Favorite pets (and possibly stories behind them)?

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Favorite pets (and possibly stories behind them)?

Unread post by Kilroy »

Like, say you could suddenly only have 5 pets ever again (oh god I know, that's a horrible thought). What pets would you keep? Sentimental? Rare? Some weird and craaaaazy combo?

Let's say 5 per hunter I suppose, wouldn't want to be that cruel. >_>

I'll just do my night elf for now though..

Bobbin (Dishu from the Barrens) - went and tamed him on each hunter since vanilla when my friend escorted me down there as a level 14 alliance hunter on a pvp server. oddly I can't even remember why we did that, but I got a pretty unique and cool kitty for the level so yay.

Banzai (Aotona) - crazy awesome looking blue parrot. tamed him the moment it was possible and made a couple guildies laugh when I raided with him.

Chappy (random black-spotted goat) - I honestly don't know why. I never saw myself as a goat person... or whatever. But I was afk in the Vale on the side of a mountain for a while one day and he chilled with me the whole time, so I was like "yeah why not". Used him for a while and he grew on me. He's my grumpy buddy now. <_<

Serket (Deth'tilac) - One of the most exciting, challenging, and fun experiences I've had in this game was taming this big blue spider. Had a bit of a crowd forming around me by the end which added to the feeling. Was insanely rewarding and I got a sweet pet at the end of it. Also Homestuck reference.

Jessie (Magria) - I currently have all of the spirit kitties. I named all of them (including this one) but one after childhood pets, so they're all pretty close in sentimentality for me. If I had to choose it would end up going strictly by color pretty much since all my pets were great friends, so I guess this one would win.
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Re: Favorite pets (and possibly stories behind them)?

Unread post by Jurz »

Ooh, let's see... I will do my main hunter, Jurzee.

Suzee- I know, not a creative name, but I was in late elementary school-early middle school when I first started playing vanilla WoW :lol: Suzee was one of the wolves in Mulgore that howl when you click on them (I didn't know that at the time) and was the first pet I ever tamed. She has been by my side ever since :)

Gezzee- I decided to stick with the -zee pattern here :lol: Gezzee is, you guessed it, Gezzarak. I tamed Gezzarak before she became untamable for that long period of time which was my first taming achievement, so to speak. I worked my ass off trying to tame her (it was a real bitch doing it at level 72 at the time) but I wouldn't give up because I just had to have her. I had always loved the Warp Stalker model but none of them clicked with me until she was made tamable :)

Coconut- Coconut is my Loquenahak (ironic, coconuts are tropical and snow leopards live in snowy, mountainous climates :lol: ) Snow Leopards are one my absolute favorite animals and blue is my favorite color so Loquenahak's model was like a dream come true for me :)

Jingles- Jingles is Gondria. I originally never tamed Gondria. Of all the Spirit Beasts, she was my least favorite. When Cata was released, my cat, whom we had for what seemed like forever, passed away, and I felt the need to name a pet in remembrance of her. Gondria was the best pet for the job, in my opinion, at the time. I've loved her ever since.

I'll never be able to decide on my 5th favorite :lol: Most of the rest of my pets I love equally (the exception being a few silly ones and most of my impulsive tames)


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Re: Favorite pets (and possibly stories behind them)?

Unread post by ashdawn »

a few months ago I would have posted here with my fav pets but now I've cut all bonds because I felt cruel leaving so many of my "children" in a stable.

anyway, if I HAD to choose it would be:

Loki & Skolly: These 2 were my first and favorite, this will neva change <3

Pananchantraisha (Pink crane I cant spell): Because Lawl pvp

Water strider: because gots to haz dat water walking

Relic: Battle res.

EDIT: Ill probably add my back stories (Which I have) later, Im just bored and posting this :P
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Re: Favorite pets (and possibly stories behind them)?

Unread post by Lisaara »

Oh lets see.....

Chief(Green Portent) - He is Junrei's pet of choice. He is ever watchful, ever faithful, ever grateful as Junrei rescued him from the Mogu in the vale that had captured him.

Kroshik(New White Devilsaur) - Junrei's second Devilsaur....Refer to the story of him here. It's worth the read.

Moon Moon(White Corehound) - He...lives up to his name. Why the hell Taran Zhu lets Junrei keep him is beyond anyone...The poor thing sits on his own head and listens to rocks and tries to get in the doors of the Monastary or climb into Junrei's lap like a lapdog.

