What is your Allied Race wish list?

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Re: What is your Allied Race wish list?

Unread post by Syleye »

so I wonder if they would "grow" wings for their flight level? lots of opportunity to make things fun


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Re: What is your Allied Race wish list?

Unread post by Valnaaros »

I could see that, too. Nerubians have been shown to be capable of flying, and Dryads/Centaurs could have somesort of blessing from nature that would grant them wings.
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Re: What is your Allied Race wish list?

Unread post by Qraljar »

Aaaa, you guys are making me want playable Mantid and High Arakkoa again, even though I'm 99.9% certain they'll never happen.

Also, they said that if there was enough demand, Demon Hunters would get flying wings. I hope that still happens.
Kunchong for hunter pets!

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Re: What is your Allied Race wish list?

Unread post by GormanGhaste »

Oh, I so want playable Mantid--they really should have had a larger part in MoP.
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Re: What is your Allied Race wish list?

Unread post by Valnaaros »

I can see Arakkoa happening someday. Mantid, not as much, mainly because of their ties to Pandaria. But maybe there could be a questline in BfA where we return there and a seperatist group of Mantid join the Horde or Alliance?
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Re: What is your Allied Race wish list?

Unread post by Krysteena »

I would definitely appreciate playable Mantid, but I can't see that happening anytime soon. From what we've seen, they were either completely of the 'hive mindset' (as with the Empress' guidance and not able to do much alone due to being so young), allied with the empress, or were with Y'Shaarj/will go to whatever manifestation of him is unearthed, as with Garrosh. That doesn't leave much wiggle room for any allies, and it's not ever stated whether the population will survive for much longer after we killed their greatest warriors, their empress, and most of their Kypari trees are dead due to the Sha.

That being said, I absolutely love the Mantid and I definitely wouldn't complain if they were added - and might even be prompted to play something other than a hunter should they not get access to that class. I could imagine a new class being utilised for them, as well, given their use of amber and sound. Technicalities of how that would work are beyond me, though.
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Re: What are your Allied Race wish list?

Unread post by Seilahyn »

Wain wrote:Since the ‘allied races’ are going to be single-faction I would have preferred they started with the partisan races we already recruited to our sides through the length of WoW history. I don’t really have a problem with neutral races picking sides, as long as they weren’t ones that players of both factions established good relations with in the course of the story. Otherwise, no matter which side is chosen, half of the characters are going to witness the races that they quested for, became exalted with, became the most important contact on Azeroth for, suddenly choose the other faction and become hostile to them. I think it’s a nonsensical change in plot unless there are compelling story reasons behind it, and I feel that “We need to balance out this allied race concept” isn’t a compelling story reason. Hence I think Nightborne are one of the worst choices. The void elves and lightforged draenei will certainly add interesting looks but I think they feel pretty contrived in order to make everything racially balanced.
I couldn't agree more on this. I was quite miffed to learn Nightborne were Horde locked after everything I did to help them.

That being said, I'd love to see more playable beastmen types. Naga, Centaur, the lizard race from Pandaria, cat people (can't remember race names), Arrakoa, etc. Mostly the cat people. I love my Draenei, but would probably switch if it happened... as long as the females don't turn out like female Worgen did, lol.

I've also always wanted Eredar after encountering the two sisters in Sunwell. Their horns and longer tails were what sold me.

The new little fox people would be a fun alt to have.
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Re: What is your Allied Race wish list?

Unread post by Teigan »

It's wishful thinking, but I wonder if there is any chance Blizz might see the error of their ways where the Nightborne are concerned?
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Re: What is your Allied Race wish list?

