Shadow's Mount Scroll (Jeweled Onyx Panther) [182]

A companion forum for Warcraft Mounts. Or just talk about WoW mounts.
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Artisan Hunter
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Shadow's Mount Scroll (Jeweled Onyx Panther) [182]

Unread post by Shadow »

Back from the dead-ish. I don't even remember how many mounts I'm up by now. I certainly didn't hit the 200 mark by any means. I've updated the number up front to be my "true" number, based off of the fact that I have the 2 free class mounts. I think my tailoring one is new, but I don't really play on my tailor. I need to level her a bit more for the other 2 tailoring mounts. Then I'll just need the engineer leveled for access to those 2... Then the Paladin for the Argent Tourney mount so I have 3 class mounts instead of 2...

But for what I -do- have...


48 kills. Don't ask how many Slate mounts and Jade mounts we'd gotten and picked up for others in the meanwhile. Haha.



Took me long enough to get my 72k on another server.

Anyway. TLDR version of where I've been and why I haven't been mount hunting so much is that my raiding guild basically was hurting bad for stable heals. So I had to main swap off of my hunter... Of course, I pay to move my only healing toon over, my level 90 monk who was Horde side. Then said guild blew up because the guild leader decided to screw over half of his raid and piss them off. That group has long since died, and now I'm on a PvP server, Kil'jaeden, still working on being a monk healer for a new group. Ah, the smell of gank and freshly cut grass in the morning!

Love it!

Always be kind to your pets... or else.
When the last moon is cast over the last star of morning
And the future has passed without even a last desperate warning


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