Which pet took you the longest time to find?

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Which pet took you the longest time to find?

Unread post by Bikutandabis »

I have to admit that I have had tremendous luck in finding the pets I wanted.
I got both Ankha and Magria on the same day.
Loque was a whisper from a warlock I did not know.
Gondria was stumbled upon while skinning!
Ban'thalos was two deaths from falling, but got the bird!

However, I really wanted Terrorpene! I spent close to a month, spending days of flying with Silverdragon and NPScan running. When I finally spotted the fiery turtle, I chased the turtle, trying to find a spot to tame from and stay in range. After many attempts, finally got her! I can still recall how I felt after this tame.
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Re: Which pet took you the longest time to find?

Unread post by Dewclaw »

Sambas. I spent weeks in that zone searching.
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Re: Which pet took you the longest time to find?

Unread post by zedxrgal »

Bronze Madexx. How long you ask???? She's still looking! She's been in Uldum a year or more at this point. Zagara has tamed every other color of Madexx at least three times in the time she's been in Uldum. She has Timeless Isle gear purely because it's been mailed to her she's been there so long. But. She waits. Bronze Madexx will show himself one day.

As for currently tamed. Evalcharr. On my horde hunter. Three solid days of camping (in 8+ hours stints) Rexiah camped there for him. Ah good times good times.

After that would be Arcturis. Which took two days.

Way back in the day though, right after WotLK came out, my alliance main camped Skoll for almost two weeks. So I guess that counts. That was another 8-12+ hours a day sitting there waiting.

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Re: Which pet took you the longest time to find?

Unread post by Novikova »

Skoll. It took me way into Cata to even find him alive. And I started looking as he was released. I even camped him every so often.

Second longest? Probably some of the madexxes or Aotona (~6 weeks of steady camping).
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Re: Which pet took you the longest time to find?

Unread post by Wassa »

Araga. Back in vanilla she was a unique skin with a striped tail so I camped for her for weeks before giving up. I didn't actually see her in the wild until Wrath of the Lich King when I was leveling an alt. She had long lost her stripes by then.

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Re: Which pet took you the longest time to find?

Unread post by Rhyela »

You know, Wassa, I think I've seen her maybe once. Maaaaybe. And I think that might have been in Cataclysm when they shortened the timers. My memory's a bit fuzzy, but I'm pretty sure that's the only time I've ever seen Araga.

Another one I think I've maybe seen once is Old Cliff Jumper. And again, that's only after they shortened the timer.

Technically, the pet that's taken me the longest to find is green Madexx, and that's mainly because I have never actually seen it. I've seen bronze, black and blue, but never green. I gave up a long time ago. :lol:


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Re: Which pet took you the longest time to find?

Unread post by Bonita »

King Krush for me. I found him dead so many times. I think it took me 2 years to actually tame him without him being killed while I was taming or finding him dead.

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Re: Which pet took you the longest time to find?

Unread post by Lupis »

Evalcharr, for me! Took I think a week+ of camping and I actually camped, sitting there for around 6-8 hours per sitting before I had to take a break.

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Re: Which pet took you the longest time to find?

Unread post by Danielfboone »

For me, it was definitely Loque. It took me over a year from when he first came on the scene to finally even see, let alone tame him. He's still my go to pet because I love the Spirit Mend function and I love his roar. The second hardest one to get for me was Arcturis.
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Re: Which pet took you the longest time to find?

Unread post by Xota »

Mine was King Krush as well. Although not two years long, it was several months though. I did a lot of herbalism and made a lot of darkmoon decks. I barked a finder's fee message like once every 5-10 minutes. When someone finally spotted him, I was lucky that guy was a healer, because I fumbled my haste/bestial wrath/abandon pet combo because I had so much adrenaline. And I had to get it finished before the horde that had failed to kill Krush came back.
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Re: Which pet took you the longest time to find?

Unread post by Shade »

Loque took me more than seven months to get the first time on my main hunter, back in WoTLK
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Re: Which pet took you the longest time to find?

Unread post by Castile »

Prob Arturis mainly due to his shitty respawn time and there being 5 ppl there constantly.


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Re: Which pet took you the longest time to find?

Unread post by Boven »

For me it was Krush. Four months of active searching, it took me to find him. Granted, I wasn't camping there constantly, I was raiding two nights a week. During that time, I found Loque I think 5 or 6 times and managed to find homes for all but one by whispering other hunters and announcing him in the zone. Saw Aotona at least 3 times and tamed him once. I only saw Krush once during those months and he'd just been killed.

One night, after our raid was done, I swung by Scholazar on a whim. I nearly had a heart attack when NPCScan went off and there was Krush, alive and well. He's one of the pets I'm never going to let go.
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Re: Which pet took you the longest time to find?

