Loque'Nahak Tips?

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Loque'Nahak Tips?

Unread post by Trinia »

I've started after Loque finally, after going, "No, I don't have the patience!" As well as other assorted excuses. I always liked Loque the best, so he will most likely be my Spirit Beast on my main Hunter. <3

I am hoping I could get some tips from any of the Petopians who have already tamed this bad boy. Now, unfortunately, I end up playing at the busiest times usually for Aman'thul (Prime-time night for gamers = Any time from 6pm - 3am or so.) This poses the problem of overcamping, of course. I also only have the lowest flying, 150% due to being off my main server. Making endlessly circling a possible time waster.

I am currently just staking out the two spots near the Bones and doing a full circle about every hour or so. I do have NPCScan, so that will help. However, I'm hoping the experience of others might give me some tips if I could do this camping more easily. c:

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Re: Loque'Nahak Tips?

Unread post by Reinfel »

I hunted this guy for like two weeks untill I met a fellow hunter out there looking for Krush. He had a theory of sorts, the gas clouds that are gathering nodes, would spawn in the three rares spawn areas roughly around when they would spawn <perhaps at a diff spawn point> but a gas cloud at say one of Loques spawn areas meant he would spawn soon in one of h is spots.

And oddly, follwoing his hunch, I did nab him and the bird within about 30 min of each other after noticing the gas clouds had spawned

Pure luck? Coinky dink? Actual fact? I dont know
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Re: Loque'Nahak Tips?

Unread post by Trinia »


*suspiciously eyes that one cloud that has been near (~15-20 feet maybe?) Loque's farthest west spawn point* >_________>

... The cloud seems to have disappeared, and no Loque. Meh! No fun to get it instantly. Least, that's what I was saying when I was going insane going after Rivendare and the ZG mounts. @@;;; Props to the interesting theory. I hope that guy got Krush! :D

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Re: Loque'Nahak Tips?

Unread post by WildcatTM »

Best tip I can offer is surmising when the last time he spawn. I just got him a few days ago after only an hour or so of camping. Novi on this board told me she tamed him and was kind of to give me a time. With that, I knew he was going to pop the day I was looking for him. It's very funny, really, because I had just tamed Gondria, so I flew to the Basin. I was so sleepy from camping that I was just about to take a nap when NPC went crazy.



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Re: Loque'Nahak Tips?

Unread post by Trinia »

Unfortunately, not very many of the hunters over here are very helpful. I get more of the, "I'm trying to get this pet by myself. Leave me the heck alone. I don't want anyone stealing my kills/tames!" :/ I did talk to one hunter, and asked her if she did see Loque, to tell me when so I could keep track of the timer. However, she just brushed it aside with a, "I talked to a GM today, and he said it was random." Of course it's random, but there are still rough timers. :/

So, sadly, the people not cooperating does not help the situation. :[ (I think I've been the friendliest about willing to mention a mob that pops, like Krush, if I ever see him in General.)

But LOL, NPCScan is nice, isn't it? I turned on the game sounds so I could hear it if it freaked at me while I was writing or something.

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Re: Loque'Nahak Tips?

Unread post by Ikutai »

Patience is key. I myself got Loque and the other Spirit Beasts on my first fly-by of the first spawn point, so I apparently just have a lucky touch. But patience is key when attempting any kind of camping. Find yourself something to occupy your time, be it guild chat, real ID whispers, or even minimizing the game (with game sounds on) and reading a book. Impatience is what ends up driving people insane and makes them gruff and unruly.


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Re: Loque'Nahak Tips?

Unread post by Sarayana »

I got him during off hours. I've tried camping a spawn point, circling, ignoring it and hoping he'll pop when I happen to be in the Basin for the fishing daily or oracle eggs, and praying. I never saw a whisker. Then I logged on at stupidly early one morning (I have a toddler :?) because I recalled another forum member getting Krush after logging on at crazy o'clock, and npcscan went off right as I came up to the first spawn point at 3:30 am. Off hours would definitely be my suggestion, if you can do that.