Leaper (Grey Raptor) - Taluwen's first pet. He's been her best friend for ages and it was the first tame she ever made. He was fast. He tested her. In the end, she passed his test and earned his respect.

Loque'nahak - The mate of Har'koa. Taluwen earned his companionship because she helped save Har'koa from the Drakkari's abuse. He comes and goes as he pleases as she didn't 'tame' him, exactly.

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Re: Favorite pets (and possibly stories behind them)?

Unread post by Torachi »

Hmm, Tor has a lot of beloved pets, so this might be a bit difficult/lengthy....

(Felpaw Wolf) - Tamed in a little enclave just outside of Talonbranch Glade, he is one of her oldest and most loyal pets. During her adventures in Felwood, she had fought many wolves that had been corrupted by the fel energy surging through the area. This particular male had padded right up to her as she took a moment to rest before heading into the little village nearby, plopped down and gave himself a good ear-scritch, and refused to move away. There was something different about this wolf... scarred, bleeding, and full of various infected wounds caused by the taint of fel, but he still seemed to retain his mind. As she began to leave, he followed her, and she decided to take pity on him, and help him regain his strength. His name means "Truth", and he's been with her ever since. (Cookies to those who can guess the name reference, also... :D It has to do with a tattoo from a movie.)

(Shattered Hand Warhound) - This particular worg was meant to be a challenge of sorts for Tor. After learning that these worgs retained their battle armor upon being tamed, she decided that she wanted to attempt to gain one's companionship and trust... at the young level of 60... and alone. Traveling to Hellfire Ramparts, she prepared for what she knew would be a nasty battle; and it certainly was. The Shattered Hand orcs did not particularly like the idea of a random Night Elf huntress just waltzing into their little fortress. In the end, however, she managed to kill one Beastmaster that was too reckless, tamed one of his worgs, and hightailed it out of there... then proceeded to work on gaining Conrì's trust through weeks of travel in the Outlands. His name means "Wolf King" in Gaelic.

"King" Bangalash
(White Tiger) - This boy maimed Tor's face off many times before she managed to convince him she was trustworthy. She visited him daily for quite some time, at first just watching him, until he no longer seemed affected by her... and then bringing him fish. Lots of fish. Eventually it was this that won him over. What feline in their right mind would deny free fish? Not this one, that's for sure. "King" is another of Tor's oldest pets.

Hickenbottom (Pink Tallstrider) - "...Stupid pink bird," was the only thing Tor could manage to think as this crazy, massive, scraggly-looking pink thing charged at her full speed, squawking and screeching up a storm... only to bite her once on the arm, then stand there, starring at her in the middle of Mulgore. She tried to shoo it away, but this odd creature was having none of it, following her up and down the small path, stopping when Tor stopped, blinking at her and then reaching back to nibble at an itch on it's backside. With a heavy sigh, and mutter of, "I hate pink..." Tor admitted defeat and allowed the stupid pink bird to join her ever increasing stable of friends. (More cookies to those who get this name, too!)

Ahmatti (Amber Parasite) - This little maggot is probably the oddest out of all Tor's pets. A chance tame while in the Dread Wastes of Pandaria, Ahmatti is now forever with Tor. He refuses to leave her side, and is insanely protective of her, all because she happened to have truffles that day, which are his favorite snack. At first, she wasn't too keen on having a maggot around... Tor has never been much of a worm person. However, with his insatiable appetite, his adorable gurgles, and ridiculous back-flips during battle, she just couldn't help but grow attached so fast, she never even knew what hit her. His name means "Glutton" in Finnish.

Those are my top 5. I could go on, but I've already made a massive post as it is (sorry about that), so I'll leave it with them. Otherwise I'd be here all night writing the back stories for 51 different pets. >.>

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Re: Favorite pets (and possibly stories behind them)?

Unread post by Iowawolf »

Of my many pets I have tamed throughout my travels across this land three stand out they are all spirit beasts, the first is Gondria from Zul Drak she doesn't have much a story I just went there while not looking for my favorite Loque. Saw her one day while patrolling her spawns points and tamed her one of the best tames I ever had she was easy to tame and didn't camp long. The second is Arcturis when I hit 75 I went there and camped for seven hours straight saw many hunters come and go there was one that was camping with me but they kept killing those poor stags. Finally he showed up and luckily the other hunter was off killing things so I went for the tame and got him, he was my first spirit beast I tamed. And now for my most prized and most favorite pet of all this pet never leaves my side in fact when she dies my hunter cries that's how special she is to him also she is named after one of my girlfriends characters at least part of her name is. This awesome pet is none other than Loque'nahak and she does have a story on how she came to be mine.