Unread post by Krysteena »

Teigan wrote:It's wishful thinking, but I wonder if there is any chance Blizz might see the error of their ways where the Nightborne are concerned?
I feel like Blizzard have made their mind up on this, and that, at this point, it's not a mistake that they're needing to fix. 7.3.5, to the best of my knowledge, releases with Antorus, and Antorus releases next reset. If we are getting a revamped levelling system and (as many people suspect and I'm really hoping) four of the six allied races they've currently given us in 7.3.5, it's way too late to suddenly change an entire questline and selling point :')

That being said, the idea that they're going to drop a major feature less than two weeks after they announced it seems more than a little hopeful, and they very well may not drop them that soon and may change some things. However, I am a Horde player, and I'm very much biased when I say I am happy with Nightborne coming to the Horde, so :lol:
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Re: What is your Allied Race wish list?

Unread post by Shelassa »

I doubt Blizzard is going to reconsider any of the initial six Allied Races they have shown off as major features during BlizzCon. Plus, with the Alliance getting a Blood Elf model (granted, not High Elves, but a playable Alliance BElf model nonetheless), the Horde needed something shiney to offset the outflow of Void Elf re-rollers from the faction. The Nightborne and the Zandalari might even the scale versus Void Elves and the Dark Iron. Highmountain Tauren and Lightforged Draenei are pretty much expanded customization options and in my opinion would not affection faction balance in any meaningful way.

Quick stream of consciousness before I jump to the “allied races I wanna see”: out of the initial Allied races only the Dark Irons and the Zandalari make sense. The dwarves are already a part of Ironforge, even if grudgingly so, and the Zandalari needed a quick “But these weren’t the same Zandalari from the MoP!” retcon to work, but with Vol’jin’s touch they do make sense. The other four currently cause more questions than provide answers, but there is nothing I can add to the thread that hasn’t been beaten to death yet. So… here we go!

For the ones below what I set as sorta guidelines for myself is a) the same skeleton / model (in most cases) b) the lore development for the race and for the faction they belong to c) mirror development for the other faction

• Orcs: Mag’har tribe from Outland
• Draenei: Kurenai Broken from Outland

In terms of lore, both sub-groups already belong to their respective factions as long-time allies and would bring news of what is going on in the Outland as of now. There is, however, a rather big minus in there. WoW doesn’t have a Female Broken model, I believe :D
This gives the Alliance a new model, while the Horde gets technically more Orc customization options and recolors, but I believe it can be offset by switching the tables in a different set of Allied races.

• Dwarves: Wildhammer clan
• Trolls: Revantusk tribe

The Wildhammer clan is the old friend of the Alliance, while the Revantusk have declined the invitation to join the Horde, but continued working with it nevertheless. With Wildhammer pushed out from the Twilight Highlands in Legion (Stormcaller Mylra, a Shaman follower, says that in the Class Order Hall), both groups would be present together in the Hinterlands. In the aftermath of whatever happens in BfA, conflict seems un-avoidable, which might make Revantusk reconsider the partnership with the Horde. Provides lore on possible fighting in Hinterlands. Dwarves get more customization (tattoos!), while Revantusk look the same as currently available Darkspear and Shatterspear trolls. However, perhaps, it can be “fixed” by giving them new hairstyles, tusks, skin colors or tattoos of their own.
There can be some difference in the offered power since Wildhammer was opposed by Dragonmaw orc clan (almost destroyed through SoO), and Revantusk are but a handful of Amani trolls who are not even fighters.

• Worgen: Bloodfang Pack
• Forsaken: Undead Elves / Newly risen (Chinese Forsaken model)

The Bloodfang pack lead by Ivar Bloodfang was attacking the Forsaken in Silverpine Forest (and Shadowfang Keep) and later in Hillsbrad only to never be heard from again. With the Siege of Undercity and the recurring fights over the territory in that area, they might be worth remembering and re-integrating into the Alliance (to provide the Worgen more customization, of course! :D). For all we know, they could have been having sneak attacks on the Forsaken of Silverpine all this time. Numbers-wise, they are probably close to the Revantusk.

