Shadowlands Pet Bugs & Suggestions

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Shadowlands Pet Bugs & Suggestions

Unread post by Wain »

UPDATED 04 Aug 2021

Probably should be tameable
  • The list of suggested tameables for Shadowlands is way too long for this post. Instead see the list on this page
  • See also this separate list of Island Expeditions tame suggestions. I created a special list for these since IE is going to be soloable in 9.1.5

Should retain NPC name after taming
NOTE: the vast majority of pets from our suggestions list now retain their names. Thanks to whichever designer did all that. It's a load of work!
  • There are a small number of NPCs that should probably be changed to retain their names when tamed. See this list
Pet Size
  • Marsh Gulper in Tanaan is very tiny (critter sized) after taming.
  • Perhaps also the Pit Snake in Vol'dun.
  • Lalathin (121540) is tiny (critter-sized) before taming
  • The new Ram (that used to be a critter) is also tiny before taming. Oddly it used to be beast sized and was only shrunk to critter size in Shadowlands.

Wrongly Classified
  • Hivax should be a Beast not a Humanoid. Note: this spider is in a apparently forgotten, section in remote south-east Maldraxxus (beyond the slime). It looks like an area that was started and then abandoned.
  • Bilespray Lasher (121711) should be an Elemental not a Beast
  • Glimmering Fey Dragon (82044) should be a Dragonkin not a Beast

Appearance bugs
  • All the crystal scorpions are missing parts after they're tamed. The majority just lose their stinger, which is a significant thing to be missing. Skorpyron has extra features which are lost: some crystal scales on its back, and some crystal chelicerae / feelers. See this post for more information. I'm not sure if it can be fixed. Maybe the spells that add those model parts to the scorpions could be added to the appearance spell kit in creatureDisplayID, but just guessing about that, but it seems that other pets that use that feature for their effects seem to retain them after taming.
  • One more of the hellhound appearances seems to have bugged particle (flame) colours and possibly belly flames. It's Blazeseeker, which uses display ID 86773. It's an orange hellhound, has its particle colour ID set to 452, which seems to be badly configured and is coming out pure white (as in completely lacking texture, not as in credible white flames). It seems plausible it was meant to be particle ID 1249, which is no flames at all, or 286, which is blue flames. It also uses the blue belly flame texture, which may be intended, but if so it's the only hellhound appearance to use a different colour belly to its main texture. Maybe it's intended, it just looks like a mistake.
  • The following is a minipet, not a hunter pet, but I'm going to mention it anyway: “Twilight Clutch-Sister” has three appearances, but one has graphical issues. The bugged appearance is the one with display ID 79635, which is the darkest of the three. On this one the shoulder, apron, and tail spines all have the texture of body scales instead of their proper appearances, and due to lack of alpha mask they look blocky and strange. The reason is that display ID 79635 has its second texture configured to be the same as the first (file 359802 : creature/dragonspawn/dragonspawntwilightcaster_green1.blp), which is intended for most of the body. Instead, the second texture should be file 359803 (creature/dragonspawn/dragonspawntwilightcaster_green2.blp), which covers the extra details.
Hit Box / Pet Range Issues
I'm unsure if these are fixed. Can anyone confirm?
  • Some pterrordaxes (BfA model) stand unusually far back when they attack. Because of this their Stomp fails at hitting anything, because it's limited to 8 yards. Reference post: viewtopic.php?f=62&t=26248&start=20#p620209
  • Same with at least some of the cloud serpents. Rei Lun and Azure Cloud Serpent have been reported as still doing this in Jan 2021. Ref:
  • Same with some dread ravens, such as Rukhmar (reported as still doing this in Jan 2021). Possibly also Rukhran and the Fel Ravens from Hellfire Citadel (carry over of BfA bug)