So the day began like any other. I awoke from restless sleep images of her running through my mind but not finding her to tame her. She was a wild one, a free spirit beast if you will, but deep down I knew she would be mine.

This I vowed: one day I will tame the beautiful Loque'nahak.

And so that day I put on my armor, grabbed my helmet and gun. I made sure the gun was loaded for the perils that lay ahead of me on this journey. As I headed out of the inn in Dalaran, I paid my fee then went to the flight path where I got on a gryphon, paid for my ride, and flew to the damp dark reaches of Sholozar Basin where my query awaited me.

I landed at Nesingwary's camp where I was greeted by that dwarf with a mug of ale and a handshake thanking me for the help I gave him back in Outland and the mainland. I proceeded to tell him about my own hunt and he looked at me as if I was a bit crazy for Loque only shows herself to those who want her to be seen.

Upon hearing that, though a bit disheartening, I summoned my Swift Windsteed and flew to where I knew she spawned. And I sat.

And I sat.

It must've been several hours which bled into days then into weeks as I sat there waiting. Often times I would fly to her other points but alas no luck.

Till the one day when I awoke with a start and knew this was the day when she would be mine. I hastily dressed and ate what remained of my rations then mounted my Windsteed and started again the routes I now knew by heart where she spawned. I began up the west side under the camp and went more west till I was at the point where Krush appears at times. Alas, he was not there but no matter I wasn't after him.

I arrived at the two points up north with a sad heart. She wasn't there either.

I began to feel I was wrong as usual. And so I flew east to the mountains where the apes were busy eating their morning food, which made me chuckle thinking maybe Loque was making a monkey out of me. I flew around those two points with no luck and found another path of Krush's then followed it around the bottom of the Basin until I was under the Skywatch pillar.

All of a sudden my instincts kicked in and, being a hunter, I kept looking for her tracks. When I saw some, my heart skipped a beat.

Was this it? Was I finally going to tame her?

I calmed my Windsteed for it was sensing my excitement and was getting scared. I guided it down to the tracks I saw when she appeared right in front of me, Loque'nahak.

I stared in awe at her beauty, at her awesomeness. I knew this was it. The moment of truth. The moment that would define me as a true hunter among my peers.

I steeled my will and set about the tame. She was a fighter for being a free spirit. She didn't want to be tamed but deep inside I felt she also knew I was a kind hunter. I would treat her with respect and so she gave in at the last second. She allowed herself to be mine and tame her.

I was in shock and awe that it was all over. I had finally tamed the great Loque'nahak. I been accepted by my hunter peers for taming her.

And so with Loque by my side I continue to roam these lands in search of others and to fight the good fight of the Alliance.


Hope those that read this liked my little story of how I came to tame this beautiful creature and to let you all know she is still out there waiting to be tamed, I got her at 2am my time which was 1am server on the 7th. Happy hunting and may you be blessed in finally getting her.
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Re: Favorite pets (and possibly stories behind them)?

Unread post by Castile »

ooo lets see!

Emerald (Cutchstrider Mother) or 'Emmy': My tauren and first hunters 'rare' pet. Tamed her back in vanilla when her chicks hit like a truck. Had my alliance warlock friend come along to kill them while I tamed her. She has never left Castilian's (then castile!) side.

Ghost & Darkness (Eckyachee and Humar): Tamed on several hunters now reside with Castilian. My fav duo of lions!

Prophecy (Molten Corehound): Tamed for raiding and the nostalga of MC, Prophecy got in trouble during a Firelands raid for dieing on Rags a few times when the RL looked at recount and announced "wtf are the healers doing? This Prophecy person has died 4 times!!" "umm thats my pet *giggle*"....."oh".

Shishi (blue and red Portent): Shishi is Castile's constant companion and fav with my old raiding crew. My tank buddy would cry out on vent when we'd call a wipe and shishi would valiantly continue to fight while I feigned "Noooo shishiiiii" (surprisingly Shishi could stand up to the 4 kings boss for ages with the passive heal lol).

Tuttle (Terropene): Tuttle is Castile's solo buddy and is a better tank than my bear druid at times :P God I love this turtle!

