Hyjal) Hikaru
Glimmer (Waterstrider/The Jade Forest)
Bombyx (Worm/Krasarang Wilds)

Alit (Birds of Prey/WPL)
Forest Prowler (Cat/The Jade Forest)
Rexxus (Dog/Searing Gorge)
Deathmaw (Wolf/Burning Steppes)
Gumi (Spirit Beast/Kun-Lai Summit)

Ruukti (Cat/The Jade Forest)
Zhing (Goat/Kun-Lai Summit)
Blackbog the Fang (Nether Rays/Felwood)
Daggermaw Blackhide (Raptor/Blade's Edge Mountain)
Thornfang Venomspitter (Ravager/Hellfire Peninsula)
Sporeggon (Sporebat/EPL)
Zormus (Warp Stalker/Badlands)
Rex Ashil (Wasp/Silithus)
Ghostcrawler (Spirit Beast/Abyssal Depth) Kasui
The Black Stalker (Waterstrider/The Underbog)

Fangor (Bat/Tirisfal Glades)
Amethyst Scarab (Beetle/Uldum)
Olm the Wise (Birds of Prey/Felwood) Kodaitori
Rakira (Cat/The Jade Forest)
Pyreshell Scuttler (Crab/Abyssal Depths)
Craw the Ravager (Crocolisk/Hillsbrad Foothills)
Snort the Heckler (Hyena/ S Barrens)
Gurubashi Riding Raptor (Raptor/Kun-Lai Summit) Ebisu
Venomtip (Serpent/Sholazar Basin) Reimei
Seawing (Tallstrider/Swamp of Sorrows) Okaasan
Ghamoo-ra (Turtle/Blackfathom Deeps) Fuhen
Volux (Wasp/ Stonetalon Mountains)
Deviate Dreadfang (Wind Serpent/Wailing Caverns) Tasogare
Nuramoc (Chimera/Netherstorm)
Terracotta Defender (Quilen/Kun-Lai Summit)
Deep Spider (Shale Spider/Deepholm)

Rrakk (Bat/Thousand Needles)
Mange (Bear/WPL)
Alitus (Birds of Prey/Hillsbrad Foothills)
Varah (Boar/EPL)
Catal (Burning Steppes)
Vargul Blighthound (Dog/Zul' Drak)
Terror Spinner (Spider/Zul'Drak)
Wulon (Quilen/Vale of Eternal Blossoms)
Diseased Wolf (Wolf/WPL)
Gorishi Grub (Worm/Un'goro crater)

Thrashtail Basilisk (Basilisk/Cape of STV)
Silithid Havester (Beetle/S Barrens)
Jeweled Macaw (Birds of Prey/The Jade Forest)
Winna's Kitten (Cat/Felwood)
Enormous Sand Crab (Crab/Shimmering Expanse)
Docile Porcupine (Porcupine/Vale of Eternal Blossoms)
The Evalcharr (Chimera/Azshara)
Uvuros (Core Hound/Shadowmoon Valley)
Direhorn Green (Direhorn/Isle of Giants)
Huntia (Spirit Beast/The Jade Forest)
Princess Huhuran (Wasp/AQ40) Mushihime

Stonegazer (Basilisk/Terokkar Forest)
Hogzilla (Boar/Searing Gorge)
Forest Huntress (Cat/The Jade Forest)
Chops (Crocolisks/Wetlands)
Brown Bear (Bear/Tamed)
Wild Shaghorn (Goat/Valley of the Four Winds)
Kurmokk (Gorilla/ Cape of STV)
Razorquill Porcupine (Porcupine/Kun-Lai Summit)
Gezan (Warp Stalkers/Felwood)
Barnabus (Wolf/Badlands)
Magmagan (Core Hound/Burning Steppes)
Direhorn red (Direhorn/Isle of Giants)
Devilsaur red (Devilsaur/Isle of Giants)
Yao (Quilen/Kun-Lai Summit)
Icehorn (Rhino/Borean Thundra)
Glint (Shale Spider/Arathi Highlands)
Vem (Silithid/AQ40)
Degu (Spirit Beast/Krasarang Wilds)
Rattlebore (Worm/Dragonblight)
Last edited by Kurenio on Wed Jan 30, 2013 8:03 am, edited 15 times in total.

My Characters
Signatures thanks to the amazing Sookie,Kuraine,
Rongar, Serenith and Me!
"Follow my heart, Follow my head, I'll follow anything to get to her heart."
12 hunters and 10 other classes being leveled.

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Re: Kurenio's return to "The League" (Journal)

Unread post by Eternallylostx »

Tsubaru. Gimme.
Dat picture makes her looks like a total BA to me.

Signature credit to Ashaine; avatars by various people. Thanks! | Tumblr

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Re: Kurenio's return to "The League" (Journal)

Unread post by Kalliope »

Eternallylostx wrote:Tsubaru. Gimme.
Dat picture makes her looks like a total BA to me.
Totally agreed. It's good that you put her at the top because holy cow, is she stunning.

Kalliope's Pantheon of Pets
YouTube Edition
Thanks to Serenith for the avatar and signature!

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Re: Kurenio's return to "The League" (Journal)

Unread post by Kurenio »

The only one I didn't put in some kind of position is stunning o.0

My Characters
Signatures thanks to the amazing Sookie,Kuraine,
Rongar, Serenith and Me!
"Follow my heart, Follow my head, I'll follow anything to get to her heart."
12 hunters and 10 other classes being leveled.

Grand Master Hunter
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Re: Kurenio's return to "The League" (Journal)

Unread post by Kurenio »

Well I haven't updated this in awhile, but I went ahead and updated it.

My Characters
Signatures thanks to the amazing Sookie,Kuraine,
Rongar, Serenith and Me!
"Follow my heart, Follow my head, I'll follow anything to get to her heart."
12 hunters and 10 other classes being leveled.

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