Perhaps shouldn't be tameable
  • Dambala (167848) is a Loa and probably shouldn't be tameable (appears during a Night Fae quest). The Shadow of Dambala (173855) that it spawns have a unique look so if you make them also untameable it would be nice if that look was added elsewhere - it would be nice if this were done anyway since the look is currently Night Fae-only.
  • Tsulong (62442) is something of a demi-god, or at least highly intelligent. Two other heavenly black cloud serpents are tameable, so we're not missing his look anyway.
  • Nalak (69099) is also intelligent and talks, presumably due to magic. Unfortunately his look is unique.
  • Elegon (60410) also talks, but he is a construct so it's different. Maybe he'd be better as a mechanical, though.
  • Two tameable spiders in Maldraxxus are very talky and clearly not normal spiders: Sister Chelicerae (159886) and Soulfeaster Qilo (160566). The latter hasn't been seen in a while, so we're unsure if he's still in the game. His colour was unique and could be added to something else.
  • The Prophet Tharon'ja (26632) is something of a demi-god and clearly intelligent. Loads of other tameable NPCs exist with the same look.
  • Same with Shade of Hakkar (8440).
  • Same with Rukhmar (83746), who is an intelligent god. There's already an alternative look for her skin.
  • Same with Anzu (23035), really, and there is an alternative tameable for him already.
  • Gorestained Piglets (135048) are actually people and turn back into humans when they die, so they probably shouldn't be tameable. Unfortunately the skin is unique but it could be given as a fourth skin option to Fallhaven Pigs (124170) (which seem to be actual pigs, but have been cursed so the skin fits).
  • Maybe the same with the Da'kani gorillas: King Da'ka (130948), Da'kani Provocator (137840), Da'kani Highbrow (130954), and Da'kani Pugilist (130953), since they're as smart as we are and can talk. Though their intelligence was created artificially by Kajamite or something and perhaps they return to beasts after being taken off it. Still a bit horrible.
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Re: Shadowlands Pet Bug List

Unread post by Wain »

Appearance suggestions
The following are suggestions for particular NPCs to be given different skin colours, either to make unused skins available, or simply to make them more unique.

9.1 Suggestions

Only the purple and orange colours are available to make tameable yet. See:
The rest would probably require new NPCs.

Older Suggestions

  • If the bronze skin could be copied from the creature/automatonlionmount/ folder to creature/automatonlion/ then we could have a bronze phalynx! The mount and non-mount skins use the same format. The skin could be used on Bastion NPCs and also minipets too :) It looks like this on the regular model:

Stitched Darkhounds
  • there aren't any unused looks, but the dark red / black skin relies on a Necrolord player constructing one then releasing it. It was previously used by the rare, Deepscar but that was changed to teal for some reason (teal is already used elsewhere). It could be kept in mind for a new rare, or added as an extra colour to an existing stitchhound, like the Warstitched Hound.

Vulpin ('fox2'):
  • The regular red vulpin skin still seems unused, except for a few friendly / unattackable NPCs. Could add it as an extra colour to any of: Vulpin Stalker (160632), Copperfur Vulpin (169390), Copperfur Prowler (168464) or Copperfur Lurker (168731), since the red is very coppery
  • The shimmering dark red skin is also missing, as it's only been used for Lord Renard and his court, which are all friendly. It could be added as an extra colour to the Glimmerfur Vulpin (170068) , or theWary Vulpin (166022). The latter is a tameable NPC right by Renard's den, so it would fit.

Domestic Pigs:
  • Gorestained Piglets (135048) are actually people and turn back into humans when they die, so they probably shouldn't be tameable. The cursed skin is unique but it could be given as a fourth skin option to Fallhaven Pigs (124170) (which seem to be actual pigs, but have been cursed so the skin fits).
  • The gold and silver skins may be a little unrealistic, but perhaps they could be pigs that belong to Gallywix :D