Unread post by Lisaara »

Mmm....I'd have to say Skoll probably took me the longest. Skoll or Skarr.

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Re: Which pet took you the longest time to find?

Unread post by Torachi »

Loque'nahak, hands down. Tor hit level 76 about.... a month into Wrath (Shush. I used to be terrible at leveling. >.>), and I didn't get that bloody Spirit Beast until late 2011. So 3 years roughly. I got lucky one morning, when Blizzard had to do an emergency restart of all realms. I decided to chance flying out to Sholazar Basin, and the second spawn point I checked, he was there, at the one closest to Nesingwary base camp.

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Re: Which pet took you the longest time to find?

Unread post by SylviaDragon »

Wow congrats to everyone who stuck through some grueling tames and good luck to those still camping. I have always had good luck with rares and long camps are almost unheard of on my server. I think my longest camp for my own benifite was Nuramoc. It was years agao so its fuzzy but I think I spent a week almost constantly camping him. he has a horrible flight path and spawn locations and I didn't have any addons.

Aside from him I mostly just picked up whatever rares I wanted since no one camped them before xrealm. I did have a few long waits on special tames though. I was the servers first 70 with chromaggus and it took two weeks for my little guild to help me get him. Something always went wrong at the last second. I died, got ccd, someone tried to save me with a heal and pulled aggro or someone left a pet on defensive. But they promised me chromaggus and they stuck to that oath. I think of them often when I use him.

Some challenge tames were also hard. flaming pig took a few hours of pathetic flailing around. I believe Kun Din with the rotating chain took two days involving several hours to get the timing just right. I got my chain kitty thanks to Shade. :)

my longest hunt overall would have to be the one I did for a friend. He really wanted Terrorpene but his raiding guild didn't give him much time to camp him so I offered to camp for him. on my shaman. who was 70. I was really creative :P I had to cook some food that gave me beast tracking, camp out at the edge of fel wood and use farsight to look for him. it took about a month but it was worth it.


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Re: Which pet took you the longest time to find?

Unread post by Divixon »

King Krush for me.. i was suposed to look for loqu for a friend, this hunter posted on general he was up, was happy about it.

this is my 2nd hunter but my actual main now, i have king,loqu on my old hunter.. but yer king took 3 months lol -_-
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Re: Which pet took you the longest time to find?

Unread post by Kööna »

My first spirit beast was Gondria, it took me about a week to find.
I stumble upon Loque'nahak on a Christmas day, back when WotLK was current content. (I was so happy, I still belive to this day that I was a good girl then entire year and Blizzard wanted to reward me with something. hahaha)
I found Skoll while camping for the Time-Lost Proto-Drake, so it wasn't very long since I wasn't going after him.
I found Ankha the same day the Patch (insert number.number here :p) came out.
It took me maybe a week or two to find Magria AND Ban'thalos! (What makes me sad is they use the same model as Gondria and Gondria will ALWAYS be my favorite between the three.)
It took me over a month to find Karoma....I'm a Vanilla player and I was playing when the Spirit Totem Wolves were tameable, but only if you had good friends that would want to accompany you on your journey to tame one of those. I knew that I wanted one but they had the time to "fix" it before I got it. When I hear there was the SAME model coming out, I shrieked with joy and tried to find him as fast as possible....AT LEAST I HAVE HIM, RIGHT?? haha
I managed to grab Ghostcrawler at the beginning of Cataclysm, nobody was around besides me so I had the chance to grab him for myself.
Arcturis was probably the MOST annoying to camp. I had a few days off so I decided to grab him for myself. I had to wait 9 hours at his spawn point only to know that WHILE I was taming him, an Orc Warrior swooped down on us and killed it before my very eyes.....I was so angry that I stayed up all night for his next spawn....That's also why he is mine, now! hahah
The 3 porcupines were easy for me to tame...they were all there on the same day...doesn't make them as rare as I thought they would be...
I have Skarr and Karkin....they both were a pain to get because of other hunters trying to "kill" us or kill the pets themselves...terrible.
Death'tilac was fun to tame...I HATE spiders....but I love this one because she's purple! : ) Just Annoying to tame back when you were level 85.

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Re: Which pet took you the longest time to find?

Unread post by Finduilas »

Loque and Arcturis, but on different hunters. I never found Loque on Findu. One day my husband tamed him for me (I had told him to log in once in a while and to check for me while I was at uni). I had found Loque on other hunters "pretty fast" (meaning three days to one week) but on Findu my Nala eluded me looooong. And Arcturis for my Tauren hunter took weeks of camping.


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Re: Which pet took you the longest time to find?

Unread post by Darkynhalvos »

Loque: took 18 long months during Wrath to find him. Did some mining while circling around the Basin, that kept me from going totally nuts.
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