And my most controversial pet...(long story but funny)

Akakabuto (Arcturis): This bear wins the prize for the most controversial pet i've ever tamed. Tamed on my horde Castilian, I was camping it on and off awhile. I logged in and after maybe 10mins this lvl 76ish toon flew down and started /spit /shoo at me. They then whispered telling me to go away (in a nastier tone) and that i should leave the bear to them cause I could tame other pets. I just ignored this person and sat in my spot.

Their friend whispered me and we started chatting. I told them about another pets spawn time and after about 2 mins decided I'd check on another pet. I get a whisper from the friend "quick come back! The bears spawned and <name> is afk. It will despawn if you dont tame it!" So I flew back and sure enough my rude companion was <AFK>. Tamed the bear and took a screenie (with them in the background!) logged off and thought nothing of it.

Next day I log in to raid and my GM says "Umm cas did you steal someones pet?" "What? No? How would I do that?"
"cause some crazy person started whispering us saying you stole their bear or some shit" "LOL!!!" I then explained the story (and posted the pic to the guild forums :P) My guild got such a laugh out of it. This person went right off at the GM and Officers apparently for like 20mins ^.^ never heard from them again myself!


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Re: Favorite pets (and possibly stories behind them)?

Unread post by Heleos »

Cheetaro, the snow leopard in my signature who later became the Loque model and most recently the Savage model.

The origins of his name is silly. I knew on launch day of Vanilla WoW that I would play a Hunter with a cheetah as a pet and name him Cheetaro (yes a male Cheetara from thunder cats >.< told you it was silly). However Cheetahs were too high level, so I decided to fun to Iron forge area and pick up a lvl 8 or 9 Juvenile Snow Leopard. I grew so accustom, throughout so many levels with the snow leopard, that when I was high enough to travel and capture a cheetah - I didn't want it anymore!

He's sort of leveled up with each expansion by changing his models.
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Re: Favorite pets (and possibly stories behind them)?

Unread post by Divixon »

just 5.. blah..

first 2 would be my retired maggots ( Razz,Nibbles ) - got the green one from ungoro, and dread wastes where they come off some type of mobs for quest. got both before blizz made them untameable.. i didnt sleep till i got both my hunters to 90 in a rush to tame before that last patch =/

and the other 3..

Raver - Oil-Stained Wolf ( oil effect ) took forever, like 2 weeks.. it was terrible lol..
Lucifer - Fire boar - did it the hard way solo.. ( flame effect )
Zepar - Ghostly Blue Two-Headed Vulture.. pain in the butt.. constant loging *facepalm* worth it.. i guess.. ( ghostly effect )

i dont have those 3 out hardly.. they stay in their safe cages, the 2 i have out would be my maggots, that unique feeling like the ones with those hydra's running about :hug:

alot of patience.. work for rave,luci,zep - few friends ive helped get before blizz patched a few aswell.. have seen a few flame piggys,oil wolfs go about but no worms/bird yet o.0

<3 unique pets..

who else has these wonderful unique pets?
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Re: Favorite pets (and possibly stories behind them)?

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I'll just do my main hunter, because with the last stable expansion, I've not really been on any of my other hunters in a long while. So, Shade's pets...

Fai (Loque'nahak-spirit beast leopard). This one is easy. When my brother first introduced me to WoW, I went researching all the classes avaliable back in WOTLK and what they could all do. I stumbled onto a picture of Loque'nahak and that sold me on making my first toon a hunter (imagine my disappointment when I learned I had to reach 76 before I could have him!) Oh my baby boy Fai, how I hate and love thee. I have hunted this pet on every single one of my hunters. On Shade, it took me almost a full year of circling the basin at odd hours when I should have been sleeping to find this darn critter. I logged in and out in the basin and would spin all of my extra time in WOTLK just flying around looking for him while I waited for a dungeon or raid. I would even park my toon on a spawn point and just sit there while I ate dinner or read a book. I spent such a ridiculous amount of time trying to get him, I would never let him leave my stables.

Hel (Snarler-black common wolf model). Also a very easy pick. Hel was my raid buddy back in WOTLK, when my guild refused to allow me to raid unless I was marksman (I was a BM for everything except raiding). Hel was my one non-exotic pet of the five pets we were allowed back then, and he was my baby. Every single one of my hunters has a Hel look alike (Abaddon, Styxx, etc) on them. As soon as I hit level 16 on a new hunter I take them to redridge mountains to get a look alike, and then swap that pet out for the real Snarler at level 39. He would again be my default pet if I had, for some reason, to use something other than Beast Mastery.