Cloud Serpents
Ok, many colours are untameable. Here goes...
  • most regular colours are still unavailable for taming, because most of the originals were made friendly. Perhaps make some neutral in places where they wouldn't affect gameplay and have no real story reason to be friendly, i.e. the Windward Vipers and Windward Matriarchs - these fly over Windward Isle and aren't the ones you usually interact with for the quests there, they actually seem to be wild creatures. Those would cover all four basic cloud serpent colours. Wild Cloudrunners might also be made neutral.
  • Most of the black cloud serpents with various colour sheens would become available if you make the Shan'ze Cloudrunners tameable. These currently use an apparently lower-res model (perhaps to cut down on lag in the zone since there are hundreds of them in the air?) If they're not a viable option, perhaps add all the sheen variations (there are 6 in total, using the spec files from all 6 colours) as options to the Onyx Stormclaws in Shan'ze Dao, or the Onyx Warserpents in the assaults phase of the Vale. Note that the new pink look also has a "spec" skin that can be used to add a sheen variant for the black cloud serpent and it looks pretty cool: ... k-pinkspec
  • the icy blue/white and pink skins probably deserve new mobs /rares. Pink would be great in Jade Forest around all the blossoms. Pink is currently tameable using that unintended trick with the "N'lyeth, Sliver of N'Zoth" trinket, but should probably be made tameable in a more official way that doesn't involve taming a mount NPC that was meant to be unattackable.
  • could Thunder Serpent Nalak'Ra, which was only ever available in a shaman artifact instance, be made to spawn in the non-instanced version of the Guo Lai Halls? It would provide a thundering blue tameable alternative to Nalak, who is both intelligent and also a rare mount dropper and perhaps shouldn't be tameable.
  • thundering yellow, green, pink and icy blue-white aren't available and there are no existing NPCs I can suggest for them :(
  • heavenly green, yellow and red cloud serpents would also probably require new NPCs :(

  • the armoured model isn't tameable but they all seem to be raid bosses. :(

Skeletal Devilsaurs
There are so many potential looks for these (skin and armour combos). Here are some suggestions to make more available:
Skeletal Steeds
  • Skeletal steeds and saddled skeletal steeds (the Vanilla model) could become tameable, but if they are they currently all use the single green variant for each model. The NPCs that use them (mostly in Karazhan, one in Netherstorm and one in Shadowfang) could use a mix of colours. Only one (Skeletal Stallion in Netherstorm) is currently solid, the rest are transparent. I don't know if they'll lose transparency after taming so hard to be sure what to suggest.

  • The Gold & Magenta Stone Dragon Turtle look hasn't been found. It seems to be used by Elydorea but she hasn't been seen. Hopefully she'll be added, if she's not.
  • There are 6 "smoother shell" looks which I'm ignoring (3 colours on both spiked and basic models, see this link). I'm guessing only the looks with glowing patterns are wanted for Shadowlands, but the non-glow ones could be placed in Pandaria if that's the case. Otherwise, they could be added as extra looks to their glowing counterparts listed above.

Soul Eaters / Shade Beasts:
These things aren't tameable anyway, but I could suggest they be merged with Warp Stalkers in a "Plane Stalker" or "Phase Stalker" or "<something dimenionalish> Stalker" family. They're both sinister, extra-planar lizard creatures with horns.
  • Almost every one of them uses the same wingless grey colour. See that page for a full list.
  • Sorath the Sated could get the winged black with blue eyes look. It's essentially a counterpart to Serath the Gluttonous, who has winged black with red eyes and was in the intro phase.
  • the other unused looks (unless we just haven't seen them yet) could be given to other NPCs on that page. There are some unrecorded, named ones, like Valioc and Malakas, that could use special winged looks, if they're in.

Some suggestions not related to the new expansion...

  • Make the Pink Elekks in Allerian Stronghold Outland neutral so they can be tamed. They're already flagged tameable but they're friendly.