Undead Elves speak for themselves, and while I would be all for this option, having third Elf model on the Horde might be weird. The other Forsaken option is un-inspired, but besides raising new people, I don’t see a way for the Forsaken to gain some more numbers and get customization options in progress :D Both groups can participate in the fight for Undercity (post-destruction, after the Alliance pulls back and the warfront stuff starts).

Those ones seem like the most likely cases for me. The ones below I honestly can’t see happening.

• Dryads & Grove Keepers (as male choice) for the Alliance
• Centaurs for the Horde

Dryads & Grove Keepers (alongside with Ancients, Hippogryphs and more) are already a part of Night Elven forces who can be pushed out of the neutrality by the burning of the World Tree. With the conquest of Kalimdor, Desolace’s Centaur tribes can be recruited for the Horde… or be killed off.
Cannot see this happening due to the whole mount / flying mount / below waist gear debacle (alongside with the Naga), but one can dream, right?

I cannot honestly think of anything for Goblins or Gnomes. There are Mecha Gnomes, Leper Gnomes and Sand Gnomes, but I can’t see any reason for them to join the Alliance. However, it might be my lack of vision over anything. Same with Goblins and Gibgoblins.

* wheezes *
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Re: What is your Allied Race wish list?

Unread post by Wain »

Yeah, I couldn't remember if any mecha-gnome groups were friendly to Alliance but not Horde. Maybe not, but since they're relatives you can imagine them establishing close ties, and they were never a rep faction.

Gilblins would be fun... but I agree, it really would make no sense for them to just be wandering far from the sea, really :( The oafs / hobgoblins are pathologically stupid, so that rules them out.

I guess all kinds of races, northern Eastern Kingdoms particularly, would have succumbed to the Lich King and the survivors could conceivably gravitate towards Undercity, so they could have small numbers of undead elves, trolls, etc. shunned by their own people. But then that probably doesn't fit the strategy of making them separate races that you have to recruit, unless they whip up some undead elf villages or something. Maybe they will.

I'd dearly love to see other troll colours become available eventually too. Ice trolls, forest trolls etc. I forget all the types but there seems to be a few. They'd have to create a different quest chain for each/
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Re: What is your Allied Race wish list?

Unread post by Ana »

Some race ideas from everquest 1 and 2. not sure what the eqivilant in wow would be ;)
High Elves
Wood Elves
Dark Elves
Iksar (Lizard race)
Kerra / Vah-Shir ( Cat race )
Ratonga (mouse /rat race )
Drakkin (humanoids with dragon blood)
Froclogs (frog race)
Sarnark (another lizard race)
Read more about each races here:



When I first came to WoW after EQ I was surprised to see how few races WoW had. And in EQ all races can group together. There are good, neutral and Evil races but it truly only factor in if you want to enter a city. And you could grind all reply. Harder in WoW with the hatred between the races though. .. but maybe some inspiration can be found in the races above :)


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Re: What is your Allied Race wish list?

Unread post by Valnaaros »

I can see Mechagnomes happening. Gilblins, maybe, depending on whether Blizz will make a female model and if Gilblins can even live long out of the water.

Dryads/Keepers/Centaur could happen, but Blizz would have to commit to them not being able to mount. They could have somesort of spell that allows them to fly. Certain horse-esque mounts are capable of such.

Whilst Blizz could always change their mind, Ion told Jesse Cox during one of his streams that High Elves are not going to happen, mainly because they have integrated with so many different groups, and have a very low population.

Going off Tarnfalk's list:

Dark Elves are basically Nightborne/Kaldorei
Wood Elves are Kaldorei
Half Elves would be neat. Would be cool to have a real half elf model.
Barbarians exists in various groups, like Orcs and Stromgardians.
Halflings are similar to Gnomes and Dwarves, imo.
A lizard race would be cool. I have always liked the idea of a reptillian or insectoid race.
Saberon are a cat race. Whether we ever get them or not depends on whether we venture back to Draenor, I would think.
Haven't seen any frog people, but could just be a matter of time.
Kobolds might be interesting.
If thr leaks are to be believed, then Dragonsworn may become a playable race in BfA.
For Ogres, I think many would prefer that they get the full playable race treatment.
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Re: What is your Allied Race wish list?