Gojira (King Krush-green devilsaur). BIG GREEN ANGRY REXY GONNA EAT YA! :) Enough said.

Those three were easy, now the rest I am going to have to think about for a moment, lets see.

Gilgamesh (Bloodtooth-black spiked dragon turtle), for my tank. I don't have any major story behind him, but I do love the models of the dragon turtles. Gilgy here has saved my life more times than I can count and has even saved a number of raids from a full wipe before. Ragnaroc (Terrorpene), Timeless (Great turtle fury shell), and Beowulf (slateshell ancient (blue glow)) are all of my other turtles, but Gilgy has th emost sentimental value of the group, mostly due to his saving myself and my freind so often when we are out playing.

And finally, though I already have a spirit beast on my roster...

Hatsu (Ban'thalos-green ghost owl), for multiple reasons. First he was the first of his kind tamed on the server after the patch that had him in it went live-his name actually means first-and it was a bloody war to get him. I had a tauren dk get keep trying to grab him and kill him while I was trying to tame, three other hunters trying to get him and a mage taking potshots at him. I was shaking so hard-both in excitement and in rage at the DK and mage, that I died about five times trying to tame him using the treetop method that I watched a video from petopia to learn. Secondly, his wing animation has me utterly charmed. I giggle like a lunatic every time I have him out and go into camouflage-I mean really, the enemy is not going to see me, even if my bird's wings are leaving bright green trails in the sky. Thirdly, whenever I fight with him, he goes into the combat with those wispy wings swirling all over the place. Add in the melee fighters' spells and abilities and it looks like a bloody rave is going on, which also has me giggling randomly. :)
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Re: Favorite pets (and possibly stories behind them)?

Unread post by GormanGhaste »

Oh. Hard to pick just five!

Image Blossom. Tamed at the beginning of Cata, was supposed to be temp until I leveled up to get a scarab beetle :)
Image Lotus. Has been my favorite pet this expansion!
Image Patchouli. Refused to even consider getting a spirit beast until they announced Ghostcrawler. Loved taming this one.
Image Bud. Very sad they made untameable again. Another fun tame.
Image Saffron. Originally a Bogflare Needler (love the Firefly reference on the mini-pet). Now a tiny Waste Scavenger.
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Re: Favorite pets (and possibly stories behind them)?

Unread post by Kurasu »

oooo. Hmmmm. This is a good question. I had to mentally look through my stable and consider this pretty hard. My five favorite pets?

Panzer (Mudrock Spikeshell): Of all my pets, this was the only 100% no-brainer. Panzer has been a beloved part of my collection since Burning Crusades, on and off. He's left my stable multiple times, for multiple reasons. I've had to give him up for raid pets, had to release him for space to get a different rare pet (remember when we could only have three pets? I do!), dropped him a few times for a different turtle... but always come directly back to him. He is just too familiar to me, and is Kurasu's signature pet. He has tanked (at level, even!) multiple heroics and raids, even main-tanked a few. Had a dedicated tanking outfit and everything. ... something that, now that the island is around, I should consider doing again. :D

Unnamed 'Quilin' (Green Portent): Why's he unnamed? To be honest, because I never found just the right name for him. And yet, this green-and-gold Lovely has become one of the central parts to my pet squad. I travel with him almost as much as I do Panzer. This was the color of Portent that I wanted most of all from the moment I saw it. And fortunately for me, this was the first color of Portent I ever saw. I felt that it was meant to be... and indeed, it was.

Calliente (Ban'thalos): The memories I have of this tame, back in the early days of Firelands, are strong. The moment I saw her, I knew that this was the Spirit Beast I *had* to have, no matter how beloved my bear was. Unable to do the 'tree' method, a dear druid friend of mine helped tag/aggro the bird and pulled it to a nearby cliff in order for me to tame it. As I tamed it, there were at least two hunters standing right nearby, waiting hungrily for the chance to tame if I died. However, neither one tried to steal it. But I can tell you, my heart was *POUNDING*. Mith's my hero for helping me get this beauty, and she's very, very dear to me.