Wind Serpents Tarantulas
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Re: Shadowlands Pet Bugs & Suggestions

Unread post by Firstborn Dragon »

I know this is a small minor issue, but I'd like a way to remain a pet to it's original name. I farmed Loqui'na twice, and would hate to tame a 3rd time just for the name.
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Re: Shadowlands Pet Bugs & Suggestions

Unread post by Wain »

Firstborn Dragon wrote: Fri Jul 24, 2020 8:39 pm I know this is a small minor issue, but I'd like a way to remain a pet to it's original name. I farmed Loqui'na twice, and would hate to tame a 3rd time just for the name.
Agreed! Since the NPC ID is stored hopefully they can find a way to do that :)
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Re: Shadowlands Pet Bugs & Suggestions

Unread post by Muffinus »

Wain makes my job too easy (thanks Wain!)
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Re: Shadowlands Pet Bugs & Suggestions

Unread post by worgpower »

My suggestion is guarm should be core hounds, hydras don’t make sense at all, people only voted cuz of the skeleton, I hope it ends up as a core hound, and then many BMs are gonna use one, and add horned chimaeras as variants for the npcs like Wain mentioned above
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Re: Shadowlands Pet Bugs & Suggestions

Unread post by Kaydia »

A number of the newly tameable undead beasts are getting an "Invalid Target" error when Mend Pet is cast, making them only useful as an Animal Companion pet. While they are the Animal Companion pet, they're not getting splash healing from Mend Pet, but I was able to successfully use a spirit beast's Spirit Mend on them, and the UI did reflect healing being done. I haven't tracked down every single one in the game, but I have a partial list:

Twisted Child of Rezan (130643)
Sanguifang (156083)
Avatar of Hakkar (8440)
Prophet Tharon'ja (26632)
Adarogg (61408)
Animated Pointer (168453)
Soulgorged Gravestalker (126263)
Adolescent Flame Hound (61657)
Mature Flame Hound (61658)
Helhound (105532)
Dread Falke (105531)
Cursed Falke (97163)
Helhound (91384)
Black Rook Falcon (110332)
Risen Hound (91847)
Risen Bloodhound (134450)
Taja the Tidehowler (139980)
Fire Hound (156214)

Edit: After a quick test, Exhilaration is healing as expected for undead pets in both the main pet and animal companion slot. It's only Mend Pet that seems to be affected. I tested it with Taja and a Risen Bloodhound paired together with Animal Companion.
Last edited by Kaydia on Fri Aug 21, 2020 6:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Shadowlands Pet Bugs & Suggestions

Unread post by Homba »

Hi! I didn’t see these mischievous ferrets on the tame suggestion list! They are ferrets that appear around Stormsong Valley and use the same rig (at the same scale) as the tameable marsuuls. I’ve wanted to tame one since the start of BFA— thought I would be able to, since I had marsuuls— and I’m sad to see that they are still not tameable. Considering that people use ferrets irl for hunting things like rats, I would love to see these cuties become tameable!
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Re: Shadowlands Pet Bugs & Suggestions

Unread post by Kaydia »

An appearance suggestion:

The model used for "Granny", a quest mob in Ardenweald for the quest "Keep to the Path". It uses a ghosted version of ... aber_light , I believe. It would be a great addition to the ghost pet looks.
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Re: Shadowlands Pet Bugs & Suggestions

Unread post by Valnaaros »

If I remember correctly, Granny is originally pretending to be a dead Faun, then turns into a cat, correct? If that is the one, then Granny isn't really a cat nor a beast. She is a boggart, which is a shapeshifting spirit.
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Re: Shadowlands Pet Bugs & Suggestions

Unread post by PrimalTazza »

The Roughback Leapers found in Nazmir would make a fine addition to the toad family. It seems they're already part of it, just aren't flagged tameable? There are other toads that also use this model, but I don't remember their exact names and locations.