Edit: Xemi, I disagree completely that it's patience. Patience was what kept me from going crazy every time I looked for him over a two-year period, but the actual tames were pure luck. I got Skoll cause my friend knew when he popped last and found him after I had just checked the same spawn point; Arcturis was even more lucky, with me having an "itch" to check and him appearing below me as I was ready to take off again; and Loque, as I said, was because my toddler happened to wake me that morning. Heck, if I'd been any faster or slower in deleting my cache folder, logging on, and flying to Shola, another hunter who was camping the Basin that night would have found him first. He came to that spawn point 30 seconds after I finished the tame! Pure unadulterated luck.

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Re: Loque'Nahak Tips?

Unread post by Trinia »

Yeah, I find a mix of patience and luck is helpful. With mount grinding, it is that FOR SURE. @@;

For this, it seems the same. You can camp for hours, but you might come back from your 10 second bathroom break to find whatever you were camping's dead corpse underneath you or a hunter gloating right next to you about getting it. So, luck helps a lot. Like when I found Skoll for a friend. I randomly went, "Pfft, she wants Skoll? I'll just run around StP and try to find him. Not there... Not there.. Not Th--- HOLYCRAPITSSKOLL." So, eh. I'll keep waiting. ^__^

Think it's about 4 hours now. QQ. So glad I have my NaNo novel to write.

Florelline - Level 90 NE Guardian/Feral Druid - Greymane
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Re: Loque'Nahak Tips?

Unread post by WildcatTM »

Also, a lot of people would tell you that late night is a better time to camp. My last two tames were actually mid-day, though I generally agree with the late camping.



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Re: Loque'Nahak Tips?

Unread post by Trinia »

Of course I'd late night camp if I have the time. It's slightly more easy to late night camp as it is 1am server time atm, and only 5pm for me. :) However, there are still a couple hunters in the zone at the moment besides me and there is a Pally camping his north spawn point (I assume for a friend.) I asked the pally if they would let me know if they saw him to give me the time of the tame/kill for record keeping. They didn't respond, but I said I would do the same for them if I saw him. *shrug*

Back to the waiting game.

Florelline - Level 90 NE Guardian/Feral Druid - Greymane
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Re: Loque'Nahak Tips?

Unread post by Venataur »

Xemikutai wrote:Patience is key. I myself got Loque and the other Spirit Beasts on my first fly-by of the first spawn point, so I apparently just have a lucky touch. But patience is key when attempting any kind of camping. Find yourself something to occupy your time, be it guild chat, real ID whispers, or even minimizing the game (with game sounds on) and reading a book. Impatience is what ends up driving people insane and makes them gruff and unruly.
Hi, I was wondering if you might share how you have the game minimized and yet hear the game sounds? Whenever I minimize the sound goes away, I have windows 7 64 ultimate in case a possible tweak is OS related. If this is a setting that I can adjust that would rock. Thanks for any info in advance.=)
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Re: Loque'Nahak Tips?

Unread post by Royi »

Trinia i would try and make friends with a fellow hunter whos say "looking for krush", make a pact that you both look out for each other's rares too, that can help.

Spamming trade chat once in a while can help, even offer 200g to someone if they find him and let you tame it.

Also, i would check on odd hours, early in the morning too... not as many people online = not as many chances that a random passerbyer would catch him and kill him
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Re: Loque'Nahak Tips?

Unread post by erwil »

WildcatTM wrote:Also, a lot of people would tell you that late night is a better time to camp. My last two tames were actually mid-day, though I generally agree with the late camping.
With late night camping you've got more chances of getting to the beast before anyone else, since very few people farm/scout after 2am. I managed to catch Gondria and OCJ one afternoon, but all my other pets are result of midnight hunting.
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Re: Loque'Nahak Tips?