Codebreaker (Razza): Remember when The Razza was a level 60 boss-type chimera? If you don't, that used to be the case. And I decided, spontaneously and randomly, that I would have to have him. The story... is a torrid one, and shows why I gave him that name. Here.

Ebonlocke (Rattlebore): This one actually feels weird to count among my five. The reason is because it's become a tradition, that whenever I need a space for a new tame (if I don't presently have an open slot), this is the pet that goes. I have dropped him at *least* 8 times now, in order to tame something. I love him to death. He is a comfortable friend and I feel like he's a part of the character, even though he's always the one to get temporarily dropped (and then re-picked up) if a new and 'shiny' tame is needed.
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Re: Favorite pets (and possibly stories behind them)?

Unread post by GormanGhaste »

Kurasu wrote:Ebonlocke (Rattlebore): This one actually feels weird to count among my five. The reason is because it's become a tradition, that whenever I need a space for a new tame (if I don't presently have an open slot), this is the pet that goes. I have dropped him at *least* 8 times now, in order to tame something. I love him to death. He is a comfortable friend and I feel like he's a part of the character, even though he's always the one to get temporarily dropped (and then re-picked up) if a new and 'shiny' tame is needed.
That's not weird, it's trust! I do that all the time with my Lotus.
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Re: Favorite pets (and possibly stories behind them)?

Unread post by Sherbe »

I only have three of the OMG-never-part-ever, then several of the Not-used-as-often-but-important, before the Pretty-and-shiny rank.

Ramu --Sherbe's oldest pet (since Exodar crash, mind you, there is a spirit beast standing in for wolf Dimecho who used to be her companion from Terokkar Forest, but he is dead), an infected nightstalker runt in front of Exodar Stables who was nursed to health and has been with her ever since. Kind of cranky nowadays. His name comes from another hunter's pet. My first character was a dwarf female on my boyfriends account and she had a snow leopard called Umar. Possible variations were Maru (real cat who likes boxes) and Ruma (ugly in Finnish) but I chose Ramu.

Puca -- Second-oldest pet, a grey tortoise. Tanked the heck out of WOTLK. Loyal and a bit derpy. Likes fishing.

Gamma -- Spirit bear. I camped for two weeks for her. The only bear I've ever wanted. Motherly. Likes fishing. Fishing happened a LOT in WOTLK.

Good examples of the second rank:

Rosie -- Pink silithid. Not actually in my stables right now since I wanted to go though all the colours before deciding which to keep, but it's not contest really. Very vain and girly.

Piñacolada -- Green Azeroth chimaera. Adorable! :D Loves mountainous areas and very green areas, like Feralas, Un'goro or Scholazar. Thinks highly of his own fighting skill.


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Re: Favorite pets (and possibly stories behind them)?

Unread post by Lupen202 »

I really only have two special pets I'll never abandon, one more important than the other. Of course I love the designs of many pets, but that's about the extent of it for the rest of them.

Anyways; I joined WoW back at the end of 07'/beginning of 08' and my first character was a draenei hunter (Now though I am a BE hunter); I was set on a draenei druid but then I found out they didn't exist xD Very glad I went with hunter at any rate. Anyhow, I quested in Dun Morogh, not sure why I chose that zone. But while questing I came upon the frozen lake west of Ironforge... and in the middle of that lake was a small island. Back then, Timber was patrolling that little island with a few of his pack members. I tamed him as soon as I could, and he was my first ever pet that I really wanted to keep. Even to this day, six - close to seven years later, that wolf is still with me. I named him Lupen, as I had been fond of the name for awhile (and still am - can you tell? :P)... Even if there are hundreds of wolves out there and even if I may not use him much when raiding or what not, he will never be leaving my stables.

Second pet Is Karoma, the spirit beast/wolf from Twilight Highlands. She isn't as special as my six year old Lupen, but I happened upon her randomly one day, tamed her, and she's become my go-to pet for questing, soloing, raiding (unless a specific buff is needed) and so on. Just love her looks of course - never got to tame the ghost wolves back in the day in dustwallow, so she's a very nice addition, and I've used her so much I've just grown fond of her... whether she's just pixels or not, haha.

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Re: Favorite pets (and possibly stories behind them)?

Unread post by SylviaDragon »

Gah! This was really hard. I have a lot of limited edition, special story and macro tamed pets to choose from and I am really attached to a lot of them.
My ally hunter.