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Re: Shadowlands Pet Bugs & Suggestions

Unread post by worgpower »

PrimalTazza wrote: Fri Aug 21, 2020 4:04 am The Roughback Leapers found in Nazmir would make a fine addition to the toad family. It seems they're already part of it, just aren't flagged tameable? There are other toads that also use this model, but I don't remember their exact names and locations.
They’ll probably change it into an adult model to flag it tameable, most of the baby toads are getting their models changed, only the beasts, not critters
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Re: Shadowlands Pet Bugs & Suggestions

Unread post by Wain »

Homba wrote: Wed Aug 19, 2020 11:22 pm Hi! I didn’t see these mischievous ferrets on the tame suggestion list! They are ferrets that appear around Stormsong Valley and use the same rig (at the same scale) as the tameable marsuuls. I’ve wanted to tame one since the start of BFA— thought I would be able to, since I had marsuuls— and I’m sad to see that they are still not tameable. Considering that people use ferrets irl for hunting things like rats, I would love to see these cuties become tameable!
Thanks and welcome! :) I'm still deciding if I want to add those. If marsuul and domestic pigs are tameable I guess they're no less likely :)
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Re: Shadowlands Pet Bugs & Suggestions

Unread post by Homba »

Wain wrote: Fri Aug 21, 2020 2:47 pm
Homba wrote: Wed Aug 19, 2020 11:22 pm Hi! I didn’t see these mischievous ferrets on the tame suggestion list! They are ferrets that appear around Stormsong Valley and use the same rig (at the same scale) as the tameable marsuuls. I’ve wanted to tame one since the start of BFA— thought I would be able to, since I had marsuuls— and I’m sad to see that they are still not tameable. Considering that people use ferrets irl for hunting things like rats, I would love to see these cuties become tameable!
Thanks and welcome! :) I'm still deciding if I want to add those. If marsuul and domestic pigs are tameable I guess they're no less likely :)
I can understand the hesitation for adding them when ferrets irl are quite small, but thank you for considering! I definitely think that the marsuul, pets like pigs, and the size of the Stormsong ferrets makes them worthy options! c:
Especially when WoW resizes many creatures that are typically small, like parrots and bats.
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Re: Shadowlands Pet Bugs & Suggestions

Unread post by Quiv »

I don't know if this is a proper bug, or maybe I missed a memo. On PTR as a level 25 Zandalari, I tamed Queenfeather (white raptor in Zuldazar). I was not given the option to rename her. I tamed other regular raptors, I could rename. Same issue occurred when I tamed N'chala the Egg Thief rare, could not rename. I dismissed and resummoned, no difference.

I didn't see it in the above list, is it known?

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Re: Shadowlands Pet Bugs & Suggestions

Unread post by worgpower »

Quiv wrote: Tue Aug 25, 2020 1:32 pm I don't know if this is a proper bug, or maybe I missed a memo. On PTR as a level 25 Zandalari, I tamed Queenfeather (white raptor in Zuldazar). I was not given the option to rename her. I tamed other regular raptors, I could rename. Same issue occurred when I tamed N'chala the Egg Thief rare, could not rename. I dismissed and resummoned, no difference.

I didn't see it in the above list, is it known?

I had the same exact problem with Steeltusk, he couldn’t be renamed, I reported it to Blizz that I can’t rename my pet
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Re: Shadowlands Pet Bugs & Suggestions

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I'm level 35 on PTR. I tried to tame Bulvinkel, and it let me. However I cannot summon him, and theres no error related to "you cannot control Exotic beasts" or the like. Something is still a little screwy here.

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Re: Shadowlands Pet Bugs & Suggestions

Unread post by worgpower »

Quiv wrote: Sun Aug 30, 2020 10:48 am I'm level 35 on PTR. I tried to tame Bulvinkel, and it let me. However I cannot summon him, and theres no error related to "you cannot control Exotic beasts" or the like. Something is still a little screwy here.

The level 39 thing is the most frustrating change, even if my BM is at max level
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Re: Shadowlands Pet Bugs & Suggestions

Unread post by Wain »

Yeah, the entire change is crap. I hope they revert it. And they've still shown no signs of relaxing the spec restrictions of families, despite it being universally loathed. It'll be interesting to see if we get any real pet reforms at all, at this stage.
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Re: Shadowlands Pet Bugs & Suggestions

Unread post by Valnaaros »

I hope that they do make some changes, but with it being less than a month until pre-patch, I have my doubts.
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