Unread post by Krysteena »

Valnaaros wrote: If thr leaks are to be believed, then Dragonsworn may become a playable race in BfA.
Not going to lie, this immediately caught my eye because I'm 100% biased towards dragons. I do have to ask, though, who are the Dragonsworn? I can't say I've ever heard of them/remember them, and I'm thinking they're like the actual dragons in lore and are able to shapeshift - but I may be getting the wrong idea with that.
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Re: What is your Allied Race wish list?

Unread post by Valnaaros »

Dragonsworn are mortals that have vowed their lives and services to a Dragonflight. In return, they'll receive blessings from their flight. For example, Xarantaur is a Tauren that swore himself to the Bronze Dragonflight millennia ago, and was blessed with immortality.

Dragonspawn are those dragonkin that are bipedal or have the lower body of a dragon, and an upper reptillian/humanoid body. It is believed that the first Dragonsworn eventually became the Dragonspawn.

If the leak is true, then they might give us a humanoid race with dragon features.
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Re: What is your Allied Race wish list?

Unread post by Krysteena »

Oh, now that sounds super cool~ I would love to have a race that has Draconic features :D
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Re: What is your Allied Race wish list?

Unread post by Valnaaros »

It does sound very cool, and I certainly would love it :)
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Re: What is your Allied Race wish list?

Unread post by Ana »

Valnaaros wrote: Going off Tarnfalk's list:

Dark Elves are basically Nightborne/Kaldorei
Wood Elves are Kaldorei
Half Elves would be neat. Would be cool to have a real half elf model.
Barbarians exists in various groups, like Orcs and Stromgardians.
Halflings are similar to Gnomes and Dwarves, imo.
A lizard race would be cool. I have always liked the idea of a reptillian or insectoid race.
Saberon are a cat race. Whether we ever get them or not depends on whether we venture back to Draenor, I would think.
Haven't seen any frog people, but could just be a matter of time.
Kobolds might be interesting.
If thr leaks are to be believed, then Dragonsworn may become a playable race in BfA.
For Ogres, I think many would prefer that they get the full playable race treatment.
Everquest has both Gnomes. Halflings and Dwarfs. Haflings are almost a model of the halflings in the shire.. they got fuzzy feets :P Image

hard to explain what an Erudite is... this explains it best : http://everquest.wikia.com/wiki/Erudite I think in wow terms they be a sub race...

Eq 2 has two lizard races.. the Sarnarks Image Imageand The Iksar Image

The Arasai is like an evil fae race... I never liked them but they are there. In look they only differ from fae with wing, hair and eyecolor

Fae vs Arasai:
Image vs Image

Barbarians are more human like than they are orc like Image.. They bascily just strong builded humans who comes from a place with lots of ice and snow

Its good to see WoW embrace more races. I will watch and follow but unlikely to play so no idea why i post here :P curiosity i guess


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Re: What is your Allied Race wish list?

Unread post by Wain »

Those look cool, Tårnfalk. I'd love a fae race :)

As for dragonsworn, I hadn't heard of those but they sound interesting. They almost sound like they could be a class and race rolled into one. It sounds like they'd have their own abilities based on the flight, almost like specs.
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Re: What is your Allied Race wish list?

Unread post by Syleye »

I would love dragonsworn but again if they did not make them neutral it would cause chaos. No one side alone should have these.

As for the rest am I happy with the Nightborne, heck yes, would I have been happy with void elves, yes. I am going to be happy for the other side for what they get and I would ask that we all be grateful we are getting new races period. It's okay to be sad you but trying to take something away from someone else because you want it is not the way to go. Blizzard seems to indicate they do not want to go neutral split races anymore. ( not sure why but there it is)

Anyways cheers and glitter for all out new shinies to come