A Moonstalker Runt from Darkshore. He was my very first pet on my very first character. I was on my free 20 day trial when I stumbled into the new zone, wandered away from town and was promptly attacked by the level ten cat. I panicked. I was in gray leather and under the impressions that my hunter rotation involved clicking serpent sting as many times as I could- so I wasn’t going to kill anything fast. In my panic I hit my new “tame pet” button instead of arcane shot. Just moments before I met my untimely end I finished the cast and gained a new pet. And ohmygosh he can turn invisible?! I named him Phobos, because he struck fear into my heart upon our first meeting. He stayed by my side through thick and thin and I will never get rid of him.

Requiem: No big story here. She was there waiting form when I hit level 85. I always wanted a ghost wolf and I guess she had just been waiting for me to find her. Requiem has been with me through all of my high level adventures.

Apophis: color changing scarab.
My go-to heavy duty tanking pet. Most turtles and beetles would come and go but the nice colors on the scarab caught my eye. I heard rumor that color changers would be a thing of the past come mop so I decided that I had to rescue this soon to be endangered creature. The path ahead of me was not exactly easy- seeing as I had no foreknowledge of the dungeon. But after stumbling around and getting myself killed a few times, I managed to finally find my beetle hiding in the sand.

Sickness: orange parasite.
I loved the Klaxxi. The mantid are my kind of race! I was happy to do my share of work to gain their favor. Kill some sha-touched mantids? No problem. Go collect some sap? Will do. Go cull parasite-infested wildlife? On my way!
It was during one such culling that I found Sickness. While all the other vile worms hissed and snarled at being rid of their host and thus came at me with a vengeful maggoty fury, Sickness didn’t really seem to be sticking with the program. The little runty thing shimmied on over to me and unleashed the full furry of his frenzied shoe-licking madness.
I took pity on the seemingly clueless, harmless, pudgy maggot even though I originally found him to be less than appealing to the eye. I must have overfed him though because when he reached full size he was big enough to hide a wagon team in his gut! He has since dropped to a healthy weight and size but had grown to be remarkably affectionate. He is very protective of me and loves a good cuddle.

My last choice would be Samantha.
A rather fierce, short tempered pit fighting tiger with some bling around her neck. It took a team of hunters to help me coax her out of the pit and into my stable. Her taming took a lot of teamwork and I became good friends with many of the hunters who helped me get her.
She bears the scars from her days in that pit but she has been learning how to trust others again. I have tried to remove her chain collar but I think she sees it as some kind of personal trophy. She won’t let me get rid of it. I guess some kitties just want to wear the bling.
Samantha is rather short tempered and wary of newcomers but she is fiercely protective of me and the rest of my stable. She often plays the part of the tough love mom in the group and has set herself up at the top of the pecking order. She reminded me of a certain alien refugee from a district Nine fanfiction of mine that was in the works when I found her so I couldn’t help but name her after that character. Samantha.

My horde hunter

Mara: I was lucky enough to log in to find the rare red serpent waiting for me- no other hunters in sight. I named her after a character in one of my stories, an alien captain that watches over her former crewmembers from within the ship’s semi organic computer. She lost her body in an accident and her friends don’t know that she is still watching over them. Acroniss’s color and ghostly appearance reminded me of Mara, since she seems to exist on the fine line between this world and the next.

Scabbard: A ghost worg with a certain sword stuck in his head. Scabbard has a very stoic and serious personality. He was the first wolf I ever managed to really connect with. He was so unique that I was able to overlook his horrible, unbalanced run animations.
The sword doesn’t seem to cause him any pain. He is a ghost after all. When people ask me why he has a sword in his head I often tell them that he carries that old thing around for me as backup in case I ever get disarmed.

Toxic is a big green and purple beetle I noticed strutting around the barrens like he owned the place. He was quite friendly upon our first encounter and when it came time to leave the zone I realized I had a new shadow. His colorations and markings reminded me of those old bottles of poison you see in old cartoons. (Pirate juice?!) His green color reminded me of radioactive goop. He looked almost…Toxic. The name stuck. I didn’t think I would keep a green and purple pet but now he is among my favorites.