Unread post by Sorcha Ravenlock »

Kaldarian wrote:
Xemikutai wrote: Hi, I was wondering if you might share how you have the game minimized and yet hear the game sounds? Whenever I minimize the sound goes away, I have windows 7 64 ultimate in case a possible tweak is OS related. If this is a setting that I can adjust that would rock. Thanks for any info in advance.=)
Once on game, go to "Options" and select "Sound & Voice".
In the left row there is an option for "Sound in Background" (it's the 8th option). If you put a tick in front of that, you'll hear the sound in WoW even when minimalised.


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Re: Loque'Nahak Tips?

Unread post by Ikutai »

Sorcha Ravenlock wrote:
Kaldarian wrote:
Xemikutai wrote: Hi, I was wondering if you might share how you have the game minimized and yet hear the game sounds? Whenever I minimize the sound goes away, I have windows 7 64 ultimate in case a possible tweak is OS related. If this is a setting that I can adjust that would rock. Thanks for any info in advance.=)
Once on game, go to "Options" and select "Sound & Voice".
In the left row there is an option for "Sound in Background" (it's the 8th option). If you put a tick in front of that, you'll hear the sound in WoW even when minimalised.
Absolutely correct. Sorry I didn't get back to this sooner! I was grilling up some lunch. :)


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Re: Loque'Nahak Tips?

Unread post by Trinia »

Royi, my main problem with that is most people in the zone are just being jerks & trolls. Being more likely to find him and kill him for the heck of it, from what I can tell. :/ I also don't have a whole lot of gold on this character, and like most trade chats, I'd just get mocked. It'd be a bit easier if I had a guild on here, but I do not. :[

It is currently 3:30am server time, and after taking an hour and a half break to go out to dinner, I am back looking for Loque. I asked in general and no one had seen him recently, so meh. Someone offered to say if they did see him though. Back to camping!

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Re: Loque'Nahak Tips?

Unread post by Novikova »

Well, I found Feathermooninites have been pretty good peeps and I'm glad to share what timers I know (Though I missed Skoll's 6-8 hour one this morning since my internet went down. /sob). I'm glad Wild got his beasties. :D And I think I'll die happy when I get Skoll and call it a day for a good, long time.
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Re: Loque'Nahak Tips?

Unread post by Kebi »

Trinia wrote:Royi, my main problem with that is most people in the zone are just being jerks & trolls. Being more likely to find him and kill him for the heck of it, from what I can tell. :/ I also don't have a whole lot of gold on this character, and like most trade chats, I'd just get mocked. It'd be a bit easier if I had a guild on here, but I do not. :[

It is currently 3:30am server time, and after taking an hour and a half break to go out to dinner, I am back looking for Loque. I asked in general and no one had seen him recently, so meh. Someone offered to say if they did see him though. Back to camping!

I understand what you're going through. I have no tips, as of yet, because I'm currently on a hunt for Loque as well. I'm on day 4 so far and I've not seen him. Yesterday, I didn't take a flight point and just decided to fly to the Basin from Dalaran which forced me to go through Wintergrasp. I literally had someone stalk and follow me all the way there, followed me around the Basin and when they had the chance they killed me; while I was still flying. And for what? .. who knows. Asking in general chat, I've learned, usually just makes people look for whatever you're searching for and ensuring that you DON'T get your tame. However, I did meet a druid that agreed to help me keep an eye out.. but it was probably because when I mentioned the name Loque, he had NO clue what I was talking about.

So, good luck to you! I hope you find him soon. :D

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Re: Loque'Nahak Tips?

Unread post by Trinia »

Thankfully, Aman'thul is a normal server, but combined with slow mount speeds + people more or less being jerks is becoming annoying. I might hunt him for a couple more days, but if I see no sign of him, I might wait till the release of Cata. I'm not getting Cata until December 7th, so while everyone else is franticly leveling characters to 85, I can kick back knowing most people won't care about taming old world rare mobs. c: And on the side I can level some new class combos through the revamped areas. c:

Good luck, Kebi and Novi! :D

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Re: Loque'Nahak Tips?

Unread post by Venataur »

Thank you very much Xemikutai and Sorcha!!
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