After catching wind of an exotic green worm being spotted by fellow hunters, Sylvia 2.0 made the long walk to Un’goro crater. (Didn’t have many flight paths.) and lo and behold there was the clutch mother, tending to her newly hatched young. The vile beast chased my hunter out of her den without a second thought however. Just when I began to feel the sting of defeat (or maybe that was just the silithid bites) a heard a gurgling sound and looked down to find a fat green larva rolling around at my feet. He did a series of cute little tricks to try and get my attention and it worked. I brought him home. He has grown quite a bit but has not lost his silly, fun-loving nature and continues to do tricks and ask for cuddles despite his growing size. When I first saw him I thought he looked like a big, flabby green watermelon. The name stuck around. And so did Watermelon.

Shade/Shadowsin. All of my hunters have shad and Shadowsin. my white and purple outland chimeras. I can't pick one. they are brothers. its practically law that they stay together. I'm not sure which hunter I would keep them on but I have a few other characters that would give them a home if my two main hunters couldn't keep them. they get into trouble and squabble a lot but they look out for each other.


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Re: Favorite pets (and possibly stories behind them)?

Unread post by Vephriel »

I know I always have the same stories to tell, but I haven't participated in one of these threads in a while and they're always so fun to read. :) I love hearing about everyone's favourite pets and the stories behind them!

Eesh, this is always difficult to trim it down to 5 choices. Well, the first 3 were easy for me, but the last were tricky.

I had been playing hunters since I started in Vanilla, though obviously Veph didn't become my main until BC. During all that time I had never really found the one pet that was special. I had a few favourites for sure, but it wasn't until WotLK that I found devilsaurs were what I had been waiting for the whole time. Skorn and I clicked instantaneously and he has been by my side through every adventure since the day I tamed him. He really means a lot to me, to an overwhelmingly sentimental amount, and he's the one pet I could never let go of.

I'm not going to lie, I still get choked up over this pet when I remember how much grief I went through, the years of thinking I'd never get to tame a purple warp stalker. Back in BC, warp stalkers were easily the coolest creature I had seen added in game. I loved their amalgamation of reptilian features, and I was thrilled that we were able to tame them. I had my heart set on Gezzarak from the beginning because purple and green are some of my favourite colours. As some of you may remember, however, Gezzarak had all sorts of problems as a pet, and after a short window she became unavailable to tame altogether. I had tried so hard during that time to get her, but it was a difficult tame and I had no help at the time to call on. I didn't even care if I would be stuck with a broken, useless pet, I had to have that warp stalker. I tried and failed, and eventually missed my chance. I was devastated by it. I can easily admit that I nearly had a heart attack when we found out we were getting the model back in Cataclysm, I was so overjoyed. I remember spending almost all of my time in the Beta staring in disbelief after I tamed Gezz. Reznor became second only to Skorn, and he's one of my most cherished pets just for the years I had to wait to finally get him.

Aleister nearly gave me the same amount of stunned, overjoyed disbelief that Reznor did during the Cataclysm Beta. Crocodiles are my favourite real-life animals, and when the datamined models were leaked for the new versions I couldn't believe there was a purple one. Naturally, I had to have it. Only time went by and we discovered every other colour...except for purple. I think I was left hanging until one of the very last phases of beta when to my great relief Gorebite was found. It was a very happy day for me here on the forums, haha. Aleister's been an amazing pet ever since!

Deth'tilac was the first rare to truly steal my heart. Once again...purple, spider, death metal references...I have a hard time resisting my favourite things put together. I, uhh, may cheated a bit when Firelands came out by doing the overlapping dailies trick so that I could get in as quickly as possible. I quite literally ran headlong towards Deth'tilac the moment I was through the portal, and though I fumbled the tame so badly due to nerves, I ended up grabbing the realm first one. Don't get me wrong, I don't put much stock in 'server first' tames and such, I know it doesn't make any difference, but I have to admit it felt pretty special. Sabbath nudged his way up on my pet hierarchy rather quickly, which is why he's here in my top 5. He has such a gorgeous model, and I'm really fond of his taming mechanics, as frustrating as they can be sometimes.

Last but not least, Grudge is a bear who has been with me since BC (though I'd been pining after the black diseased bears since Vanilla). He's also the old "Welcome Bear" that was the very first mob on the other side of the Bulwark between Tirisfal and the Plaguelands. Early players may remember peeking curiously over that border as a low level undead only to have a level ?? skull bear aggro onto you immediately. I won't go into it all here, but Grudge has a lot of backstory that just organically wrote itself over time. It really cemented my bond with him over the years, and I don't think I could ever give him up after all that.

(oh no I'm cheating with honorable mentions: Rancid and Frankenswine, it was really hard to leave them out ;w;)
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